Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1964, p. 5

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um ww igwmmmmmvnr an im ren are cumrrmmrmrmnmwmmtmfl WWW set of McBrIne luggage pre nrlcs oi the thirties to enjoy mam urn ior her pupiisi Another added MRS COULTER mo mama mantras arm MR5 IDA McKELVEY farewell Banquet Honors Teachers IiLLibiON lSpccialt At larewell banquet held at Bant ing Memorial High School ion mer stall members and the pro sent stall honon two teachers upon retirement this year wl have amassed between them 61 years oi teaching ex pcrience Mrs Couiter is retiring mm the teaching rolesslon alter 39 years or serv ce as at these In Alliston Mrs idaIMc Hcivey began her career as dlr emi at high school music in hiil set in swcdish walnut was given to litre Coulter Sid ney Owens principal oi BiiIHS made the presentation and read the testimonial speech written on scroll and given to hire ulter tor keepsake Mrs Rose Williams member at the stall and longtime lriend gate brlei address in honor oi lilrs Coulter telling at her many line qualities and contri butions to the teaching protes aion and to her pupils Among those attending was Mrs Goul ItOs brother Protessor Knox oi Queens University Many tor met statt members irom other nice at Ontario were present tor this tribute to Mrs Coulter Chpirman oi the event was John Van Visscn oi the BMHS social committee gradunzz ni nior PII lcge University at Toronto Luu illiston High School in 1023 as teacher oi history and Eng lish Since then through the ad ministration oi several princi paIS beginning with that at Wright she has watched the Alliston High School with its six rooms grow into the Al lislon District High School wrth its snoeious quarters in the todate Banting Memorial 1i She has seen the attendance in crease lrom about 150 taught by tour or live teachers to over 1M0 with stall of to She has weathered the iockbottom sal the more luccrative ones at the sixties Through the years her high qualities as teacher have be come wall known in this com munity where so many citizens are former pupils at here No better testimonial oi her char acter could be given than that expressed by some at this years Grade ls pupils When asked what was outstanding in lilra halter as teacher one im mediately replied Her concern She doesnt teach just English she teaches lite WRITTEN TRIBUTE Mrs Ida liicKclvay received ntcd by Mr Owens He also ad the testimonial address liiade in the iorm oi scroll the written tribute was given to Mrs MeKeivey to keep as reminder or the high esteem in which she is held in her an swering address Mrs MoKelvay said she would always carry Mid memories oi her associa tion with teachers and pupils of BMHS Harold Pearson senior member at thestaii spoke to the audience on the contribution Mrs McKelvey has made to musre to said Mrsulda McKelvey her career as director oi high school music in loco wbeotconcert in Massey Hall This musical education Howem she took over the lob oi instnio ting vocal music inn the continu ation schools at Breton Cooks town and Thornton Hcr service to the high school pupils ol Ai llstoa began in ma ONE GLEE CLUB Five yam later when Ban ting Memorial High School was opened she was able to Join her various continuation school choirs into one Glee Club en abling this choir to carry on the work During the past 25 years Mrs McKelvey worked unceas ingly to improve the study ol music in the high school pro gram The lirst appearance oi Mrs hchelvaya Allistna High School Choir was the conwnenccment exercise held in the old town hall in me Before this the are too Continuation School Mixed Choir had appeared at the in vitation at Dr Ray Ienwick director oi music tor the pro vince oi Ontario at special BRADFORD Stall Brad lord District High School Board spent over two hours Vedncsi day night mulling over Its care taker problem and in the end the diilieulty was only partially solved The boaid accepted the re signation oi assistant caretaker Charles Davidson to take elicct June so Mr Davidson is going to Eradiord public school as caretaker Advcrtlsement tor new as sistant caretaker brought only one application secretary Kneesbaw told the board Head caretaker Adrian Moy rlnlssen also appeared beiora the board lIe told the trustees that the volume oi work has grown to such an extent that he needs lulltime stall oi three even Without the new addition to be built this year Previously Mr Moyrinissen and the assistant caretaker have worked lulltime while Mr Moyrinlssens wile has been Three FullTime Caretakers Tackle Maintenance lit BDHS parttime era In re rlnisse keg FRI raaavria mwaass Specialising In Italian Spaghetti Deluxe Hnm barge to take out 5for $100 Barries largest ae lection of guns and sporting goods Open evenings Tiliin BI Welt Phaa mam amorousx comes this Showing only at 915 NOW mm rwo snowme mitt are HITS tituldthoqutrtayttratltihtm SEAN trytlanrn Whittladi newaha liltl Itllll IECHiliCliltlii AND as an inner ATIRAtaIfION our worms waum ItlItEIIISItI