Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1967, p. 14

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NEWS ROUNDUP TORONTO CPILeader John Diefeobaker will makea carefullyllrned entrance at the Conservative convention after the nine men who seek his lab hir Dielenbairer arrives here by plane at 945 amEDT Wednesday The last at the leadership candidates are due the previous day permitting nlr chfenbakerr arrival to take centre stage The drama at the arrival ls enhanced by his noncommital stand on whether he will seek to retain his job in the Saturday leadership balloting Young Dielcnbaker support ers are circulating at the con vention wearing Keep the chiel buttons But even they dont know what the chief will do If he runs he will win one said and left it at that The leader along with body else has until lo am Friday to declare Face Strike OSIIAWA CPlOshawas 16 elementary and secondary schools are threatened with caretakers strike Vcdncsday second day of the now school ycar Local 218 of the Canadian Union ol Public Employees ls representing 105 sdiooi caretak crs negotiating with the school board for increased wages and fringe benefits Iim Dunn Dies HOLLYWOOD APtJames Dunn 61 who won an Oscar in lots for his portrayal or drunken man in Tree Grows in Brooklyn died Friday alter long illness liis dcothwos announced Sunday Dunn entered acting after trying his hand at almost every trade possiblehincluding mark ing stock quotations on the board in his fathers New York brokerage firm gt He played opposttcShtrlay Temple in her first film Stand Up and Cheer and also appeared Wllhhcr in Bright Eyes and Baby Take Bow His other tilms included The Very Young Man The Payalf Welcome Home and Hold That Woman Biol Deaths DETROIT APlThe deaths ot majority of the 43 persons killed during Detroits July riot could have been prevented an investigation by the Detroit Free Press concludes The Free Press investigation says tltat the national guard did not obey orders to unload weapons and fire only at the command of an oliicer and asa result the guard was involved in total or 11 deaths in which nine innocent people tiied Diet Threat TORONTO CPlA telegram promising Conservative Leader Dielenbalrcr harsh treatment unless he withdraws from the leadership in favor of Premier Duff Boblin oi illanitoba is being circulated at the partys leadership convention The telegram is signed with the name of Winnipeg lawyer Maurice Arpin Roblin organi zer who denies having sent it or having any knowledge of it until it was brought to his attention by Thomas Van Dusen Mr Dielenbakers exec utive assistant Ive consulted my Criminal Code about uttering forged document if any use is made oi this lake Mr Arpin said land interviva To Makeicmnges TORONTO CPIPrime Min ister Pearson said Sunday he will be making changes in his cabinet one of these days but added they probably would not come before Parliament resumes Sept 25 Answering questions from panel on Toronto radio station CFRB Mr Pearson also said he hoped the Company of Young Canadians now can set tle doivn and become useful organiz on lle said it was likely that taxes will continue to rise because of the tmiliions and millions and millions ol dol lars needed for such programs as urban renewal antipollution gt and federal aid to education The prime minister said he did notrwant to get pinned down on when the cabinet changes would occur OTTAWA CWAn almost inevitable conflict will result it society continues to apply out moded ideas to the role of women 900 delegates to the 25th annual Canadian Newman Federation convention were told Saturday Margaret Wadc LaBarge Canadian author and historian toldan audience of university men and women meeting at Carleton Unlversityglhere were many unsolved paradoxes about the position of women or sector Dieis Entrance Carefully Planned JOII DIEFENIIAKER May Lose Members LONDON Ont iCPliugh Armstrong 21 incoming presi dent ol the Canadian Union at Studans says CUS should pre pare to lose more member not vcrsitics as the union develops principles Delclgatcs from to uniicrsl ties are thrashing out stand on student involvement at week long congress at the Uni vcrsity of Western Ontario hope we wont lose any more schools Mr Armstrong from Ottawas Carleton Univerl slty said in an interview Alon day But CUS must develop balance between having every school in meaningless union with no principles and having such rigi rules that only two or three will belong on rnngrm Monday mood resolution introduced by the University of Manitoba tovforcc showdown with universities that may leave CUS after its budget and policy are decided Friday Says Little Done VINNIPEG lCPJrficv Sid ncy Lambert at Toronto president of the War Amputav Lions of Canada said Sunday too little is done or the lami lics of Canadians who died in battle Mr Lambert BI who lost leg in Flanders during the First World War said in an interview the widows and chil dren ol the war dead have never been sufficiently compen sated First Vice President Keith Butler of Kitchener 0nt said the main point on the agenda or the groups list biennial Dominion convention is pcu sides for amputecs Delayed Restraint WASHINGTON CIDCanada and the v5 are cited by the International Monetary Fund as major examples ol the delayed application of iinancial restraint to curb inflationary trends in 196566 The funds annual report says clear lesson