th lBtittiP hammer Published by Clnldiln NstpIpIrI limited It Willi amnion 16 Switch Stroot Barrio Ontulo v11 ivqu General unsui Notith JUN 13 im Poll LE GRAND BUDDHA Ontario Hydro Marked Big Year Of Further Progress More than two million customers vcre served by Ontario Hydro during the past car This is this record of service the publiclyowned utility The ex ample over the years set by this cooper ï¬ive electrical enterprise no doubt Ii yerl fears orinvestors when thepro vinces of British Columbia and Quebec took over private power ilrms The tears oi course would return it there was any sign of political interference in the operation of the utility which there has not been in this province Providing power at cost for Ontarios commerce industry arid homes has been the achievement of the HEPC and has been in no small sense largely respon sible for the development of the ro vince in the past haltcentury Loo ing back over the 1963 report issued under signatures oi Chairman Ross Strike QC the following hi hlights should be of interest to the cit zenowners oi 0n tarlo Hydro Power demands reached art ailtime peak of 6796900 kilowatts an increase of eight per cent over 1962 Resources ï¬t the end of the year totalled 7756250 Erection oi buildings ht Dou las Point nuclear power station on La Huron between Kincardine and Port Elgin was virtually completed and major items oi equipment were being installed Work progressed at our hydroelec tric sites in the James Bay watershed two units being placed in service at both Otter Rapids and Little long Fenerating stations providing additions capacity of 209000 kilowatts Construction oi the associated 500000volt EHV trans mission line to provide additional power for major load centres made satisfactory progress installailon oi the third and fourth 800000kilowatt thermalelectric units continued at Lakeview generating sta tion on Metro oiitan Torontos western outskirts Ths coaltired station will have capacity of 2400000 kilowatts when completed in 1068 increased output irom the commis sions thermalelcctrlc stations largely helped to oilset decline in hydroelec tric generation resulting from below normai water levels on several major Ontario rivers in additionintegration oi the interconnected systems oi 0n tarlo Hydro and Hydro Quebec with In international power grid covering the eastern hall of the North American con tinent proved advantageous on several occasipns in meeting demands in the commissions East System Sales eiiorts oi the municipal utilities and Ontario Hydro favorably increased power consumption on many flDllldu articulsrly electric heating More thud 500 allelectric homes wereadded to the commissions system in 1003 Com mercial and industrial applications of electric heating included approximately 50 schools 05 motels and aartment buildings comprising about 10 suites OTHER canons VIEWS THE swear auv AND auv Brahtford Expositor One of the greatest contrasts between the European arid North American ways of life until recently was in attitudes to buying on creditThe Europeanhbrought upto pay cash or go without looked ask anceatus and our neighbors signing up for instalment paymentslon aline of household and personal goods that spell ed almost luxuryelsewhere All this israpidly changing Western Europeans are on spendinghoom and it is estimatedthatdn ten years they will have as many modern household pli ancesas do North Americans They ave sThe Barrie Examiner allhmlfl Dailyr Sunday Ixcapud unnun warren PnleIhIr ucmn mason ourm nusm MIIHIIION Inning all it muon canning urnm mum is KILL Aceonnllnl sncnari onivwscsv CircuiItlnII urnm yr IIIdI VDMOM Ilfll III Vblllll 1W If vm D1 Vlt orontoi ugiuhndm normi 11 Want egos VIncouvor ac US is $50 billion and in $3 billion taken heavily to car buying in the last three years and are rapidly retiring their once ubiquitous bicycles and motor scoot ers The 230 million people of the slxCom mon Market countries and Britainhavo run their instalment credit debt up to $6 billion The corresponding figure in the Canada Ibopt There is still