Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jun 1964, p. 11

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uroreorlve rcury Cdmet red dio automatic lane 500 sports on VBalrtomatlc re bucket seats slcon door red rad lo Austin Sprite red red 60 Chevrolet Station Wag on blue radio auto matic 80 Meteor door grey and white radio auto matic 51 DKW Station Wagon VIAU MOTORS LIMITED hvo Mentions Ii GOIVAN ST 72M Central Ontarios Largest Rambler Dealer asst moss two door all IM orilinal miles == PERSONALS WANTED Ride in Barrie iron Borden lo roach Barri and AM Lisa Plan IDITUNI TITLINE to us want our iarttarla told by rs s1 it so leiphone mm anytime see so wtntrnenL stints woman from NapierDurk boui to trio It to hos TelaDiaonI TIMSW liter l0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP POSITION Die ior llraltaad mechanic equi mrnt Write Box as Harrie Elam oer WANTED No Bodymen one He ansed Druirrably one who can paint This wales to A4 men Tail Phone TilMid fiNrrrto to earn extra money to our spare tun1 Good paylnl initlerting job Phone Mus Cni linglvnhd or apply 60 Napier IL coilingwood CAPABLE Person with high school education seed in mathantics and Diilca procedure rlun In writ to Box 42 Barrie airliner ating aalaly requirement and experience INCREASE your income You can earn Ii tgrcl erhfiur sellljihrl it no or tilIlvdblirtia liawietgh Do 71 is sods nichelieu at Henry Montreal YDLNG Sanitation Chemical hisnlriaclurlnl Company requires ramissioyt salesman preterahly wth experience aaililll In industry Id lrmtltullons Men select Bills till it canvass an emo utnlc Boa Barrie Examiner FEMALE HELP OFFICE ASSISTANT no FOR FINANCE COMPANY Good iypist knowledge at elem entary bookkeeping and willing to team operation oi bookkeep ing machine Experience prelt ierred Apply Box 39 Barrie Examiner BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY Requires woman with university degree tor parttime work part iy protessionat and partly clere lcal beginning August is or September Please reply by letter to the Secretary Public Library Board PO Box 618 Barrie HAIRDHESSIR Wanted Steady emisinylnent fitment plaza Play let us ca one ox lenta It Bax Buris hammer PRACTICAL Names required or all ehlitl also cools Ap ly in per loss to Arts been us Home mi Ippolntsllelit call arroud are MALE FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS ior BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application iorms available at CmCULATlON DEPT to BAYFIELD ST AND Womeni Parttime Bah its gilfliiley in ylgiar were ergdawns earls ss guaran Veaflaentl Write Box as Blrsla am at For Better Job or Pay Rates Study At Home in Spare Time All Books and lustsuctlon Low All do Mo Dratting Artil itecture Automotive Contract ing And Building Diesel Elen tronlc Technology Private See retary Business Management Practical Bookkeeping Practical Accounting American Sohool Dept 04 Delhousie and Queen St Box lodi Brantiord out EMPLOYMENT WANTED assures ores and Boy ms In our Girl has experience orant work and baby III has previously worked it traeter 71m ITUDINT with parlance looking BOYS SEAORAM AND ROWE mores centres 55 Oldsmobile door rad dto automatic ee Volkswagen lobe red dlchevrolet door blue radio low mileage man mm or nflfihwywar WFWM as Hannahrs sr Rambler also door it mesr radio low mileage so Chevrolet door green 113mg radio one owner In 80 Rambler 660 V9 radio Nov 68 Volkswagen Maroon 57 Mercury Door auto maticlrsdlo 55 Pontiac Sedan Delivery 111 BRADFORD ST 7264711 EMPLOYMENT waureo or summer oh on am in IDI lama ana althnna Milo WILLDO Ln holiesth onais Fmain wnrita sass either Box at camp lordas ler can Ca ntar desires Wartugatltarei calDENY hi all hinda Agdliionlr terlatiuhha sees too are an Telephhnl emanate lLEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate ANNIE MYRTLE ATKINSON iaic oi the city oi Barrie County oi Simcoe who died on the iirat day at March mt must ior ward some to the undersigned door before the lOth day oi July less alter which date the