of thc 1966 experience is that in the period ahead industrial should make greater use of its cal measures in seeking an effective combination of poli cies to meet their domestic and external objectives In the first part of 1957 it says despite an adjustment of year total output was rising little it at all in such leading economics as the US Ger many The United Kingdom and Canada and crucial question was whether these countries would achieve revival of em nomic expansion on satisiac tory scale during the latter part of 1957 In its annual report for the year which ended last Aprfl 30 the 106niitiou lund also hailed Britains economic austerity prognam noted the first drop in official gold reserves since the aftermath ol the Second World Warand urged industrial nations to achieve early resumption of economic growth Seennneiatelyl Astermhat is When the stark departs its tlrnelortheWelcomeWagon Hostess to arrive with gills for babyaiidiieipfuiiinrom mallon for the new mother But since the storks out number the Hostesses Wel comaWagon needs spotter to help ouLr Be stark spotter in your neighborhoodour Host esses will appreciate your helpand sovwiii the new mothers To report stark sightings call drought New Council TORONTO CHEstablish meat of new urdon manage ment council to advise the provincial government on labor relations was announced during the weekend by Labor Minister Dalton Bales First meeting of the council is to take place later thu month under chairmanship of John Crispo director of the Univer sity ol Torontos school for Industrial relations Union representatives on the council are Hamilton secretary treasurer at the Ontario Steelworkers of Amer ica Ilarry Simon regional director ol the Canadian Labor Congress Stanley Llltle national president of the Canal dian Union of Public Employ ees and William Ladyman viceprcsidcnt or the interna tional Brotherhood oi Electrical Workers NewsOddilies ADELAIDE Australia tlleutcrslA Greekborn strongman says he has accepted on snow bet that he amid at ctr in four Grcck King Constantine right and Prime Minister Pearson share laugh on the dais at welcoming ceremony tor the 27yearold monarch and his KING PRIME MINISTER SHARE lAUGH Danishhorn who at Ottawa on Monday tCP irophoio years Leon Samson 30 said Thursday he would have to eat two pounds of metal day to finish olf the car in our years He said that until now he had confined himself to razor blades and pieces or glass Then he sampled sevcr al ears and decided on Holden mcdiumsized car made in Australia by Expose As Hoax UK Saucers AIDScotland Yard the air ministry tth army and the IIAF warmed up unusual interference on their sets lhc objects weighed about LONDON General Motors decided on this because wanted to do something dillerent said the Ziopound strongman MELBOURNE Australia tAPTwo armed masked man early Thursday burst into bungalow in alilel bourne suburb apologized to its maie occupant and lett The bandits had planned to rob scrap metal dealer Monday to determine thatsix sauccrshopcd bj lounrl giving off blecpblcep signals in southe England were made in Bri not Mars Altcr the objects were cxposcd as hoax two young apprentices from the royal air cratt establishment ntFarnbor ough claimed they made the six flying saucers over two month period as part of rug wccka time set aside by stu dents for fun and raising money lor charity 100 pounds were silver grey about feet long Zié feet wide and 1V lccl thick They verc discovered in six widely separ nlcrl places along line from the Thames Estuary to the Bristol Channel The air ministry took some or Xray tests Scotland Yard sent live detectives io distant golf course where one was located anolher was impound ed by police and the British Aircraft Corp sent man to take look Britons got to see utu start But for while exports had taken the episode seriously alter woman reported seeing fiery object fall from the sky and radio hams complained of EXTRA COPIES them on national telcvisian EXPERT OPERATES Finally an expert cut open one of the objects Inside wcrc hut picked the wrong house in the wrong suburb Before leaving the men bound the occupant of the house and later telephoned police to go and release him One ol the bandits even left carving knile to cut his hands with Under the knife was note saying Please give us live mln OF THE BARRIE EXAMINERS CENTENNIAL EDITION ARESTILL AVAILABLE IN LIMITED QUANTITY 20 CENTS EACH If ordered bymail please be sure to include was assaulting the dogs remittance and full mailing address with your owner The dog also could omen be excused for biting some he Thanh Examiner dentally And it he was 16 Baylield Street Police still are searching for the bandits PORTLAND Ore AP The city council wants to make it legal for watch dog to bite burglar Under the present law all dogs whobite people must be banished lrom the city new law being consid ered would let dog bit trespasser or anyone who small dog there would be no penalty TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS CALL 7182414 rooo CITYTOWERS PLAZA OPENING NEW discount food and department stores will be opening soonln Barrie Baylield StrN These are two more stores in our continuing expansion in South Central Ontario Both Food City and Towers will require staff to operate all of thedepart merits in these stores There is outstanding opportunity for rapid advance ment and recognition based on ability