eremm at Published by Canadian Newspapers limited id Bayficld Street Barrie Ontario is awn Publisher nunav run columnaruser tilePent ECCrnadas Proposed Charter For Health are the outstanding proposals rred in the prepaid comprehensive universal health services program that has been tabled in the House of Com mons it rejected the idea of state medic the as such but recommended program in hlch the federal and provincial gov tta would coopersta iull to pro vice the highest heal stander for all Canadians lhe cost to the individual Canadian wouldbe an extra $20 year with the overall national annual cost anlncrease of some $446 million over the present health bill estimate of $4 billion in 1971 On the issue of costs the argument of the commission is that it will be well within the capacity of Canada in view of the arospective economic growth of the as on The fact remains that Canadas contri butory pension plan is scheduled to in operation in 1968 and the inference mm the royal commission on health is start ing data for the health charter of 1971 The recommendations provide for well rounded health services with organized care for crippled and retarded children uch Needed greater attention to eye care for those on er 18 expectant mothers and welfare cases Also recommended is an air am bulance service together with medical depots and nursing stations in remote areas The addition of six new medical schools will be required and crash training program for specialists togeth er with shorter training course for nurs es Some provinces will take objection to martin the idea of raising costs through lotteries and there may not be full agreement on the compulsory fluoridation of all water supplies in Canada Generally prepaid comprehensive medical health program such as recom mended wouid be in the interest oi Can adians But the lan will re uire care in study beforei is adopted ne factor is most important that oi costs for the overnmen is already committed to the sands Pension Plan It took the royal commission three years to study the facts and present its report and it may take the federal and provincial governments an equal len tb oi time to come to an agreement on proposals presented Railways ASked Pay More Here comes one of those familiar re runs oi Canadian lndustrya concilia tion board report on the latest wage dis pute between the railways and their non operatlng employees As usual ihereis majority and minority report The majority in this instance would give the workers larger ay increase than acI ceptable to the rat ways nominee on the board Now comes the final stage in this recurrent and somewhat wearisome dra ma Sometimes in the past it has led to the brink of strike and even to strike itself One thing may be predicted on the present occasion however there will be no tieup of the countrys transcontinental rail services as the experience oi 1950 demonstrated that this could never be allowed to hop on again One railway perhapg but no both ln eicurrent case the conciliation board was headed by Mr Justice Munroe of Vancouver He and the unions representative Mr David Lewis former ly Toronto MP have recommended fourstage we increase of 19 cents an hours over woyear contract The rail wa nominee Mr Gordon Cooper oi lia ifax pro oses about 12 cents also in four steps cost to the carriers is es timated at more than $50 mutton includ ing extension of the increase to workers outside the unions which is the regular practice in applying wage awards Fringe enefits are also involved with the com panies representative lining up with the majority on these matters In the end whatever the final settle ment it is obvious that the railways will be faced with substantially large labor bill if the amount is reasonable in rela tion tocomparable industries they should be put better position to raise the additional revenues required This means improving the railways ability to competewith tnrcks and other forms of transportation Here once again the pro pnsals oi the MacPherscn report on trans portation demand Parliaments attention as early as possible The Oshawa Citizen points out DOWN MEMORY LANE 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 1949 on minion Da fire at Camp Borden destroy ed the tary Museum along with hun dreds of thousands of dollars worth oi in replaceable war trophies County Health Unit reported water at Barrie bathin beach was not unhealthy for swimm rig but some sections around ba were contaminated Third Barrie Cu Pack with leaders Salter Dr Mulchinock and Rev Ernest Lewis paid visit to ShantyBay Pack where hospital ity and pro ram was or anizd by ion Welsman an Gus Viau bute was paid to Cub Don Simpson for hel ing to save friend from drowning derman Art Harrison introduced sweeping changes in traffic regulations to Town ouncil With view to providing relief for terribl overcrowded conditions at Royal Victoria Hospital suggestion was made that wing be added to present hospital at once us ing $90000 raised in campai for new Barrie District Memorial Hosp tal In iederal election Simcoe North riding Julian Ferguson PC Collingwood got 7621 votes Currie Liberal Barrie polled 6607 