Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1967, p. 2

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ONTARIO LIBERAL Leads er Robert Nixon centre cook poigned yesterday at the fire Worlds Fair witii Simona Centre provincial election can didate Bruce Owen right Standing In rear of antique auto ls Simcos County War den George MacKay and be hind the wheel Gordon Smith of Ortltia Progressive Con servntivo election candidate in Simcoe East Examiner Pho l0 Expropriation Laws Ontario Liberal Leader Robert Nixon said Wednesday the prov inces expropriation laws dont go far enough in compensating propertyowners whose land Is taken by government Mr Nixon campaigning in Centre Simeon in support of pro vineiat Liberal candidate Bruce 0wen said during news can ference that laws should provide that families whose homes are expmpriated should have new accommodation Those hardest hitunder the present system are amllies at the bottom end of housing scale he said They may be compensated forthe loss of small home in up00rer area but bocause of todays housing costs it is never enough for them to purchase new accommodation Mr Nixon Wednesday took part in opening ceremonies at the Oro Worlds Fair spolrc ln Penetang and returned to Bar rie or brief appearance at baunoh the idbcisds han quet He told reporters in anews conference at the Oro fair that Prcmlcr to ts dclibcraicly called the Oct 17 election dur ing the heat of the national Pro grosslvc Conservative convention In order to keep interest in pro vlncinl affairs low Many pc le dont know there is provinc at campaign going on because the election an nouncement was overshadowed bygthcr events in Toronto be Sill Premier Roberts mode the an nouncement at that time im medlatelybefore the national PC convention because he didnt want clcctors looking too closely at the provincial governments record Mr Nixon sald major cam pnlgn issues are the need for re lief in the field of municipal toxatlon and Ontarios economic development taxes but said Liberal govern ment would distribute the bur den more fairly in part by re lieving municipal taxpayers oi the major share of ediication costs He said the Liberals would pro bEIENCE Manna inner SuggoSts New Cities WitliHiige Population New cities ofupto 3000000 population shouldbc created in Ontario on end destruction of die provinces land air and water resources Defence Minister Paul Haliycr told Barrie audience last night Mr Hellycr spoke during Launch the Liberals banquet in support at Simcoc Centre pro vincial election candidate Bruce owes He said new cities must hs de signed around rapid transporta tion systems or there will be continuation of ghettoes mis cry and pollution The new cities should be loc ated where they wouldnt des troy good farmland litr Heliy er said He warned thutthe Nia gara Peninsula is becoming an asphalt jungle Award Contract For Addition There is much land that is stilt cheap close to recreation areas and easily accessablc yet not good for taming he said Mr Hellyer mtimated that there will be 16000000 people living In Toronto and Montreal by the end of thepresent cen tury Yet already air and water ol lution have reached cri cal level And land surrounding the major cities is controlled by speculators here is no solution to these urban problems the way waaro going be said Taxpayers throughout the province are paying because the present Ontario government is treating only the symptoms hfr lfellyers solution was to To City Canadian liie Store hBarrlafimJnndMKea nedy Contractors Ltd has been awarded the contract for the ad dition to the Canadian Tire Asa soclate Store on Dunlop St West Store owner Arch Brown said work on the 20me addition should start sometime next week The addition along with the original stores 17000 square feet should malr one of the larg estautomotive stores on one auncH vfihlocement Assistance as ftloor IV lScnd for free host Machines Training Inst Toronto Ontario floorin North America dccord IIIE to Mr Brown Amos the improvements that will ar out of the addition will hatripling the display area doubling the parking and mak ing the car service area twice as large as it is now llha frvnt of the existing store will be completely remod elled to fit in with the addition Amhltea will be John Love oiBiamptan Several Barrie and Toronto firms competed for the contract ON MACHINES COMPUTER Pragrammingr accommodation arraag for outoftown strident He would not promise lower Criticized By Nixon vide program of incentives to dcvcloptho province cconomic ally but steer clcar of coercion Mr Nixon criticized the NDP for suggesting that industry should be forced to locate in government specific areas Planning ls needed in econom ic development but there would be no overtones of socialism un der Liberal government The Party leader later told sup orters in banquet at the Em nssy Hall in Barrie fen thusiasm and cimtidcnée the has encountered during early stages of the campaign indicates win He promisedd campaign de signed to show electors that the Liberals can provide an effec tiva alternative to the present government issues are the major factor but the quality of individual candidates can tip the balance Mr Nixon said Bruce Owen has outstanding qualities including an idealism that fits in admirany with to days politics creatoinew cities of between 000000Iand 3000000 population at the same time preserving for the future thebest farmland Future generations will curse the present one if land air and water arent used carefu be said 1The new cities should be de srgned around transportation sys tems to avoid congestion Problems are approaching so fsst we have to project our minds to the future