OLDEST YOUNGEST MEMBERS DO HONORS ltttfiif iiiI mrsrrvhfflvfl mWrWmwmmmsm First RSod POI IS Turned IV The first sod oi the new Bar rie killYWCA building was turn ed today by Russell Dingman hlr Diagram is the oldest member oi the Barrie and life member of the national council while Heather is the youngest member of the club The ceremony alluded by local dignitaries took place at the site of the new centre at Grove street west at Baylield and Heather hlolfattt Barrie president Gordon Patterlon directed tha cere monies Greetings was received from Federal representative Haber Smith MP for Sirncoe North and Provincial representative Art Evans hlPP for Simcoe Centra and Alderrnao Fred Smith or city of Barrie Rev Gordon Walker presid Oakley Park Captures First At Field Day Oakley Park School won tha overall championship in the Pub lic School Field Day held Sat urday on the campus of North Collegiate KingEdward school placed second and Steele finished third Awards wers presented to team and individual winners by Dr Seymour chairman of the Barrie Public School Board and Angus McKay au erintendent of Barrie pub schools Events included the nlnnin broad lump high jump 75 an 100 yard dashes as well as yard relay Those 12 years and under competed in the inter mediate section and those Leora and over in the senior div Iflfl Onklcy Pork won the champ lonship with total ol points well ahead of the second place iinislm Prince of Wales school with as and Steele street third with 19 Hlilcrest and King Eds ward 15 Codrington John son and Maple Grove Ferndale and Edgehill Drive achools also look part ent oi the Barrie and District Ministerial Association read the prayer of dedication Other representatives attend ing the ceremony were Miles Al lison of architects Salter and Allison and Donald Embry for contractors Emery Engineering and Contracting Company Ltd This corn was awarded the contract aat week Members ol the Barrie committee which helped raise the iunds for the new centre Hugh Gibson and Cald well chairman and vlcechair man respectively ol the building committee were also present The new Barrie fund ralo ing campaign started May 109 and concluded June last year During this period over 11000 was donated or pledged Since then many more per pie have made committments or added to their pledges and the HIGH JUMPER TAKES LEAP AT SATURDAYS PUBLIC SCHOOL FIELD DAY NE Reports Many Openings Lawrence manager of the Earria National Duploy ment Otllca reminds employers and workers in Alliston and vlo inlty there is temporary office at Victoria St for their con venlence hir Lawrence said Tobacco and general antlers in particu iar are asked to llatythelr re quiremouta for workers as early at possible This is so the of fice can commence making ar rangements to fill their needs The Alliston phone number is ISMiPZ The Harris office has pmitlons listed in 22 categories it for male and eight for female slain Men are wanted to tilt poo ltlons in the following categor ies carpenter maintenance el ectrician reirigcration mechan ic farm handa urgent auto body repairman licence on to mechanic licence bank clerk Grade 12 automatic screw machine not up man boat rafinlsher professional engin eers time study engineer ac countant excellent position uh gently required draiisman pip ing ilhdustrlalt liia insurance Compltsavhy Flynn salesman and saleswoman mar ine engine repairman Women are rcqtllrzd in the following categories waitresses nurses urgently required aalea clerks experienced produce clerk part time housekeepers bookkeeper experienced meat packager parttime clerk typ st experienced Mr Lawrence asks that those who qualify for any of these job opportunities visit the Barrie NES office All students seeking summer employment are urged to regist er at the National Etnpluyment Service olfice Summer finally irlt Barrie and district this weekend as the mercury hit at Saturday and so as Dnniop St Harris movesluau Asbestos Abltlbi Alaama smt Aluminium Alharta one Alberta on mo are Aranttcaonr gr kc ltloï¬lt an Bell Tel amrrtan git all no rt nu ll II it nonth akcon In Cdn am in later can inland Catt cement onemcell Dom Bridle Dis near Dom lound Dom atom Home 011 our ctoa consonant Lab can Pa Halli Blhl up can DaL Ric can alerts Bowen Gian Ha rmar ti Hawk atnurley Hud Ely Mill Hildlona Bay lass Tobacco lnlcr Nickel lotr Utlilltsllal an ower tr rov Col lgill my Mar Pow HIV Manny Flll Noranda Nor Dill NM Monro Corp