Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1964, p. 17

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momsummar Wvijmtjvwmmvmvgflrr 711 91 It as germezgmnwzwrymutwoswmsrmmmvenycwwwwmmm an aunt WIN macro is int 11 MOVIE COLUMN Movie School Holds Graduation By It lflthtlA HOLLYWOOD iAPt Judy Garland met Mickey Rooney in its classrooms Betty Grable was student and to was Donald OConnor and Natalie Wood Anita iauise Connie Etotens and flock oi others Hundreds have called Holly wood Protestlonal School their alma mater during Its 40 years at M00 liollywoodhlvd new class at 70 seniors will graduate tonight but not all will attend the ceremonies the student body president former Mouseltetcer Cubhy OBrvun wont deliver his vale dluory Hea opening with his band in Les Vegastonlght An understudy is standing by to read his ech Understudies are pmvid ior all school lune tionsIn case students cant We have no athleou no caieteria as hotel or boarding department We an minty an academic doy school The measure or its success It was the only private school among 15 high schools in the toe Angeles area to be cited by the University oi Calliornla tor the high scholarship at icrmer students Principal Mary Andemen de nied the notion that dtild per iormcra are not Phi Beta Kappa types The proicssional child Ia ex tremer bright said she litany oi them are straight students And they present no discipline problems They are very quiet and wdlbebavod In classrooms They want to pro4 lecl good Image oi them selves Pmicsslonals com rise 20 per Lord Bntce eon oi the Earl oi Eigin and Kincardlne and Grand Master at the Grand LORD onucriitttnos unsomc mount Dodge oi Scotland ilelt was the guest at honor at dinner in the Grateau Laurler Hotel ntesday night With lard Bruce Ia lrvlne Grand Master at the Grand Lodge or Canada in the Province ol Ontario iCP Virephoto Festival Production Hailed By Audience thTRATFDRD CPLA near espacity audience at the Strat lord Festival gave magnlli cent reception Tuesday night to Le Bourgeois Gentlihommr Mo lierea iarce directed In English by Montreals Jean Gascon The play with Douglas Rain In the title role was the second oi this seasons tbm central plays to open The 12th season oi the iestival opened Monday with an already controversial version of Shakespeares Rich ard II The third opening will be to night when King Lear goes on stage In production directed by festival director Michael Langbam with John Colicos and Martha Henry starring ntesday nights production of Gentiihommo had already been staged at Englands Chichester Festival Where It was enthusi astically received by the Entish press The critics hem equalled the British in praising the produc tion though there wera some reservations The play is lam concern prosperous bourgeois Monsieur Iourdain whose chlei ambition is to associate himself with persons at quality HOUSES GUFFAWS Rain as Jnurdaln manages to aquecza guliatva out oi his audience and at the same time remain believable character Equally masteriui were Mar vyn Blake as the philosophy master and Eric Christmas the master tailor Whatever the reaction at openingnight critics and audi ences this seasons iestival is already assured at boxolich lsowpak or size 65mins Spec 49¢ Note size 33¢ Value Spot 159 my ory withfine white votlurnflnlahWrtt lng pads contain 200 sheets match Ing envelopes success Advance ticket sales are so iar running 25 per cent ahead oi bookings In the some period last year and last years season was one oi the most auc cessiul yet The critics views Audrey Ashley Ottawa CitizenJean Gnscons produc tion has some moments at high comedy and some lino individual perlnrmances hut Producer director Otto Premlrtger brings his latest production or Columbia Pic tures release lhe Cardinal to the imperial lheatre start ing today The Continal is in teams Donttetheadache or cold miseries Spotlwvfsvnwner Onioyment Keep fastacting ks Rex at ur out 0386on endear 100s Reg 69 beetopes 691m Spec 55¢ imported sun TlIE CARDlNill ilT IMPERIAL lthera is on the whole reeling oi restraint about it Syd ey Johnson Montreal Starquite obviously this Is go inl to he the most popular pro duction ol the reason no matter how well the company does leer Garcon has succecdm ad mirably with the expert coop eration oi Robert Provost Ga briel harpentier and choreog rapher Alan Lund Panavialon and Technicolor Starring in the title role la Torn hyon Director turns ed actor John Huston stars as Cardinal Glennon Bobby Morse and his AdoraBelles are also in the illm show up Hollywood Pmicseloaal school has long served children who cant undergo Iulltlme school ing They Include not only an tors singers and models but Olympic skaters swimmers and gymnasts who require six hours or more oi training daily We run an education work shop says Mrs Bertha Mann executive dlrector We have no Mickey Mouse courses Our stu dents are drilled In iundnmen tala mm In llt5 each morning Those who have to work at studios in the momlng can come ior tutong In