err criticismMt lWhYurMlfl Whmudwith 13M1WWWWWYVTW leivie Ontario Canada Thursday Jone IO 19 Uhrmarrirfxamincr Local Weather with showers tctrioth Not More Than 70 For Copy16 Page Zona at Georgian Bay De velopment Association unveil ed its place mat at the meeting in Wasaga Beach yet terday Willard Kinds oi Bar Montreal Strike Settled MONTREAL OP Tl Montreal watertmnt alive with activity today as nearly 2000 dockworkers re trirnedtoork after three day strike that tied up some 50 ships in the harbor The workers about 1500 long shoremen and 400 checkers re turned to work at am mass meeting oi the inter national Longshoremens Asso ciation CLC agreed Wednes day to recommendations ot Judge Rene Lippe ior solvrng the dispute The three main points sub mitted by Judge Lippe media tor in last ialls 1LA strike VIEW immediate return to work Formation oi consulting committee to assist the eight an trusiceship administering pension plan tour each irom the in local and the Govt MayConsider Calling Larger Peacekeeping Talks OTTAWA tCPlnterpatlonal interest in Canadas proposed peacekeeping iorce is so great thattha government is giving consideration to calling larger ionierence than the one origin ally planned ror next month lniormed sources say meet ing here in the tall may em brace all countries which have contributed in one way or an other to United Nations peace keeping operations The original plan was to hold exploratory talks here in July among six countriesCanada the Netherlands Denmark Nor way Sweden and Finland which have standby contingents ea arked ior UN peacekeep Jng The talks Would concern what lOridci Rabbis Join Negrésse AUGUSTINE Fla APH rabbis irom several as joined Negroes tor a1 march through white residen cctio of St Augustine rwassome ing new in the way oLraciai demonstrations in the ldest in the States gh theirs Rev Ralph thy at Atlanta GaY told nh meeting Wednesday This was reference to two marches itirougn Negro section last week by white seg regatlonisis have ataEéd their protest marches in duwntnwn area The new nighttime legion PLACE MAT UNVEILED AT WASAGA at rie leit and Sam Presto oi the Beach chairman oi the tourist committee ara shown admiring it The Zone plans to make improvements to it Shipping Federation oi Canada Representation on the board oi trustees irom the ILA local at TroisRlvieres Que Sis NEW DEADLINE The meeting approved the suggestion and set Aug 15 as strike deadline ii special re port on the pension plan is not received by then from Judge Lippe The judge had been preparing report when the ILA con tended contributions were raised by the board without prior notice They walked all the jobs and shipping at Mont real camo to standstill The shipowners issued state ment saying all costs incurred by the funauthorired strike should be borne by the ma Paul Asselin president at the Montreal local said this may he matter or the courts type at units and equipment each of these six countries might be prepared to contribute to single iorce which would be established outside the frame work of the UN but held in readiness for UN duty when called upon Prime Minister Pearson and External Affairs Minister Mar tin have proposed such course as means oi getting around objections by some UN mem bers to establishment ota UN standby police force In view at the keen interest being shnwn by many other countries beyond the original six informants say the govern ment is thinking oi postponing the meeting planned tor next month until the all and invite more countries to alien stration was held without incl dent Earlier dozen Negroes were taken into custody during Sllrlll attemptsL pushln th to tal to ore than 200 During the day two develop ments appeared to he the ï¬rst major aka segiegotione barriers since demonstrations started two weeks ago About 35 Negroes waded fully clothed into the water at St Au gustine beach in an area usually frequented by white persons There was no trouble Agroup of businessmen pledged to abide by the civil new bill it it becomes law In Washington there was every indication the sons to would pasathe historic meas uro bivthssnd oi the week each year eventually have mat for every season oithe yeariSea stories and pictures on page two and three Examiner Photo Japanese Battling Oil Blaze NlIGATA AP Flames irom blazing oil storage tanks were being brought under control in Niigata today Tiiourg snde were returning to the homes they tied alter the de vastating earthquake Tuesday Firefighters said they hoped by tonight or Friday to be in control at the inferno the quake set off along the waterlront of the northern Japanese port centre or the domestic petrol eum industry Ninety oi Niigatas 300 big storage tanks were set alire but by noon today the columns at black smoke were lightening as firetrucks poured ioam into the flames Most oi the ioam was supplied by us forces and was flown from Tokyo The people at Niigata hard ened to disaster like most Jap anese began picking up the threads at their lives Thousands of nnliormed men irom the armed services joined local workers in clearing away debris and mending roads Tons of relief goods continued to pour in Donations were com ing from abroad The King and Queen of Malaysia on state visit to Japan contributed so 333 mops flag debate goes on the shell today