NAMED PRESIDENT Mrs Isobel IiiacLeod oi Mom iresl was chosen as the new president at the Canadian Nurses Assoclallon at their 3an annual biennial conven tion in St Johns Friday The weeklong meetin began last Sunday and cone udes Satur day CF Vlrephato Argyle0m Womens Institute Recall Ten ars Achievement At Hawkestone on June ll the Argyle Ora Womens Institute meeting was held in the Corn munity llall Sixteen members and seven visitors sat down to delicious hot turkey supper supplied by Hawkesione WI Alter the meal the president Mrs Malcolm fampbell called the meeting order Mrs Campbell asked Mrs Norman flee to do duty ior her which was to present glita to Mrs Roy Austin and Mrs Muriel OBrien ior their well appreciated three years oi hard york while being president and tirst vice president Mrs Campbell presented Mrs Hose Hardy with gilt and is making Mrs Angelo Guerra gilt on account oi each moving awny irom our community Mrs Hardy is going to Orlliia and Mrs Guerra is now in Toronto lilrs Campbell thanked the Hawkestons WI members tor the supper Mrs Irene OBrien read the list at members in oilice on the ï¬rst year and they were as iol lows in loss President Mrs IIrene OBrien let vice preei dent Mrs Connie Chapman secretary treasurer Mrs Helen Roe district director Mrs Laura Roe Conveners citizen ship and education Mrs Fran cis McDougall agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Mary oe historical research and cur out events Mrs Rose Hardy home economics and health irs Mania MacDonald audit Mrs June McDougall and Muriel OBrien Mrs Elsie Shellaweli district director gave report oi East Mother Of Identieatouqas Works Part Tune As Nurse is on night emergean calls three times week at goepltal in minutes mm her orne Because ieel tide way so strongly naturally turned to my nursing career when we an up what work at dont need litter since mv humand pitches in This in my opinion the easiest way ior mother with small children to have an outside lob without upsetting the easily routine IDENTICAL QUADS The iarnily routine which II now Barbaras evelydlll busy sdredule sinned year ago when aha startled the medical world by fivln birth to set oi identica gir quadrupltts At the time the last was re4 corded as moldmillion to one chance and gained wide recog nition ior Barbara her husband Philip and her three other chil dren then three two rlni with the added responsiblllo tiee oi the quadsSusan Anna Slmcoe District annual held in Hawkestono in May The list oi olllcers or the district was given as ioilows past president hire ns president Mrs nick vice presidents lilrs Ayers and Mrs Benvenuti secretary treasurer Mrs Fredericka historical research and current events Mrs Petcrson nom inations Mrs Dunsmorc Mrs Johnson Mrs Me Kay citizenship and education Mrs Gilbert home comm ics and health litre Harvey delegate to the area Mrs Perkins alternate director Mrs Ross public relations Mrs Watson resolutions Mrs Gill auditors Mrs Brown Mrs McConn curator ior Needsmuir Mrs Duke Representative to the Feder ation of Agriculture Mrs Camer ederntion Represent ative Mr Evans alternate Mrs lilclienny The area convention is to be held Oct 78 and atGuthrie Mrs Chapman read themin utcs oi the Iirst meeting held 10 years ago in May and to some oi the memberth brought back memories It was decided to donate live dollars toward prizes for the school picnic which will be held June 25 at Oro Memorial Park with supper at 630 Mrs Dorothy Chapman was appointed 4H club leader with Mrs Betty Bowen as assistant Mrs Irene OBrien reported the otllcere conference held in Guelph Ilre meeting was adjourned by Mrs Campbell PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson 1263557 BERRY FESTIVALS Summer weather may be slow in arriving but June is berry time and time ior strawberry estivala Hillsdale Church are sponsong one to morrow aitemoon Sup er will served irorn 530 no pm Thornton United Church will hold strawberry testival