an em l03rd an No Til LIFESIZE BIRTHDAY CARD POIi DIEF Former opposition leader me fcnbaklnr admires lifesize cut his proizie which arrived at his oftlce today nddruscd to Dlefenbakcr celebrated his 7an birthday Monday tCP out birthday card featming the Chief of Canada Mr ercrdnno BELOW CliNliDIliN BORDER AntiMissile System Is Planned By US WASHINGTON AP The US defence departments plan to build $5000000000 Nike antiballistic missile system will provide each region of the United States with at least one battery of hometown tors Defence scientists made this clear today in interviews about Defence Secretary McNamaras so called light defence against nuclear attack The decision to proceed with deployment of an antimissile system was announced by McNamara Monday in speech at San Francisco Although the plan he announced is one of the biggest strategic decisions in US histo ry it isnot the fullblown anti missile system which would have an estimated cost of up to $50000000000 wopposes such an outlay The exact locations of the antionissile batteries each with several miusilos remain secret But one official familiar with the plans said the main line of defence will centre on several antimissile complexes sta htinned just below the Canadian border PROTECTED BY MISSILES Other anti missile sites will he interspersed along the US western and eastern seaboardsh in the Midwest and in the southeast and Deep South Each site will be protected by battery oi Spriht missiles Government also indicated Canada has given the United States permission to establish one of the vital mis siledetection radar sites Canadian territory near Great Lakes Nike is technological marvel of the ltlstls which US on the scientists claim is for more advanced than the only other missile defence in existence the Soviet ABM lts prime purpose to defend what McNamara termed an sible nuclear missile attack by China in the 19105 It would be insane and suici not course we need antl missile devises build then dal for her to do so but one can conceive of conditions under which China might mis McNamara said in addon to providing region de defence some Nike missiles will be deploy ed to protect US offensive missile batteries against Soviet attack But as McNamara portrayed it the ABM decision was made primarily to counter hosï¬le CAPSULE News Sharp Criticizes Council Review TORONTO UP Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp Manda criticized the Economic ikiuncil of Canada for ignoring the role oi rnï¬lation psychology in the Canadian economy The council in report published Monday criticized the federal governments handling of the national log shortage assessment of government nding and called for re Britain Protests Chinese fiction muons Reuters Britain today protested to China against The requisition pf British consular offices in Shanghai caller this rmnth But Chinas acting ehargedaffaires in London Shea Ping refused to accept the note foreign office spokesman said Investigate Cause 0iDerailment MOUNT WASHINGTON AP Officials investigating iflthe cause of Sundays derailment of the cog railway train on Mount Washington which killed eight and injured 74 looked today to an open Witch as the possible cause oi tine accident Reces NY Teacher Talks lvnw YORK AP Negotiators recessed their talks in the New York City teathers strike early today nnd makesth classes fresumed with onlyonethlrd of the 1100000 pupils present China in three to five years not to match the Soviet Unions deployment of antiimissiles McNamara said he still opposes the ideaof trying to defend amidstan alt out sophisticated Soviet missile atiadt with antimissile missiles lie warnml danger exists in deploying even light missile defence in that presstoos will develop to expand it into heavy Sovietoriented ABM sys tem The US must he said resist yielding to such pressuresa kind of mad moment intrinsic to the development oi all new nuclear weaponry The joint chiefs of staff have urged wider deployment of on antimissile system to provide at countrywide missile umbrella plus individual protec tion for 25 to 50 cities Earlier in the day an MTC spokesman said that operating and maintenance employees were still refusing to carry out mlgoed overtime work despite the injunction Seek To lived ville at the mouth of the Rio Transit Strike In Montreal MONTREAL or Mom real Transportation Commis sion and union representatives meet today in an attempt to avert city transit strike set for one minute after midnight Sept 25 Notice of the strike date was sent to the labor department Monday following previous notices which did not specify the time of the project ed strike The Quebec Labor Code stipu lates that the department must be given eight days notice of projected walkouts Superior Court order extended Monday an injunction that told union leaders to halt slowdown oi Montreal bus and subway services prtono Canada Tendy Sopnmtm l9 1967 Examiner WEATHER mearmandounnyad Wednesday WWW greu High tomorrow For mnemmpmw Notharo fimvldc Par Copy Page TRANSPORTPOST Middle East To Occqu UN Spotlight UNITED NATIONS CP An unusually pessimistic mood prevailed today as the 1an reg ular session of the United Nations General bly opens today at pm EDT Few delegates from the 122 member states gathering for the session expect the coming three months of debate to con tribute solutions