Crrracrpaorrcnoursu Rule Barrieis Milk Be PrOcesSed Here Would llid The FarmersUnion But Not Assoc For Crippled my Council last night got in lo hassle over two recommen datlons contained in iinance committee report One recommendation read that we contribute $50 to wards the cost of providing buses for tour at the Simcoe bunty area by the National Farmers Union which is holding convention in Barrie July so and 79 rm flris is in no way to be interpreted as being precedent for iulure conven tions as definite policy will be formulated in the near fu lure oihe other recommendation over which argument arose nod That we advise the Moe cular Dystrophy Association of Canada that we cannot make grant to them this year Discussing the report Aid Newton said rather believe we are stepping out oi our area lm not convinced that the on gnnlratlon that best represents the farmer of the area is the one applying here lI know we should encour age conventions Aid Hersey said The com mittee discussed what the city sisruld do in the way at encour aging conventions We got re quest for $100 to help in deiray ing the cost This is national convention and the committee realised that this should not be precedent ml thats why it was worded at way Aid ll Jollifie said would ask the chairman oi the finance committee how you ar rived at that and in another Iccommcndation we have no money to help the crippled Ald Hersey replied kThc convention is lirst thing and the Muscular Dystrophy asks for grant every year if an alderman has particu lar interest he can bring it be fore council Aid Newton suggested that the recommendation concerning graying towards the bus he re lerrcd back to the committee He said Regarding conven tions would like to ace the general government committee handling this think with good organimv tion and good leadership it can be done Thats why ld like to ace it referred back to the committee Aid Roberts pointed out this cannot be referred back to the committee because by the time committee meets and reports back to council it will he too late He said This is termed national organization If you re fer this back you are in ef fect saying No because there isnt time ask your support of this otio Aid iollifle said think the finance committee could have one better than this for the iusculsr Dystrophy Associa tion Aid Roberts replied think Aid Joiliite is confusing two issues if Ald Jolllrfe feels strongly at his urging the asso elation could set up an ofï¬ce and become member of the United Appeal This is where they get the money OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS The report which was adop ted by council contained sav Iral other recommendations which are as follows That we agree to deter the Local improvement Charges for sanitary sewer and water against the property of Reed at is Dayview Dr for 528 feet oi frontage on condition that be pay for the remaining in feet at his frontage abutting his house This dcierment will apply until such time as the property is sold or further connections are made to the mains That we agree to accept cash in lieu of the live per cent dedication for land for public purposes oi the proposed Allan dala Acres Subdivision and an appraisal of the value be made and application made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval That we purchase new cash register at gross cost of ours There is an allow ance of 36000 in the budget That we refund the Ilooclr cur licence fee paid by the She ba Shrinc Club as all the net proceeds sra donated to local hospitals That we advise the Barrie Public School Board that we cannot comply with their re quest to reduce the local im provement charges from iron lage to ilankage for land on the north east corner of St Vin Clty Council alter heated argumant lest night by aw requiring that all milk sold taBarria be processed and pasteurised here Aid Currurrirtg said object to Igoing protection to In tndua is supposed to be torn tivaoo the world mar Our chlidrsn are the biggest consumers of milk and we are going to give someone the right to set the prch of milk Aid Marcellus quoted two prices of milk in neighbor ing owns and said they were both less than in Barrie Aid Roberts also obs iected This is iorrn oi pro tectionism he said believe this is restrictive it is undem cent street and Grove street east That we advise Hlm iliott oBrecht Johne lion and Anderson who here leased water iota irom the city that they must comply with the conditions of the lease and build on the property within six weeks time or the lease will be can celled That the plan for alterations to the City Hall after the ma gistrate moves be approved SMITH WANTS iiCT AMMENDED Enlarge Definition Of Disabled Persons Heber Srrdth MP ior Slmcoe North proposed an ammend ment to the Disabled Persons Act last week during time set aside tor the consideration oi private members business The arnmendment proposed that the government give cnn sidcratlon to nlarging the dc itnltlon at disabled person in the Disabled Persons Act and the regulations concerning the act to take into consideration such factors as the physical con dition the mental condition and the age of applicants and other factorswhlch create condition of permanent unemployability Mr Smith presented similar motion bciore the house more than year ago SEVERE AILMENT The motion want on to state the general intention is to re cognize those medical impair ments in which disability is so prolonged and severe that the COUNCIL BRIEFS Aid Morrow was acting mayor at last nights council meeting in the absence of Mayor Cooke who is attending the Mayors and Reeves convene tion in Sudbury One member oi council will be authorized to attend the Strat tord Seminar on Civic Design irom July it to 415 Tire pro gram ls to focus attention on centennial projects Council voted last night to return to the mayor cheque for $315 payable to the City of Barrie as it was intended that the mayor or his delegate be authorizedtoatlcnd as full delegate to the Canadian Feder ation oi Mayors and Municipali ties with expenses