Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1964, p. 3

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TR ssnrux EXAMINER IIEltlulltAY JUNE II AT lOIlNSON BEACH Pcrmnnenl lilessving equip ment to be set up at Johnson Beach was urged Wednesday evenltxg by members at the Ears rie ilccrestion Committee In recommendation to City Council the committee urged that this equipment he provided Immed lately The motion iollowed suggeav tioa by David Palmatesr play ground director He sold city the sire oi Barrie which bor ders on such an inviting stretch oi water should take action to provide lliesaving equipment in areas where children play Children dont realise the danger o1 what casual stop could mean he stated HIT HARD Members oi the committee also agreed that when liicsavlng equipment is installed those lound tampering with it should be treated mercilessly Mr Palmaieer suggested that such lliesavinl equipment in clude ring buoy Dike polo emergency instructions and suds lniormallon as the nearest telephone police tire and Im balance numbers and Warning to persons tampering with the equipment First year parIs personnel employed by the recreation com mlttee willbe urged to attend leadership training course to be held at Springwater Park June 22 2i and the oourso Is sponsored by the Sim one County Community Recrea tlon Service The course will run from am to can pm Monday Threa dsy and Thursday and irom ll Im In 450 pm and trout sm to 930 pm Wednesday Mr Palmsteer outlined lor the to committee the plans which have been made ior the summer play around program LEADERSHIP Tentative arrangements have been made to hold leadership program It the Conununity Swimming Pool in the latter part oi an month meeting will be held with inchsrgs person nel June 19 at City Hall Mr Pslmateer said that park lead era would hold meeting with personnel on their own parka prler to the opening oi the pro am It Arrangements have been made to allow members oi the parks program to participaia with the Harris Track and Field Club in its program Tire group team the parks will use the same iacllltles but will be under the direction and coach Need Equipment For Lifesaving Goli lessons will be given as part ol the program at the Sunnldale road driving range The summer activities will be cllmaxed with all tournament tennis ladder will also be In ranged on the parks with ten nla tournament to round out the pmgrsm ADULT TENNIS delegation oi lopersons led by Hormasdiar Dsmksvala attended meeting asking that the recreation committee consid er Iiloiing time on city tennis courts to proposed adult tennis club ihe meeting was held Wednesday evening at City Hall Mr Dunkevala presented the committee with list oi to pen sons who have indicated inter est in such club He asked the committee to Iiiot the club hresday Thursday and Sunday evenings truth to 1030 pm on the Queens Park courts The committee aglccd to re commend that the club have the use oi the Queens Park courts on two nights ltrcsday snd Thursday from to 1030 pm th committee told Mr Damlte vaIa that when the club could show the need ior third nlltht the committee would give this consideration Mr Damkevala pointed out that up until the present time adults have not made more use at the public courts because they cannot siiord the time to sit and wait ior two hours ior the teenagers using the courts The remeatlon committee re commended thst the club use the courts Iuesday and ihurs day under the condition oi use and under the control oi the Barrie Recreation Committee The committee received ap proval irons city cotmcll oi grant ior the year at sansoo Adccounts oi 016071 were past The all committee discaucd the committees proposals tor the recommended Bay Iront park as centennial project This was dismissed at special melting oi the comntlltce last we Recreation equipment in the park it was iclt airotdd include swings slides teetertotters and climbingapparatus as well as tenniscourts and horseshoe pitch FM AUTO TO TOWN thettrat automobile oi the season to reach Barrie in rare arrived on March tram Tor onto It took eight hours he ing oi qualified parka leader AT REGIONAL HOSPITAL uncll meeting in Royal Vic tori Hospital are womans spltal auxiliary chairman iiospiial Oiiicials Meet Ht Barrie egional Hospital Council No iymet yesterday ItIRoyal Vio toris Hospital from pm until dinner at 17111 Region in cludes the area from Thornhili north to Huntsville and wast to fielbume Alter opening remarks and matings the meeting broke to into groups ior workshop type scusaiona panel discusalora wasMrIid as the topic Developing an Election Control Program Panellata were Wai en Hospital Administrator hagileld Pathologl Miss Lousley Nursing Ad ministration Miss Higgins Medical Record Librarian jihe panel presentation was iqllowod by questions and gets dlscusslcn human err on Infection Control sum Trustees and Administrators Nursing Medical Records Dr Witia of ELLE was special guest at the medical records discussion tween Barclay near Churchill and town MRS CLARA PIERRE holds her prisewinning ilornl ar rangement which won praise and comment at the Hortch To SwearIn lit Opening County Council Sixty two auxiliary police oi Slmcoe Ssrrie Emergency Measures Organisation will be swam in at the opening oi Coun ty Council June Is he EMO activities which be gin at 130 pm include com pany inspection oi all auxiliary constables