in favor of action on constitutional amendment en abling widows and orphans to receive benelils under the pro posed Canada Pension Plan Only four MPstwo Liberals and two Progressive Consens tiveswere able to get Into the flag debate during Wednesdays hgliday Commons sitting it wont be revived until Par liament sends on its way to the British Parliament request that the British North America Act be amended to permit the Canadian Parliament to legls late survivor benelits lo the pro posed contributory pension plan Tha constitutional amendment has been approved by the 10 provinces and the federal gov ernment wants to get it through beioro the Parliament at West minster is dissolved for the Brit lsh general election in Wednesdays tlsg debate Conservatives Robert Coates Cumberland and Wel chel Waterloo North coupled their support or retention of the Red Ensign with new calls for plebiscite to settle the ques tion 0n the other side Liberals Mchnckasey tildnntreal Veh dun and John Matheson Leeds backed the govern ments proposed designthree red maple leaves on white ground with blue bar at each sideas acceptable to all Cana dians Mr MackaSey noting that his riding is about evenly divided between iranch and English Canadians said the maple leat HERES ONE small boy was afraid of the large bulldog that occupied the yard next to his home One day feeling adventurous the boy climbed tbcfence and the huge bulldog rushed up to him and licked his face The boy began to scream and his mother arrived on the scene almost immediately Did the dog bite you darl ingsho asked whimpered the little lei low but he tasted me AIM OI DELEGATES Withdraw Gru flag will not emphasize the dil lerences of background but he symbol acceptable to all na iionnl origins in Canada He urged MPs not to tail into the trap oi hatred or to judge Quebec and French Can ada by the acts at separatists plebiscite would deterior ate into carbon copy oi gen eral election with countless Ca nadians caught in the swell oi emotion it would emphasize cultural differences and widen still bridgeable diiicienccs of opinion Mr Mathcson sometimes called the father of the govern menta design rejected the Red Ensign as notbelng distinctiv ely Canadian because it is flown by countless countries merchant vessels clubs and or Runaway Truck Wrecks HAMILTON CPi run away tnick roared through rush hour traitiedown iia mil to Mouhtaiatodavnicevinga $25 000 trail of it damaged vehicles and tour injured drivers beiorc halting with its 20 ton load spilled overtho road Maurice Trembley 21 oi Til bury the truck driver was still unconscious in St Josephs Hos pital three hours alter the ac cident lie was in serious cou ditlon with lntemal injuries Car drivers injured were Mrs Esther Craik 45 Dark Bosch and George Hutchison 51 all of Hamilton All are in good condition at St Josephs Hos pital Police said the trucks brakes tailed lts blaring hnrn warned drivers and pedestrians as it moved into thick tratfic at the foot or the mountainhut 11 cars were hit The truck finally stopped downtown hali mile from the that collision Its anion load1500 boxes ketchup and tomato juice spilled over the street halting tratiiii for blocks errillas Before Summit Talks TOKYO AP The iorelgn sters of Malaysia lndone sia andThe Philippines made an encouraging start today to ward summit meeting then paused for word that witli drawal oi Indonesian guerrillas irom Malaysia has begun in 21 hour conlerenca which began with salt words and avowals of peaceful intent the three ministers hammered out agreement to set up three additional checkpoints to verify withdrawal of several hundred ing British and Malaysian forces in Malaysian Borneo Malaysia has made start on withdrawal of the guerrillas condition for taking part in the summitcoolerenca hich still bring ogether indonesiao Pres ldent Sukarno Philippine Pres ident Diosdado Macspagal and Prune eMinister oku Abdul Rahman of Malaysia The ioreigo ministers also made start on the agenda for thei chicis to discuss it is ex pected to include review at causes or the deterioration in Malaysian lndonesian reins tions after the Manila summit conference last July two months beforeMalnyala was fanned At incontinence table today were lndonesiari torelgnmiiil tor Subandrio dep prim guerrillas who have beenplagrn minister and Foreign Minister nin Abdul llazaak of Malaysia Foreign Secretary Mauro Men dez oi The Philippines and spa cial envoy Salvador Lopesot The Philippines DIDNT CAUSE 1T Razalr said the present at tuation is not oi our own doing and told Subandrlo ii indonesia will withdrew her troops and guerrillas irom our territory and stop making lurther incursions ieel it is possible for us to have peace again and live as iriends and neighbors Subandrln said the Malaysian situation was fraught with ten sion but that he did not fire lieve it had reached the point oi no return He accused the on lonial powers oi leaving mental defamation in Mm laysia indonesia and The Phil ippines which had made it poo sibla tor them to dominate us one news iiorsesNanied To Run Queen Plate TOEONTO Seveh horses WW Saturday lnthe 105th running oi the Queens Plate Thlswas da cided today when the owners came up with Wittins the 550000 mile and quarter classic Tayloli poomoot on old colt is likelyvto be 19 favorite