on Wallsl Publisher lurid til in Dedih Dying As The Supreme Despite long parliamentary debate and free vote in the House of Com mons in 1966 the question of capital punishment is still unresolved in Can ada At that time Parliament voted against abolition If the question comes up at Ottawaiagain onewonders how will the vote go for there are still sharp divisions of opinion on this perplexing problem It is of interest to note from recent Survey by the Associated Press that death appearsto be dying as the supreme penalty of American justice even though most slates cling to capital pun ishment statutes The survey shows that 13 states have abolished the death penalty orso scvere lyrestricted its use to make it almost nonexistent Some states have not ex ecuted criminal in decades Most death penalties are imposed for murder But some states can execute for rape kidnapping armed robbery treas on against the state In Oklahoma the death penalty legally can be imposed for peddling narcotics to minors In Connecticut causing death by tam pering with railroad tracks or by wil fully burning any vessel or building are crimes punishable by death Another state can impose death for burglary of an inhabited house at night But death at the hands of the state is becoming rarity and the voice of the abolitionists is louder and more frequent Legal executions have been abolished in AlaskaHawaiiIowa Maine Michigan Minnesota North Dakota Oregon West 7oyEARs Ago NgtSIMCOE COUNTY earns NorthernkAdvance Sept 1897 Mr Stone Classics master at Ben rie Collegiate resigned to lake position at Seaforth high school replaced by Charles Bennett of Omemee at salary $800 per annum Members of Barrie Board of Education were Rev Mc Leod Rev Dr Harper JohnDickinson Pepler QC George Ball Very Rev Dpan Egan ThomasJohnson Jud JArArdagh At ContraL pub school there were 364 pupilsiargcst in Barrie Miss Rodgers had mostin class 78 West Ward on Bradford St had 256pupils AtAllandale9school there were 163 In StMarys separate school there were 167 pupils with four teachers Grand Opera Hoouse suf fered $50th damage in fire Mr and Mrs Thomas moved to new resi dence atcreamery Firial edition of Newton Robinson Hustler had descrip tion of that thrivingtvillage inSouth Simcoe Duck shooting favorite pas time lllidhursthasthey are quite plenty ifulfnow Presbyterian Church at Ivy thoroughly renovatediand remodelled said to be one of prettiest rural churches in Ontario Closing ser my Exaintntt on MEMORY LANE Simcoe County Mempapon Limited A16Bayflold Street Barrie Ontario William Teller General Manager OH McPherson Managing ï¬ditor MONDAY secretion on PAGE till up it ll ll omwinapohr By Paanicxmcnouou Howard Graiftcy the enthu siastic and eneraeue young MP for Bronwasisstuouoi has teat completed muttocoart poll of public opinion He carried this outwith the aid of one Buick station wagon two uni vcrsit students and thruth roco err It was not scientific poll he says but he feels he got the true ich of the pulse oi the electors and among his inter esting ï¬ndings was that that pulse beats loudest on the topic oi Canadas foreign relations In contrast to that poilih clana poll find much more earthy reactions in the pulse of readers of Ottawa Report Thanks to their many letters to me sense that the Number One issue in Canada today is out foreign relations but the domestic dollar and the way it is taken tromua in taxes and chlaelled by inflation For exam to nippcr McConnell wr tea and both avidly read your col umn tn the Moose Jaw flmw Herald and we re appreci ata your exposing stcr Pearson and his apcodthrllt government LIKE IDEAS Rivers of Foothill Thank you for your article on inflation in the Welland Trio une Your views on gold and political chicanery are con curred in Penalty Virginia anti Wisconsin abolished with qualifications in New York and Vermont and has been on the books in Rhode Island since 1884 but never used The death penalty was abolished by the NewYork legislature in 1965 An ex clusion involves persons who kill police men or kill while escaping from prison The Vermont legislature repealed cap ital punishment laws in 1965 except in cases where second murder is commit ted or police officer is killed in the line of duty The Rhode Island law applies only to persons who are sentenced to life im prisonment for first degree murder and who later are convicted of another first degree murder That specific situation has never arisen in the state Maryland New Mexico and North Car olina currently are prime targets of abo litionists activity Bills to eliminate the death penalty were defeated by narrow margins in recent legislative sessions In California major court test is being sought in the wake of legislative action Recurrent bills to eliminate the death penalty have beenintroduced in many states but either were defeated or died in committee Other abolitionist at tempts have been made without success in