by Judge Har vle Warden Dalton Jermey Mayor Cooke and Chiei oi Police Ed Tschirhart Tile swearing in ceremony oi new auxiliary oiilcers begins at pm with councillors assemb led at their desks Nclve oli lciatlng magistrates and atrial constables will he on the dais Following opcning remarks by the warden Judge Harvle will give the oath oi oiilee and oath of allegiance Mayor Cookes remarks will follow and then the appointment oi auxiliaries Judge Harvie Warden Jermey and Mayor Cooke will present certificates and Judge Harvle chairman oi the Police Com GOOD EVENING By STEVE Organized crime though on small scale seams to be sweep ing the city Its only couple oi weeks ago that an elderly Partially bllnd woman was towplus victim at group at cm men This is the bit where the victim is told by telephone to withdraw my Show last niflil in Gay Nineties Victorian an uxiliary Police mission will present an award oi merit Following the presentations there will be remarks by Ray Atkinson coordinator Warden Jermcy and Mr Ecvis lrnm Provincial Emergency Measures Organisation Councillors will comment irom the floor and Warden Jetmay will deliver closing remarks the auxiliary police are as soalated with ther local police iorce The frou oi 62 repre seats is polce apartments The auxiliaries have complet ed 10 weeks training and will now volunteer their services as arnrillary oiilcers to municipal ities Is Idvanccd training In itial cost oi training and uni iormlng is borne by Emergency Measures Organization Beginning at 630 pm dia ner and dance will be held at Continental Inn Films will be shown prior to the dinner JONESCU Woud you be milled ii Bar rie merchant refused to cash yourcheque on purchase oi an inexpensive ltemi Maybe to day you wculdnt he hut what about the days More the crlm inal acts were publicized All oi us are too oiten selfish Were too proud crflaWJm 900 verslry oi the soci ety 11 Wins Most Points Annual Iris Show Whitby Mra One container or pansies Barri orticuliural Society held its an Iris Show last night at Odd Fellows Hall on Colii The Judge Little chmond lilll term ed the itlon creditable show praised the amount 01 entri the many excel lent arra cuts The an ihow committee was head Mrs Mc Laren Prtsidc Heath opened the show the presentation oi plague the winners pi the Ball annual use building com petition the Horticultural Society rs ior the citys cub BIRD Ill Cubmsst Allan Green ac cepted the prise on behali oi his Pi Craig Wil member at this pack won individual prise Wesley Wh oi Third Barrie Pack second prize Craig WI entry will be entered in rcgional competi tion The winne the most points in the iris ctillon were Lar ry Whitby as Mrs Scott with and Mrs Sam Steele with wrNNEns The winn One spike white or cream Mrs Ste Scotti Mrs Morrison One spike or violet bl SDI rle Pack oi the various eategorres Mrs white and blue Mrs Morri Little past president oi the Ontario Horticultural Associa tlon discusses prisowla Morrison Steele One spike iris ground Plies ta Mrs Steele Mrs Scott Whitby One spike lrle red and brown or violet blcolor Whlby One spike iris pink hit by Mrs Scott Mrs Tait One spike iris purple Whitby Mrs Morrison Mrs Steele One spike iris hrown Whitby Mrs Scott Mrst 33 One spike iris red Whit by Mrs Scott Douglas Lamont Any other color Whitby Mrs Tait Mrs McLaren Branch at lowering shrub Illrs Steele Mrs Scott Mrs Dundas One single bloom peony Mrs Gable Mrs Robinson ileitl andMra Spears secre tary Both are trorn Thoro trill Examiner Photo other group discussions in cluded oiilca managers Ic oousstants dietitians food serv ice supervisorsand hospital auxiliaries Rowsum receiversrd el ections held lite results will be presented at the aestmeet log Royal Victoria Hospital Board cruise wrrH COMET GASOLINES COMETSERVICE STATION HWYWAT FERNDALE on an lrLandSatJuu number at dollars from her hank because teller ls sus pected oi wrongdoing Despite contlnual wamlngs by Police Chiei Ed Tsclrirhert this game goes on and the hands are always the win ncrs More recently merchants have been taking iair heating by iorgcd cheques And here is businessman who is really in trouble It is embarrassing ior mor chant on the main street oi any middle sized community to rs iuae to cash cheque Business would imagine is not always terrific It must seem for the moment that taking cheque la iar better than giving longterm credit OBITUSRY DENNIS DAVID JONES Funeral servica was held in St Peters Anglican Church ior DcnnisDavid Jones oi Anten Mills Rev Waller Lee oiiiclated interment was at Mineslng Union Cemetery He lasurvived by his parents Mr and Mrs David Jones and two brothers Billy and Steven He attended Antep Mills Public School He had resided with his parents In Antcn Mills or our Years Prior to this he lived with them in Barrie Coliingwood and Mlncsina IIe was born June 19 1957 in Barrie His death occurred May 23 allowing an accident Pallbearers were Art Cos John Braithwalte Bill Hankiu Cleo LaLonde Gilbert Halght ad Lawrence Sc Open Sunday Isis to 11 psn like to go on my word do not like being investigated while trying to cash cheque ior cents However can see where in the iuture lm going to have to dismount irom my high horse more olten than Id like It more at us would play ball with each other iewcr costly mistakes would be made But lets not bear any more talk about there not being any organised crime In the province county or