good deal oi he shale ing in Europe about theinew trendth old cashinhand school warnsagalnst the pitfalls and evils of purchasin on easy terms in Britain whereun recently there was no system of credit bureaus to check the ratings oiinstalrnent buyers financetlrms newcomers on the scene lost lot of money and the courts still have long waiting listsoi actions arising out of credit transactions SNARLING COFFEE DRINKERS Regina LeaderPost For some strange reason which we have never been able to comprehend wnwrprmmamwmmmvrngmmm CENTENNIALPLASHBACK Victorian Era 5Witnessed littomeyGeneral Vast Changes In World Living Dangerously Many greIt men and woman blue on their pccular mark on Iocict but In in the history mankind has InyooI iIit their It so deeply and so complItIy on the whole world It did Queen Victoria 11m VIctorlIn Era war pen iod wwwmthollmflhbtory my only be riVIllId the at its moiutlon by tho nuccar IE ol thI preIent plIyId by Quoc thI dcvcio manta oi thI time may be de ated but her name bchmI associated with inert oi the remarkable changes that brokI on the world with inf rapidity during hot MIDDLE 0F REIGN Eudora oi the lint lIIucI oi lliI Examiner lilo years up in wen living right in th midt oi the Victorian Era and thI new dIVIlo manta in Ici once poilticI Ill thI humanitiu which are llIoclIied with the time were written up in thc weekly new column By tear Victoria hId celebrlled her Sli VIr lublloI on thI lhronI Ind Iho wII to nilI ior mother so yeIrI Trade commerce and men biIclurlng received In impetuI during the early out oi her reign that made Great Britain the iirst Imong nations Flint ing Iculpturc music the cncoI univcrlltiII and one thing lhIl iendnll in the devel opment oi the empire iound in bar warm trupportsr in her reign thI Britirh Em plrI ruched the Ipeit ol lil Foworlclding to the bout that war an empire on which the Inn never IelI ERA OF DEVELOPMENT Staphcnlnn built the lirIt lo comotiva qut eight yeIrI Iho ascended to the throne Ind durin her reign IhI law In Imai ng growth in railroads the development ol tolegrlilht Ind tho harnessing ol electricity Many oi the great when Dickens Thackmy Browning Tennyson CharlottI Bronte John Stuart Mill and host oi othcrI IrI associated with bar reign Victoria run only II when IhI bchmo Queen in tori and her reign extended 6i yIIrI tIklng it into the oath Century so In thI that British monarch to rule under lull parliamentary control established by the lie iorm Bill oi rm and yIt with her popularity and her genial II dplomIt Ihc wielded ire mandoua powar INA ACI The llltll oi thI British North merch Act which gIvI CInIdI independence and rat the IltIrn tor thI Woman Commonwulth was per hIpI one oi the most IignilicInt IlepI taken during her rviI Queen Victoria also look pcraonll hand in tho Ioiecllon oi Ottawa II thI capital ior the dominion For com um MontreIl held the honor It be ing the pint oi CInIdI but lost the honor in lots whcn In angry mob displeased with th governor genmiI action in Iigning IhI RIbollion Loam Bill burned the parliament buildings Following thiI pIrllImcni mIt alternately in Toronto and Quo beo in 1551 Queen Victoria wII Invited to select prItIl tor CInIdI Ind in 1335 lbs chnso thI villIgI ol Bytown inow 0i thIl on the Ottawa River Con struction was soon begun on the new parliament buildings Ind In rose the PrincI oi Wales II ler Edward Vll then young man oi l9 wII given the honor oi laying thI cornerstone OREAI WHITE QUEEN To the Canadian lndlInI Quccn Victoria had special signili cInce AI the country grow thcrs Wll more and more con tact beiwen the colonists Ind th lndiIns in every care the treaties Ind legislation worI signed in the name oi the qucon and my chIlngI with the in diam were done in her name with the inn th at her reign and tho IlIbiity ol her Idmln lslration Ilia cams to be re garded II the ultimate Iymbol iii authority Ind thI great benc incior LETTERS TO EDITOR VOTE YES VIEW IhI lnnIIlil liquor vote will be held on June Ind would ap preclIts the opportunity to ra PLHo IomI oi the No Vote statements