an nmvmvr macv WWWï¬mmmmwwvgrfrhw mm gr THORNTON ly nineemu near Sundny gueata at Dr Horton and Hill lrancee Wick lum were hie eon Bert end Mr and tire lara Ceilidheo Ibronto The annual liolt reunion wan iglddat imiaï¬l Perk int ay noon plonie waa en toyed by about 60 oi the clan iciiowed by aporte The new dent in Wylie Bowman oer hlruhyterlal executive or Uni ted murch Women on Girl lian laland wea attended by Mudamea Cecil Brethet hon Ird Warr and it Black June 00 COUPLE punentntlon tor Mr and eve liail mntdilng in no tabled titan tie on can and canlaler not were presented on behali oi the coin munlty by hilnea Sandra lad hart and Shirley Dixon lire Bob Jannan brought her Grade Cedrinton street SdIeoi wplia hem Barrie by hue to visit aorne oi the local iarma June picnic lunch concluded their outina LDL South himcoe Dietrlct church eervice waa will attend ed Sunday morning in Irinlty United Giurcti with Rev Leon and Warr in durge Brethren were pruent lrom Atliiton Barrie Cookatowo Baxter ivy ï¬tmud aa well the local me lo TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Ierrie rnuqur we IN PI PW ital ouaia Frontal port Dr Klidlil lnlanI Grinfll Plllde leld 31w CBC IV NI Ieathu loam New or tmunabodtedl moav am an mo 1m rauam 10 Cartoon Curl to Allan Time Country Style rama Party Noonday hewfl anla your Take All auword learleit mu ma Friendly Giant ra Irera Nawa weamar lporta Wagon Train country Holdnwl The inland raleaeniu he Untouehabl FEFEpprs 588288 Ilnv Dark hum lAIUIIIiAYe JUNE ll turn nranm Annie Baanl et in Week amblii oaina er ma weak aowiina Blue star cartoon lull Bunny Erinme co izialiansmmuhtntn rlmran the mu Great hlnvlea The rat Bloty éhlgulgl weather MW ï¬ll gilt Con ueetl limo cant Away with Murderi Channel Buffalo anunenar will Lon CapL nab inten rry Home The amen Newa Weather some uumieyorinkley Nawa BlIhoD ehean llth Precinct Dr KIlnan illl in re aa Nawl Waauiar loom Tentlht Show Au nepnre Maghr florllie rn runman may mi HuntleyBrinkley Nawa Fractured ruexara gntheraï¬ltional announ one That wu ina wax each Perr Newt WIIIIitf Sport lonllht Show AM Report UNDAYIUNI Amen ure Felix the Cat Sienna Kartwrl Keven Hector IlaLhch Fireball Xbl Denaail fln Menace mwlnhle Mr Winrd Ill hence BWlll Dole Autryiiogere NBC Sport Moll an arena 100 no 000 100 LID 100 gt ry5F339ye 333833333383 22 and The Lieutenant my planar Saturdl Niret Item in me wanna Mn and Weather Saturday Nilht Movie All Wrt =unlrlflanA r= 83288338 MIDHUBST of rhohrnrra Mr and Mrs William Device have returned home after visit ing relatives in England our community eenda eymv pathy to the lamlly oi Mra Harry Marshall who died Fri day morning the Blue Lodgehnve made arrangements to parade July 11 in Beelon Every member la aaked to attend it possible Mr and Mn Crewe Hem llton and Mr and Mn Eeaulleu chelmalord apent lew dnya last week with Mr Ind Mn Palmer mu EXAMINER waur ADS ruonn vmma iooo Chennal Toronto HIUIIDAV JUNE too Mickey Inuae cm an Kidda 71 oclock Noun Crouworda HI New Loo urlday Mm Ham ma Klanemnt To Tell The mun 2m one lech raar nrta iiot eaat National Nawa intro rtnai in Sparta Beale Ind hounlllll Into Late lhew Anna lacetor nmAr JUNK as lino Cartoon Party channel Caravan rt Playtime with Uncle anon than Caravan Pt ii Channel Nine nutr waua ot lertcho literr atom Club Kiddo rive oeioeii Matinee The Jacapoll Newa wuthar loom The Great Advlniun nine oi warn Andy orimth ma nenny Lela sing but Gunamche cry National lel mire al apoaia eta and Bouquet Amat Trial eArunoAy um 11 Mail