vaocoovsa STUNT PILOT ESCliPES non1 Pilot John Taylor escaped ditch in Delta south at Van wreck Taylor landed in pulled out by bystander death twice Thursday when his light plane cradled into couver Thrown clear at the watertilled ditch but was Photo Prairie Tories Reveal Victory OTTAWA CF Prairie Conservatives revealed in nu Commons Friday that in 1369 they wagedand wona terri iic tight against the ï¬nance department then headed Donald Fleming to get iarm loan interest rates stabilised at live per cent Disclosure of this haltlrhoth in iroot at and behind the cur tain oi the Commons us the lth put it came as the House debated details oi Liberal gov ernmcnt bill to double the lend ing limits on Farm Credit Car poration loans The bill later was given third and final read ing The government proposes to keep iivepercent charge on loans up to the existing limits of $20000 and $27500 under two categories oi corporation loans Above those levels however it plans to charge variable rate set high enough to recover costs Alvin Hamilton PC QuAp pellet iormer Conservative ag rioullure minister recalled that variable rate ior all loans was proposed by the Conservative goverhmcnt in 1959 when it had the biggest majority oi any Ca nadian government in history TELLS 0F VICTORY However he said the principle oi stabilized interest rate oi iour per centplus one per cent to cover costs and reserves against losseswas won atter Conservative babkbenchers ar guing in both caucus and Com mons succeeded in getting an amendment Mr Hamilton said the Con servatlve opposition now in Queens Birthday List Honors Ionner IDNDDN CP former sinweek Toronto oiiice boy who become holiday camp tycoon in Britain was awarded knighthood in Queen Elias belhs birthday honors list an nounced today Millionaire Billy Butlin na live at South Airlca who went to Canada at the age or ii to join his mother and stepfather was among the more ooloriui oi the 2000 persons honored He now controls eight holiday camps in Britain and recently spent £3500000 improving them The Royal honors ranging irom pcerages to minor tities included three new viscouots three barons two privy coun sellors and two baronets But no one received the two highest awardsI the Order oi Merit and the Companion oi Honor Sir WilliamBuilin who now Canadian probably will be called lSir Billy was born in South at rica in 1900 and soon alter his boyhood arrival in Canada he quickly showed the inventive touch that was to bring him iortone His main job as oliice boy at Toronto department store Ea tonsl was to deliver goods in large wickerwork trucks mount ed on wheels Bill strapped rol lerskates to his tact and treb led the speed oi his deliveries Aiter serving with the Cana dian Army in the First World War Butlin ieit Toronto with £5 in his pocket to make his for tone in England His ï¬rst ven tureahoopla stall snowbailcd into an amusement park in the Lincolnshire resort at Skegness lie recalledseeing the first version of the dodge ear at Toronto lair bought the rights in Canada and introducedthem at his Lincoloshire iairground eludes many oi the men who soored that victory and donr want to lose ground They lured that variable rates pro posed on upper portions or the loans would open the door to changing rates on the amount below the existing limits 2qu wussmm WW0 Mntwev ya mm radian workshop Told or Segregation KENDRA Ont CPI Fort William separate school whitebaitn In Friday was segregating white and lo heard proposal tor 3m dian children iederal nod to support program tor the economic ellnanctpatton oi the lndian The suggestion by Alexander Phillipa general manager oi Northwestern Ontario Develop ment Association ioilowed charge earlier in the day that the one he proposed vwld not set precedent because similar funds already have been enabllabed He cited as an ex ample the memento given to aid the Atlantic development ion Mr Phillips told 100 delegates Auto Clubs Seek d1 hinPhiliipssaidaiundnidt 1M rovinces tor urge on to Indians who are measur up their pwn responsibiib ties and obligations who momma con structively spent in misting in dian bands teaching new tech niques improving sanitation Phillips asked The money could be strut on community halls on in reserves where giggmpopuiatlonl activity could Earlier Frldly the executive rector oi the National lndian Council wilired Petietler oi Toronto 1de that indlan pupils at Fort William separ iITEI EARN narrng SATURHA JJNE il ate school ate lunch in rep ate classroom and played to giher apart 1mm white chil en Although he did not nameth school he said later outside the meeting it was St Annes So arate School The lndlan pupils are irvm the Fort William rave hir Pellellcr told the cooler enee sponsored by the Ontario division oi Ihe indisn£sk Association oi Canada that indlan mildren cannot be prop erly integrated into white schools they should be with drawn The iederal government hu followed policy oi inte at ing lodian and white en in the same school TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7244i Car InspeCtion UilAWAitCPlha need ior mandatory inspection oi all cars every six months was stressed by the Canadian Auidmoblls As sociation at its annual meeting Friday Representatives of auto clubs mm all provinces decided request their governments ior mnndalory inspection at all cars used and new ones The board of transport com missioners and the iederal gov ernment will be asked ior leg lslation requiring all locomo tives to be equipped with flashing dome light to reduce trniilc haxards at railroad crossings Since according tuitbs so station modern Identiti cattyoriented approach to the problem oi trait accidents is absent provincial govemmeota will be urged to establish trabied accident investigation teams to determine accurately the truecauses oi traiiic at dents The federal government then would be asked to coordinate the ilndlogs oi these teams so that proper corrective action could be taken Delegates agreed to proposed studies at car and carproduct sales taxes and highway linen clng Several members or pressed concern over increasing provincial taxation oi thsrcar driver Sarieant co no auooer pun spreads HEATINO Oil payments unltomly Spread your tool oil puymonti evenly over many months Avoid heavy midwin or bill when tusi oonunnption is high and other expenses an orally heavier Coll or iodoyl 7282461 MARY STREET duringdee WTmoelTime Dont wait any longer Dont put it oi another day Now right now is the time to seeyour Oldsmobile dealer lta Trade n7vael Time Whats that to you Plenty During Trade TravelTime your Olds dealer is oilering tbe highest tradein allowancas the widest choice of models in stock the beat dealsof the year and the fastest deliveries too So if youve had your eye on new Oldsmobile and have beenwaiting for the right time to buy Model Illustmled Super 83 Holida Sedan retorra now is it Take your pick of new lowerpriced letatnr 88 popular Dynamic 88 powerful Super 88 sporty Starï¬re or an elegant Oldsmobile NinetyEight There are 21 models in all and every one has the perform ance ride luxury and prestige that Olds is so famous for Get in on the action with Oldsmobile during Trade Travel Time mentoumrmosuqousosALsn in Bengali each 5mm in own mm an R5 PHONE 126 1811 Check your local lilting torehannal and dine Get in on the action at your Oldsmobile dealers savanna morons vanoa