Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1964, p. 11

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flnwmm 32x tantraIr Wm mewsem nea an eraI new mm alter beta eonvktcd at tint the vtoieot overthrow Thule Alrla Ihlta ragtnle On June ll Premier Hendrik Venomd Injected ovaraeu plaua tor otermoq tor the eight man whom he deaalbad tommunlatietrllntula lha lawyera atatuoant aid that throughout their trial three the deiaadanta Mandela Waiter Silulu and Goran uml acoeptad lull roapnoalhtllty tor their action and thereton orommonnnnv VBees Lelt Alone Rolher Nobody loazra to mourn up to atinga then take her to an African Men Will Not appeal CAPE NWN Reuters Nelaon Mandela and all other men lalled or ill alter South Airican abotage trail havoda eided not to appeal either against their eonvletion or tea tenee their iawyera uid Wade neaday night Mandela tanner leader at the banned Atriean National Conneaa and the nthm wera atatenrzd in Pretoria June it HONDA no queatioa ot an appeal alone to their eater TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Donia mnar JUN too umnfl auNIIr um to on LW too Pr la mm RI rrr Mallet Doctor lea hunter lporta Wagon nela Couner Hoedewn Th Datendar Telucwe rm Untouchable cnc TV Now wutnor loom Nm Movie null Peam TIM Plllllu boll Ahlll www imballlfllml of tha or small one or the glll Ezrmsutoon hen erd gav Ettlhtllt Thmlrll nuta Om MWIII ral Itory élelxcmrh momma awn 11 CI For an ull lvoi Cant to ally wlta Murder 19 one not um and cellta flout ry Calandar ov Chatrl mtnioa aoro Rig atlarla M0 rhhina canoe gout on an chem antinet no aulllvaa Bonanaa 33393 New werther Naval loom 9399 8838 388 Dlad Mich ll txe lfli 1a Channel Buffalo AIUMMY ml rent Patton lporta lhllllibll to woman Summer Rllll vacation on em std tha Nowr VEllhIl 5P0 My rflavnrltu harnra Dnn ea CIHMI is 99 2832 indutry Andy ammo mow Now Walther SDBIIIHNIWI squad FFF=9 838838 83 3883338 Frlnlttnd Etch llltlml nal lhowtina an thl Walk Ihal Wu 15593 NIWI Weather lpena Tonight Show Ant xenon Amaultur Fell th Oct Stan town an or Pinball XL Rant Menace All Ito an NBCwapom Infill an an Elll Channel Toronto MAY JUN II ulna um ciul Kiddo rm Detach Hallo The manual we wnlaer lwta The arm Adrldtun lhlnl at was no II II Ind It Do mu WM In WNI It gm ram 15 Auetton CIHWI PIN EDI III Wilt You Wm hero ha MI 1ng Bill Enutn What MM tllhd laturda Mom The meuflm mallu Potnl CTV Nail Mateo all Data Show Panto In M110 Journal Caroatllo Doll laa lairhugll Hannta at an Album All Stir nut Twin Blll hum star at HENIIM th Doll III lunar and Flat on go Hunt via auto alt Dhnay rueat hamlet at or Were to noon Hourgiaaa crv National Nm new rtel Lata Show Plebup MI MONIMY JUNI ILM Cartoon Channel mum Pilyttma Vila UMII Babb Chlltnat Caravan Pt II 01mm mu nut Another rm or tha mm Mickey Home 0th thdo rm oeioek Mattrln ath film Nawa Walther epem lanrlera Daughter Dill and Han Illla Doullll Mam Pflqluhll Channel Buffalo IRIDAY MI II 400 TM arm 5mm Luv It To Bantu leerbolt Knolllemu and cne mm pm New People Ar lllly Patna Mvnflln Mttlaoar aura no Ethan Small Poaayaa Playhouaa Ht tCuanll radiiate QtthX Ier Itch 11 mfih to Thu Roy loam law It K1 lawman 11in Blhhlll Willllln TI iad Itaok mum thnllnl Gun other Thl hello Pnlllimra Show nd Wllthlr saturd rat at Mom AJL 9011 00 Frontier t7 llmlly Fll ml Tile nlm Nlla MON 00 Toflly 19 Gunman NI Weather In lporta Mevla flal Dame IUNIMY 900 clutch Cargo Porltrlait or nay hurt on Sunday Tlaa Auwlr NBC Blah on 222 Bonanxl Nowl and Walnut Award ihutra on was at cent non Yen aur Th lnal 30994an EE2gss llunueyarlnklty New Eanholnr rather Monday Nlht MM the star lell er rta Tontght arr AM Item Hollywood Emmy It your canterhaa notarrtved by WDM at Popayaa Pityhonu Lag Unto My hot Uh Jarrra ctuo Camn Th Advanturoua ltlauoa Noon New Indultry on 51 IA Favorite Ml Ed Sullivan Celahflty GIN Brenner Clndlfl Club What fly at ttur sootta JIM ZIM Or To Tall tho Ive Got rat ¥l¢lugn Pllyhfllu uy thenlu new It ltd lel Ind Welthfl Elghlllhtl Gttrldlln myth mm CARRIERMISS You ll in phone J28 2433 AndA Copyyin at Dettv THERE ISNO CHARQE f0 Oefiu of ha Week Dear Dr Molaerl My two yaaooid daughter la very ailer gie toanotfllito bttu Howmr my worry bee attoga We live In an untneorporated am Ind anythlnl la allowed We have neighbor who raiaea beet In hla back yard All the neighbor complained Now ll my child mil up trom moaqulto hite What Will hap pen It aha ahouid be tungby bee Hurt read about man who one tung to death by awarm ot beetMn ILW Moat very amall ohildren aweii and two plotmore than we dolmrn moaquito bite The bite the lame alxt the bitten child much amalier than we are So dont get too upaet too noon Bealdea an allergy to mow quit bite doeant nmaurfly mean allergy to bee atloga perm can be allergtc to one and not to the other how