Reginald res CCF Bar rlegot 1010 ito inson Midland lawyer retained Simcoe East forLiber ais HonBarlRowe was again successful by huge majority in DufferinSimcoe PEACE DISTURBERS Hamilton Spectator Many who live on or near main thor ougbfares in this city must find it hard farm solemn III churches and Statutnvry olidsys nuum war vrcroa mason our at use rsussrsznson Man mg MMYW BILL herontans ancnaar oomau Cirenlltion strutsmetros slay warm see is copy 1e By man in months three month utttde Ont11o ll us University Idonirultlill uocr en which with other faults seem tobe an inn in rum and also LP tau use OTHER EDITORS VIEWS to get to sleep vehicles mos hibernate during the winter an where he has represented Conservatives for 25 years liberal governmentof Rt Hon Louis St Laurent was returned by large majority PCs led by George Drew were reduced to 42 seats and the Socialist CCFparty was cut to 12 Hon Lester Bowles Pearson is new cabinet minister Volunteers help build cabins at new linlted Church summer camp on Geor gran Bay near Midland Ital net ove manager of radio atlon CF Owen Sound elected president Canadian Association of Broadcasters George it Church who was associatedvin Barrie with Edwin Wilson in practice of Osteopathy opened his own office in Orlllia Frances Craig Marie Salter Barbara Clarke and Mar aret Clarke left to study at School of Fne Arts Banff Alberta for six weeks Kiev de Pencier Wright is pointed rector of lrin ity Church Bar Barrle Boring Club made good showing in bouts at Oak wood Stadium Toronto James Park er heav weight scored 11th straight knockou DonWailace won unanimous decision Doug Peacock and Sid Taylor lost on split decisions Emerson Creed oi BarrieGoif Club placed third Canadian amateur in the Canadian0 on at Kitchener Johnny Snache ltcï¬ed Prysbns to 123 win we Ga senior softball Hg local time summer nights 01d modelcars with faul mufflers and seemingly indestruetib tires whlch will ndure endless screeching and gt noise It may he uet Icy crowded with come alive in summer make the nights aw ful with their none These peace disturb era are articularl active at weekends Lon at midnig they canbe heard roa along the streets and scorchin their es at stop si ns Sometimes two cars will racean there will be shouts and catcalls abovethe general din that comes in through windows which are necessarily open These crowded old cars maray of at the rear because of faulty suspension not only distur the slee of citizens motorls but are omens erestsotlpea atrdsai ythegshoul the bade quadrn the in QUEENS PARK nameso Racial Unrest Tanned ByDisappearances PHIMDELPHIA Ilsa MP simple frame Negro church burned to the mod near here June 11 off chain oi evens that shook the nation to Its capital Withidn If than esk three young righiswor era peered lbe burnbd skdetoo oi their blue autism wagon was pulled from anaks infested nmland miles northeast of this Ncshobl Count seat The FBI took charge dawn to dusk search oi the red ciay hills thick marshes pine forests President Johnson sent Allln Dulles to Jackson Mica to look into the states racial problems He adored roo na men and helicopter units to lo the hunt Meanwhile eight miles from Philadelphias red brick court house charred bell lay on the groundall that was left of what once had been the Mount Zion Methodist Ochrch 0n Smday morning June It Andy Goodman of New York City decided he would like to take look at the burned out Negro drurch MEII10NB ms IDEA lounging around the cramped upstairs headquarters oi use Council of Federated Orlaoisa tlons or COFO in Meridian Min when the idea was men tinned COFO consists of collection oi soups dedicated to ushlng civi rights in Mississian It Is made up predominanty of the Student NonViolent Coordinah New Chief MagiSirate Will Watch Sentences By DON OIIFABN WhomOntarios new ofv tics of chief magistrate starts oil with lot lining for it First there is the man named to the job Magistrate Johnstons Bob erts of Niagara Falls has lot at respect in legal and police circch throughout Ontario llis fellow members of the magistrates association know trim well And he gaincduqulta mutation asthe man most responsiblsitor the planning of the Ontario Police College at Aylmcr Secondly the public mood la receptive for new deal in magistrates courts Criticism in recent years has made good many purple somewhat uneasy about our lower courts Mr RobeKs first job will be to organize the work oi the courts so that it flows smoothly He denies that beyond this he will be goinf into the calibre oi justice tself particularly into the field of more uniiorm sentencing You can take this probably as gesture towards the men on the bench however The new chief hardly would start out by saying be We go ing to lay down the law But its Inevitable he will SEC work towards better sentencing iire definite trend is in this direction will be eollectin data on sea tencea it would ban to tan tlfy that it was doing Ila job is it didnt And the mere accumulation of statistics in itself will tend towards more mliormlly The magistrates will know what their colleagues are doing and will be tempted to get ln line Now they dont