bite aitsntoon cent oIIila at eats would be proicsstunals nearer to per cent As you walk tltrough the narrow halls you encounter no books We are very strict Isld litre Mann The boyscant wear blue learn or long haircuts and on Fridays they wear coats and ties The girls arent al lowed excessive meltcup or sleeveless drones and skirts mun cover the knee nght sweaters Absolutely not fhut the students go along with the rules Theyre smart enough to know that diredors larti seeking that wellscrubbed DO OIlAWA CPI with sea sonal job activity on the up swing unemployment In Can ada at midMay was 207000 decline ll0000 irom April and 58000 under the yearear lier level thebureau oi statis tics and the iederal labor de partment said today lha May unemployment fig ure represented 42 per cont oi the labor lorcc compared with 52 per cent dn May 1003 and 51 per cent in Mai 1062 Sea sonally adjusted the May un employment rate was 47 per cent Employment increased sca aonally by an estimated 140000 to 8606000 between April and May Compared with year earlier employment was up 290000 or 47 per cent The job picture in briei with estimates in thousands May April May 10 13 1063 Labor ioroe 6901 6753 0650 Employed 6000 6300 0312 Unemployed 293 403 etc FIGURES ARE ESTIMATES The monthly reportia based on survey oi 35000 households across Canada lor the week ended May 27 Since ilgures are on sample ctosssecflon oi the population they are estimates and not precise totals Tits report said employment levels In all regions reflected the general upswing In seasonal Unemployment Figures Decline activity Both iurm and non iarrn employment was up in line with the improving weather and the spring pickup in manu iacturlng and construction The t7pcreent gain in em ploymcnt over the year was compared with the average yearioyear increase at about two per cent over the last dec ade in each at the last six months the yeartoyear lob gain has been over the tourper ccnt level Employment or young per sons showed significant in crease over the ear the report said in May employment count showed 1436000 persons between It and 24 years oi age at work114000 more than year earlier Regionally the lob looked brighter The gain In employment was described as particularly noticeable In the Atlantic region DI the 293000 unemployed in May 234000 were men and 59 000 were women Six oi every 10 Jobless work ers in May had been out oi work ior three months or less This group covered 177000 oi the unamp oyed The remain lng 110000 had been unem ployed ior iour months or longer There were 42000 jobless workers in the Atlantic region in May compared with 72000 month earlier CENTRE oi controversy he tore Board oi Broadcast Gov ernors In Ottawa ls ireelanl Vancouver commentator Pat Burns BEG oiiiclal Carlyle Allison accused the broad caster oi indulging In wild opiatooiraiion on his open iiae listener participation show on station coon Van couver CP chephotot BBG Hearing Raps Telephone lntervieWs OTTAWA CPI Members of the Board oi Broadcast Gover nors expressed concern nies day that methods used by some radio stations in conducting live Interviews over the tel as may be an invasion oi pr vacy EEG dialrman Dr Andrew Stewart drew attention at board public hearing to BEG policy on political and contro versial programs calling lor bal anced treatment the right torc ply and equal access to the air BEG vice chairmen Carlyle Allison commented on phone calls Irom radio stations solicit ing opinions irom people with out giving them prior notice and oi taping conversations without the person being inter viewed aware that the conver sation is to be broadcast Tba matter arose in connec tion with proposed share tran sler switching control ol Von couvcr radio station CJOR to Mrs Gcorge Chandler irom her husband who died two years ago William Pearson EEG coun sel said the board has received complaints about an interview program on CJDR conducted by tr broadcaster Pat Burns HEARS ABUSE Mr Allison said the board has heard some abuse sometimes when person refuses to talk on subject Mr Burns wishes to talk about This seemed some invasion oi privacy Mrs Chandler said the station la always identliicd and the per son at the other and or the line is told the conversation is on the air WATCH RTHESE BIG SUMMER AT YOUR REXAll DRUG STORE AIIIIIIISIAMIIII nick and lo toasting rellei poison and home with ch tort saunas Heal savings on In Ill crossover in us folds item in the dranlltozetaam Rog $100 Special 60¢ oz tottonRog $100 56 Special it our undo tor tie tamil Small midlitrnl no Lathe sizes shop early thats Ru 93¢ Special Slider in in ii hefittttinrfluhiyndi ream SUPER PLENAMINS REPEAT OFSERI mrr ooh ll tlaxrilr premium Irvd mlnenls tablet 71s with 10 extra tshlsls more unit with no PLENAMIIIS quality untilyinth ol nnwonl W5 Issues The vicechairman said that at 750 am EDT today he was called by an Ottawa radio sta tion which he would not Iden tiiy asking about todays hear logs At the time he wasnt really awake and had not shaved Mr