Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1964, p. 14

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Wannammemwrnm racism ms px1pm7mrmmmmvuwmmmww Wivwm DISIN $0 Plans in sun can non Here is floor plan that gives you maximum livability tor minimum ammnt oi space The designers have made it upon lous iunctlonai and berutliul Rear door and basement stairs are oii the kitchen landing The other hall or the floor plan is devoted to well proportioned sleeping wing Here you have plenty at light and air and bundent closet space Foil bath completes this section Laun dry is in basement where an additional lavatory could be lo cated Design is available ior both Brick or Frame construc tion was is ior irnme one is ior Brick standard Blueprints ior this FIRST AID FOR THE HOME house woman REMOVING MIRROR SILVER QUESTION How can the all ver be removed from the back oi mirror ANSWER Sometimes the all ver can be removed with in sor blade Or try the iollowing method Remove the protcctive coating with point remover and then pIoce the mirror horizon tally Cover with layer oi salt and moisten with mixture oi one part water and three parts at cider vinegar This will pro duce chlorine which will sotten the silvering enough so that al Ier several hours it can be wipe ed oli RADIATOR LEAK QUESTION There is leak between the sections oi steam radiator Plastic steel does no good What shall do ANSWER Try tightening the nuts oi the tie rods This might tighten the joint suliiciently to stop the leak Did you have the radiator turned oii while repair ing the leak and until the metal hardened completely That could be the trouble Personally Ive always had excellent results with plastic steel MUSTY BREAD BOARD QUESTION received Bill or walnut bread board It has musty odor and toad sticks to it Most it be treated or will the odor work itseli out7 ANSWERx The musty odoris probably due to dampness or mold in the wood Since the board comes in contact with iood the only suggestion can oiier is to try airing the board outdoors in the sun ior at least week this may dissipate the odor The iollowing treatment is recommended ior wood cut ting and bread boards to make fthem stainprooix Apply soak ing coat of good vegetable oil and wipe oii all surplus at or an hour Allow alweek ior thorough soaking in and dry ing then repeat the oil treat ment CHIMNEY BABE WET QUESTION My 32yearold home has two vilue chimney one ior the iurnace and one tor the iireplace The base oi the chimney is always wet sometimes water is standing after rainstorm The cement blocks below the clean out doors are deteriorating immx the irequently present moisture The chimney texlemally appears to be in good shape no cracking of bricks or mortar flaking away What causes the moisture to stay at the base oi the chim nay and how can this be no rected ANSWER The chimney bricks may be highly porous and need waterproofing Masonry water prooting preparations are avail ableat masonry supplies deal ers and some large hardware $3313 llIlrdvd design No 50 cost tin ior the ads by return mail Ontario iirst set and $5 ior additional residents must remit per cent sets They are available in Can uler tax TbaBuIIdlng some the Barrie Examiner Barrio Ont lEnclosed please iind ior which send his the new book entitled CANADIAN GUIDE TO HOME PLAN NINO AND DESIGN Please make remittance psye able to The Barrio Examiner NAME Address cap or rain hood may be ad visable to prevent rain irom pouring down the iiues Highly rcmmmend having proiesslon al mason or chimney man in spch the structure and make necessary repairs or correction SCHATCHED FURNITURE QUESTION piece oi iuml lure was recently scratched have used the polish especial 1y made ior scratched sun iaces but it doesnt do any good Is there anything else can do to cover these marks be sides sanding and revarnlshiog ANSWER Rather than po lish try using the special louchup preparations avail able in wide assortment oi popular wood iioish colors at point hardware and variety stores as well as housewares dealers BUCKLED FLOORBOARDS QUESTION We built an ex tension oi two rooms to our house over crawl space iew years ago During summer weather the floorboards in both rooms buckle What causes this and how can ltba corrected ANSWER The lo rboards may have been laid so tightly that there is no room ior ex pansion when the wood absorbs moisture from the air resulting In the buckling Sorry to say in this case it is necessary to re lay the iiooring Frequently buckling is due to moisture irom dampness rising from the ground below In this case the ground should be covered with overlap ping sheets of polyethylene plas tic or birllding paper sealed with asphalt rooiing cement to act as moisture and vapor prooi barrier vaporprooi ban rler oi aluminum ioll should be secured to the underside of the iloor RUBBER BACKING STAIN QUESTION keep small rubber backed rug near the sink on the kitchen floor oi var nished linoleum Then is dark stain under the rug Would re moving the vamlsh coatingre move the stain also How can remove the varnish without damage to the linoleum ANSWER The stain may have penetrated below the varnish coating