Continuing to expand arth Barrie and Simone County 100th Vear No it arr émf woeWeFMbvu ETWWWPMWW was um Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday June 17 1964 at ram Examiner tomorrow low tonight High Thursday 71 See complete weather armory on page two Local Weather Wannu with possible showers Not Moro Than Far Copy24 gee Biculturcrlism Conlmi ssion Is Puppet oveaec CP in royal commission on bilingualism and bltulturalism was attacked bli terly by militant separatists as it ended threemonth round of informal public meetings here Dresday The separatists almost monop glised the discussion at stormy evenlng session attended by 500 and at alternoon group discussions attended by too They appeared to form roughly half the attendance on both oc easlons They described the 10 com lssioners as puppets of the Anglo Saxon mnforlty eri tlcised the Royal vislt sched tried for October and called flatly for an independent Que hcc republic with seat at the United Nations At least it separatists made fiery caches condemning ei lc ed ominatlon and exploits of FrenchCanada by the English speaking majorly of Canada They read from long prepared taxis interrupted by frequent awieuse and diners from fellow aeparatius Commissioner Jean hisrchand resident of the respectnew her Confederation oi National Trade Unions objected to son aratisia statements invpugning the commissioners good faith He said the commission was willing to bear out all shades of opinion but resulted allele tlcns that its members were puppets trying to impose ideas on heochenadiaoa WAN N0 LESONI Noting that most oi the sep aratist itcsmen were univer alty st cats and proicsslonai men he said he had no lessons to learn from petty bourgeois who had always sad the French Canadian move ment in the past have been lighting 21 years for the rights of FrenchCana diao workers and am continu ing to do so he said Commission cochairman An dre Laurendeau had difficulty being heard above the interjec tiona as he adjourned the eve ning meeting after av hours of outspoken discussion Roi Negre African tribal chief shouted man at the back of the packed ball as Mr Laurendeau thanked the people resent for attending the meet on This was flrrasa that Mr Laurcndcau editoninchlei of the Montreal newspaper La Dee volr himself coined about 10 years ago to describe the late premier of Quebec Maurice Du plessls it meant that English speaking industrialists propped up an autocratic pmvlnc al gov ernment in return for immunity from government controls Turn Sod Monday For Building The first and for the new YM YWCA building will be turned hionday at 1205 pm at the Grove St site west of Hayfield The contract for the erection oi the building has been awar ded to Emery Engineering and Contracting Company Limited otileiai signing of the contract will take place in conjunction with the sodturning ceremony Gordon Patterson president of the made the announcement Ha said the project has been made reality for the most part by local donors the local board and committee local as chllects contractors and sub contractors He said that this is truly community project The building will serve the Barrie area for many years to come Mr Patterson made special mention of the exhaustive efforts by the building committee led by Hugh Gibson and Bill Cald well They have been handling this responsibility tirelessly and effectively Were very appre ciativc of their leadership and well pleased that they have brought the new building pro tect to the point where actual construction will be under way immediately The anticipated construction time is 82 weeks though it is hoped to improve on that The new building will not include two club rooms and program storage area which were deleted from the orginal plan because oi lack of money uScranton Scoiis ht Threats Broadens Nomination Campaign Governor William Scran ton of Pennsylvania ignored two death threats to broaden his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination while leading contender Senator Barry Goldwater of Ariwna piled up enough delegate strength on paper to win the nomination next month at San Francisco The is year old Scranton added Utah and Kentuc to 150omiie itinerary in late bid to pick up enough nomin ating delegates at the July 13 Republican nominating conven tron to prevent the big prize from going to Goldwater on the first ballot Goldwaters delegate strength has soared to on with the addi tion of the ssmcmber Texas delegation Tuesday according to an Associated Press survey fr he brings on to that total he wrll win the nominationwitb iii votes to spare Nomination takes 855 Of Goldwaters first ballot votes some 401 are boundto him by personal plcdgeprlm ary election legal requirements or official action of state and district conventions LATE The remaining 273 say they personally favor the senator but are not bound to him it is from them that Scranton must try to draw enough support to pre clude iirstballot win for Gold water Goldwater hopes to capture more ck Friday when Montana chooses if delegatean the last of the state conventions to decide the Republican dale gataselcction littempt To End Montreal Strike MONTREAL GP Union leaders have indicated they will try to persuade 1500 longahore men to return to work at mass meeting set for today in another attempt to end the wild cat alk out whim has para lyzed the Montreal waterfront for two days Leo