he said With the hast land gone pro hlems will multiply geometric al and Canadas competitive position in the world will deter iorate Mr Hellyersaid it now costs $40000 unit to redevelophous ing in major cities However first class housing could be built for $15000 unit under his new city scheme be estimated MARINE roarcasr TORONTO ar in Forecast for the Great Lakes issued at 030 am today valid until It am Friday Lake Superior Winds south east 15 to Z5xknoLa Cloudy Chance of showers west halt Lake Huron Georgian Bay Lake Erie Winds southeast it to 20 knots Fair Evans Refuses Tili Debate Willi Owen challenge to debate provin cial election tunes on television was declined this morning by Simcoa Centre Promsslvo Conv oervative candidate Art Evan His Liberal opponent Bruce Owen issued the challenge dur Ing speech before an estimat ed 260 supfiortcrs at the Ern bassy Hall Barrie last night Mr Evans said this morning IILr opmpaign agenda calls for bringing issues to the voters famtoface lrn not television actor he sold lm fulltime pair ticiah believe the like man who will deal th them personally Mr Owen said this morning he was disappointed in hlr Ev cns decision feel th to have right to know whmey are voting for what each candidate stands for nnd how effectch he is In presenting lt he said It Is not possible to meet everybody In the riding personl nliy But It is possible to reach them throu the medium oi tel evisinn It candidates res ponsibillty to let all of the people in tho riding know what be Is Iiim hlr Owen said lack of qualified Red CNS swimmin instructorsand crowd ing of facilities has led Gary Stoner recreation director to re commend that the board oi parks creation committee set up Red Cross insiructors course in the city during the winter and un dertake comprehensive study oi thetotal swirrming program Mr Stoner suggested the in structors course could be con ducted in conjunction with the Simcoe County recreation com mittee with view to Increasing the numberof qualified Instruc tors on the staff during 1930 This summer there was only one qualified Red Cross instruc tor Classes at botii the Lions pool and the pool were muoh too large and were generally overcrowded safdhtr Stoncr Gary Storier recreation dir ector last night recommended to the Barrie Board of Park Management and the Barrie Re creation Committee that two twe mm mm nglams conducte next year instead of this years Tuesday and Thurs day and Wednesday oveniight programs He further recommended that registration be limited to 80 children for each twweek Per iod Mr sooner told the board he felt 30 ohildrenand three Ica dars woidd be ransonahle for the first yelar There was considerable discus sion by the board on the regis teringof only 60 children for Although its sometimes amen 1ng how good can come from bad the bad still results in fine when man pleads guilty to It in Magislrstes court in Bar rie On May 10 Earl Pifer 35 of RRZ Utopia caused disturbance in the Clifton Hotel and hit waiter James Clough knocking him down Pifer pleaded guilty to thechsrga of unlawful assault which had been laid by Clough shortly after the incident The two men have humane well acquainted since the incident and harbor no illwili or resent fence ooimsel told the court In fact Clough wanted to drop the charge but it was at police in sistanca that he let It continue In countering this Crown At torney Wildman pointed out this was only can of several STEP UP ro management and the Barrie rc merit because of it Pifers or THE BANK EXAMINER THURSDAY SEPT II Says Instructors Course For swimming Leaders Needed He suggested that an analy tical study of the total swim ming program should be under taken and that subsequent conuncndatlons be completed be fore the submission of the 1960 budget to city council Each of the approximately 210 children registeredlln the swim ming program last yearricceived or hours of Instruction at cost of $1 It cost the board some $436 per child to provide the swsnrning lessons This figure only includes the pool rental costs said Mr Stoner and does not include the cost of the instructor or up plies still question the basis at the $15 per hour rental charge for their pool he said refer ring to Lions pool which is ad ministered by the Arena Com mission Wants ThoWeek clapsvio Replace ltPresent Prograins the whole period Thissurnmer 402 children attended the TulsA day and Thursday day camps at Hoe Doe Valley and 105 attended the Wednesday overnight sesg SIIIIIS Several board members Includ Ing Aids Fred Smith and Jack Garner suggested that more children would have to he in cluded in the program than rc commended Mr Stoner suggested that con sideration be given to conduct ing swim lessons for day 03me ers at Johnson Beach His summer program report was adopted with the recommen dations to be considered by the 1068 board Fined $40 IlFor Hitting quter disturbances thatFifcr was in that evening Pifer and his wife had been celebrating the birth of their seventh child that even in gFor man who has seven children he should be able to make better use of his spare timethnn hanging around bever age rooms Magistrate Foster commented Pifer was fined $40 plus mm of $1050 on conviction EMERGENCY NIIMBEIiS City Police 125555 main norm 12mm Lots of pattern colorsvin are available at Allandale Lumberf patternsthat will give your floor look of luxury fora lotvless than you imagine Why not catlin toAllandale Lumber and let the experts workout your testim ate Youll be glad you did Fire last rdgbt destroyed what was acknowledged to be one of the best pig breeding hordstn Canada causing an estimated $110000 damage The two storeybarn on the property of Ken Kennedy RM