VETERANS ENTERTAINED AT ANNUAL PARTY lluiernus from Sunoybrook the Ladies Auxiliary oi the lier St With the veterans in hire John Drake hiss James from mourns Delective Baby Dear Ann Lenderl lily hus band and married young was re and Ted was to We were very happy for the first two yem We had child whom we both wanted and we love her my much Lastqear when was preg nant with second baby Ied yearold tramp When learned of the stfalr he promised he would stop seeing her and he kept his word had very dii ï¬cult egnnney however and the ha was born with birth detect My doctor said the defect was due to the emotional strain whifh ylnguttered while carrying have tried to forgive Ted but cant seem to do it When ever look It the baby blame him all over again Please help mc get over hating my hus band am making my miserable and bk as well BITIER WOMAN Dear Woman have checked with physicians in Chicago became involved with it Causes Bitterness bruinesr what theydo but think they had some nerve to nuke out in our home Nolmy mother says cant have any more boyltgirl parties for yep Is this fairiIumns victim at Overused Nerds Dear Vic Your mother should not hold you responsible tor lbs conduct of your friends do feel that you should let this couple lrnow thet you are keen ly disappointed In them and ii your mother should reconsider and menu another chance chop the lovebirds oft your next party list PETNAMED Desr Ann Lenders was amused by the letter from the culliornin woman who resented being called Doll by the butch er Honey by the gas station attendant Sweetheart by the parking lot fellow and Sugar by the postman In Inndon the women are called Ich while in the north ern provinces It is Luv My favor to put name or the ladies NAMES NEW AMIABADOII rumour tReuterIi The South Airlcau ambassador to Canada Endenuun will become ambassador to The Netherlands Foreign blinlsier Bilgard Muller announced Wednesday TBE mm EXAMINER THURSDAY II on CHUnt END LINK ATKENS EmmiTin Greek Orthodox Church decided Wednesday to break all links with Yugoslavine Macedonian Orthodox Church which declared its Independence in July Washington and boston and all three say it would he Impossi ble to state for certain that the birth dcicct was due to emu tloirul upset durtugprognaucy So In the interest of islrneï¬ stop blaming your husband You might also do that doctor favor and suggest that he do some serious iuvmllgatiug in the field at birth detects so that he doesnt continue to cause unnecessary anguish to other mothers who may have dctecv Dickuy and Mrs Ivan Crone Vully Perkins was pianist Examiner Photo is onewblch originated in Scot land however It is lieu How do you think that one would go over In the ii5 Aunt300 at Vancouver Dear Vea Dont try Chick yes but liennaval Barrie Branch Canadian be the photo above are LEFT 10 gion In the Legion Hall Col ItGliI Airs Torn Burton Hospital Toronto were outcr taincd yesterday alternacn by Energy Of Modern Youth Can Prevent World Famine Leathercraiters At Barrie Fair The Barrie llranch Canadian Society oi Creative Lcatthcrait met at the residencc oi Mrs Corbett Highland Ave with it comm was or lliAN wno coroner AIEs Goon rmc AND Luxuur no no summons Ir vou rnuwr YOU cm FIT THE PICTURE PIIFEENT YOURSELF NAIORIIOW FOR AN INTERVIEW YOULL ACTOR SINGER DIVORCE SANTA MONICA Caitt AP Slngar Rosemary Cloouey and actor Josa Femr were granted second divorce Wednesday TORONTO CPIAh intcma ctlonnl body to coordinate the ctforts oi ugcnciu stwork in pundcrdcvclopcd countries was called tor liondu at the Young World Food an Development conicrencc delegate irom Kenya said all ut East Africa is aware ot itlie ciiorts of CUSO Canadian IDUnlvcrsity Service Overseas ibut did not know what other agencies could be called on tor We need to know what assistallce is available Les Johnson at Ottawa who ASEIVEd as CUSO volunteer in ï¬nd ior two years said UNESCO does some coordinat rlng oi aid citcrLs but agreed morc was necessary The discussion arose in one at 20 study groups as the 300 dele gatcs ram 96 countries got zduwn to work on the theme question of thc conlcrcncc How to mobilize the youth oi Tthc underdeveloped countries to vdnse the world food gap The weeklong contorcnce is thc climax of twoyear pro ljoctsponsorcd by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and backed by £500000 donation imm Massey rnxnnrn illeulerslIn donesiau mothers are telling their daughters not to wear jnuniskirts with hemliucs about seven inches above the knee Some womens organizations Ialso have joined in the criti 3cism The influential Indonesian Womens Action Front KAWI urged Indonesian girls to Idcicud the national identity by jwcaring national dress at publxc and ofï¬cial iuuctions Indonesian girls anr vgeiciared look tuuuy in mini n5 wave oi criticismtoliuwcd le recent appearance on the istaterun television of pretty lyoung Indonesian singer Ida jRochjam in miniskirt In some cities miniskirts were banned by the authorities and in Bandung capital or West Java police have been round ing up girls wearing miniskirts tand warning them to appear piopcrly dressed liHE STARS SAY Ey ssrnnunra FOB TOMORROW Do not consider plans and 1decisians made now as ï¬nal lvith little further thought and study you will Iindtlat iyou may have to make some rtvisions within the next few dayspossibly due to changing situatiuns Be tacttul in person at relationshipsespecially dur jiug the early part oi the day uhen some persons will be on ltlte touchy side tron nmrrroav hit tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that as at the first of next month you will enter an excellent wearlung cycle which should ibriug benciits in practically every