Taylor one oi the inter national Dongshoremenp Asso ciation CLCt officcri said Tuesday night he was hopeful aha walkout can be settled to try NEWS Police Dont Suspect Foul Play BEANTl0RD CP Police said today they have no reason to suspect foul lay in the drowning of partlallyparalyrod man alter an alln ght party Saturday They investigated the death of Peter McIntyre 45 of Call at the request of his wife Mr Mc fnlyres naked body was found lrom here after he had been Youths Killed In PUCE Ont tCPi Donald Byme iiiand Edward bairambolse with passenger train at mflosoasioi Windsor passenger cars were derailed aboard was injured both of Em were killed Tues Thatengln but none of the 40 or so persons in Hillside Camp Lake is miles nvlled to attend party Crash night when their car collid are ng near this commun threeofthetrain iNliiRED IN DISTRICT MISHliP Three persons are in sat isfactory condition in Camp Borden hospital following an accident on Highway 90 at this last night Although few details of the mishap are vailable from Barrie detach ment of the Ontario Provinc Ledders Ponder Future Of StrifeTorn Cyprus NiCOSlA iCPlMorc killing struck Cyprus today as world capitals pondered the future of the striietorn island and Cana dian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer saw for himself several miles oi destruction and dislo cation caused by the communal nor in Nicosia the Cypriot cap UN spokesnran said Turkish Cypriot was reported killed at Yerovasa in southwest Cyprus today few hours after GreekCypriot was shot dead in battle in northwest Cyprus Details were lacking but in the Cree riot killing Tues day the belts took place near key point on the islands coastline where smusslins of weapons is suspected to be tak ing place It is controlled by the TurkishCypriots in report to the UNSeeur lty Council lkresday Secretary Gcneral fhant confirmed that arms are being smuggled into Cyprus illegally and said this is complicating the UN task of ending the strife between the two factions Thant called for three month extension oi the UN force in Cyprus now number ing H400 mas including 1m Canadians Canada has agreed in principle to keep its men on the island for three more months at probable cost of $1000000 The UN mandate for the force expires June 27 but the Secur ity Council is expected to ex tend the life of the force later this week Hellyar was briefed on the position of Canadian and other United Nations groups in Cyp ms and problems which arise oi the smoke filled building by Edward Kind who was ial Police it Is believed the 1957 station wagon blew tire and rolled across the highway six miles from Barrie to satisfactory condition at the hogital are the driver John ill ard Clayton Barrie and passengers Wilson and log role He also conferred with lead ers oi both sides He said there was general agreement by both sides that the terms of reference of the UN iorc emay have to be ex amined in forthcoming Security Council meetingsno see what further powersccanbe givtrvtd the force Fireman 28 year old volunteer fireman fractured an ankle while battling blaze in Maple Ave one home last night William Walton til Donald St was injured when he slipped from ladder inside the bum ing ome The ladder had rung missing near the bottom Walton was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital by Coast Douglas Jones of Barrie City Police where it was determin ed bone had been dripped From his home today Mr Walton said cast will beput on the leg tomorrow if the agefling has sufficiently subsid The fire broke out in the attic of building at £7 Maple at approximately eight oclock it started while painter Frank Ghappel was burning off old paint from tbaeaves with Mr Grappel said he aawsmoke during the strange peacekeep in Washington Canadian Am In Barrie Blaze blowtorch QUEBEC tCPLawyer nayi mondtBuddyt Matter told the Star indoor offered him $15000 from wooen Coffins rokeonteWnitopsoiforod fractured ankle when he ped from ladderinns the home Examiner Pholel Buchanan spokesman for the hospital preferred not to give any information other than the injuries are minor and the patients are in satis factory condition Damage to the wagon was estimated at 5650 Coast it Secord investi gated Ebtamlnar Photo bassador Charles Ritchie con ferred with George Bell US undersecretary of state on the Cyprus problem but declined to give out any details Bail made hurried trip to the capital of Turkey and Graeco last week and the Turkish and Greek leaders agreed to meet in Wash ingtcn withlresideotloboson separater next week Injured coming from few feet away and when he went to get pail of water the flames seemed mourn tenant of the home Henry Cribbs who described himself aswell over so was in the house and ill at the time of the blazedfa said he ciambered out of bed to get some water for Mr Chappel when the painter called for assistance Fire Grief Irwin said the damage is estimated at bout Mr Cribbs added that his expensive continental bed and clothing were water damaged Smoke in the attic was so thick that firefighters were forced back several times des gite the usage Scott Air racks Ollered Cash for Statement Quebec royal commission in quiringinto the Coffin case Tuesday night thattha Toronto for statement that was new Coffin was then in deathmw at Montreals Bordeaux Jail Mr Maher had unsuccessfully defended him year earlier in his trialyfor the slaying