auets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the executor will not be liable to any person at whose claim he shbii not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this lmh day oi June AD is Lloyd Atkinson by his Solicitors id Owen Stmi Barrie Ontario aa lZTENDERS li CENTRAL MORTGAGE ds HOUSING CORPORATION AND ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT seem amazes plat ourrm as to content and dnsrsd to the underai be received an 331 mitt News leadl iltl mi Oarmll it Leo cartools Corner Lil Nuns PP csEsEzs HIDAV JULY late r999FpPP99F 32823388332388 AUCTION SALE springer cows calves brood sows boars wean er and ioeder pigs sheep and horses it pays to BUY or SELL by AUCTION iM MM Corner NO IN ass 300 00 ll ll anuasoar sun Iii ht Pattern is riuor emu Weather hosts by saris Nick lest Summarama oo Illa da Ports vesusn Tim Nry Tombstone Territory Na Weather 2me nut lyhaa as Orindl filial glue ca hm 388 55 Target Earth Test Pattern Nerla Oarrevtay Cartoon Co News Wsst Movie the witness Summerama Mill mm out 32 am tlon Time line abarrr Hound no or pector Nelle Weamar spotta Iago Thin ror IVI ill The radar The untouchables cac TV New Weather eports News Movie Nora menust 99 any=73 8883 2o 88 £2 SAUCTION SALES Every Thursday pm shsr at ELMVALES ES STABLES LTD mile west at Elmvale on lghway 92 Added iesture this eek complete dispersal oi emiord cattle Fresh and stock cattle 22 222223 ARCHEH OOLWILL Auctioneer Phone Barrie meow AUCTION SALE Friday Evening SanppAg 222223228333 WDAI was ll Cm also Channel rare 1nured 00 Zero One Chennai Sufielo msnsv JUNI It 00 DNISDAY JULY Moms new Chennai Bertie Chennhl Toronto rv rental oola Lobiained thdiabsa AMI us on row ND ILA dull I8 Altoid st and leaeueis basalopinions Mu DKIIDAY lost Ilcrgorsa Pan luster Auction lrcfidrhi ll NtM main Minnaa and no Isle llcsey louse club dds CTV News politl Title and leuauata Donates rational Presents rive retool liati The enowdswh ports News the me To Tail The lack Paar rte lint It Nllihnli Noll 71 The kit Ilia ACVHILULYPJ on Channa Iranian in it Pilitima wilh Chennai Chennai Nina It Winged Victory Michel lihula Club Kiddo Five Ooioch liaiinee To Maul News wsath ports Friday Ntliit vis Value For Money Andy GrililtIi lack nanny Lets Sing cot Ounanioka CTV National Nale bistro final Sparta Besis and lsuguata Arrest And Trtal Clpt Bob Woody Woodpecker The Riflaman Tod illl Hunleyarinkle Neon Have Gun Wli Trsvsl Mr Novak The Lawhreaker Richard boom 17 Political Canflldltu News Weather Sports Tonllhi Show AM Report cept list Suparrnan nr Riilemsla To Ill HuntleyOriana Nawa Death Valley ays rm Virginian laplhnale lavanthwllolgr Aw CT Tonight an AM Report pressed in iMPs equivalent at about 2600 points in rubber bridge Inhaled tablet ll War as Cohuuual cations eoalh tolls ll Mandate 10 Nilitery master to he Empty It Vaeuta gyms we nmf Minutemen VIAU for RAMBLER IVAHIH IVAilll Missile weapon d1 Measure oi iuuth Periods CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAV BECKER West dealer NorthSouth vulnerable on AKIDS DART use plsone KIII 96 IO Til AKO idl anoroe gels The bidding West North Elet Emitll Pass to Pm Pass Pass Pass Opening leadking oi hearts Great Britain dcieated Can ads by as international match points in the opening round at the World Dr dge Olympiad The margin oi victory all was the This hand had an important bearing on the result Terence Rcese was North ior Britain evatiairla or lna ac sweetie wen Ilfl It anam aosle are the To Lo ll Collier strut tbls oiilee deposit 100 ior each set oi plm good condition on or Mioc tha ti men Iy lotiowing contract Dish tinder bus led BillI Em 3mm Beets ty Deposit of 10 the c1 total tandar price Bitch helier KITIiarIi OWN Mutton ID Am can copied as Security die Ilal mutt be sail payable order oi Cmtlll and Housing Corporation The ow art or any tendar notnaclllarlLv luppliad by the Deplmnfl and Drama musr eh Mo hmgirwhh ielllhene rsrste° TENDERS lNNisFlL TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO Tenders ior caretaker oi Alcohs Beach