Allison said he then heard beepcra high pitched signal which Is required in be attached to hone sets to indi cate to pcope the conversation is being recorded He said he hadnt been warned asked whether the conversation was being taped and suggested the radio station call back later Five minutes later the station called agnln tor the interview SUGGESN METHOD The BEG vlcechairman aug gosied it iaa better method it advance wanting can be given to person that he will be phoned tor recorded interview He said the EEG also had complaint by secretary to British Columbia cabinet minis ter who said that Elle had been called by Mr Burns but didnt know she was on the air until iricnds commented about the program to her later Mr Allison who said the board has also received letters in praise oi Mr Burns took in sue with generalizations ex pressed by the broadcaster on the air Ho oiien indulges in wild opinionioations raid Mr Aili son Earlier this month he said one topic on Mr Bums pro gram had been chiropractors In speaking of doctors Mr Burns had said they want to be the only ones to Iraiiic in human misery Mr Allison said this Is the type oi comment that leads to oiiendlng people DOUBTS ACHIEVEMENT Bernard Goulel BEG lull tlme member said from what be has heard CJOlts Hot Line program was not really achiev ing anything educational and ap pealed rather to morbid curio sity Mrs Chandler said she con sidered the station is serving the people She said she regularly consults Mr Burns about his program She believed in tree dam of speech and that the mgr gram should be conducted In the proper iasblon tb regard to slander and sed on She said she agreed with the boards recent circular letter that asked radio stations not to titty iride tall devil broadcast programs on certain controversial subjects such as birth control until alter 1030 pm The board will announce its recommendation on the share transier later ANNOUNCEII REPLIES VANCOUVER CPI Broad caster Pat Bums said Tuesday the disagreement with the Board oi Broadcast Govemora over his controversial open Una rndlo broadcast has been go log on or weeks and weeks and weeks lie was commenting to his listeners over radio station CJOlt on BBC criticism oibls program Mr Burns said he always In lnrms those he is interviewing that they are on the air He had told Mr Allison lve got whole library or taped calls calls that have put out and you can ask anyone to come in and check every call or any call at random to matter what say is or Is not eI 0n balanced treatment oi po litical or controversial pro grams he said surely this would apply to broadcasts that could aiicct such things as elec tions or the current national flag sue ACCESS SAID EQUAL there was equal access to hil program The lirst man to get on the line was the iirst man talked to II there was 811m oi persons telephoning to Support nfi sublets thats the way it Mr Burns said Mr Allison had said persons should be nottiied in advance that they were going to be interviewed Tilll is not thaway an op line vibrant dynamic show like the Hot Line works People want to know and call at their instigation Youd slow this tiring down almost to civil service type walk it you were to send letter or phone call out to someone saying Well now look tomorrow im going to Interview you and the nature at the questions will be aoand Health Dept Plans Closer Watch On Drug Products arrawa CPI The federal health departments load and dntg directorate plans closer surveillance oi pharmaceutical products entering the market and companies releasing laulty productsme be prosecuted the Commons land and drugs committeewas told niesduy Morrell head at the directo te told the committee warnings were issued last year to several drugmanufacturera and distributors who oiled to meet standards set down by the uectorateBy now theseconn sol tie the necessary mprovemenis glosses variety or ice andhofidiiise with soft vlny pouch The latesi An effective and pleanrnly scented antiperspirant deodo Dr Morrell suggested tbana wamns ReaB94 system of licensing if applied pr Special ii 15 or now only mu oortrs tors tines ssuu ripest rent tor personal summer smash 63 to drug monufccttum would dflnflness Reg 93 men and women Children 00 sue the iood and dntg three special 59¢ 13an Vibrate knowledge at who till We business and would also gi greater weight at autho NEW SUNIAN PRODUCTS on or dark drysirln or oily rt orhazy day Rexnllnow huettto parlodssmton product tor you All are water mums Nova grassy or sticky It you tan norm use Rsxait clear or Retail Cree tan Lotion oz lus can WASH Baustt 12 handle rnu hrlatlor $4 Value ELEIXTREX 0R BATTERIES Translatoror Ilarhil ht us an On RonniEllyZIorsdt PM Spseitiismuadeir HEXALI DELUXE ro Nylon Brlsuea Reg 69 each use fiaxalt elearor Rexailcr my suntan Lotion tor Summitiva Itin doa llyontenIItily use Rmnfiuntan Bil oz 30 you ll Iunhurnorwant maximum protect usd new OrrId It Medicated sunburn Lotion aoz zoo Mimi mad

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