it so it is impossible to remove stain is due to chem icals used in the manuiacture of rubber products To remove the varnish apply paint remov er Or sponge tlra stained area with lukewarm solution of tri sodium phosphate usigig about it pounds to quart water workonesmallsectionata much water Allow the solution to remain on the iinoleiirn only long enough to soiten the varnish this should then be taken up carettu with this steel wool Immediate and stores Or an arched chimney Studebaker smcos MOTORS llMlTEDV 94 TlFFlN STREET 7ze23i7 521 lfls iiii World War for revision It was ter should iollow then wiping with dry clean cloth The linoleum may soitcn somewhat allow it to dry hard or at least in hours beiore walking on it or revarnishlng the area It stain worked into the linoleum only practical camouflage is coat or two at good floor enamel GRAY WHITE RUBBER TILE QUESllON We have black and white square nibber tiles in our bathroom The white ones look tight ay What can do to make am while again with out aiiecting the black or halo Ilig the color oil the black ANSWER Only wateremul sion seii polishing wax should he used on rubber ilie the dis coloration may be due to the use of wax containing naphtha deteriorating the tile and cans ing the back to bleed over the white However try cleaning the tile floor with waxremov ing floor cleaner made by nationally known manuiacturer iollowing label directions care iully Soaps and detergents in this will surely remove any sur iace grime discoloring the tile as well as soy wax accumu lation Ottawa Takes Case To Supreme Court OTTAWA CPIThe City oi Ottawa will go to the Supreme Court of Canada in an attempt to prevent construction ofa high rise apartment building near the Civic Hospital Mayor dCharlotte Whitton said Thurs ay The Ontario Court oi Appeal has ruled in favor of on appli cation ior construction of the buildingwhich meets city mo ing requirements only ecause oi Ioogiorgotten clerical error made nearly so years ago The zoning bylaw was with drawn shortly alter the First revised but never rdiled The error was not discovered until Boyd Builders Limited applied the mooning production of Hiflr the Canadian and US govem manta by July and the plan has been to have two weeks oi outline of their position and the mammrmarmum marchers ovsnons Success For Festival STRATFOED GP Thestre critics and capacity audiences agree the opening oi the Strat lord abatementn Festival this week has been one or the most successiul in its history glittering tintnight crowd crossrecline oi government business and arts dignitaries was heralded into thstheatre by rulers or trumpets the boom oi concealed the toil ing oi bell Monday to wstdr Ird II directed by Stuart Bursa oi the Bristol Old Vic in Bigland Jean Gsscons 1iesday pro duction at Le Bourgeois Gentil or Moiloral dellgbtiul iarce which won acclaim ear lier this year in the Indicator Festival in England was clearly iavored over Mondnya production Thundeiuus ovations mel Wednesdays production oi King Lear Observers who bad It tsnded pravlotis iestivrlr said John Colloor performance oi the tragic king would make tira atrical history or the three plays opening the season bear stood above the rest both in the quality oi the performances and in direction Will ALTERNATE These three plays will now ale ternrle in matinee and evening periormances until July when the restoration comedy The 118 Maple Lea OTTAWA CPIAbout 250 decksoi red and while playing cards with maple leai lokerl have been handed out in the United States during the last Year in the trade departments latest coltsell ginunlck to pro mote sales oi Canadian lumber The cards have been given away to US lumber buyers who in turn supposedly give them to their children The cards are designed ior two flamesone called Canadian timber based on snap the other Canadian maple leai which is similar to old maid In the Commons Thursday night Jack Homer PCAca dlal complained that the cards were wasta oi the taxpayers money and shame on the Ca nadlan maple leaf Industry Minister Drury pointed out the cards had been ordered in ice beiore the Lib eral government took office However he iound them not really an unsatisfactory scheme ior trade promotion The back oi each card is iestooned with as maple leaves in checkerboard design TORONTO CPI Ran kin president oi the Canadian St Lawrence Seaway Authority declined to comment at press conference Thursday on pro gressbeing made by the Ca nadian and United States com mittees reviewing the toll struc tures of the seaway Earlier this month Mr Ran kin had indicated the commit too would outline their position on tolls and schedule public meetings by the middle oi the month The committees are to sum mit their recommendations to public meetings between the ior permit to put up the build llIE ill time without flooding with too WITH thorough rinsingwidi clear wa 728 submission of their report iiiin saiininn miii THEBEST COTTAGES BUILT BEST FOR LESS MATERIALS FROM Thor1 CASHMARRY Tenned Shamelul By MP white on red red on white short descriptions oi ii dliier ent species at Canadian wood Each card has picture oi leaf or none iollowed