and member ship fee paid here are 29 great whiskies in Adams Private Stock titiilr litl person is unable to secure sub stantial gainful employment its need not be completely helpless to be unable to engage in sub siantial galniui activity Mr Smith stated It the lov ernment flirts in this propos ed delintion it will certainly have my support should like to sea them carry this defini tion into the Disabled Persons Act and mean carry it into the act now not next yesror in ml when the disability bene fits under the proposed Can ada pension plan commence HELP LEAST ABLE He stated also that in bisop lnion beociila to those who are disabled and unemployed are too low The benciita will not help the people who need them must surely the governments first responsibility is to help those least able to help them selves During his speech he also dealt withlncome ceilings for those receiving pensions its stated that Income ceilings rr on 257 nu1v uswrrmwu cramWmmmmcwmw crslic and against the fair ruler of the game feel we would be taking backward step it we have to protect them where does this protectionism andi its true we have the wer to do this We could to see this withdrawn from the Municipal Act Aid It Jolliifc spoke In favor of the bylaw We dont want outsiders coating in here dumping raw milk Aid Marscllur asked How Is it farmer can come into Barrie and sell all the butter he wants but ha cant sell milk even it its from the same cowl Aid Newton replied its sirnpiy that milk has to bolpaateurircd and butter does no can hardly follow Aid ito berts reasoning that we can raise the licence fee instead it is still going to be the consum er who psya dont know of any indua try where there is more com Eelitlon think by passing this ylaw we are protect ng the con sumcr The bylaw was passed on recorded vote to and when council members stood to be counted on the issue Ad itc berta ltfarsclius Harris and Cumming voted against the bylaw are too law where the husband or wife is disabled and the earnings of the workings se is considered in the elig bility of the disabled person for pension GETS SUPPORT in most cases irhcre either the husband or the wife is par aplegic extra expensas are tn volvcd in the home butbacauss of modest income on the part of the workln member they are disquaiitie know or one instance where wife works and her husbands drug bill is something like $60 month Therefore suggest thaicarnlngs oi the working spouse should not be considered in ilxlng the in come cellings of such persons II iiarlay MP for Haiton soplied to Mr Smiths proposal Stanlay Knowles NDP Winni peg North Centre spoke ap proving Mr Smiths proposal as did it Olson Medicine Hat Wu Ncsbltt Ordord and Remi Paul BerthierMasltinonge Delanaudiere for Nort promotions srrruo son roams or sun or ism rrasr son was turn ed during ceremony held at the site oi the new Barrie Local Schools Impress Red Sharp Claims James Glrvln Peterbor augh was appointed vicepresi dcnt tor Eastern Ontario at the annual national meeting of the YMCA held at Gcneva Park near Oriliia Sessions concluded on the weekend itir Glrvln will be in charge of Ya in Barrie Midland and Orillla Saturday ihrca youth dale gates from Western Canada spoke about their trip through the Soviet Union bringing their impressions to the those attend ing the convention The impressions of Yuri Krish lev member of the priaidium of the Soviet Union youth com mittee were also distributed to thoso attending iio toured South crn Ontario in recs and was im pressed by the vocational high schools in Barrie and Wood stock He said the classrooms were easy on the eyes spacious and well planned and that classrooms an workshops were well equip pe hir Kashlev pointed out that schools in the Soviet Union could learna great deal irom the schools hcioured especially in the areas of teaching steno graphy typing and in particular domestic sciennce The Russian was alsd imprcss ed with Canadian youngsters whom he lound anxious to learn more about tha USSR During final sessions Sunday nrrlrmerous resolutions were pass Bcylirsdor engine 90 or lap delivaos the poor yourseerlwiththe youwaot Ityouoenttbooflrascodofthescalassrdw luxury cabinet with VB power and performance wagonfoeyoniatheAmbaseadorVfl 2500127011 Its interiors are rich Ito appointments are tasteful featured are superb But dont let its aleganocfool you The Ambassador oornbinaa binary with ample cargo and station wagon convenience Its any space station wagon youve ever owned Maybe you want happy meditate between economy Sutire Economical Amariehn VlltlthOTtilts hour 17 Gowan St the exclusive la Uni bodypanelthoncandri Mmlwsam bility prooï¬ss yesterday alternoon Dignilar es who attended were Arthur Evans leit MP for Sirocco aaransanssrrvns lor the architects and the contractor for the new Barrie centre Name EddieMan Rifle Instructor William Geo Cowan oi 249 Napier St Barrie has rheen ap pointed certified rifle instruc tor it was announced in Wash ington by the National Rifle AaA sociation of America The now instructor passed Centre BliiCaldwell vice chalrman of the Barrie Building Committee lichen were present at the ceremony Ross Mchllan leit for con tractors mery Engineering and Contracting Co us Don series of tests and served prescribed period of time in training activities belora receiv ing certiï¬cation lie is now qual ified to conduct local classes in firearms operation sale gun handllng and the techniques of shooting on the target range and In the field Mr Cowan joins the ranks at selected pcrsonnel maintained RamblerNorrnsares American cylinder wagons anus mownowvmasmemoum oshnnumswmmarvnn Smith ire for Sirocco North and Aid Fred Smith repre senting the City of Barrie Emery and Millet Salter and Miles Allison for the archi tects Salter and Allison Ex amines Photos by the NRA throughout the country in itssmali arms edu cation program The program has been in operation since mo since that time many millions of people have been taught to Ihandle and enjoy firearms sate TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7181414