School will he received undersigned until pm July root Duties to eom silence August less lowest or guyt tender not necessarily sc eve Reply stating salary mooted to Mr Frank Kell secretary treasilrer Churchill Ont DEPARTMENT or PUSLlC wanna occsunns TENDERS moans addrealed to Secretary Deplflmelat or at Canada Room unitsa Sir Charles arstda Driver mm doer TEND 2or BIG YARDS PM MBAva Mm untlilw garters wrismonsr war ii Tina documents ca tallied through cnleinhlglneoet llonm use so Charles suppr Building Riverside Drive ousz District niglneer all no Street Toronto Ontario To be considered eabh tassd most is submitted on some thrust sec anlrd the mishapclot ur trian doeu The lowest or any tender not necellarll month secretr1 Every day thousands read the classified page thats why you can be sure oi quick ao iour apartments large lots will be oiiered ior sale and will be sold subject to reserved hid No reserve on the chattels as Mrullammell is in illhealth REY COUGHLIN 0i all household iurliiture in ges appliances hordweie gro ceries bolts all sizes bets and chairs kitchen is ioldiog chairs tobacco cabinets bend tables folding bed and met tresses wooden rocker bed room chairs dressers ches teriieldichair occasional chair liy tables wardrobe pressure cooker boo oi leather bound books by and stand billet kitchen chair Inet set iiowerle hot dog warm slicer set government tested scales grill quan oi liinch ro nslls all sizes meatsaw hand sews meat counter with motor tsfivgn ainfidmfira rustle table bolts all es zilnch awn mommmy mower ierh andstand dishes pails electric clocksy pop cooler Heirigeraio oi groceries snarly articles too numerousto list moved until settled tor store snack bar apartments sale by auction and will besoid slrbieet to reserve bid Terms conditions at properin will be given time oi sale chattels as Mr Hammei is to ill health July pm Sharp CRAlGHURST GENERAL STORE right on Highway 93 Sale oi all houssroid iurnish lugs including electrical appli ces gas appliances hard re groceries bolts oifell sires power lawn mower and miany other articles too numer ous to list Also at the same time and place store sneckbar Auctioneer AUCTION SALE uding electrical appliances At CEAIGHURST GENERAL STORE on Highway to On FRIDAY EVENING JULY AT PM SHARP to sell the iollowing beds complete with springs mattresses studio cou es cook stoves tPropsn Chrome es and chairs steels chairs chairs chrome odd dining room chairs utll mirrors lamps chest and odd liver space heater an large electric lectrlc meet all tapestriea scyt drowceseal Pro aha boxes window ass lawn chnlral Quantity Terms cash Nothingto Frank Welsh Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN Alictioneer PROPERTY Consisting oi large lots will be oiiered tor Neruerve on slirttse other MDAY JULY Capt Bob Hue chem Hound The Ritiefllln Na Weather lpoita Huntleydlrlnhily New Bishcgnsileln l7th einet Dr Klidarl Haul lfdrait 11 am as ar pd Tonight Show 232221258232 vvaonssonv mar THUISDAY JULY noppssppppe ssssasgassss mamapp =8 inssm register at swsdlshotmed Md Report AY JULY Capts Bob Mllllla florillA iha it Today illlnl eyfirlnhlay Neil Fractured Pllcnlra international Showtiml Holt That was till Weak That lsek Plrr News Weather lpofll Tani ht lhorr AJLNeyDfl Channel Suiielo inertial 8232 sasassss Sport log News Phil Silvers Ila Andy Orliiittl Advantull Pattleoat Jopeuea rink Benny it Pllmln lpeste sws ea or The 1110 Show Laughed but ilii The secret lion sodas spores Uni rs Beverly nuisuuu Dick Va Dyke show rte If Till liTO nfl in para Worden The secret Storm Leava it To Beaver use es Headline Na Em CBS Evening last Mastma Password viiswbidi srry seen The Numa News weathsr Sports The ii Show Naughty Idllillil AY JULY The Sam storm Luvs sure braver rs III one sveoio ml Yum People Are nines gunman Adventure Twilight Zone Aurss Hitchmk News Wssursr eperts Pithth 51 as rainyho nilEu To assksgsass SPREAD OVER WORLD and Boris Schaplro South when the bidding went as shown The were pls in their recent ly evised so highly srtiticial