Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1964, p. 2

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WWIIw unmvw who Joined the Army as appren rue ironic when ramming in nu from via For aim and teach me hop what hava been taught an believe will reflect In my poi ttieel than and actions laid Sober thitiP ior Slmcoe No glaet hi ht iixihwal adcireutag the Broth erhocdoi gen churdrmen atirlnity Ang can church hall hirSmith continued do not eat my church to lobby or Name how to vote but each Sunday do look ior teech lagoo Girletian principles so them to my personal andh l11c mfifgtl the no ep dam is the rule oi law which mean that the great ma jority oi the people voluntarily Submit the lawa ol the land Only in this way can we run our country with one pol icemen ior every 1000 to 1000 oi our population slid Smith ii law becornea unpopular with the majority oi cltiteris it can no longer be eniorced it ie the fault at the church as teacher oi flirtation more not the government it some have to be relaxed or repeal ed he continued hlr Smith Noted that the role oi the lcacher is unapoctacular and mu come slowly but it democracy ta to survive It is an eaaentialdrtgle to purrua with ten aclt an Mir Smithwwho entitled hla apeech The Church The State much concern to the relation ehi among them AltAIiON lie believed that peoflle have too much tendency com partmentailre their lives Th atln their church irvrn thar and rvate lives They elva parildulardiadeln ior nd ecorniui lt nlitlca Mr Smith lined the hue and cry monthl ago to aanend the police acts and the rush there had been to condemn the Attorney General Cass was not an ogre or dictator and neither were the nthena laid tire MP they be ileved these powers were nec asary to tight organized crime in Ontario they did not get the support they deaerved Mr Smith noted the axam pie oi the terriin that was heat an up in plate while crowd at 50 topic stood by and watch ed on and should be sham and that to why these were needed he laid Citiuhl are not doing their duty titude ad You said he had given group Looks To Church Vitook raychurch to iiil Sir Smithreteiredte therola or the Chrlatian Church in the community The chief custodianoitmorai values in Canada in the axle ti awnrmnw ea iti role he clearly understood Derrmacy does run by illeit and we must war to main teln it Mr Smith noted He also noted that there were low er democracies since the Second WoflIWarhand that unceptrlii co ea are are atively luv Christian Giurtda the hold oi musty is ehelry true democracy la no more than the application at tries tianlty to organized every day lite said Mr Smith To anyone who would doot the inter once oi church ltate and individual Mr Smith =quoted the example oi the Ten Commandments The llxth and eighth com mandmenta provide us with the basic at our criminal law the tenth our civil law the iiith and seventh our domestic law the iourth our labor law and the ninth the rules or legal pro cess The ltaiuta in our modern law is no more than an exten Ilorr or explanation oi one or other oi there commandments he said Mr Smith reierred to the danger oi the church participa ting la lobbies or pressure would not want my church to put itlcli in posi tion where itl moral ludgment could baqueationed said Mr Smith The example at the John Sirch Society was quoted as an example of pressure group it had done great deal oi harm tcchurohes and churchmen who had been ciated with it the MP noted Mr Smith conclude his speech by reading pa poem by Rudyard Kipling Al thoughwa think at his writing aI oldiaehioncd its values are valid today as ever they were he laid in this am irom Puck oi Poolra Hill expresses the re lationehip oi man the state end the church Sl well as hava ever heard it he Mr Smith said imperiect an democracy i9 inetiactuai as our diurch sometimes appears know of nothing better nor do thlnkthere la anything better All or us clergy and laymen muat strive continually to streng then both aTODitYS erotic PRICES Complicd by Flynn IS Dunlap St En Barrie aw itiimmtni ii Pew niv am aatne ore to an iiirni my on am or hiaraay ms am Algoma am as Darn Pound sits Noranda are Aluminium VS Berri Store 10 Nor Ont NG Alberta Dill 100 Dom TSP 11 HIST CfllD Aroma tialtr aw Palennhrtdga 7w Main Pore alts Afltll 1M Gt lel Ier Vs Pacific Peta ArguaC are any was Gal rev Penn Pipe Arianiic Sugar 11 ilardea Farina as Page Heraay Bk Mom eevi rim Siddaley Pcwar cm Bank at NS 1W1 Home 011 to due Nat Geo av Sell an em iiud Say Sun ea troyi Hank manna MI HudsonaBay iS Salads Poodl an on ma lrnp Tobacco 1m Simploraa 31 Cdn Aviation 9V anw on Its Shell 11 Cdnina races to nu on an arm or can Cdu rower rest in Ann am Tnbboin an 5th era an inland trana can seat Cap Cement inter Nickel lath run an mi shaman we ingr mingle rm Fin has If rpm in man CoL gau iii Jockey Club one Union on gm ger if itll gag onw km on on Conl daa me Lahlend 33 more us dunnar 11a Normatala aw Al auteur 10 North are no If as Labrador pm nu ma ourauir ear Rio Alma nee uu nay nuclei Sia°a ran as up or Cen1taiitie roe Mattasfimt 1w reian 23 Con seam nae rim train on gallon mew United Keno tea arm Si New am no wiiiiiy Wtridlaii eases Inter rm Hoe was VI Htl ACTIVE IIDCII snares moa IOWJONII NIW YUII amaoaa Wilhelminaay IDle Multilll up J0 Golds down Apprentices Train ill Camp Borden Joys itbdayf soldiers to morrow thats the aim at the Canadian Aimyve soldierinitliten tice training plan which notes lta lzih anniversary this year in the relatively short period at time it has reaped rich har vest oi skilled tradesmen ior