next Wednesday alternoon with sup per time being irom oclock until oclock CHURCH ANNIVERSARY The 100th anniversary oi Gil ord United Church will be ob erved Sunday aiternoon with services beginning at pm Rev Reynolds will be speaker Tire ioiiowing Sun ay alternoon Rev Share as will be the guest speaker GARDEN TEA garden tea was held at the thme oi Mr and Mrs James Hartley oi Bay St Orlllla Wednesday aiternoon in hon or or Mrs Grace DaGuerre Chairman of Central District tWomens Advisory Committee Th tea was sponsored by Orll and District Womens Pro serve Conservative Aaaocia than Amoag the guests atten rng were Mrs Thomas Burton hire Alvin Mitchell and Noble ell oi Barri AFTERNOON TEA Mrs Donald Jay wile oi the rnreter at Central United hureh entertained at her Vine rescent home yesterday alter man for members oi the Church Womens unlt four ted by Mrs Doldge included Mrs Fred Mrs Allen Mrs hardi Mrs Eur ri Dahson Mrs Mrs George Mrs Ralph Gavin Mrs Glilen Mrs Ralph Green Handy Mrs ï¬rms Cecil McBride Mrs Priest Mrs Bruce Reynolds Mrs lad Scott Mrs Scythea Mrs Thompson litre Walt Mrs Walton and Mrs Williams NURSES ALUMNAE The Nurses Alumnae oi the Royal Victoria Hospital held their annual reunion dinner at the Laidlarv residence Saturday Dari tre atternoon tours oi The and the hospital were available ior the 80 nurses who attended Present ior the dinner was graduate oi so years ago Mrs Wattle oi Theresa Street who was pre seated with eorsage on behalf oi the Alumnae liilss Shana han was also presented with coreaga ior her so years oi service Guests attended irom Tomato and area Langton Mid land Drillia Elmvale vandori as well as Barrie and district suvocor Eililfl Hill THE itiiiii iiUii hurnlnlsuneeoflutlnloll nets you Iqulpmlnt tanghi spaciali emsa aalel to one cleanses olln truism 72182461 euia all the latest aids Headlight the baby iieid For example she saves hersell the lob ot lerillslag no Improved Vaccine For Birth Control VANCOUVER tCP on the way birth control vse cine that will last six months or year It will be cheap eiiective and eas to take torecast was made Wed nesday by Dr Behrrnen prolessor oi obstetric and ly namlogy and post graduate medicine at the University at Michigan Here to attend the Canadian Society tor the Sudy oi Ferti ity he said in an interview that the development is the outcome oi studies into why some mar ried couples are apparently in cnnnbla at having children He said he ieels the vaccine will be available within live years Beiore that there will be new hlrthcontrol device on the market ior women and birthcontrol pill ior men mg it is is is is ii 13 EE is ifs EL TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mare MURDOCK Prepare Your Car For Summer Driinl WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING END SUSPENSION OVERHAUL 128220 ronom or There are so many reasons whyou get the best used car or truck valuekwhen you buy from your Goodwill dealer Only the best of clean latemodel tradeins qualify as Goodwill Used Cars and Trucks And because new unit salésare booming right now yourGoodwlll dealer has an extrawide selection of used carsjand irucks for you to hooselrom Take yourchoice popular body styles from many different make Get the car or truck buy you wantatjhe priceyou see Your anemiaroam 3qu 145 Bnnoroae wrote watchfta VANCOUVEB cer err nwmpmws wwwmvmwwunwwemwwwzwwmwmmm BirlhControl Pill Has Side Eilécts MM lousebdlevesiahtrtheoa Mwiilpntwwhhaiot 8E Noveland thefllislvrha risingabovalarllinlmwll pelisnlastaaa moar stxoosaaduaelesrthiag But the modern acuter conscious oi her Imo tloaal and eomatla responses pay Instalments can be tailoredtos every budget Andyoreroodwili dealercariServeyou bestafleryouve made your buy because he has staff of experienced mechanics to assureyou of reliable aftersales service So make sureyou seeyourGoodwill dealer next time to looking for top used carvalue Hes an estabé today an beassured tesusedaearsatrsfactlon 1m