lhey claim that Yos vote is not res onslhls vote would like th to con Ildcr their respond tics again Liquor like the Itom bomb overpowered automobilcl lV Ind medicine lI re to my Prohibition proved possible to uphold and it is unnecessary to enter inio crlmI stdlllilcl at that time We Ire all more oi oi the psychological eiiectl oi anything lhIt is iorbldden ihI gossip has it that lnnlsill is one oi the wettest townIhips in On tnrlo due to booiieggerc it this is the lmth ll innIIiii was licen ch would the holders oi ilcen caI tolerate booilcgger operI ting and cutting into the legal lied and controlled buslnelal think booiiclgerl would diasp Ir in hurry Licensed out ItI would not dare to sell to teenagers or to anyone thIt hId drunk more than they could tol erate it they did they would lose their licence and be in ser ious iinanclal dliilcullies booi lagger doesnt one whom he sells his Honor toI minor or someone completely Itonod drivi lng carl CRITICISM lhI criticism by some that unsavory dance hIllI Ito will be licenIod Ihowa an absolute iIclr oi thought into the subject The coat oi building IctomodI tion to comply with the liquor laws iorblds cheap customIrI Ind tecnsgcrl irom Iinllng themselves oi these privilegII thI charger because oi thI costI are high enough that they cannot be the normal place to go except in com oi celebra tions such ll birthday or other later underItInd tht it waI Ieven yIarI altar ingerIoll Vol ed wet beiorI tth ha lull Iblc place to bc licensed lhI licensed places in Barrie under the new lawa tha only improv Id the dining iacllltiea or every one it lI well known iIct that gounnetc meal carronly bI Ieryed It rcIIonIblo price it subsidized by tho IIlI oi liquor lhodryc may also be interested to know that the revenue irom liquor taxes inOntario one third at the highway buil get oi the province or tho on ilie public woliarI hill or one quarter oi the education budget Liquor is being taxed to tha point of no return bottle sliLLYS SALLIES many so le think thatthopurchasc on cup co lee hasthe fringe privilege of snarling at the waitress it is pretty dif ilcult to give courteous eiiicient service to the man or woman who brings his chip on the shoulder to therestaurani counter table or thermari or woman who has endléasand unreasonable dietary prob IhI in that II no In tor rI ubiloatlnnioi Iik Inn arm are It IV Al uim Ind tire to ion idhhil sfm mob in In no Ir Insur when that mean lems or iood criticism or the customer who seems to take it for granted that the waitress should enjoy being the butt corny joke or an objectionable re mark oi liquor gelling ior 20 goes as iolloWI 0188 to the Province 3151 to the Patient Government la ceniI iortrInsportItlon 67 cents to the diItiller to cover all com and provide Iornc pro iit iii Inyt From i051 to tool the percentage of Canadian in come Ipcnt on liquor hII ra maincd virtualiy thoIomI with drop oi iivs par cont The dry say that the more outlets there are the more liquor is conIum ed United Nation study do nlad thiI iIct EDUCATION The ijority oi our children in lnnlIill will leave the town ship tor larger central when they have compctcd their edu cailon AM we II pIrents not remiu it we neglect tenchlng them how to handle liquori We cannot iooi ourselves and think that our children will never take drink know parents who honestly ieel their children will never take drink but also know children of some at then parents who have taken drink The parents can only blImI lhemrelveI it the children run into trouble would like my children to grow up seeing liquor consumed in decent con trolled IurroundingI with aduitI behaving II IduitI leI thlI manners drinking mannIrI must be taught it thI children are not taught and do not III others behaving with good man lilll they cannot turn to hand is glssI any more than kniiI Ind lork or picnic and thank you Liquor il part cl our his and our children will in Ivilably have to iIce social drinking So much the better it tth retqu but it they accept let us hops that they can handle it properly in an educated