MLln Pore Paciï¬c Peta Petal Pips Page Hersey ma Si Que Nat us its Noxyal aaatr 75 ada road Simï¬aopl ii an Tarnear as in Unlon Cal Walker New Weston Emmi Normtats North or shaded TODAYS srocx PRICES dersho POW Cor rVr ti through the However Tuesday total hu increased by 300000 liio or little over moon as land oval deval inent at building plans op an his new Earrle or will to elude Isioot by wfoot indoor swimming pool two sets oi lock er rooms shower room and drying rooms Also included In the resent plans are swimming off cc and physical control area adminir trativa olficea for the profession al stall lobby and lounge es room There will also kitchen and general purpose rooms and one club room The new building will not to elude two club rooms and program atoraga area which were deleted from the orl plan because of lack of lunds The anticipated construction tlrna la 32 weeks FARM PRICES GRAIN WINNle OP Moat prices wars firm in early trad ing today on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange Oats opened it lower to it higher October 80 barley are changed July Lia flax to higherluly 819 we to it lower luly 135 No opening price was established for rapeseed BUTTER TORONN OP churning cream and butter print prices were unchanged today Butter prices Agricultural stabilisation board tenderable carlota Buying 40 score on buying bit score 52 selling bl BARRIE AREA WEATHER Beautiful Weekend CrOwds The Beaches ISunday Both are shade read ngr The good weather rent resid dents scurryth to the beaches par Following Saturdays high the mercury dropped to 56 over night Ovemigltt low recorded today was 55 degrees it was 00 degrees at 140 to day and 77 at noon Forecast temperatures an overnight low of so andbigh Tuesday oi as again Theres some chance of thun wera tomorrow ht Synopaiat Fries will cent in Southwestern Ontario by this evening and Tuesday should sea return to mainly sunny very warm and humid weather with the possibility of some altemoon thunderstorms high pressure area centred near Lake Superior gave clear skies to Northern Ontario dur ing the night and this fine Weather is expected to per at storm expected to move out of the mldweatern United States toward Northern Ontaflo on should bring showers and thunderhowers to th north Tuesd counry wastass can ihe Young Adult Club of die rlll YMYWCA trlli hold eatenRound uo Cottage Party Saturday at Shanty Bay on campaign lag andlegal Barri Mr Patterson in making the announcement ol the sod turn ccremony last week aald nu buildln will Ierva till area or many ylan to come Itr Patterson said the miect as been roads rultty or the most part by local doom the local board and committee local architects contractors and subcontractors This in truly community project he said Mr Patterson ma mention of the forts of Maura Caldwell They have been handling this responsibility tirelessly and air fectively Were appreciative of the in and well leased thatch ave brought anew building project to the ï¬nial where actual construction be underway immediately be con HAVE EUR THE BEACH All beaches were crowded eluded as poo is sought to escape com tbe Megrea temper Driven Hurt In Accident 15yearold man received scalp lacerations and cuts to the forehead in single car accident near Alliston Saturday night Alliston Ontario Provincial Po lice said William Wadeo as of RR Schomberg was driving lab car on the 10th Sidaroad of Tecumseth when the accident occurred Damage to the car is estimat ed 3300 Const Lawr ence oi the Alliston Ontario Pro vinclal Police is investigating aturaa yesterday afternoon Johnson Street Beach was no exception Some splashed aod Local Delegates At CNIB Meet Ferguson district field ssuctary for the Barrie oiflce ol the CNIB with four fellow siell members attended the Canadian Conference on Social Weliara held in Hamilton over loo delegates from throughout Canada representing various organizations interested in welfare legislation were pre sell The theme oi the conference held at the SheratonCoonaughi Hotel was the technological change and its eifect on the in dlviduai on the family andcn the conununity aa whole laycd in the water but most lust took it easy on the beach tExaminer Pbotnt and hall days during which time addresses on various as pects on technological change were heard Dr Harvey Osulckshank of the Bell Telephone gave the key Iddrua other outstanding speakers included Mn Dorothy McCartney of Winnipeg Dr Geoffrey