looo Cartoon Party mo Junior Auction um Cartoon Party tun Eel lian Wleh You Were flare up the canton rain Mn Bill iheetre areai Guea inanci tea 00 HO true 00 ii 868 32 3238 EEESE um 1810 L00 AM and MO HI Time No Walon Train eon Doltril Roll MO Eagradallenlt £le ere Bruno Point 00 Newa lill Illtro Final 1100 Idle 5how Paulo in the Strolll Channel Buffalo MUIIDAY JUNE 30 The Secret Atom Headline Newa la Heaniina Nawa ea one art pen 993$ 8838s Perry Maeon nu Nuraea Nawa Weather mm The mo Show Big itm Mchln um arm 400 The Secret storm Leave it To heavar ht 59 85 The Great Adventure itnuta ed clone 88333888 Aim Hitchcock Neva Weather Sport In ll Show Ooaraton read nau SATURDAY JUN 21 summer seinetar Popeyaa Playhoilu Puget Cartille 71 NP Quick Draw McGrII Minty Mottle PilthIllI Kin Till Till The hoyhegera lhnw sky Klnl Tenneuea Itllldo Ilslllral Review in Benhall mm or at Week William Tell rad Mach Amath Wminnx Headline Newa Sport ua ound Table rna laehle laaeon snow The oatnear rnu Silvara anew Ounmohe ï¬gure weather Emil ovie HII Blame Game ssg= rgspyn 2= 285812 bl4onunamn 2g NEW Weston lhe Lutheran Church is to start new nituionin Trini IM READY eon AVACATION Aiivuue You ace notimnow and Arrange to CARRIER Mission yItyouroarrierhaauiitavatvedlrylpnnpieuephiina 1284433 have are mailed to liday address And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE THlS SER CE VAllEY loane vouneetr TJAXl The Barrlehixandnerlhdne You at your By JOSEPH MOWER MD Dear Dr Moiaeri what doee akin cancer look iihel What an it aymptomrlMM iil explain what to look out loralthoudh cant tell you how to decide whether given leaion In or lant Ikln cancer Incidentally more than on per cent at Akin cancera can be cured ii they are treated rec eonahly early Shin cancera arent all alike in angearance warty at growl it one And lllr re non oi horny growth Still another it core that lant eore and It keep expand ing very aiowiy and Item to hell or crust over in the centre while the edge as the epot erpanda looh raw but in not sore mole that changee in any way perhaps gmwe larger or in constantly irritated tauch he the edge collar under belt or the edge at girdle or anythlng like that or blech anallythat can be eign oi cancer how the act is that Just about everything have described out be lrom tome other caueo All wartn arent cancer Nor are all horny metlll Nor all mice that happen to bleed when humped hard Nor ell painicsn akin eruption psarlaaia tor example noeles over but it in not cancer When you et right down to canes there ent any way you can look at root on the chin and any whether it is or isnt cancer biopsy will give the IDIWEl Any doctor can moire very shrewd guess lull trom look ing The epeciuilele can be even ehrewder But only in ae vere and advanced case can hard Iroemminunn Early Treatment Can Cure Skin cancer th give ludfnert end he aure they alla rm By ad vanced mean cancer whidi the patient haa had or won akin cantor youdoot expect any eymotoma except what you can gee it you welt tor pain or other aymptoma Ion have waited too long Even ouch eaaea however are only be uihla but who nine to take at ruin There ara unon thou con dlllona that ive tied tome whldi will turn out not to be cancemua but will be recan ceroua had aueh th aell once it one little we on my back didnt aven knew it waa there until acretctied it and it bled about halt drop When three or tour week later thin happened nunth lt re moved and took my kin epecleiiit nbout no minutee be cnuae he wanted tobe carelul not