for people vithexperienee or those capable of being trained Employment Opportunities Available Sales Supervisors all Depts Oflice Clerical gt Sales Clerks all Depls full and partlimb Cafeteria full and parttime Groeery Clerks IMeatCuttars Produea Clerks Cashiers lulllime Cashiers partlime days Staekboysl fulltime Cashlars partlimeravenings Cashlersa full and parttime Meat Wrappers Reeeiver Applticalions will also be accepted from students for evening and Saturday wor lfyeuara interested in position which offers Excellent starting salaries Complele benefit program Geadwcrkingcsnditions APPLY IN PERSON at our Temporary Employment Office TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH HALL 24 Colller Street BARRIE TUESDAY SEPTEMBER ilk930 AM thflo PM WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER bib930 AM 600 PM THURSDAY SEPTEMBER filo930 AM 500PM two Britishmade storage but lerics allritishmade transmit ter and sixiinch loudspeaker for sending out the biceps biceps Christopher it II and Roger Palmer both 22 teamed up on the hoax Soulhall explaining the objects construction and bad smelling white substance found in them said The thlngs are made at special plastic which we developed backed upby glass fibre The ioulsmcliing substance inside was simply mixture ol flour and water paste Sunday night ll of as plant ed the objects so that It would appear that tcam or flying saucers had landed in England We did it to publicize our rag week at the end of this month Advises QUEBEC iCPiTbe Cana dian Bar Association revealed at pmo conicrenca Monday it has been advising the laden Justice minister on tho appoint ment of lederai judges The announcement was made by Perrauit Casgrain associa tion president in the presence at Justice Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau The associations advice is given by ninemember lnational comrnlltce of the judiciary headed by Alexan dcr Campbell of Montreal is former Superior Court judge Mr Trudeau said he consult ed the committee In the selec tion or federal judges he has namw since becoming justice minister In April llc described the setup bor rowed from the United States where the American Bar Asso ciation has similar commit tee as experimental will not consider mysell bound in any final way by their recommendations aald Mr Trudcau who natal that teder of judges must be named by the lcdcral govemmcni Mr Casgraln of flimnuski Que said the associationlls years Repercussions Ilre Seen In Political Marriage SAIGON APlNguyen Van Thieu and Nguyen Can Ky newlyclectcd president and vicepresident of South Viet nam have no love for each other Thclr forced political marriage is sure to have reper cussions during their fourycar term of office There already are rumbles and rumors or possible dllfifln sinrl between the two Thieu is chief of state and Ky is premier in the military government which has run South Vietnam for the last two years Despite possible dissensian it appears that one of the first things the new regime will do is make peace overtures to North Vietnam Presidentelcct Thleu made maior plank ol his platv loim promise to seek pause of one week or longer in bomb ing of the North it Hanoi gives urar BARRIZ EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER on Que Law Group Minister established the committee to help ensure public confidence toe ludlclai appointments it consists of the minister submttung confidentially to select committee list of names asking if there is any thing making any of the candi dates undesirable The committee would then comment on the qualifications ol persons under consideration but would not suggest name Mr Trudeau said the delay in announcing the advisory ayatem prose because he wanted to try It out belore making it public Announcement could be inter preted as personal eadorsallona but till was not government policy He liked the way It was working so far it may change in the iuiure he said at very impressed by the American system of law think the Americans are very progres sive legally In the US whcra federal Judges are appointed by the president with the consent or the Senate the American bar has been giving advice on professional quaiilicotlons for some sign that it will respond as prelude to some typo of negotiations But hopes of sur ccss are slim Political observers agree the previous ThleilAKy government had little mandate from South Vietnams people since it was military junta that ruled by decree it widespre charges olelec tion irregularities arisc the legality of the new government could be questioned not only by Hanoi but the rest of the world as well including the people ol the United States on whomtsup port of the war depends Both Thleu and Ky have said their premier wnl be civilian but it they choose one withi tle popular following the pur pose ol this balancing act will be lost have until Septemberia to gel Retroactive with Premium Soviitgsiilccouni teres dilemmaDominion calculatedonminiinum MONlHlYimionre Accounts opened this Week receive Makeitlte movetotlovls lulllletrooclive Interest from September EGOAhead people bankZon TOHDINTDDOMINIDN The Bank where people make the differences or contact your local Canada Manpowarfientre Olfica EDMUNDS Manager CLARK Manager LEGGETT Manager 64 Dunlop St Owen Sh Barriosu 263 Bradford St Barrio Allandale Branch 38 Dunlop St

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