community We must inc some ugly acts in Die and this Is one BEDTIME STORIES Lets hope the people oi innis ill Township dont target the second big Issue on June 17 Whether you vote yes or no to the liquor question he sure to be aiirrmativo at the Rod Cross blood donor clinic to be held at Irinlty Parish Hall Barrie So now its going to be slngleleai ilag Great really couldnt care it on every change at government It had the plctrne oi the prime minister on it But lets get something And wheth eror not you want new one you must admit that the present flag has been so tipped in con versation it at least has to be repaired ms shamans wane ans raonn 7mm One spike by Mrs stce Mrs Scott One spike white ground Whitby Pllcala Ono spike yellow MrI Division Court Hears 58 Cases Fiitycigltt cases were process ed in the Division Court here yesterday beiore Judge Carter The list included one direction to garnishce all show cause summonses and as summonses Several people bciore th courts asked tor and were grant ed aennisslon to have their debts consolidated Judge Carter told one debtor who said he had been on web tare ior two weeks You should iudgmen be spending more time and cii ort trying to get lobnot just go to the employment oliice to see If it has anything you want to take man on judgment sam mans ior $201 andtll costs told the court Ive paid all this money and its all gone to pay costs He said hehad been payingron two other judgments and had nine other iudgroarits againsivhim SRSRREBSSSSBSRSBSBR THERE MUST BE REASONlii ig Why FrFINDLAYS PHARMACY Ag nationals of Prescriptions white and yel low or orange color Whrt line service stations enacts as follows In this ray1m Gasolinesh try Mrs Wilson Mrs Bylaw of the Corporation of the between the hoursof seven oclock 1n tural Societys annual lrls rang teammérnmtlngth mrs SHOW judgeR ning flower with Barrie So ciety members Sam MU Mil last tire Scott Mrs Pierre Collection oi iris three spikes one variety Mrs Scott Whitby Mrs Morrison Collection oi iris ilve spikes all dliierent Whitby Mrs Scott Mrs Bailey ARRANGEMENTS Gay Nineties Mrs Pierre Mrs Scott Mn Wilson Mill Pond Mrs McLaren Mrs Brown Mrs Pierre Grandma Mrs McLaren Mrs Irene Hill Mrs Pierre Above the Hearthz Mrs Inner Mrs Wil son Heirloom Mrs Cooper Mrs Wilson Mrs Brown Tiny Tim Mrs McLaren Junior entry Plnsore amer Mrs McLIren and president Heath Es ImlnarPbotos 10an neurons COLLEGIATE BOARD Barrie District Collegiate Board will meet Monday at pm inihe board room at Cert traI Collegiate OAS MEETING Board oi Directors oi the ChlldrensAid Society oi Slmcoe County and Barrie will meet Tuesday It pm in the County Administration Building STUDENT SPEAKS Barrie Central Collegiate stu dent John Mayes addressed Dar rie Rotary Club He spoke on his trip to Ottawa hlchwas entitled Adventures in Citizen ship Al CONFERENCE Two men imrn BarriePublie Utilities Commission are attend lnl two tiny conference which begins in Bmckvlhe today Clbsorfind Larrnfitrorirg re alien mess on Munldpal Electrical Utilities eastern division accounting and Mrs Scott Mrs Pierre Miss Laurens Pierre BYiAW 2957 in art oftba Cit the on of has to oiilee administration conisrence rovide tor the closing durin cetain hours WHEREAS the uncll of the Corporation of the Cityoi Barrie au orlzed by Section 379a and 8790 of The MunicipalAot 1180 1960 Chapter 249 to pass Bylaws regulating the hours of closrng of retail gaso NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Barrie shall mean and include retailgasoline servrca station gaso pump or outlet in theretallgasollna service in dustry as definedin The industrial Standards Act Wherever an expression of time occurs the time intended shall in local time as declared by Councrl from time to time The rovislons of this Bylaw shall apply onlytothat portion oi the city If Saline lying to the south and east of Kings Highway No 400 it gt Except asprovlded by Section during the whole of theyear all gas oline shops shall be closedand remain closed afternoon of each Mon da Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday and Sun iiirgiimien and scion oclockin filefilteltOODCf the next following day ih iirstandin rovisionsof Sectionsfthere shall he established planoof Station to Engw approximately onethird of the gasoline shops at the area of the City of Barrie to which this Bylaw applies on permit issued by the Clerk to remain open during the part or parts at the dayor days ignited in the permit for period of one calendar week oncem every ks reeriainiiigirssigi for that part ninthI year from the 30th days April to tombershallbcfor is ours 18155 dlraeyigleon seven oclock intho afternoonjand elevcnoclock in the aitemoon on the some day forMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday riday Saturday and Sunday Permits issued or that art of the year from the 30th day QfSePtem her to the lsi day of Mayslra befor the hours between nine clock myths forenoon of Sands and seven oclock in the afternoon of the samelda and between seven cats lntha afternoon at Friday and thirty minutes nine oclock indlrc afternoon or the someday teeor such othercomnrlltltf11 tithe Comogggsig resoiuti no Court urpose nice aryean 2351mm otgasglino shops ermita each period in accord ance with thepmvlsi titSection Th by resolutgor1 oi Sgtaundifid mi to sac op gt pm rs 051 the applicatio th

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