oncom Eteamintr WW Lesters WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 II PI WIilI Publisher By PATRICK NICHOUON OTTAWAThe poets of Par liament Hill opened up in full spate with film to the on official vlalt Io ween Blin Ilnt come the parody by Gordon Fairweather former It torney general of New drunr and now Conservative ck Iglll Plckerrglll where have you been Ive buntolnndontovlalt the Queen Piekcrsgiil Pickereglll what did you therel tried to get Joey from Lester Bs halt This related to Premier Joey Smallwoodr recomltion of the love of Newfoundlnnders for the Union Jack and the conse quent embarrassment caused to Liberal Joey by Liberal Lester Pearsons love for flag minus the Union Jack PICKS RIPOSTE The next day rejoinder came typed on the printed let terhead of the minister of trans port Announcing in answer to Mr Dietenbakcrs rhyme it said Dlefenbaker Dieien baker what have you done what is your song will sing in thenursery where belong tht is written exactlyas it emanated from Picka office the punctuation makes it ap pear that the is Pick him self which is not what the com poser intended Pick denies au thorship but the author of the first rhyme obviously oi far higher talent was not as al leged Mr It was Gordon Fairweather SOCIlED FORECAST Still on the overdone Issue of the flag have note from Bert Leboe Social Credit MP from the Csriboo As 100 per cent Norwegian by blood he has no emotional attachments PLUMBER THIS IS AN EMERGENCY Emotion Is Predominant On Canadian Flag Issue orrsws moor Ioey Hair geatlon of this eoilnnn resi dents around Pembroke Ont ban flooded Parliament Hill with letters on the flag trues tloo in three days more than soo letters reached Robert by wt mum Ooates MP the dumplon of Pickengiil during his prletI mp Emmi the Red Ensign These come from Pembroke Camp Peta wawa GrIlk River Mada waIka Eganrliie Foresters Falls Cobden and district Many were copies of letters sent to Prime Minister Pearson or State Secretary Maurice La montagne This column suggested that readers should write to express their pemnll viewr whatever they were on the flag issue only thus is the voice of the people heard Pembroker toiee proved to be almost unInirmuI against Mikes Maple QUEENS PARK Regards Leadership Race its Sad Imbavehbeen lo the gutter to By DON OHEARN er mufnlui mm TORONTOOne hope for the Liberal leadership could have been Joseph Greene Mr Greene is the federal member for Renfrew South At time of writing be Is pm rpcctlve candidate Being in the federal field be is relatively unicnown here He made one lmportnnt pro vinciai appearance At the 1957 convention he was lastmin ule entry And on the strength of some oldachool oratory he got considerable attention and fair vote But for the most part he has not figured on the provincial ICON To those who feel the candl dates who have announced themselves do not show much promise Mr Greene has been Debate on the flag issue is proceeding as anticipated It is emotions lycharged and political lines are sharply drawn The result is by no means certain but Ithere is good prospect now that the Commons will give its blessing to new Canadian emblem The speaker of the House has ruled that the resolution as introduced orig inaliy by Prime Minister Pearson must be split This means that the Commons will Vote on the Maple Leaf flag under one motion then on second motion to fly the Union Jack on certain official occasions Parliamentary commentators have al ready stated their belief that few if any MP5 will vote against the Union Jack as symbol of our connection with the Mother Country and the Common wealth There is less certainty about the Maple Leaf flag already dubbed Pear sons Pennant But there is reason ably gcnd chance that it too will be adopted Whether twoflag policy is good thing for Canada only time will tell It is virtually certain that the Anglophiies will fly the Union Jack whenever they can but the FrenchrCanadians wont The Maple Leaf flag then must asin marriage be accepted for better or worse Opposition Leader Dietenbaker has Down MEMORY LANE 40 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner June 12 1924 Brass tablet to memory of Nicholas Cotter one of early benefactors unveiled in Simcoe County Childrens Shelter now Barrie Community House Speakers includer President Albert Sarjeant Denali Ross Harry Coleman Father Brennan and Rev Hunt Barrie Board of Education declined to adopt suggest ed salary schedule for women teachers fdue to present depressed economy Colhngwood heat Barrie Z1 in county seball Stapleton pitched forwinners gainst