know No statistics are kept ilow times change During the forties there was great deal of controversy over stock dealings in Ontario There was particularly big fight over attempts by the SEC in Wuhington to get some us their operating out of Toronto deported The than enrier George Drewhit roof about at tempted meddling In our ai falra Ontario he said would run its own show Since then there has been gradual growth in cooperation with US authorities This has reached new peak with the current myestigation by the Ontario Securities Com mission lnto mining stocks In ordering the Investigation the governmart was largely prompted by aV request oi the in Is notable that except for the Toronto Stock Exchange titers has been very little pro Andpresuttrflyy his office test LETTERS TO EDITOR oNaNoan unaware Dear Sir Pindln self in the viclns ity of ens Park recently went to see an old friend namely Engine No 53 which was donated to Barrr by the CNR and in way sorry that did 50 Prior tovtlre city accepting said engine various sites had been suggested for it for one was in favor of anviewPark as there was no roomvior it on the Allandais Station armada but it was decided that she be left Isl the middle of Myth to be at the mercy ot vandals and souvenir hunters and plain thieves and what remains has lain there neglected ever since The first thing noticed WI the rusty holler jacket Then made quick inspection and this is partialxllstoi the destruction that took place BREAK cues Ihaiuveolie vandals ro ken the glass In indigeddllyrt and the minher light case and also in the window and doors of the cab pparmtly the adults took over fromthcre The drawbar lnrucisles and pins were missingan front and rear asratterrrgz had been madetogt remove bell and safety valves but ouths nearly soaipedby the whistlelaver which was hang2 and log downhecause the spring had been ta metal atoms were but ground The stem and air gaugci were broken and their innards both brake valves and lock would more items missing if revealed one was on the andalso the feedre gulatingrvalvcs of the lubricat It or lhevs no dorrbtfla closer Throughout Canada and tire United States great care is us ually taken to preserve their pioneer power so why could not Barrie socalled The Beautiful have kept this engine in Iit coo llttlon to catch the eye at tour SHOVLD FENCE The last time had visited the park itook CPR en gineer to see our musorun piece Thatku two or three years ago and she was presentable but would be very poor an gnan or Barrie if look anyone there now For the sake oi safety if for no other reason it should be fenced in with five foot wire fence with strand of barbed wireon arm at the topithe cab and headlighthahoold be coat of en Pd scrapv averaged $70m tire Texas and Paciï¬cgave me to Dallas onrrrequest and ater finding Ethatrtlmlr No had undergone the same fate Hour No 1581 they promptly sent crew in to cut her up on pot would hate to aeeauch thing here but it world beiprder to watching an ir repiacable tun slowly state 11m and do the problem Either fencedt in and do what is possible to stay tire ravages of manad weather or remit to the Lifer th our Board or an oil decide preservingjtiriaerrgirie am forone hit it this W61 PCB do somethiiro toiuvs mi Mcyiiutre Barrie agointoanalinut war next month to do something about wealth position has been co ordinated trrorgout alongthe roocmile TODAY IN Hrsronv July ll The city of Quebec was founded by French explorer Samuel ds Champlainthe first settlement in New Franceon this day in race it hsd been more than century since Columbus had reached America For number of years after its founding Quebec was no more than trading post reached only by perilous route Weniy years after its founding Quebec boasted about too inhabi tants six families and an conomy founded on fann Ill rose Food rationinl coded in Britain alter sen Years imFire at Cobalt Ont left 2000 of the 6000 resi dents homelesa BIBLE THOUGHT The statutes of the lard are right rejolclnl the heart the commandment of the lord ll pure enlightening the eyes Plum This is no theory Gods Word stands every test but the highest test of all Is when ws test and prove it for ourselves Aalr those who knowi Jarnes Chane ing Committee plus the Con gress of Racial Equality the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement of Colored Poo to and the Southern an beadembl Conierence COX0 engaged this sum mer in coordinating the Mia stssippi summer project which is sponsored by the National Council of Churches The sum mer lproject includes vort reg lstra establishment of corn mdnlty centres and freedom schools where Negroes lean about citizenship Goodman had arrin in Men idian only the night beforeone of outofstate volunteers trained in Oaiorrl Ohio to work on voter registration and educa tion projects He had two quick takers for his wmile expedition into the neighboring warty Mldsey Schwrnner of Brooklyn and Negro liv ing In Merl an it is assumed the three drove to somewhat isolated area ofhe burned churnhlnd per haps even queaioned some oi the Negro residents of the long dale communion altimgb no has has admitted realm or talk