DrilttttoBEIIIIII TIMES cm awon and tom pan sac coNrrNIroua more NOON FEATURE TIMES CAPT BLOOD 1215 330 645 1000 pan LAWLESS 205 520 885 pm brought Mrs McKeivoys worlr to tha attention oi the provln ciai committee PROVINCIAL HONORS in the iollowing years many double gamete irorn Banting Memoria High School were in vited to sing at the Music Edu cation Conventions in Toronto Hlls indicates the leadership Mrs McKeivey gave to school music was well known previous ly lor her contribution to public school music in Essa Tecum soth and Moon townships oi the County oi Simce as well as the villages oi Beeton lbttcn ham and the Aliiston Public School Many in this commun ity will remember her teaching them there It was mainly due to her pioneering eiiorts that the study at music was under taken at this public school lev el As with any new venture lills McKeivey laced many air staples in her etiort to give every child the opportunity ol hired on lulltime basis The board now pays $9500 per year or caretakiag servic es it the stall were increased to three lullvtime the east might rise to 511000 board member Gordon Kneeshaw surmised Mr and Mrs honrinissen have done marvellous job oi keeping the school clean the chlalrman Dr Stephen Heckln in The board decided to alter Mrs liloyrinissen temporary contract ior lulltime work Hours and working conditions ior her could be negotiated ai ter an assistant caretaker is hired The application ior asistant caretaker contained one hlteh The applicant whose qualiiica tloaa were otherwise acceptable could not start until Aug is July Is the busiest month ol the Year iorA school maintenance Therefore the management cam mittee was authorized to inter view osrar Sutherland to see it he could work part time in July prior to coming on stall ugust sci mania with the support oi such men as Dr Fenwick and Donald Lapp the public school inspec tor oi that time moi many iansightcd school trusteesp aha was auccessiul UNTDIING EFFORTS For is years ids McKelvey has devoted her uattrlng etlorts to the lurtheranca at school music Under her guidance the High School Glee Club has pre sented many lino programs and olien contributed to community events such as tho Remem braam Day Services in Allistoo Hundreds oi young people have been led to an understanding at and deep appreciation tor good music Special guests were lorrner stall members James McKel vey and Mr and Mrs Paul MeKelvey MP Proposes To Nationalize Bell Phone Co OTTAWA lCP proposal by Conservative DorrisJoseph Pigeon thatthe Bell Telephone Company oi Canada be nation alized by the provinces set all bristling argument In the Commons nursday Mr Pigeon lrom Juliette iAssomptlon Montcalm and Auguste Choquette ii Lotbin ierlot were the main combat aa Mr Choquette said the words at MrPigoon were hare brained Mr Pigcoh shot back that Mr Choquettea father so Inrérest In Civic Affairs Sought By Angus Trustees ly KAY PORTS ANGUS Spedlii Moot oi the people are not interested in attending Board Mine meetings here in Angus stated chairman Merv lililson This tr one oi the problems here They will complain alter the meeting but little can be done then Angus with its population or 1500 In quiet scenic village bit weathenbeaten in placu perhaps but with its shining new post oilice odiool and rav qat other buildings its pie luresque place 01d aims oaks and maple trees this many at the older streets Newer resi dents are trying to Inspim vel gty green lanai to grow in shilling unwinding the outskirts OPINIONS VARY Some us think Angus would be more plosperous with incorporation but some at the elder residents are against it slid Mr hillson 0n the question oi lacorporh tion Mr htilaon and other have studied the situation in order in turn the pros mt ms it Is necessary to have pet tion signed by as per cent at the people along Highway 90 and 60 per cent oi the village residents to show the Ontario Municipal Board before the board will discuss the matter By MR5 DUCKWDRm Mr and Mrs Thomas Iinney and iamlly Camp Borden have moved to Angus to the house owned by Edward Holland on Simme St Mr and Mrs Fred Latlmer spent Sunday in Tomato with Mr and Mrs Jerald Mares caux Mr and Mrs Ralph Canaan klbourn tormeriy oi Angus spent the weekendeith Mr and Mrs Victor McMaster and call ed on friends on Sunday June 14 Mr and Mrs Raymond and Arlene visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ted Breea at Whitby Mrs Emma Rumble Barrio la visiting Mr and Mrs Cane eron Melina Mrs Orma Waiklnshaw Col iingwood spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her sisters Mrs Mother and Mrs Daekworth James Shields who is now lawyer in Saskatchewan and his son Ray of Georgetown visited Mr and Mrs Thomas Duck worth on June 14 Mr Shields lett Angus in 1906 when he was nine years old His parents Mr and Mrs Alex Shields owned the Dominion Hotel in Angus EMU GRADUATES Mrs Douglas Kearman and Mr and Mrs Ciliiord Duck worth attended the Emergency Measures Organisation parada IMPERIAL THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURD Mo pan on Highway 11 Miles North of Barrie PETER OTDOLE JACK HAWKINS ONE SHOW TONIGHT AT 745 pm SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ADULTS $100 STUDENTS 75c CHILDREN 50c BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE PAIII IIEIII IIIIIIIM and awe ng in exercises at NOW SHOWING AY AT pan 8t sun Anypemolvottagagawbo hasbeenarealdeatotAngua iorthmmonihamaysiga SEEK ADVICE We have been inquiring at Cooksiawn and the older resi dents there who homily would canpiain Ii they lound their taxes no claim they have iound no dliimnoo in their taxes atatea Mr Allison He pointed out tbezguartkiutn year tiliay wnpl corpora on and also installed water wan ANGUS HISTORY Angus has quite history ac cording to Mr Milaon Like the city oi Manhattan USA it was the product at trade Formar owner oi the property Jonas TatBush pinchased the origin al no acres ior em and horse Ibo lormor Pine River village was armed Angus to honor Angus Morrison tho MP oi Simm In It bygone days Angus boosted at approximately live hotels race trash and start tum Through the years thou places burnt down the village was titretailed with lhoot town when the Railway was ON THE MOVE Angus in beginning to move again Mr liilison raid Presently on the planning board are two shopping planar NEWS OI ANGUS die Simc County council build ing Barri on Juan is he iormere husband Douglas Kenrmaa and the iatters Ion Monard Dudlworth took the oath oi allegiance and lattice as special constables with the Sim coo Barrie Auxiliary Police Mrs Garnet Finch and George Guorgla are patients in the Roy al Victoria Hospital Barrie nieir many iricnds wish them speedy recovery PM Concerned Over Water Level OTTAWA tCP Transport Minister Pickersgili told the Commons Thursday no one is more ooncemed about low wa ter levels on the Great Lakes than Prime Minister Pearson and the matter has been under urgent consideration ior many months He was replyln to John Laney PC Brunei who asked whether submission had been received train the Georgian Bay Development Association Mr Pickersgill said in iy to another question that he 9VIlll do everything he can to halt the pollution at certain Lake Ontario waters Douglas Ailrenbrack PC Prince Edward Lennon re ferred to the ruthless dum ing at wastes in waters oi riding and asked the minister to do everything he could to an prehend and prosecute those re sponsible RODNEY FRENCH CHIEF mflfihwEhfitumw buntaswssmuqmuan mo rose on Finished In ins It will PAY you to put your oanlld once in Stewart Motors Here you will find top qual ity used cars at prices to suit your budget and most important we stand be hind our desist 1963 PONTIAC STRATO subdivision In addiilui to the public school and many new homer New prospects ot new library are in the ailing As result at this reawakea village failure are loti Ing lorward to still larger and more prosperous plm um as stated by Mr Miisoa want everyone to crane to the Board at Dusteer meet ing to discuss meeting in Monday wed like to are the ball lu Unloading Fora lRIDAY unenand =L QQ Youll make iewer iieid trips with the new Gchi Bell Box It has 7it inside width In creases crop hauiing capacity 12 This new width gives you an even wider selection oi Box dimensions one just right ior your needs Choose 01me ldeidth or the standard Gtt 3in also Length 16 Mr ion er or shorter Available with or Git rider pus 2it screened extension Also available Is galvanized Whatever the size gel Magi Co city Controls are touch it to atop unloading action us show ou leaturel oi the chi SellUnloading Forage Box Art us or demonstration Sooni and 01 width ARIRIIDGE Tension snares No BARRIE HWAY It NORTH VA MILE NORTH OF ¢ITY LIMITS root them and other 7232752 24 DOMINION STREET ALLISTON Stewart Motors This car is in new car condition and leaturas radio heater automatic trans windshield washers whitewall tires back up lights turn indicators and hill discs black and white paint and equipped with beater automaic trans Windshield washers whitewaii tires back up lights and mambo reai lam lly car iosarimouruf HD Finished in one wltii eon HE 56491 our IN now FOR THE srsr DEAL rvnu Yeai now is the time or you to trade your present car or to purchase that long awaited second car for mom while prices are at rock bottom low WE HAVE OVER 50 cans READY TO 60 I963 CHEV BEL Altt windshield washers car t962 serum 330 can and original tiiroughoat vs cars 1500 in cream paint péd with IIIID gas heater standardggmapeed whims IiL anl dahteld washers maaimndmna mu TRYme wmr ans PHONE 751111 PEIICAN phi Boxer are built ior your too obs with line ained penta treated lumber and structural lice parts If tonaminute unloadv ront So is the new This beauty is finished in green paint wlth matching interior and equipped with heat standard tram whltaWaiI is and tin indicators This car is very DH popular six cylinderde equipped with radio heater automatic trans hitewalltireaback up lights and turn indicators real clean

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