Barries Hap Emma Miss Macdonaidof Pinkerton one of five nurses graduating from Royal Victoria Hospital received gold medal from fThomas Beecroft chairman of board The Barrie Examiner Anaemia gull urn In or any posts to cute nun Sundayl and Statutory nines Iscepted muna wanna ensurei moron mason General cruise is Marnzasorr Masaitor ecnu may may Adrerfldnghfauges Molnar ms Ioeollntut rncaaar oomur continues Manager Subscription rate can by carrier 406 western unto yearly Slnllacopy 7c mu tr chum new users or mountaineer mom run snoan Ontatde anustom arDntIIde Canlda anon ponalalodlflUlOJIr actor year gt Officer as UniversityAva Torontor uo Crui earretreat Montreal not won an Strut Vancouver as genes of is cogent our era Aaaocta on Audit sumo carcinomas diarrhe Immoo defeated Orillia wmwf Pub exhibited commendable restraint in op posing an election fought on the flag issue it would as he suggests split the country wide open it is equally true that his own proposal to hold plebiscite would accomplish the same regrettable result The flag issue is one for Parliament to decide unpalatable though it may seem to many of our own MPs It is matter on which there cannot be un animity now We have the supporters in and out of the House of the Union Jack the Red Ensign and distinctive Canadianflag And while it would be too farefetched to say that never the twain shall meet it isaiso certain that we cannot expect to have the people 100 per cent favor of distinctive flag now whither it displays three maple leaves beaver head or any other sym bol of Canada Mr Pearson realized this when he in troduced his Maple Leafdaign Ex perience of the past showed that every design advanced had its supporters and detractors bold step was indicated and Mr Pearson took it No one can question his courage but we may have to wait for the verdict of history to tell whether his judgment was sound Whatever the outcome we are confident that the Canadian people as whole will get behind their flag whatever its design Speaker at ceremony in lOOF Temple was County Warden Coombs Barrie Kiwanis Club meeting for lunch eon in Wellington Hotel heard address by Miller of Orillia His subject was Australia which hehad visited huIJe years ago with the lacrosse team Editor of Barrie Examiner Alex MacLareu and Mrs MacLaren left with party of newspaper peo be from Mon treat on CPRlinerMe ta for trip to United Kingdom Belgium and France Two 1301 grads Hartley Grafton and Miss Vera Jones won honors at of again this year BCI Cadet Corps led by band paraded to Collier St Methodist Church for service Quartermaster George Service preached sermon Skip Brickers air of Sea gram Mrs Cbeesmanand Buster Clark won first tourney of season at Barrie Lawn Bowling Club In proposed ted erai redistribution panSouth Simcoe ridin will be merged with Dufferin it is eved that Boys KC of Bar rie MP for South Simcoe will run in the next election as Conservative candidate North Simcoe Barrie lady golfers in county match Local players were Mrs Rees Miss Ida Creswicke Mrs Leslie MrsJohn Walk er Miss Laidlaw Miss Vera McCarthy MrsD Stewart MrsBeatty Mrs Dignam and Miss Helen Lawson Pro fesaor Dale of Toronto was speaker at annual Speech Day at OvendenCollogE Rev Father Gerald Mr and to the Union Jack or Fleurde Lia As veteran of four Par liaments this Myeanold Lum berman is levelheaded in his judgment predict he writes that if the resolution on the flag comes to vote the govem meat party and the official 0p position will divide almost to man on party lines This will give ample proof of emphasis on party political considera tions and the wishes of the electors will be pushed into the background This danger has haunted Par liament Hill ever since Prime Minister Pearson declared that his government would stand or fail on the vote of the House on the flag issue By thus making it partisan political issue he has opened the door to new parliamentary bill changing the design oi Cana das flag every time new party forms the government Possibly inspired by the su Foundation Terms Epileptics Lonely Frightened Minority WASHINGTON APt Epi lepsyds an ancient affliction cr old as man himself it has victimized such men as St Paul Julius CaesarNapo icon Alexander the Great Lord Byrcn and Handel More than 2000000 North Americans suffer from it and they form what the epilepsy foundation calls lonely and frightened mlnorlty Four out of five epileptics do not even seek treatment ihey hide their condition either through fear or because they dont know treatment is avail able But help is available and the Epilepsy