Andrews at Ottawa Dr JohnBeekman from Holland and Dr George Grant of Hamilton The thoughts and problems ex pressed at the conference were many but no definite solution was readied Although automation is dis placing many persons lmm their work ltwas pointed out that industry and management must be prepared to retrain their Tire conieranea lasted for three workers for new jobs Man In Hospital Alter Accident An Elmvaleman la in Panes tang Hospital with broken right leg and tacial cuts ailer nicpping into the path of car in root oi his own house Sat urday night Police said William Rowa tree of Owen street Elmvaie was crossing the street in front of hh house when he was struck by motor vehicle driven by Martin Epstein Playiair avenue Toronto Mr Howntree was treated by Dr John McKenzie and removed to hospital No charges have been laid Weather Ideal For Sailboats Saturdays race was sailed in more ideal weather than pre vious ones this year The course was extended to seven legs instead the usual six Samssy and Fair beat the signal at the starting tins and were recalled by the race oili ccr to start again in spite ol this handicap they almost tied for second lace at the linish order at ii all was Prior Fair Samssy Brett Mac Laten Park DNlt Porter DNIt With the annual official weigh ing and sail checking oi the Snipe Fleet now complete the season point scoring of the Snipe Class international Racing AL KOTEX Cow Captures Ton Ol Gold ln the herd of Tillman Churchill the Jersey cow in nlaarc Acme Daisy 301169 classilied Very Good has Just been issued Ton at Gold can tilicatc in 1461 days she prod uced 2156 pounds of fat She is also winner ol two Silter Med als and two Gold Medals To qualin for this award cow must produce at least 2000 pounds at fat in four consecu uvo years PASTE aociation will now begin at Ban rle Yacht Club Some mambers are looking for ward to competing in the Canad iarlt championship at Halifax to Ju Race ofiicer for the do was Peter Noy regatta cha rmao assisted by Billy Noy Ron lnnu provided his boat for the com mlttea and assisted in the race aIW ENHANCED enoracrtou new concept In rota making has made It pos sible for North American life to offer an additional amount of permanent insurance which may be added to basic low cost plan for the family man Ask for details JOHNSON AND JOHNSON BABYOIL narration Forecast temptsattire Low tonight high Tuesdayl Winer St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wiogham Hamilton St Catharinea Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaioa Muskoita North Bay Sudbllry Earlton Sault Ste Maria VITALIS tum SET our ser CREAM NOXZEMA aagsassaméwaasaag 65 65 60 d0 65 05 85 60 05 55 80 55 so 50 55 HES POOL OPENING Barries Community Swimm ing Paul will open for the first time this season Saturday Deonotttt lMMEDIATE Ill 2nd Mortgage Loaoa Anywhere °t 8mm CAMERA oyciintiiilfti with its Lens cancer BAG ANDiFILM are incuauce cLu as Dunlap at Barrie mm mm Btu Bel rill Any worthwhila allll Write or Phone 716ml norm surmount sssuru TOOTH 109 Value ANACIN trons 99 HAIR 107 TONIC Value Rh vs urrruwutwnnmawm Barrie Studentg On Deans Roy Atkinson son at all and In Donald Atkinson ul Dunlap at antre upho mora in the bilalnesa adminis tration department has been named to the Deans List at Clarkroo College or the spring semester of 1m total ol atudtnll lat cited for their high scholutia achievcment during the second semester in the listing announc ed neatly by Dean oi Stu dents Gordon Lindsey To achieve Deans List stand ing student must attain quality point ratio of 125 during the previous semester The elala breakdown of the current Daana lidsmt includes ptgmseolora on at aotn ores and CI mains Zoological Society To Meet In City 1hr llrrt meeting of Georgian Bay Chapter of Upper Canada Zoological Society will be hats in the Sky Room of Lakevie Restaurant beginning p11 Thursday Cat VanEyaloga executive director the society said This is an important meeting at which further details oi tba development project ol the Zoo logical Park will be diman and illustrated Eycryone is invited to attend Alliaion Police Report BreakIns No summer cottages neat Alliston were broken into some tints in the past week Alliston Ontario Provincial P6 lice said the breakins were at minor nature No other do tails are available ramparts spaclAis son IIIIS wears 87 91 to 103v Tea Lottor ll nine 48 79a Value 475 145 Value Ifisj MOVIEDAMERA SPECIAL ALL FOR