and mature iIIhlon Drinking in cm and outside lho bIrk door doeI not promote temperance or good malllilll No one will deny Willow is problem to comb Io on some TV programs nucleIr power and just plain liie it not ruled in the right way Educas tion and Ir practical approach by mIturI thinkerall the only answer Wouldnt llle be won deriul ii we could outlaw all the problem WI cant outlawing liquor does nothelp tho Iihia tion any more than outlawing Ill automoth drlvorI because some BIB dangerouIl PlIIIo vote on June 17 yes or no lnr the correct rea sons can think ot reasanI tor voting nolhIiI are lflml who dont want to no community pro ess would sooner use our dln out and banquet money spent in Barrie they may have good rIIIon tor this dont know would hope to Ice bul inels grow in lnnlIlil In that mytsxea could bI reduced NADlNE CRANFlELD Mrs BIBLE TliOllGlll Ibsreiora will look unto the unit will wIlt tor the God oi When the Prince oi Wales le llcd thI colon In iaso repro IentIlim oi ncIrly Iil the in dIIn tribes gathered otiawa iomeotthosonol IGreIt White Queen CInIdlIn exports increased during her reign irom tram In ion in 53365305 in not it iI IlIo Illntlicani to note Hill in lui ItIllIlicI Ihow Id exports oi lorcIt roducia valued It comm whlo mIn iIcluiod exports wen Vlflllall nil By lm iorell producll hId dIcllncd to custom while rtI oi mInuiIciurcd goodI risen to drum Allo during her reign popull tion in Guam increased irom 1500000 in ml to ih00000 in im RIlirond marcu was Ilow in Iinrtlng chielly duo in the adequate water transport IVIliIbio yct under the Impetus oi thI VictoriIii Era michgs oi rIllroId track grow irom mat is mllu in 1531 to 280 miles by ices lMPACl 0F REIGN blongphy oi ucen Victoria hilshcd shortly lcr her death ii lDOI discussed the impact at her reign on Canada and has this to say about Canadian jour nIliIm Al to the Canadian new it has developed wondc uily since 1817 the year VictoriI became Quccn There were low papers then and they were Imol ugly and high pric ed now they are as numerous as in any other country oi the world maintain higher sland Ird than in most countries are heautliully printed Ind ably cd iicd it goes on to note that in rats their were about 100 pub lchllonI in Canada by its this had increased to Md and by hobo than were Mid publicI onl Further evidence oi the grow th at culture in the tint domin ion undcr Queen Victoria is seen in tho expansion oi the publish ing buliness irom only copy rightI issued in lbtlti to 702 is well in 1800 Public libraries cx pandcd irom less than hall down in i837 to oil by the turn oi the century in 1331 there were no public Ichools Ind people had little time ior reading Under the stimulus oi the Victorian Era the country produced the iirst publisherI Howe Brown McGee and tho iirst poall Cra in Isle Chauvoau Sangstcr and historians Chriltlo Ind GIrneau MORAL INFLUENCE in tho introduction to tho lilo oi Queen Victoria John Coop cr wrote Perhaps no Iover olgn who has ever lived wielded greater influence upon her oplI and upon the world than It Majority Victoria Queen oi GreIt Britain Ind Ireland Em press oi indie Her inilucncI was moral rather than polltchl and she waI II much the mother oi the nItlon as its respected and illustrious sovereign coachs Plllili By DON OELAIIN NEON AltomeyGHta orIl Arthur WiIhIrt is living dIngerouIly hlr WiIliIrt moved into hot cent in tho public mind in iI Illll under lost And now he hII given his hometown police chici job he Ittnrncygcncrai had thI Ippolntmrni oi lhrco Ionior oi iiccra to die Ontario Polch Commission Ilim were mo than 60 Ip piicInts tor the openings AI one at the three men hI Iclecicd Chici lrvln Robert Ion oi Sault Ste MIric Mr Robertson may be the best man in the world And certainly lr WIIhart hII had chInco to know him and Ilalï¬lll his responsibilities nio chic iI irom tho Sauli and he iI as Many people Ira bound to consldcr there hII been lavorit Ism and to lessen their respect tor the attorneygaunt accord lnlly LORDS DAY in Inoihr Irca good point Mr Vlshari has put iorwsrd is