Foundation has launched campaign for bet ter understanding of epilepsy and the person with epilepsy The foundation says most epi leptlca are capable of normal livjei hirt ignorance duperatl tion and cruelly archaic laws increase their difficulties in some states epileptiu may not my or obtain driving pe rnrts may beaubiectto sle fixation an annotob jobs or education NOT orsnasn Scientists say epilepsyia not disease but neuroloflcal dis order marked by seizures arislt ing from abnormalffiring of the brains normal electricity Upto on per cent of epileptica can have their seizures well controlled hymn convulsant drugs small percentage can be cured by removal oi af fected brain areas But all the drugs bava certain drawth an doctorscï¬ constantlyan to find improved ones And theyd like to find waysof Iaf lerrpandin be rurgicsl potential lifersver erhaps the manwho oould ve the party the leadership that it needs lint the word from Ottawa is III The Renfrew South member apparently does quite bit of talking in the federal House But it is not talk that is taken too seriously One gathers that he is looked cm as homely philosopher be Will Rogers of thebackbenchel that its fun to listen to but BIBLE THOUGHT wll also leave In the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people and they shall trust In the name of the LordZephan III 812 The afflicted minoritywith Godhair often been used er the first century church to turn world upside down The malor ity is not always yearvictory over it is far from won Take it from Dr Preston llobb Hes neurologist from McGlll University Mont real who Is now working at the US National institute of Neu rological ailments including ep liepsy He says Although we treat epilepsy reasonably well and know great deal more about it than we once did there are many crucial unanswered questions that relate to aeiztnesf What at the laboratory level and through carefulrstudy of pa tients themselves MANY FACTS UNKNOWN For example what are the factors in the developing brain that relate to seizures 7Whnt are the specific chemical renclt tions that take place tin brain cells during seizures What is it that rtarts aelzuro in thet first placeelectrically um isl and what enables it to spread the way it sometimes doesl sometimes involving the whole brain7 And llowdo the aunt dnrgs flrlnlmhey workibypre nting the spread of seizure from one area of the brainto other areas But wed like to find drugs that might actually pre rent selzure it all Dr Robbsay th caplte their benefits vdruge and aur gery pie not open doctors androci is general should also consider the gen eral wellbeing of the patient the environment in which ha lives his educati out problems ability to The patient who is well=adi hinted and happy is always to control thantbe mal tndivldual who ll not wliy important tfor doctoral consider the pa tient as personnot lust ntunbcrtojdrom you are Parliament At Glance TUESDAY Jill New Democratic Douglas argued for flag de sign with one red mIple leaf and said it is too late now for any plebiscite on the flag Creditiate leader Concetta accused Opposition lllIfIIhaker of usi the III luua for petty poll and to pit Trench ainnrt English Bert Leboe CIrlboo first Social Credit speaker nip ported the nod EnIlln Ind rIlled for plebiscite to choose the flag Transport Minister Pickers gffi announced another In quiry into maintenance of the Air Canada reler facilities It mfll Robert Castes PC Olmbolilftdlfll ludingdbéd Ensign suppo er secure Liberals of leading Canada down the road to republi cism Senate agreed to soften the impact of proposed man datory qualifications for mas ters and mates of fishing vusels Altair nothing more not the type of man you would pick to lead anything more important than prayer meeting POSIPONE IT You wonder as liberals throughout the province must be wondering whether the party might not be wise to still try and postpone its con vention As the candidates lief into their campaigns it becomes ever more apparent that the party does not have man ready to be its leader Some of the aspirants might have the potential Given another half dozcn years perhaps Robert Nixon or Andrew Thompson or Charles Templeton might have the breadth depth and experience for good leadership let Eddie Sargent get to know his way around provincial affairs and he might develop But as of now you lust feel that it is and You simply cant take these men seriously as prospective leaders Apparently as yet the party hasnt even been able to agree ona firm date for the convert tion While it still has time it could well