recent years in Montana Illinois Ohio Indiana South Carolina Texas Okla homa Pennsylvania Nevada Arkansas Tennessee Utah Idaho Virginia Wash ington Mississippi Nebraska Missouri ConnecticutNew Jersey Louisiana Col orado and Massachusetts vicesin orphan Methodist Church quite impressive John Guilloer of Corn Hill had hishay barn and I25tons destroyed by fire of unknown origin Herb Carter building two stores at Bond jIlead one for hardwareother for drugs Craighurst Band directed by John Caston ordered two new cornets and two new tenor horns Stone sidewalk will replace old boards at Churchill Ex cessive rainsï¬at Brentwoodihiive left many fieldSJof potatoes almost useless and great quantity of hay fit onlynfor manure Grain turninglout well Guthrie andwprospects of good prices en courage farmers Alderman Frawley authorized toyhave Bayfield St repaired as itis inverybad shape Personnel of Separate School Board Chairman Michael Shanacy Secretary William Moore William Lawlor AW Beardsley William McDonald Edward Sevigny Patrlck Kearns John Logue John OversMicliael Maldney sting sketch publishedof George Sneath who was appointed clerk and treasurer of both Vespra and Sunnidale and when thesétownships separated he continued to hold officeat Midhurst He also be came one of thesenior magistrates of Interi Glcsbrccht of Samia guts in succinctly It wont be eitcr laid out than you did it today enough is too muot already in taxes Mrs Smith of Moose Jaw points out that war velar ans are getting raw deal on pensions partly through lnilo tion and partly through nig gardly constdcration of their cases The Quebec situation is of great concern to many Gerald Itiartiucau writes from Quebec City have read with grcat deal of interest your article on Quebec in the ChronicleTele graph it is by for one of the Gets The Tru beatarticles rrrllicn in the big llahlanguale papers that hove read in Ion time Jules Mcrcler Sarnla asks that Ottawa Report abuild give more facts such as the amount ni support among Englishman dlans for the fled Eullln Ind the amount that Quebec con tributes to and draws from the national tax kitty James Williams oi Gait writes wholly agree with and au port your outspoken common on do Gaullc The lneptnm of Prime Minister Pearson is equalled only by our own premiere political oppor tunism Mrs Lily Page famous across Canada as doughty worker who has held every office open to women in the Ontario Conservative Associa tion writer from the Soldiers Memorial Hospital In Drillin whcra hope she has made lull recoveryto pay tribute to the devotion to his perilmen llry duty of her MP DrP My wife Ry ord John Hicks of Prince Albert says that he still flies the Red Ensign on national occasions rather than re on Pyjamas Andrew Corrick of Severn Bridge deplores the high abscn teclsm oi MP5 From Barrie an anonymous rnoder says few nice things about ltlr Dleicnbakcr at this time would be in order lie is the working mans love not Bay Streets love Hwy INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Examiner invites con tribulloua to its Letter to the editor column on the ed itorial page when possible letters should be restricted to no to too words and they should be signed Writers may use pen home if they do alre mamMr wag Na 333 llT BARBIE LIBRARY Book On Life Of The Borgias THE nonomsmy Anny Latour The Borgiasrmight be call led dollyourself historical bio grapby Instead of interpreting cording to her own biases and prejudices as most historians do Anny Letour has selected remarkable collection of quota fions from contemporary docu ments which sheconnecis by only enough narrative to relate them to events and to make clear the identity and interest of the various writers The reader is thus able to see for himself how their contemporaries judged the Botgins and decide for him sell how well deserved their in farny is Thcre is no doubt that the family included some nutand out villains Originally Spanish The Borjas lthe Spanish spell ing were introduced toRome in 1455 when Alonso dc Eorja at the age of no became PopeCal ixtus III Ilis chief fault was blind devotion to ho family and during the three years of his reign he brought so many of his relatives to Rome and in stalled them in positions of pow er and rank that the Romans aidthe Catalan are masters ere BIBLE THOUGHT nm the bread of life John 643 Only the Saviour can fullysot my the longing soul and the burdened heart He stil feeds the hungry multitudes in lifes wilderness 16Bayï¬eld Street Barrie Outario Authorized nssecond class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier r45c weekly $2349 yearly Single copies too By mail Barrie12340 yearly Ontario $1200 year motnr meowoff 515 year Mail out side Ontario 514 year Out side Canada British posses sions $15 year USA and foreign 96 year National Advertising Of ï¬m 425 University Avenue Torooto 540 Cathcarrt Stn Montreal 501 taco West Pen der St Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Amoclation the Canadian Press and Audit Bureauof Cimiiations The Canadianhess isxar olusivotyenLitledio the use for republication of all news dispatches in ihispopcr cred lied to it or The Associated FraserReuters and alsothe iocal news published thereto Thc principal hcncllclary of Pope Calixlus generosity was his ambitious unscrupulous nephew Rodcrigo whom he made Car has bag the resultsof her research ac dinal and Vice Chancellor of the Church In 1452 Rodcrlzo chieved election as Pope Alexan der VI by bribery and slmnny He led life of such depnavity that the more supersltioua peo ple of the time believed he had sold his soul to the devil for the chair of St Pater He placed himself above all law Celihacy of the clergy was an empty phrase as far as he was con cerned Ile had several mistres sos and numerous more transi tory liaisons the dilldren of which unions he openly acknow ledged Anyone who stood in his way or criticized him openly soon came to very unpleasant end He married his daughter Lucretia to four different his hands in succession to further political ends either annulling the current marriage or having the husband murdered when more advantageous match seem ed dasirable to him He increas ed his wealthby sale of bene fices and offices in the church and he made his son Cesare cardinal Indced the example of greed dishonesty and immoral ity so flagrantly set by Alexan der Vi suggests itself to this reader as major cause of the breakup of the Church in the Reformation Alexander intended his son Cesare for career in the dimch but in 1498 Cesare relin quished his position as cardinal and married the sister of the king of Navarre As Duke of Valentinois he raised an army and set out to conquer Hom agna and for time fortune shone on him However after the death of his father things began to go badly enemies of the Borgia came into power and in the end he was defeated and discredited As well as casting revealing Ilght on the career of family so thoroughly condemned by his tory The Borgias give one no opportunity to read eye witness accounts of events in the colour lul unanimous days of Items sance Italy when men were are alive to the beauty of material things and so blind to the cruelty and sordidncss su ing them Mary Smith Laurens so THE EDITOR THANKS POLICE Dear Sire would like to publicly thank the police force of Home also the general manager of Moi lat Mercury dealership for the courtesy and help received when my car stalled at the Five Points intersection on Salur day evening Sept 2nd The poi ice pushed the car to the curb and called help for me which all hanpend within few min nice of the time stalled Thanks million from Feel Oi Electors Puise And from the heart oomes an anonymous owning from Sar nla Better make your peace with Dial Sure as late hes going to beglaring at the Press Gallery from right side of tlr Speaker to as ministerrecent events ave bearing on this These brief extracts highlight the toplu currently ol interest to readers with tom and gov orumeut waste highcsL My thanks to those readers and to manyothera tor wriling me their hitcresting views and inquiries which try to cover in this space LOCATIONS to serve YOU BETTER Dorothca Huid letlldge Out Of Our 2nd L0 50 ESSA RD Corner of Cumberland ir Essoi THE LIGHT TOUCH Things Office Boy Tires Oi Hearing By HAL BOYLE new rook tAPiRe marks an office boy sets tired of bearing When was your age kid was glad to work for noth ing al week Just to gel the expo cnoc Yeah the new kid looks okay but so do most yavcnile delinquents Wake up Basoomb its time for your altcrnoon coffee break When was your age kid used to walk three mich day to and from work just to save cariarc He spends more time look DIRTY DAYS HAIH SEPTEMBER log at blonds in the wash room mirror than he does working So youre the new otllce boy well well weIL used to be an oiiice boy myself By the way kid you dont have an extra to on you do you Im little strapped Hes only been hm three weeksaod already hea ask lug for seat ciuhloo You know how long worked here before got my tint seat cushion lwclra years thol was your kid never wasted time go out to lunch was too eager to learn All could about the bustnus CATION Back to school in fresh bright clean flothes go dont often the children But they return home in that con dition Crayon marks chalk dust Ink stains and recess playground marks take their toll Let us put your laundry and cleaning problems out of yourmind Our mo dern equipment and carefu11ytrained staff will keep the entire familys wardrobe looking crisp clean and classy Free pickup and fast delivery assures you of always having dazzling clean outfits ready for everyone And think how youll impress the other girls with the way vonn brood is turned lit SGVESSll no Corner of Cumberla 7260259 Qualify Cleaning From The House Of nd Essa 217 DUNLOP ST 50 ESSA RD Corner of Cumberland frE