the need ior revising thI LordI Dny Act This ancient icdcrIl act is lNlEliPliETillG THE NEWS quits out oi keeping with times ll Ilrlcily eniorccd it clog clicctivcly har much activity the Sabbath which today it It eral Ind Icccpted The lIw lI very loosely on iorced which means that today it li not good loww However chances oi its being amended Ire not strong ialnly not while there is norlty government in Olth in rcccnt ycIrI the Wdl Dsy Alliance has shown broader outlook towsrdI the act But still it would Iutomltlo city have to put up opposile to any move to rewrite it This could lead to holy emotional political disturbhncq And Iuch disturbances are Iomcthlng to be desperately avoided inrlho icdcrIi arena to THREE BALLS in the ills talk which been as much in the air herI everywhere else one wag name up with what mny ho the deï¬ni tivo Imwcr to all the Iriu merit lmlelenl with all the talk he said Lets lust turn the Red Ensign upside down and put three golden balls on ilWIQ in hock to everybody Inyv way Western Observers Worried By Nigerian General Strike Western ohsIrverI who have long considered Nigeria thI most moderate country in Al rch Ire becoming increasingly worried by tho paraiyilng gan IrIl ItrikI now in la second week with no and in sight They are concerned not so much with the strike itch as with tho pollllcal implications oi what could ImergI irom it Compared with Ghana and other Atrican neighbors Ni ycris has enjoyed reputation or internal stability and level headcdncss in external chairs and Britain looked to it as moricl ior other dIvcioplng countrlel ThI majority oi the WIst Alrican countrys asoooooo so pic the largest population ion on the continent had hoped that the prosperity llllt lIilcd to mItcrlIllzI during three yeIrI oi independence irom Britain would iinaily comI when thI republic was established last October But still the old imbalance between thI poverty oi the masses and tho ostentatious luxury ol the law persisted Many think the government am rather naive and inept in its handling oi the situation Dear Hollyi Sometimes hate men My husband is alway telling me cant handle money properly But still it must in appreciated that the countrys economi IltuIlion did not permit fan very boldloilcrnpll to Ippcisi the majority BEHIND SCHEDULE Development pin have lIllcn behind schedule through lack ol expected outside capilIl Ind unemployment sLlll ll hlg Until the crisis trade uniollij were never arllculnrly strong or well organ zed But whentlld government continually reject wags demands the unions won lover and iinaily iormed ths joint action committee which iorccd the appointment OLI wage commission The government iurther aroused suspicions by iirst do laying publication at its ilndlnits and then rejecting the molar recommendation minimums monthly wage of ill abouti halt what the recalled men ministers IEnlDlClVlm servants and employers claim as monthly car allowance The government now ya it will permit minimum little more than £9 In increase at £110D over the present min imum but will not open negotj tlations until thI strike Indl Dear Constant Reader It doesnt surpriseme He could probably learn few things about money himself Sometimes we get mad at Holly Shet in charge of special department It The Bank that takes very onesided view of banking problems Namely woman Each nionthslre exchanges letters Willi women who have all kinds of problems about money How to cave How to handle it Howrtovspcntl it Traditionally this is Iupposed to be special preserve of men But Holly doesnt think so So Ihct making it her business to help women take the major role in money managem the banking business If you think Holly Armstro cnt Sort of Carrie Nation of is wasting her time you should know that 60 of banking in the country is alrudybclng done by women So that gives Holly pretty impressive majority You can get her womans View of banking or money problems just writing tpihcr at Toroiito0ntar manager my ulntlooi my Cod will heir matMIMI 71 And donltfccl bad about this address Holly Armstrorrg being 55