as mwmmac Jhejuflh snuWriltS are forecast for today in parts of British Cola umliia and rain is expected in most areas of the llari times Very warm tempera tures sre expected on the prairies Figures indicate ex pected high temperatures to day it Virephuto At Least 96 Are Killed Qn Holiday Weekend By THE CANADIAN PRESS Trailic accounted or 85 DI the tin accidental deaths across Canada on Labor Day weekend Canadian Press survey from ti pm local limes Friday to midnight local times Monday showed scvcn drownlngs two killed in tires and two killed in tails The Canadian Highway Safety Council had predicted IOD trnItic lettth during the nilom holiday Weekend Lost your 102 persons died in traffic mishaps and it died in ether accidents Ontario dead totalled it With 29 in more lines by drowning nul one in fire and one in lull in Qttcllec ill died including in traffic three drownings and one in tall Trattic accidents claimed tires in llritish Columbia four in New Brunswick two in Sos katchewan and one each in Newfoundland and Manitoba aim Alberto six died inenr accidents and one in tire Three died on the road in Nova Scoliu and one person drowned industrial and natural deaths ltllthn suicides and slayings are ot included in the survey Tito Ontario dead MONDAY Norman Bnlce Thompson on To nto in hospital of injuries red Saturday in twocar collision on Highway about 75 miles north or Belinvitlc Alfred Dyba 45 Toronto when his car crashed into rock out on road near Bob eaygcon about 20 miles north west of Pctcrborough Stanley Edward Parr when struck by car while crossing Highway 24 near his home in Erin 72 miles north east of Guelph Holden James Colbeck 72 in tivocar crash on Highway 89 near his home in Allislon about Ztl miles south of Barrie an unidentified woman and her daughter whenthe car they were ridingin was in collision with train level crossing at Kaposkasing SUNDAY hlagilla Cioutier id Tan quaySte Sabine Qua when struck by car as he walked along country road near Langton 25 miles south of Woodstock Geoffrey Mowat in hospi tal after he was struck by Car Friday near his home in Lon don Ont Elizabeth Burtcll 2t ot Toronto when her car failed to make turn on Highway so in Algonquin Park about in miles northeast of Huntsville Roosevelt Allison do his wife ltlarie 47 and their grand daughter Aiesia Yvonne Com ing all of Hamtramck inch in singlecar accident on road near Chatham Mark Anthony Pootosh Toronto when struck by car while attempting to cross sixlane expressway in Toronto Kendall Gordon Damant 34 Allan Sask when his car crashed into ditch and rolled nenr gtBowmanvilie in miles east of Oshawa lt twoyearold girl whom police ident ed only as Susan ward of childrens aid soci ety drowned in Cox Creek near Kitchener Paul Curts 2t Sault Ste Marie Ont drowned when he Hippie SmokeIn Is Quiet Altair OTTAWA iCP Ottawas first smokein Saturdaywss quiet affair and the message easier laws dealing with the use and distribution at marijuana was strictlysoitscll on random everything from cigars to incense but the RCMP who kept watchful eye on the pro cccdings found no evidence of marijuana The Mounties did step in how ever to stop group oi Toronto hippies cailed the Yorkville Diggers virom selling their paper Sotyrday The police explained it was illegal to sell anything on Parliament Hill so the Diggers took their papers to the nearby streets fell from small boat while fishing in small take about 80 miles north ot Sault Ste Maria Lou Stein til Flcclwood Pa drowned in Clear Lake about all miles northeast of Kingston SATURDAY lnlnes Goodman l9 liobcay goon Dut when his car went out of contrcl and ran of High way 36 near ictcrborough Robert Lawrence Iicnslit 2i Acton 0nL in singlecar accident it miles north of Guelph Linda Tronpe l2 Willow Beach 0nt when struck by car as she walked along road near her home 15 miles south east of Ilarrie Ethel Agnes Brooks 67 and Ann Gudmundson both of Otta wn in twocar crash near Kors about 25 miles south of Ottawn on an Elizabeth Waters Fonthili0nt in hospital fol lowing all into gorge in consorvationarca near St Catlinrinos Kennett Felkcr lit Guciph after he was struck by car when he stcptICd nut ot parked truck on the Queen Elic abelh Way neor Winona south east ot iiamilton Garnctt Nixon 35 following twocar Toronto collision Yellow Pages habit near Alexandria 25 miles north of Cornwall Leonard Baragcr 62 items daic 0nl in twotruck culli sion near Burks Falls so miles south of North Bay John Edward Walkhousc 2l Blczard Volley ML and Gcr aid Carlson 15 Warren Dli in sixcar crash on Highway 17 about All miles cast of Sud bury