man who kept boea tn hi back yard right to the mlddio at large city Nobody waa aver atullg Beer it left alone go about their honey making without bothering any body Yet it we try to bee on night the bee deal We in danger So atingl even though he loaea hl atlnger and died deeiloe to be reierea to declde whether been allould or ahouldnt be hot tn opulated diatrlcte But am nterented in tile wellare and eomiort oi your little girl It there are aigllathat the la realty allergic rather than normally lanaitive CONTRACT BRIDGE allerglat Ha haa apedallzed teats and tan tati you how to protect her 11 neeeaeary Even it not allergic aheii ha mtghty lad amatl glri tt bee doea tlng her It may hurt her but it wont tlarrn her tt ahea average title you and yournhueband ubleet to alter And reachioa back to my memory recall that aoromo Year ago one at my own few month older than youra eama theoqu the door tearful and reunttul and anauoced itle bee bited mal Itnd never hurth it It Ilil All did an pat it Dear Dr Hohul our 13 yeaMid latter1n from aintrie cell anemia tie ha ouch terrible rim that It la atleet tog hie mind there anything we can do aaida tram giving painkillantMn hunt Stella cell anemia ia hered itary diaorder aeen primarily in Ne ea although not totally led to them it aliecta tho ongaoearrytng capacity at the red nella tn Illa blood and In thia cue the ahape altered too they become macoot or aickloahaped trial to thla dlaeaaa in due to the breakdown nt theae iauity calla it to associated with ter rlttc pain and favor and can el tect valloll ayatem oi the body unh an the lnteatinal tract kidneya tolnta etc Painkillera antibiotic and blood tranatuelona are and to help patient over acrita them la no known cure ay JAY BECKER You are South both aides amenable The bidding ha on man amawm lfiwtm Pan Pan noonnnom hamlet om no on em zoom on one atom gloom cm as an emu orange Q4 Six notrump Bidding in lain bids have certaln Meaning nte Vonnhulhlbf toiddlng ta very limltedtha our auita the eelell numbara the worda uoe trump double redouble and pane but nevelthelear tha meaninga oi there to term BM ottell quite preelae That in thin aeouenee North rebld of three notrulrtp dealgnate balanced hand can wear0MP we so roselu YOUMEAttD lha Barria Examlnor and your favoritecondo along on your vacation Rhone meow now and arrange delivery talulng about no or It high oard pointa It would not make much aeneo tor North to leap to three notruxrlp with lesser hand when he know that the pada rerponae may be baled on as law palate in view of thin alnoe our own to pointa bring thewmbtned total to at least on potato we raise three notrump to nix Paar It in likely that part ner can make three notrump and the alert thing to do in pass It possible that an ll trleit game in dinmonda or cluba can aieo be made but there for more doubt about matting eleven trlcka ln minor auit tllan uilla trick in Mttumfii The singleton heart la aometh to worry about in notrump coll traot but it to not good enough mean or taking partner out at the ninetrleit game Four diamonda at hand oddaon to make rim oplt polite the rebld of three no trurnp but it may well be that the beat contract in autt rather than in notrump The tour diamond bid expreuee the preference for auit contract and delta partner tn ehow apada support it he haa it or to go on to ltva dlamonda with pro ger hand lhe intention in to to elem when North responds to tour diamonda Flva hearta With only it highcard pointa we may he point or two abort ol the as potato that nine aalam but counting the dietrlbuu we can probably main tweiv trtctrt with ease It would not be rtfllt to bid only our hearte which we might do with lower high nerd pointraud tmahiah hand tour heartlbtdmuld not be lor olng and partner might pare North to bound to hays valuu goldheamlégrbhfia mummy root mum Alt lornonuwl Pantotern DAILY crosswono acnoaa anno anbraoa lithe 35 12 mama co 11mm Marau hD illaria ea lflnlllapl to on no ItMnnatu lemon tom rtllaoak mayhem 15 Cheek to pungent saoL vegetable some manure Eaekwardt 12L3rinzlult 22 Gallon IM 2tAawtna mFunm aheep haul 28Pronoun alienat age 80le obligated 8Paroalatn Wlldlllt Aall EElAbolllll 37nubhentn to 213m Grater More to $353 7yBDlAmy fllh Malt norm dottrtaot aauuu WW Wllflfll zu flllfi ul huh llllfl III III IQQEIIII lVA fifllll JULIEI JONS DONALD DUCK LB CANADIENS BLONDIE atme 59 voammmmmm alawmwaonmm gammal FINALLV IM LETTING HER TRY it WKml aural was aeen ASKING VD FEED LlrrLa new lug tuucll wow mm WILL amen Havana aw Me New one Havwra oeaovaueraoaaOWeo moaazu FORMAL AGAINJYIPPEIII ARI pom neo BtllLDtNGs TOFALLWML Ma NEED ls Now EX Alfl Ell Mailid mmmme tamem DONTJHINK WELL BE HIAIINU MY MGII FROM Ill GUT AFTIR TOLD DEBBYIT LOOKED DIVER ON HERTHAN

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