to the maior problems confronting the world The Middle East crisis scheduled to dominalertne first weeks of the session is consid ered certain to elude settlement becauseof the continuing cmo tlonal climate in the wake of the June wnr Many delegates fear that Arab and lsraell spokesmen will again refuse all attempts at compromise standing ï¬rm on opposite political positions and using the UN forum princi pally as propaganda plat form gt 32 The Examiner TODllY Ithn Lancers6 normal2 Ciassllicthi 11 Comics7 Deaths10 District5 Editoriall Sports3 Theatre4 rv Listings7 Weather12 Womens6 2am mm LIXEQSEE mï¬mzmw PAUL IIELLYER New Transport Minister LEO CADIEUX New Defence Minister Soviet Scientist Leaves Britain LONDON CWSoviet Scien tist Vladimir lkncheuko left here today aboard regular Russian Aeroflot flight for Mos cow with an international con trnvcrsy raging over the way British police hauled him off Moscowbound plane at the weekend Pale gnunt and looking like sleepwalker Tkachenko 25 was bundled aboard the airliner aler his wlfe accused British ofliclalswf inhumauhtactlcs blockihg sdephrtiire She said the British action left her husband in very bad state The British said they acted out of fear the physicist had been dnlgged and was being taken back to Russia against his will They later released him Tkachenko was halflifted halfcarried up the steps of the plane by two Soviet embassy officials Another pushed him from beth Beulah Roarmg Toward llurricane Beulah already killer swung toward Browns Grande River and the lower Texas coast today with ominous fury Unless the massive storm again changes course Beulah threatens devastating strike through the citrus groves of Texas lower Rio Grande Val ley laden with multimillion dollar crop and up the eoast past Corpus Christi busy port At am EDT the weather bureau issued emégency hurri cane warnings for the Gulf coast from Brownsville to Port Araosas short distance beyond Corpus Christi and gale warnings for the sector from Port Arousas to Galveston more than 300 miles northeast of Brownsville Late Monday night the 11 dayold hurricane responsible for at least 22 deaths in vicious sweep through the east Texas ern Caribbean and across Med cos Yucatan Peninsula slowed itstadvance toward the west northwestand turned erratic Once more describing Beulah as severe and dangerous hur ricane the th bureau urged immediate tprecautions from the alerted areas are TONIGHT Present indications are that the centre should move inland near the mouth of the Rio Grande tonight and then turn northward panalleliing the south Texas coast the am advisory said predicting gradual increase in its eight mpb advance toward the northwest Winds were expected to hit hurricane force of 75 mph up on the extreme lower Texas coast by early evening and elsewhere along the states lower coast by late tonight or Wednesday Tides up to 10 feet were fore cnst near the area where lieu labs centrecnmes ashore JCVTums Down SomeTax Proposals MONTREAL CP The Canadian Chamber of Com meree was told Monday that the Carter report on taxation ha socialistlc overtones which could result in drift away from free enterprise as the Canadia economic system now knowsi At the same time the 000 delegates to the chambers 30th annual meeting received draft policy statement on the royal commission report that turned thumbs down on several key proposals Tha arm statementto be voted on by delegates Thursday cmphasized however th at the 2600page Cnrtcr report is too complex to com up with an unequivocal yes or no as to whether it should be adopted Neapole president of the at and Canadian stock exchnnges told delegates the implications of theCarter reports recommendations are part and parcel of carefully constructed plan for whole new system of governmental control over the individual and business He said the royal commission seemedto accept the idea that business is the fiscal servant of the government SUPPORT DEALS lf we ever accept this as precept then freeenterprlse and the democratic principle that the government is the ser vant of the people will drift away and we shall lose by default because we did not fight for these ideals it Flynn Ontar general manager for Canadian Indus tries Ltd and chairman of chambercommittee which stud ied the Carter report for five months before producing the draft statementsaid parts of the findings had been interpreb cdas suggesting the swarm ment should have economic precedence over the private sector of the economy Adoption of suchan apprach would in the minds of most Canadians constitutea radical change in what is understood to hegevernment policy since it is feared this would produce marked changeln the atmos phere and climate for competi tive enterprise in Canadaj Tkachenkos eyes were rinsed and his chin slumped on his chest Galina Tkachenko told press conference at the Soviet embassy before the departure ii that the inhuman actions of the authorities in wt country resulted in what is now very bad state Britain agreed to turn over the physicist to the Russians Monday in accordance with medical ndvlce The Soviet embassy had said Thacheoko was mentally ilL The Soviet Union accused Britain of kidnapping Tkaehenko Saturday in deliberate attempt to under mine BritishSoviet relations not THEltYER Cadieux Defence Minister In Pearson Cabinet Shuttle OTTAWA