when at race will be broadcast on the CBCTY netw charisma Released nanometer nimiirim Eidganla entered Canada illegally by landing his Don Jail Wednesdayontspo lnconiinemunt Home new victim of tile lry whl Flag Issue Put Aside Amend Pension Plan OllAWA CP The Com ganizatlous in one form or an other lie traced the threeleai sym bnl as representing Canada back to preConfederatioo days ar guing that if flags dont retain some traditional link such as this with the past Canada might as well take the re bilcan floursa oi breaking wl tradia Oil personally hope this doesnt happen he said He said to those who say the design is concession to the French the French are part of Canadapart of our family in ismily every member is loved and the interests and anxieties of each are im portant The distress of one la the distress oi all 11 Cars the statue of Sir John Mac donald tearing out slxtcet of steel ienclog Anotherwaii spunaaround on Main and John Streets and left wrecked wedged on to the aide walk outside the main post ot ilce building Police said the truck did not hit all the cars but caused chain reaction that saw drivers spinning into each other Nurses and doctors rushed to windows at St Josephs iiospi tal as theyheard the tnioks ihoro blaring heard 1thlt one car at the tap oi thelolley Cut raid Pearl Boychulr who works in the businesaoffice oi the hos pital She said she was standing in the hospital entranco when saw the drivers face saw his hand go upto his iace She said slit saw people rush ing out ot the tnicks pathas it continued down John street at about 25 mph interns from the hospital ran out to assist the driver and passengers in one INNISFll snii DRY on lIQUOR vou Majority Favor lounges Bui Lose in On malorlty oi voters in lnnis fll township approve of liquor or dining lounges in the tonn shlp but the iallcd to obtain the reun percentage to make liquor outlets reality in the plebiscite held yesterday Though the ofllclal results have not been announced un oificial figures show that voted yes for licensed dining lounges and 401 per cent voted no To the question oi licenced liquor lounges 55t voted yes and per cent voted no in order to establish liquor outlets in the township vote of so per cent must iavor the move in order to change the local option statute that has ex tiled in the township or over 60 years About 1700 oi possible M00 voters or 71 per cent oi those eligible to vote turned out to cast their ballots REACTION Frank Varlcy chairman oi the vote yes committee said that results show that the people in the north tend to be progrcs alve while the people in the southern part of the township are archaic and still cling to the old ways It was in thanorth and lake side arese oi the township that the questions received strongest supportgiiirgliarleysald the vote carried with about 00 per cent in the Minets Point by about to in the Big Bay area and with over 60 per cent in North Holly and Palnswick id predict that there may be strong repercussions within the township over this split he stated He said that it is strange system under provincial law where you can win vote handsomely and still lose We didnt lose buttwe cant wio lie blamed apathy on the part of more than 1000 perSohs who did not go the poles He said the majority of people who stayed away from the poles would have voted wet vars ow srarMENr LloydCummlng Stroud member oi the Vote No Com mittee gave his reaction to the vote in statement todayi am oi course happy weve kept liquor outlets out of innls car bit at stoplight near the hospital One car was crushed against til cant help ieeling little sorry tor group of people who Percentage workcd so hard ior something that tell so little short of the mark be cemented reier lng to the closcness ot the vote make no apology for the stand we took as Vote No Committee We lelt that the move to have liquor outlets was being promoted by few people who were lnteretcd in person at gain We had nothing to gain or lose personally Our whole con cern was for the younger gen ed by liquor being made more eagllu mllnhn mm mv not price tag on this sort ot ing QUESTIONS The questions put to the vot ers were Ara you in iavor ot the sale of liquor under dining lounge licence or consumption with meals on liccnsed premis es and Are you in favor of the sale of liquor under lounge licence for consumption on mined prernlsesi in 1001 when the last vote was held in Innisiil is per cent oi the voters favored dining loung es and on the second question of the sale of liquor and beer is per cent voted in favor in that vote 1116 voted yes and 1175 voted no Report No Deaths In Cyprus Clashes NiCOSlt AP Skirmish lng persisted today on the rocky northwest coast of Cyp rus though the United Nations Jrtelnforced patrols trying tostop Creek and Turkish prrlnt villagers were reported battling each other with grenade throw ers automatic weapons and ri ties This was the fourth straight day of combat No casualties have been re ported intha area however since Greek constable was killed there Tuesday Firing erupted among the v11 lnges ot PlyenlaMosphilerl and Ayios Theodhoros in the hills above the Mahaoura areathe controlled by lurklsthypriots and suspectedsource at arms smuggled 1n irom Turkey erntlon who would be cndangcr only stretch of the islands coast