ing to them ARRESTED FOR SPEEDlNG Thanext person to see the trio was Cecil Price deputy assigned to the office of Nedmba County Sheriff hainey He arrested them for speeding Goodman Schwerner and Chaney cooled their heels in the county jail for siahoura but Price explained it wa jun case of circumstances lbbx ball had to get the justice of the peace thats INTERPRETING THE NEWS Crisis Over Malaysia State Could Continue For Two Years none MARSHAH Canadian Press start writer Although the avowed interitldn of Indonesias President Su karno is to crush Malaysia he is unlikely to risk anything more dangerous than the taunti ing labs he is already deliver ing The longterm View in union is that thecrisls will continue to smoulder in its present state forat least year ortwn szft and acceptable solution is considered impossible after the collapse of the Tokyoaummit meeting Butat the snmet1meSu karno aware that Britain Au trails and NawZealand are ex plicitly committed to Malay slaa defence ll probably avo turningbis confrontm tion policy begun to months Renewal of attacks acrosstbe North Borneo border by indo neaian guerrillas in which Gurkha soldiers werekiiled dur ing tlreweekerd predictably raog alarm lrlis tlrsoughout the Commonwealth the7 attacks continue on such scale Melayrrias prime minister TdnlsuAbdul Bahman may be forced to make bi lateral approaches tozparticular Commonwealth countries for immediate help in training and lequipment 10an paranoia raurs But British officislaï¬stresr that such help could only coma after joint consultation by aide fence coniniiitec Such consul tation is unlikely to come until after the Commonwealth pre miers have drscrrssed the prob lemat the London ace the Cdmm in the meantimethe 10009 la and Mataysian troops illusion is frontier with though ha pable of pigments al to ca rilla invasionsespecially since the chaocesof Sukarno getting inside help from Malaysian dis sidents are fading fast Some British commentators find the indonesian crisis wear lly familiar Sukarno is in much the same position Egypts Nasser was as ye ago trapped by deteriorating econ omic situation powerful anti Brltlah and pro Communist party at hlsdoor and largo standing army that he has to keep employed But Britain has learned her lesson There wont be another Suez in the South China Sea to get Sukarno of the book dIIIP msenlloek thaboyuzut unison Judge Tons warren the tit said kept all iudgeandcouiear reach it wasnt until around oclock that the dqartyf flags Mao and butt this it 4e their car parked about fromthe jail and watched threat of to co said asked era where they were and they said bach to Merit ian had to go over to Avenue where heard but been lot of drag and so escorted them to Junction It Highway it made circle and turned on it toward Meridian he for State Avusue Thats the ill saw of them Ill MOVE IN The out morning when there was no news ot missing workers the FBI was placed on the alert and quickly moved on to the scene 0n iltead It 135 pm the FBI in tan received tale ï¬aooe call from tipsternevgr certifiedwho said he ha its and some mum we spotted the wreckue of on off Highway 11 some is miltl northeast of Philadelphia warm minutes federal stats and local authorities down on the cold murky area where Owl Creek backs away from its bed arvdiorms unsightly backwater slough Then they found the stall wagon about so feet off the high way but dearly visible hour the road it was shell The wreck was cold ind cetlng it had en burned or hours before it was towed toa garage on the edge of Philadelphia where investigators checked every inch of it for possible clues On Wed nesday the FBI announced it had found no traces of bullet holes or human blood ESTABLISH 11le On Friday the investig splitNth ï¬ance wagon pa swamp batw it am and pm Monday°ll We have evidence that motorist made turn at 11 oclock Monday the spot where the station wagon was later found lat bi way patrol Inveng The station wagon which could have bear seen easily not then at that time Some Qiootaw Indians Ill emI oi hubflfepeuofufyth coup can oclock in the phatnoon said It was still time So we mint as the car binnod betwem Pruidant Joimaou list to Jackson to eorrier wldrGova arnor Peril Johnson civic and business governor he osdeed sdsr formin this case sailors base at Meridiando dob Thm disappear anon three civil rightworkers fanned the flame of racist out ulurce previously stoked tryin tegratiorr the Univority Mississippi and the pmleaddlf summer project for Negro reg mon and education in the On Friday or we are of the calm it Amerins Knights of the kn Kiuxlflaollobert Shelton of Iuacaloosa are checked roof the Phllndelplda Hotel iris mm NP Will xathy and raise more transom said Nothing has hap pened to those three men They ara alive They will turn somewhere else and the wholL plot will be exposed Meanwhile the search tirrues CONSIDER SiAlth OTTAWA GP Prime Mia ister Pearson told the question of issuing stern showing the lled Ensign Mr Miller said that would be fair since the govenrmcnt advertiseda its proposed maple leaf flag or stamp Thorn uric 29 great Whiskies in Private ii ltl till Adams took llll