to nlclr any of the many mueclea which are cloll to the auriace it waa not cancer but It waa precanceroua blopey cum nuiion under the mloroacope oi aome celle ahowed the auspic ioua aigna that otten precede reel cancer Dear Dr Molner What exer cise will aid in etrengthenin my eona ehouldera lie in to an inclined to be roundihouldered Mre LO Push ope chinnlng lwirn ming moat arm exertich oi any type dumbbella holding the head erect and ehouldera hack ahoveling mow mowing the lawn rairlng team or any exerdaes tmm umbblng the kitchen iioor to wreatllng with other boye to la la the arm and cheat muac ve to work CONTRACT BRIDG ay JAY aecuen North dealer Both eidea vulnerable noun AA7 were exit rum use were vomea 4x norm Alumnae one 6A 43 The bidding North Fat houth Welt 14 Pan Pena em Paaa Opening lend king oi hearts Most pleyera play only rut ber bridge and are not at all in terested in duplicate bridge lhla la great pity because ihere iii no doubt that duplicate play will shnrpcn onoe gem and bring about untold improve ment The average player who maker mletake in rubber bridge tends to hrth it aside and forget all about it but the duplicate player who am her it brought to his attention more lorclhly because he cannot help noting that other players who held the name card did not make the come mletaire The duplicate player knows he is competing against other contestants at other tablet and he therefore etrongly inclln ed partly as matter at tpride to do the but he can wl the carda he holds Here in hand from team 81in dlvtaion Lï¬olmrna UAdheelve more 69qu meer aidlawman bird 801heendot eaola 315w iii nmucmuwmngia trauma Ifli alyu lfllllll lllflflllï¬ï¬‚ll wannahula aoul unaaa uponnoun flllï¬ï¬‚l II match At the that table south waa in tour apadea and Weit led the ltA and another heart Decierer ruiied elehedtheKA oi diamonds and rolled die mond with the aeven But over ruilcd and returned apede and South later loit another diamond to go down one At the aecond tablet South made the contract The liret iive tricke were exactly the lame but South then tool the precaw tlnn nl trumping the tin ol dla monda with the ace He now turned to hia hand by ruiiu club and trum the feel dlamnnde with eevenEaet overruled but that war the end at the hand South winding up with ten trlclta In rubber bridge the iirat delt clerer might not have given hia mirplay much iurther thought But in duplicate bridge he had more reneon to be aehamed oi the error eince the mood da clnrer lied ehown hinged to be much emerler tlhe American Oonired Bridge ieagua ta currently dla trihutlng booklet Eaey Guide to Duplicate Bridge it you would like tree captain aeitnddreeeod large 207 etamped envelope to ACBLM em 52 New York nyi lornnrrowi The rehltl by minder MAY AMEND ACT CANBERRA tcPlPollticni observera believe Aultrailna citizen military force men who vaeive in the army on parttime bellemay aoon be able to volunteer for ovaraeea service inpeeeetinie mamen 29me09 3414 willow etaodt mwnwuu hlrda uninhaoQ nthe or oer or aeveral unremmwuzmWamrQmmmvnwm Mammal arm mlfllflmamAYamWfl 060 la JULIET JONES MMDWMK 1le AOIIL WIDTDKNOW MAMATTIROIWI UIUIUNE 04mm LA Will Olhlllfll mm email our megaphonemam DMIMIEWEUW Wheel mam as CANADIENS mmum mammal my BLONDIE cute to QUIET wouoae qur LITYL EllLY in name ii woo Asks pareieave voueauowauce we vacuewuo act1e flickll DONTFALL red in Line HIS H0359 ll CdLLlCFlNC tlliï¬ MSAMEi HMGMD WW5 limit This GATE AND MA MRO NEW THIS BOMB MGM Fm comm DMAWERJNERHW WMAWIWMIW Ollllil ISLAND