below by short test and the larger in scription ulld better with Ca nadian lumber sage said one trsda depart ment oiilclal tula lutea inches diameter so to so ieet high hardwood oi great util ity heavy and hardwearing Used extensively in block her ringbone and strip llooriog and stair treads and as hardwood plywood ior wall panelling and doors It is one oi the iinest Tur olture woods Other uses are veneers boat building iood con rporting goods more than year agolong he tore the current parliamentary debate on new maple Iesi Decline Comment On Seaway Tolls Admiral Thlela oi the Cleveland Stevedore Company iormer US Coast Guard out car urged that the seaway sea said modern icebreakers could keep the system open until Dec Camu the authoritys vlcspres ident said they would be glad to keep the seaway open How ice conditions might trap some late in the season Seen Country Wiis by Wycherlly will open the second phase at the season Gilbert and Sullivan will be presented tor the that time at in ieativll My with Yeoman oi the Guard The Morris at Figaro by Mozart opens Aug Ind com certs oi Bach Brahma Berg and Hayden will also be held throughout thew entire reaeon which ends Oct Ballet perv iormrncesn seminars on Shakes peare and book and handlmit displays will be interspersed with the concerts and plays Only aspect marring the one cessiul opening was the muddy and swrniesr Avon River in dltioneliy graced with whirl swans dining the iertival rea son the river has been re doced to trickle through lack oi rain and construction it new dam across the irks Three days beiora the open ing the dam was completed and the gates strut but the wa ter level in the river is slow in rising Strollerd is pouring 300000 gallons oi water day into the muddy bed in order to speed up the process Festival oiilclals have said this year may be the biggest in Stratiordr history as ticket sales reached 8600000 by the opening running 25 per cent ahead oi advance bookings ior the same period last year As part oi the activities on raised ior Senior Citizens week members oi the Senior Guess ssanou snoop CITIZENS autos OUTING to week Enjoying the rapper or Citizens Club enloyed visit grnired ior the visit an lien Home tut ry QIIICI rnd lira John too the Odd Fellows St Matthew Prgclaims Our Lords Command ds ScriptureMatthew 1816 In obedience to In angels him oi Jesus and salvation at Acts 168 29 lwl command Pblll went into the The Ethiopian accepted Christ Rm 15 Gaza Desert are he met an as his Saviour asking to be net 111 fiemm 1mm lEthiloiplarI eunuclit who whot re lérfitized Philip did so and the with the final oornsreoh at the Jellliisallemmlahlilpprleathd alum mm Gospel according to St Mat thew containing our lords staggering claim to omnipo tenca Ilia command to evange lism and His covenant with the disciples Aiter the Cruciiixion the it disciples went to the Galilean mountain where they had iirst been gathered together by Jesus Mark MINO Lulta 61216 There Jesus met them and set iorth His claim to omnipotence In view at His Resurrection Hls victory over sin Satan demons disease and death He had every right to make this statement For God had given His risen Son universal omnipotence so that no earthly power could thwart His purposes and ulti mately all encodes would be subdued by Him With this statement as inundation Jesus gives the command to evangelism Note He does not tell them lust to teach what He has taught Rather He charges them to teach converts to observeand obeyHis teachings Then Jesus promises to be al ways with Hls disciples indi vidually and as group to the end oi the world in Acts we iind the dis ciples assembled to hear Christs instructions regarding the areas to be progressively evangellzed Strengthened by the spiritual power oi Christs covenant with them the dis ciples did exactly as the lord told them Until the death oi Stephen they coniined their ministry to Jerusalem and Judea Gospel preaching began In Samaria with the ministry at Philip iol lowed byithat of Peter and John And with the preaching at Paul and Barnabas Mark Silas and Timothy evangelis ing the uttermost parts oi the earth began Philips iirst preaching mlnlt lstry as iar as we know was in Samaria where his etiorta brought about wonderiui re vival oi ialth Then he turned lrom citywide evangelism to individual work with one perv son On the isces oi the cards are Its sort oi subliminal men An example Canadian yellow birch Be deciduous tree 10 to so alners boxes and crates and The cards wera designed lag At the press conierenoe Hear on be extended three weeks He Mr Rankin and Dr Pierre ver weather records indicate hips in the Great Lakes that SUPERIOR SAVINGS ERIIIIS QUALITY 2T Point Specials Roller Paint Tray Tlils combination will make better LUMBER FUEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED GENERAL CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL 49 ESSA ROAD 7261466 BsnamInMooro PAINTS Brighten up your home with long lasting Benlamln Moore Paints 495 GALLON paintingeasleranddoa Job ALLSizEs JPAINTBRUSIIES rim lastiog on halred these hrysh ideal naming

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