bidding system called the Little Major The diamond bid by Reese was the equivalent at normal one ads bid The bidding iherea tsr was natural Holst responding two diamonds to the implied spade bid West ted the king oi hearts and Schoplro was laced with the critical problem oi trying to guess which opponent had the king oi diamonds He could trap the king ii East had it by iln easing the Jack at trick two or he could trap the king it West had It by laying the jack to the ace an queen through ths king in leading the either case it South guessed correctly dummys heart loser would issppesr Scbaplro won the heart lead with the ace and ca and users oi Ida cover llg the at he led the It lid overtook with the on nI when the Home succeeded be discarded heart on the sea at diamonds and then played the Mt and another club He later nliied the ten oi clubs and made the slam tor score oi 1430 points The Canadian North went down at the same contract alter misguessing the diamond situa lion Britain gained i7 lMPs on the deal Without seeing the EastWest cards probably the saiest way at playing the hand is to win the heart lead diamond to the ace and return the queen discarding heart when Was iollowa low it turns out that the misgucss does not prove total became the double club ilnessc when attempted later succeeds Tomorrow Unichina Man Sentenced For Dealings TORONTO CPD One oi five men charged alter cou ple and their son were brutally beaten in shopping plans while about so persons stood by and watched was sentenced Monday to two years less day in reiormstory Magistrate Hugh Poster told Patrick OHngen ll convicted lest weekoi assault causing bodily harm that he had terrible record oi ileuorpi iences and next time he ap peared on slrnlIarychsrgs he would get to ycars or lite Four other men lacing simi lar charges are to appear in eoutthug 28 ME mall often during the titty youll speed your letters pmwmmwmwwmw filmWflmAflmlflufl safeguards For Patients eivt aaieguarda For at va slituied to retreat thither deaths oi sets at British 0o llirnblas aoodale mental hos pital who are being treated with reduced and weird watch is being kept or side etheta the chlorpromarine it was mow Monday Dr Davidson deputy retainer oi mental health said dosages oi the drug have been Board Refuses lidrnlt Student BecauseOi Faith REGINA GP The Regina public school board has turned downs request from Roman Catholic mother to enrol her con la the public school system At the asrne time the board decided to review the whole question oi enrolment by mane here at the Roman catholic isith Alex Cochralna said Monday the boards policy is to enrol children solely on the basis oi mil in beglonln grades Roman Catho ratepayers operate sepsrste school sys tem or elementary school chil dren to the ct The re use enrol the boy in the no lie system was made on grounds that the child sul iarsd heart condition and he would have less dlilieuliy going to nearby Mlle achoo in addition the iamlly al ready has one child in the pub system This child was ad mitted betela the public school board ado ed its policy at sx eluding ch drop at Roman Cath oIle lat ouvrzlt lesson LONDON CPISir Laurence Olivier recently acclaimed ior his perlornlance sa Othello will play diltersnt bieckiaes role July when he rtrsya Al Jolson in lira snnua Night oi 100 stars at the London Pal ladium Peter Sellers will play Rudolph Valentino in the show aflmldblght beneiit ior needy ors Dr Davidson said he taste as led that the saieliialds tar stl uted are atliilciant to pre many further deaths at Ee lieatliiu expanse 0nd lflnll entaaeualry IIII you gel with slurp lunoeo Heats Wmnnthl HIAIINO OIL THE SAIthEIIINT user stats risotto 7282461 CARRIER MISS YOU Ii your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone 7282433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS aeliy 909 hogs EVERYONE WELCOME vlc HALL SON RR WYEVALE SEEI The Isles and most modern HOG FINISH lNG HOUSE in Simeoa County 30 xTOO esp cannons rebel

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