CP Transport Minister Pickersgllls resigna tion from the cabinet to become president of the new Canadian Transport Commlsslon was announced Monday by Prime Minister Pearson Defenco Minister Hellyer 44 will move into the transport portfolio and he succeeded in turn by Associate Defence Mln lster Cndicux 59 Mr Cndlcux becomes the first Frenreranndlan to hold the defcnce portfolio sinco the time of GeorgesEtienne Cartier oiter Confederation 100 years ago Mr liellycr and Mr Cndicux are expected to be sworn into their new posts today by Gover nonGeocral Mlchener There was no immediate word on the appointment of replacement of Mr Cndieux in the associate dclcnce post and informants sold this portfolio likely would he left open for some time REPRESENTED NFLD Mr Pickersgill has Newfoundlands representative in the cabhret and selection of replacement is expected shortg Government sources said the choice is probably among Rich urd Cashin 30 MP for St is called in Mr Plckersglila riding of BonavistnNlilingate Mr Pickoragill will become responsible for launch ing the work ofa i7mcmber agency that is to take over reg ulation of all transport under federal jurisdiction it replaces the present board of transport commissioners Air Transport Board nnd Canadian maritime commission SET UP POST HIMSELF Legislation setting out the duties of the new commission was included in the National Trnnspnrtation Act that Mr Pickerng steered through Pnrlinment lust winter The salary of the commission president to be set by the ubi not is expected tobejn the range between $40000 and $50000 Mn Pearsons formal state ment made public an exchange of letters with Mr Plckersglll thts month hi which the veteran minister accepted Mr Pear sons earlier offer of the new transport pflSi Mr Plckersgill said one of the malareasons he joined the cabinet ins1m under Prime Minister St Laurent was to assist in Newfoundlands transi tion to provincial statusThat work now has been completed Johns West Don iamieson 47 freshman MP for BurlaBurgeo and Charles Granger 55 for ntrr MP now minister of Labra dor affairs in the Windham cabinet win reported pian Inmg to return to federal poli tics Mr Cashin is parliamentary secretary to Fisheries Minister Boblchoud Mr Granger could return to Ottawa if byelection Nationalist Chinese Embassy Target For Cong Terrorists AI 0N fAPlTerrorists blew up the Nationalist Chinese embassy in Saigons busy down town section today and Viet Congagents gunned down two prominent Chinese elsewhere in the capital South Vietnamese police said the blast that brought down the twostorey and an exchange of gunï¬re with terror ists killed one person and wounded 27 On other fronts US planes raided inside North Vietnams port of Haiphong tor the second straight day Monday and North Vietnamese shelled US marine outposts below the demilitarired zone Throughout South Vietnam ground action was scattered female terrorist pumped two shnisinto thexchest of Col Charles Chung chid intelli gence officer of the Nationalist Chinese embassy shortly after the embassy bombing VLater police arrested Phimg Ngoc They found her with 4Scall bre pistol dams was in critical candl on Monday night several terror ists went to the home of prominent Chinese professor in Cholon Saigons Chinese quar ter called him outside and shot him to death They escaped Carrierloased planes blasted Holphoogs main bridges and rail yard and hit at Ieastviour sites for Sovietbuilt missiles around the city Hanoi claimed five planes were shot down But the US command reported only the loss of an BFsC reconnaissance plane in another area The planes two crew members are missing North Vietnamese shelliugs along the demiiifarized zone killed three marines and wounded 04 in the last 24 hours The northemers also raked Con Thien the main American post on the embattled frontier in one barrage Con Tbien caught more than 200 shdls Raging Armies Battle In China HONGKONG APlTwo raging armies each led by not formed militiamen battled for six hours with mortars rifles and machineguns in town near Canton Hong Kong Chinese said today He claimed 00 or more died in the street fighting Wok Hing 45 told of wit nessing tho bloodletting in the most detailed report so far of near anarchy in the area around the southern Chinese metropolis or19ooooo Most of the accounts to data have come second and third hand from travellers to the mainland it was not possible however to check Kwoka story He told of crouching under bus for six hours while the armies of men and youths in peasant clothing clashed Satur day at Sung Tong about in miles east of Canton in Kwang tong Province The streettostreet fighting involved about 600 people with uniformed militiamen leading the two groups he said Kwok estimated there were about 60 to 70 wounded but saidtherouldnot tell which if either unit was Maoist or opposed twiChinese Communist party Loader Mao Tsetung Japaoese newspaper man expelled irom China described Canton as deserted city where foreigners are cautioned not to leave their hotels after dark and barricades are up at major Intersections Anh zoyearnld Chinese girl MEMBERS resale squad probe the grounds of the fash Mpndeynflho is heated on rowan off neonate ionabie Coronet Carine Hotel Renninsida which was hit by iVirethtl Iunrioana mnmi At toast deletion andwldespread annexe was reported our