of one of three Pennsylvania hunters in Quebecs Gsspe The lawyer said the city ed itor of lhe Star called him at am and made the offer any ing Coilinwould probably be executed anyway andthe money might be useful to Malt rlon Patric who lived with Cot that John MacLean thena lbronto Telegram reporter who later wrote book about thyme bad triadic help him gather evldsgg aodhcd been defence VitalisSues OTTAWA tCP Why do it nowt Wait until wlnterl spokesmen for three parlia mentary parties Theme ech oed that slogan parody oi the federal winterworks program in urging the government to pluck the great flag debate from the House of Commons hopper and proceed with other business This is momentous and historic debate said New Dem ocratic Leader Douglas but there would have been plenty of time to have dealt with the flag resolution next fall or next winter Bert choe Social Credit MP from the British Columbia Car ihoo agreed with Mr Douglas in claiming Canadians want priority attached to legislation other than the flag Why is this emotional dc bate before us when many if not most of the governments election promises are not ful filled asked Robert Castes Conservative MP from Cumber land NS who has spear headed campaign for parlia mentary endorsaiion of the Red Ensign as Canadas continuing national symbol Real Caouetle Crediliste Canada 115 OTTAWA CPD The meat ing of the CanadaUnited States cabinet defence committee in Washington June 25 may mark another step in the possible do misc of RCAP Air Defence CommandH inf sources The main military purpose of the meeting in Canadian eyes at least will be an assessment of theltussian bomber threat against North Amarica Inlormanls said it is expected the US delegation which has infinitely more sources of lntel iigence information than the Ca nadians will ï¬nd the bomber threat reduced in comparison with the longrange missile men see such an assessment sources said would evtually result in further redultion in REAP Air Defence Command possibly to the point where only few let planes are kept for reconnais sance proposes leader who complied with speaker Alan lilacnaughtcna order to remove flag iom his desk urged iifPs to handle the maitcr quickly and adopt dis tioctiva Canadian flag HAS iiiISGIVlNGS He said his group would plump with misgivings for the trimaplcleaf design to save time and abandon plans to push singleleaf versiongreen leaf centred on field diagonally split into red and white sectors That was the one he sought to display in the House But Mr Douglas said his 17 man group will move later in the debate for singlcicai ver sion oi the existing design The debate launched Mon day by Prime Minister Pearson and followed up by Opposition Leader Dieienbaker with an amendment that plebiscite be held on national choicecon tlnues today But the Commons turns Thursday to an urgent itemspa proval oi constitutional change to permit survivors to collect benefits under the proposed Canada Pension Plan This ac tion follows the necessary Que bec legislature action demanded constitutionally and is being hastened to get it before the British Parliament before the dissolution for the anticipated election there Public and Commons interest waned on the second day of FaIlBehind lag Battle debate that may be long and heated Public galleries were wellï¬lled but not packed At one stage during the evening sitting only MPsoo Liber als and 34 opposition represen tetlveswere in the assseat chamber Crossfire points oi order and questions oi privilege consumed more than half an lhour oi the twnhour night sit ng DOUGLAS LEADS OFF Mr Douglas led off with call for openmindadness and responsibility in the debate and tribute to Mr Pearson for undoubted sincerity and convic tion in grasping nettle on the flag choice that cautious predelt ecssors had avoided Mr Dieienbalrer former prime minister was absent all day one western speaking en gagement Mr Pearson was an sent from the night sitting Mr Douglas said the failure of Canadians to agreesod no fault of Britainis responsible for the countrys lack of dis tinctive Canadian flag an an them or constitution that can be overhauled in this country But it was strange to face the flag resolution at time when the Liberal government had not met many other election com mitments geared to welfare jobs student loans medical care insurance threats of auto mation or increasing American ownership in the economy Evacuate City As Gas Threat Hits Quake Area uncari Massive air and ground relief operations con tinued today in the earthquake shaltered city of Nligata and other areas of northern Japan with the death toll placed at it Battered and broken by one of the strongest Japanese earth quakesoi modern times Nil gata was menacedyby fire and floodend the threat of deadly gas that attacks the nervous Sistem Police removed 7350 persons including 2000 hospital patients from the vicinity of petroleum front of this big port on the northwest coast the centre of Japans petroleum industry Workers tore down 300 flimsy houses in the path of the fire but the flames inched toward hydrogen tank 90 feet away raising fears of gigantic ex plosion Also threatened was tank of dis leadan additive for gaso linethat would loose poisonous fumes over thecripplad city of 340000 if itwent up Oliicials wanted that if the gas escaped it would attack the nervftus system of anyone inhal ing tanks blazing along the water ae