phase at your life Except for the month of Nov ember and late April when you lhavc to he unusually con servativc in your operations that diiiicult tor the practical virguanl job and monetary interests should prosper and 31 constructive plans should vurlr out very well Unusually good returns tor our eftorts are starpromised during October in early December throughout January the iirst halt of February April 15 through May 10 the latter halt of June and all of next August child born on this My will be endowed with great sense ablrespnllslitlllly integrity and the persistence re quir ed to attain th Inttlest goals Ferguson Ltd turm equipment manufacturers In it keynote address Dr Sen directorgeneral oi FAD called for deeper undcr standing at the urges or modern youth llc said the energy and enthusiasm oi youth must be harnessed to achieve the goal oi increasing food production in the developing countries The discussion groupsls in English tour in French and one in Spanish the three oiticial languages of FADbroke down the theme address into 11 ques tions Discussing the role of the vol untccr as potential source of technical assistance to develop ing countries ilir Johnson said CUSO is active in In countries but tho most succï¬siul work or the volunteers was done in countries where the host gov ernment was able to spell out clearly what wa needed Edward Vllmot of Malawi agreed but also stressed the necessity of flexibility In developing priorities change so quickly volunteer must be flexible cnoughto he switched to anoth or job thanthe one he was expecting zPoliceRoundUp Indonesians lWearing Western MiniSkirts In general Indonesian women cling to their national costumes asa symbol of their cultured past Although girls wear Western style unilorms in school and Western clothes as students they tend to switch to the natioml costumes as they grow older This consists of kain or tight wraparound skirt reach ing to the lower call and kebaja orlacy longsleeved jacket closefilling and reach ing to no waist The kain is made oi batik an Indonesian cloth dyed in intri cate patterns by handapplicrl wax process The designs and the way in which kain is worn can indicate from which region woman comes Highheeled sandals and scari worn on one shoulder complete the usual Akainvkehaja costume The scari once was used as veil in Moslcm Indonesia oiten it is handwoven from fine yarns interlaced with gold and silver threads Indonesian women mostly wear their hair wound into knot at the back flower or jcwéry often is stuck into the knot nuns lilllllISlIillll 35 Donald First Street Behind West End Plaza Modern cl an llcllitlea curetully en nursery cchoul equipment wet trained mu Incluch REGISTERED Nintau Morning or Atternvan classe Closely rupervised indoor Ind outdoor sessions varied oreschool education at programme includcs all phases that will contribute to your enuae tnterert and stimulate his or her mug tustion Approximately are yclrr Transportation rup ouen at small extra cost nzorsrnn YOUR CHILD NOW 72 7233097 Delegates disagreed on the ensibility and desirability at what Dr Sen called it massive mobnization at youth tor devel opment Jones oi the United States said the problem was massive and thus the mobiliza tion had to be massive He sug gested enlisting 15 per cent oi the more radical youth in vol unteer programs and aiming an intensive at the remaining as per cent harbaru Iylden oi Britain said she was wary oi the word massive Young people wont support project unless they can be closely identilled with it She hoped the accumulation oi small projects would have massive resuIL education campaign members present Project for tivc babies the evening was the making oi Indian slippcr moccasin patterns Arrangements were made for members to demonstrate loath ercrult at the Barrie Exhibition and Centennial Fair Sept 27 to Cit Airs Fair who will be leaving Banin shortly to live in Toronto was presented with leather peristaud which had handcraitcd by Mrs Cnvan uugh This active member will be greatly missed in Barrie The next mecting will he Wed nesday Scpt iii TRY EXAMINER WANT PHONE 7232414 NUT RESPONSIBLE Dear Auu Lenders am girl is and have been begging my parents for year to let me have boygirl party Well they finally said on for my birthday The party was lost night and am just sick One couple wan dered oil into bedroom and were necking up storm when my mother walked in on them She told them to get out oi the bedroom and to join the others They were so embarrassed they left witlmlt aaoiug goodbye This morning my mother tore into me like it was my fault or been ADS This couple has been going steady for ages and it Is not my TheColiege Study Lamp hasbeendesigned and en gineered to provide exactly the right amount of light for comfollable studying It is the only study lamp ever approved by the illuminating Engineering Society the world authority for lighting standards The College Study Lamp completely eliminates glare and shadow andvhelps preVent eye Strain and fatigue it means better light for better sight ltcould very well mean better marks Get one forthe student in your home Look for the lamp with the College tag your hydro Barries Leadirigpttico Supply Contre Simcoe Business Machines COLLIER 7194924 See them on display at Robins 3i Dunlop St ovns Hardware urinal something really tectnwiul alter years of intermittent marriage NEVER REGRET IT woolworih DEPARTMENT STORE BAKERYSECTION FEATURE SHOP WITH EASE JUSTSAY CHARGE lT PLEASE BELIGATESSEN SEETION anrnoen run HADDOCK INDIYIDUAL cmorsrn riss INDIVIDUAI arer PIES SAUSAGE ROLLS CABBAGE ROLLS HOMEMADE sALAos EGG MACARONI PQTATO Feature item TAPIOCA PUDDING rwo cans FOR ONLY