Shanty Bay eight miles north of Barrie wus levelled by fire last night killing between 000 and 000 pigs Loss was estimated at $70000 worth of hogs and 540000 for barn grain and automatic feed ing equipment Mr Kennedy had been in hus iness for four years at that ion ntion The fire was discovered at 1110 last night shortly after Mr Kennedy had checked the ham for the night Ito had returned to the house and about five min utes later looked out window and thought he saw light on in the barn By the time he realized it was fire and roused the household it was too late to save the structure or the ani mals ThaGuthrie volunteer fire de partment was called but were unable to save the structure They kept nonby building wet ted down to prevent names from spending This morning with the ruins still smoking the gruesome task of cleaning up and destroying injured pigs was started lifrs Kennedy commented on Says Supervisors For Parks Need Better Training It appears that leadership training course will become compulsory condition of employ ment for playground supervis ors next year City recreation director Gary Sinner last night made the rec ommendation to the Parks and Recreation bosrd He said the idea of using stati in the mornings intbe parks and In the afternoons Instruct ing swimming was basically good concept However he said staff members were not given ample training for their positions Mr Stone furtin recommended that two additional senior staff posi tions be created One staff person this summer was responsible for the areas oI playground coordinator spurts coordinator and swimming co ordinator On many program evaluation sheets completed by all staff members he said it was re peatedly pointed out to me that they did not getgenaugh help and guidance Another recommendation de signed to engage better staff was thatradvertising for posi tians such as playground super visors he donein January and February each year with interr views to be conducted during Easter and the shccessful op plicants to be notified by the end of Apri Because ABSTAINERS have fewer accidents ABSTAINERS AUTO INSURANCE cosrs LESS If you are nondrinker it will pay you to compare Abstainera rates With your present robes today Call Win MALLORY ii cacswmxc nosioo BARBIE future plans for the form If know my husband hell be right back at it it will take four or five years and lot of hard work were The barn and contents ware in Smashes Four reported by the OPP in the past 21 hours including one which resulted in the recovery of stolen car although the driver of the carls still unknown car was discovered on the Highway 400 extension about mile and half north of County Road 11 whore it had gone off the road and smashed four guard rails on Wednesday morning There was about $300 damage to the car which had been re ported stolen earlier The accident is believed to have happened some time during the night and the car wasnt discovered until morning The car is owned by George Wes tcsdyk of 103 Labrador Drive Oshawa Anaccident on Highway 93 about aquarfer mile north of Dalston on Wednesday afternoon resulted in $325 damage totha two cars involved Thc car driven by Gregory Weeks 22 of RR Barrie had $225 damage The second car driven byWillIam James Mo Guinis 64 Midland had $100 damage mishap betweena tractor transport and car resulted in $700 damage plus six guard rails being knocked out The accident happened on Highway 400 at Tiffinst1eet on Wednesday eveningand re sulted in $700 damage to car riiaM rotors woman cri Agricul ture department quotations wholesale to retail in onedozen cartons Aextra large 506 large 500 Amedium 399 small 291 WINNIPEG CPIOilseed prices showed relative firmness In early modest trade on the Wi nip Grain Exchange today at the opening flax was to 1i higher Oct 345 rapeseed unchanged to Va lower Jan 735 oats it higher Oct 00 barley unchanged Oct 120 and rye it higher Oct 1315 TURKEY TRIANGLE La SAUSAGE SPECIALI BREAD WHYTES EASY CUT Visit Our Open Air om nvanv maria nu gt You get more total of five accidents was driven by Eric Holder 00 of 310 Eggs Average weight prices FRESH FROZENEVISCERATED THIS IS ALL THAT REMAINS 0F TWOSTOREY BARN AFTER $II0000 FIRE $110000 Damage Fire At Shanty Bay sured but owners arent sure to what extent they are covered Mr Kennedy had foundations for now barn completed when to mtore things to when they the fire struck destroying the farrowing pigs Feeder pigs in nearby building were saved Stolen Car Found Damaged Guard Rails Granville Street Orilila The transport driven by James Elliott 27 of RR Barrie had $5 damage An aotidenhon fliesixth cession of Essa townshi just south of Highway 90 on ednes dnycvcning resulted in $70 dam age to the single cor Involved The car was driven by Gary Lee 22 of Mill Street Angus In addition to the damage to the car guard rail and fence were damaged Actuate car accident on the Lakeshurehoadabout one mile northof Concession in Oro township resulted in 500 damage The mishap whichehappened early Thursdaymoonlng involv ed cardrlvcn by David flol lier 10 of 10 Codrington Street Barrie MADE FIRST PAPER The Chinese made the first paper 2000 years ago by pound ing the inner bark of mulberry trees and adding water nears thee with conduction runns NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANXLIMITED 7266403 11 Collier St 519 in lb EVEN 49°11 Boneless HAM 69 lb For your Freezer this years crop GREEN BEANS CORN PEAS NOW IN STOCK Fresh Produce Stand to PM INCLUDING SUNDAY For Food Freezer Information without obligation PHONENOW72B¥2574 iiltlililtiil Provismnrns Home 011201 Boy Meets 333 Hayfield St Barrie at 7232574

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