served to postpone the whole affair and try and dig up ist least one man of real prom se Or perhaps it has to go ahead and land deeper in the mire ihenIlt could end up with thorough upheaval such Ia the Port Hope meeting at the thirties which put the Conserva tives back on the road Action By Refugees Sours Town People ly MaelNllmB HOOD LONDON year ago the sandal Suttpn in Surrey In unp wanubpck Polish iefugoe family which it hId sponsored and for which it had provided free 10 house completely furnlsbrd de cided to live it up and return to Germany fbelr excuse was that the could not settle down in BrttI although job was rovided for the father of the amliy and could not stand the British climate So they packed up and returned to Allendorf Germany to live In converted stable borne Head of this Polish Muses family is Alexander liliechowicr aï¬lyear old mechanic He took back to Germany with him his wife and five children Now be has sent an urgent plea to the Sutton Refugee Committee to re turn lo the town that had pre viously adopted him and his wife and family and once again make an effort to settle down in Sutton PLEA TOO LATE The plea from this Poilsh fa mily however has come too late As is quite understandable the action of this family in go ing back to Germany after all that had been done for it in Sutton has soared the tonna penpie from extending to liberal helping hand many more re fugees particularly to those who had shown so little appreclntlon lofï¬hn efforts made on their be Their plea is also too late be cause the remideteched house on Brighton Road Sutton bought and fumlshed for them out of public subscriptions has now Agrwnrwv rlflzrvï¬mtwr ha IQ been sold and the proceeds on to the Ockenden hind to help other refugeci in his letter to the com hlr Mlechowla said know now that made graat mistake in returningï¬lo Germany We would llketn we back to England But he has been told but firmly that the tow not take them back WOULD IE EMDA Richard ï¬mmlnr secretary of the Sutton ltefligeeVComvmtta teewhls replied are very sorry that din not stay in England tag all the people of Sutton wanted to help you Now we have grid the house and do not have place for you to dye in rm of all the public help glvento you and your farm it would be embarraslng bo for ydpr family and the town it you VIII to return here This family return to Ger many foliowed the return few months earlier of another Poilslr refugee family adopted by th neighboring borough of Central ton Aid Thompson chair man ol the committee said it had been bitter blow to Sut ton when the Miechowlcz family decided to leave We spent thousands of pounds making them comfortable bought them house gave them furniture and clothing and found the husband good lob We even subsidised his wages and paid his reth for nothing Now Aid Thompson and rev aral other members have said they would resign from the corn mlttee if another refugee mg was adopted LETTERS TO EDITOR rnarsas NICHOLSON Dear Sir The Ottawa report by Patrick Nicholson in Friday Examiner deserves the greatest acclama tion for his expose of the ab sentceiam practised so ably by ourbiPe His article proves that if the nations business can be managed successfully by 17 members the remaining on are redundant and should be treaL ed accordingly The savings de rived thereby could be diverted to more useful purposes llegardlng the flag business would suggest an unclean diaper as symbol This would not represent the views of the populace but as the MPs are acting and talking like kids have no doubt flag such as this would be most appropriate Peter MndJonald Barrie CENTENNIAL PROJECT Dear Sir Appropriate to your editorial regarding Barrien plans for should any lack of plans for at ousomorwmr crnrcauv AND rr cosrs fitting commemoration Centennial Year would ilk to suggest that Ierlous consid eration be given to renovation of our downtown store from Above ground levels we have some of the most antiquath store fronts this side of Lthe Shoat towns of Nevada orthr other western states Would it not be feasible for the city fathers to match dollar for dollar with raw merchantior landlord who would undertake to modernize his place of 19557 Such wholesale renovatIEn of our downtown area would breathe new life into our liusia ness community Other cities notably St Thomas have tried and succeeded inlhls venture Why not Barrie Ontarios most progressive city Yours for lasting memorial Barri be PMDULHON FEARS Passenger car production in Britain in rare totalled lelo000 compared with 1350000 in tree the previous peak ycar YOU ONLY