Alexander Kreilz 52 ifitch encr in twocar crash near hiooreiicld fill miles northeast of Strattord FRIDAY Sarah Evelyn Gardner 52 Richmond Hill 0nL when struck ho car uhilr crossing strcci in Richmond lliil about 15 miles north of Toronto Clyde MaCPhcrson about 50 burned to death ill tire that destroyed cottage about five miles south of Ottawa William ry stu pa St Catharines in twocar colli sion near Baldwin Ont in miles north of Toronto struck by car while walking along road near Kirkland Lake 0M George Doucctt tomontlroid son of die and Mrs George Douceitc bl Arnprior Ont in hospital alter he was struck by car on Highway 17 near Pem broke your Yellow Our towns got everything fine shops handy services helpful people And the one place to find them all is in your Yellow Pages Take for instance all the things to do With mu5lc Your Yellow Pages can help you buy rent or repair pianos organs hifi and stereo equtpment phonographs records or any musical instrument You can also Ailnd places to take music lessons or hire professional musicians Yes whatever you need your Yellow Pages can help you find it quickly and easily whetheryoure looking for an orchestra or Just goltar pick like one of those illustrated Yes its good to get in the everythings here in town James John Smithli9yhcn DISTRICT WEATHER Sunny And Warm Again Wednesday The ucalllerlnun is iorcastlng Lnolhcr sunny warm day for Wednesday cold front which is moving across the province trom Hudson Bay should cover our area possibly by Thursday Winds lulll wrslcriy at 15 on Wednesday The ucckcnd low recorded dtluntoun al the Ex aminier Otllce was 42 degrees The temperature at 530 lam was ac decrees TORONTO lCit Ofticial forecast issucd at 530 am today Synopsis it was clear over night throughout the province with temperatures dipping to lhe 50 Pleasant mainly sunny conditions can be expected again today Cooler air spread ing southward across iiudsnn tiny this morning will likely coter Northern Ontario tonight and alicct the central and east ern sections of the provincn Wednesday Lake St Clair Lake Eric Lake Huron Niagara western Lake Ontario southern Geor gian Boy Windsor London It amiito Toronto Mainly sunny and continuing warm today and Wednesday Winds light today westerly 15 Wednesday Eastern Lake Ontario Halt horton northern Georgian Bay ltlgoms White hirer North Bay Sudbury Mainly sunny and continuing worm today Sunny with cloudy periods and not quite so warm Wednesday Winds westerly l5 Timagami Cochrane Sunny with cloudy periods today and lcdncsday Cooler Wednesday Winds westerly is today north erly 15 Wednesday Western James Bay Vorlo ble cloudiness with few scal tercd showers more lllainiy sunny and cool Wednesday Winds westerly 15 today north city 15 Wednesday Ottawa Montreal Sunny and warm today Wednesday sunny with tow cloudy pcriodsCool er Wednesday Light winds Simeon Contra Liberal Association Announces coronal THE ttBEttAtS cartoon Sepi l3630pm Embassy 386 Blake St Borrie Meet Bruce OWen Candidate Robert Nixon in sin Loader DINNER MUSIC BY JOHN HART TICKETS $500 each PHONE 7261118 REFRESHMENTS cidmdidm 131112 HARM EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1m MEET PLANVED CALGARY CF torc than 1900 geologisls from 20 tours lrlcs are expected to register tor the first world symposiuml on the DclDnlLtll geological torA matton which opens hero Wednesday total at 221 papers will be delivered at thD threcday eonierence nits today and low tonight at lltontrcai and Ottawa so and 55 Forecast Temperature bow overnight high Wednesda Windsor as my TRUCK RENTALS Commercial and private rental at economical rater Daily or weekly London 51 7o tinunl Forest so 75 Hamilton 55 so Tomato is on Pctcrborough 55 78 Kingston 52 7e Kiilnioe 52 7S AB liuskokn 52 iii sudhury 52 72 43 ESSA RD ALLANDALE Knpuskusing 48 7o wane Itircr so 75 0ur2nd LOCATION 50ESSA RD Corner of Cumberland Essal DIRTY oavs HATH SEPTEMBER Back to school in fresh bright clean clothes go the children But they dont often return home in that con dition Crayon marks chalk dust ink stains and recess playground marks take their toll Let us put your laundry and cleaning problems out of your mind Our mo dern equipment and carefullytrained staff will keep the entire familys wardrobe locking crisp clean and classy Free pickup and fast delivery assures you of always having dazzling clean outfits ready for everyone And think how youll impress the other girls with the way YOUR brood is turned out tannin You 5t ESSA till 3mm Carrier of Cumberland 5i Essa 7260259 Quality Cleaning From The House Of DUNLOP 57 sosssalnp Corneiof Cumberland Essa