the Army Many iormar apprentic es are now noncommissioned atrium and some have been commissioned Oitlcera responsible tor the plan any that tha young boya three at the age oi iii and took special academic and technical tralninfat Army schoole have lived up to expectation This year apprentice training will be carried out at six Army corps schools including the Roy al Canadla School at Artillery Camp Shiio Main ithe ituyal Canadian School or MilitaryEn ring Chilliwack 80 the Cliildlen School at Sig onmnrton at Canadian Army ServiceCorpe School Camp Borden Mutiny Utilities down rock manual is naianuoaawotnupaa WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT The iamilya ievo it tab irom the toddler to dad andiiie cottagetoo Play Clotting Work Cloth ram slursa up tor Slmeoa North addressed the Brotherhood ot Anxlieen trwsmwnrznsanrmw wanepr was Delegates Have Different An unatiicial meeting to do terraine ieeiings on the inma ion oi the pre ed Severn Chmhmen at Trinity Anette Read kit Mr Smith Simpson and Driecoll who can Church ball last night Shown here are Archdeacon Rea Corall president end chairman ot the meetingi introduced the speaker Bx amhier Photo Barrie Gets Loan To Build School loan estimated at 1335 haa been made to the City oi Barrie by the Municipal Dav the cooltniction oi the addition to iiaple Grove Public SchooL The loan is repayebla over at years it was among new loans totalling comm an nounced by the board Wednes day interest on the loan is at and threeeighthr per cent per annum Sarria will beooiit irom pro viaion that allows the board to forgive repayment oi to per cent of the capital amount at the loan The loan application has been certiiied by the Province oi 0n tario aa SEA protect which will increaaa employment George inngataiie business administrator oi the Barrie Pub llc School Board laid the loan would help the board to build element and Loan Board ior EMO To Help The SimoneBarrie Auxiliary Police Force is repared ior en gine aeaaoa an Barrie police as Barrie Police Chlei Ed Techir hart laid he was pleased with the eiiorta tbbt have been made to get the boat ready He also commended the cooperation re ceived irom boaters and said meet people are happy to have the police clinching on water lately The police boat purchased by Barrie police department last ear proved lucceaaiul in aid boaters and swimmers and checking on harbor iaciiitlal Auxiliary oliicera are tirat trained in boat handling and lately They then run special bor palm when the depart men la not using the boat ior illllllt duties All activities in connection with the boat are under super the school at lowar coat it will be cool and sunny all day today with some needed Bltltitii inns WESTHER Temperature Io Rise Slowly 011 Friday vision at Cpl George Winger Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Georgian On Water Patrol member oi the Barrie city pol ice department The boat will be egiIipped with twosway radio to do pertinent and besides regiiiar equipment it carries ilre ax tingulshers llic belts iirat aid Iequlpmant and hand raluscl or Water aaiely ie oi prirna inn portnncc to the department Again this year police will check on boats and water riders who wander too close to swimming areas or who might endanger lives by driving too close to flocks aodareaaot heavy trai Boat equipment will also be checked to make me that everyone operating boat is lamlllarwlth sdlety regulations ltiembarl oi the Barrie city lice and the we are setting owners to cooperate and help make this an accidentdm year oiiice at 830 am valid until 11 am EDT Fr LOCitl GENERAL HRS CALL Barrie Fire Department vial ted Manliield Rubber lip last night the alarm ay aro went oti Time or the call was tzbb am POLICE COMMISSlON The Police Commission will meet in Barrie at City Hall at 030 pm Tueaday OPENING The oiliclat opening oi the new Juvenile and Family Court quar tcra will be held Wednesday at 11 am The Court is at lit Worlley St Barrie TOUR CITY HALL At pm Wednesday Eden vale Womens institute will tour City Hall WARDENB PICNIC Sirncoe County Warden Dai loo iermey will hold the annual wardena picnic on Wednesday at pan The alto ie Sayvlaw Memorial Park on the ninth non oesrion oi Oro Township Firm Is Given County Contract Allan Cook Construction at Barrie has been awarded euronon contract by the Coun pi Sirrrnce ior the reconatnica on at county road No 10 The contract covers in miles north from Highway in on the its concession of Essa Town EARM PRICES Piver Conserve on Authority was held yeetarday alumnae at Ortliil the meeting said Sarrie Aid Smith iett dole atu Aid Smith and lyor raga Cooke moored ihe The Lake Simone araa reprr aentatlvel were prlrnartly tn tareeted In the icrmation at iconaervatlon authority which 1011 combat lake pollution The northern representatives Wellknown author and colum nlat on religion Mina iane Scott oi ibronto addressed the 17th annual ildiaa night banquet ot the Chriatlm Business liene Committee at Barrie Madly gatoplo was Gods Package Some 800 people attended the meeting vibidi waa held at Cen tral United Geuicli tilu Scott told the gathering that Christs liie la like getting married ihed at God lent His Son to me said love you iti ve you all the things you lie took me because He loved me tastes am We once had young woman on the atoll the colinnailt twarmn expected in creep in ny eveninx The situation is similar ior tomorrow with the mercury ex pected to struggle over the 7th degree mark High temperature in the area yesterday was 64 The over night low was chilly it Temperature at 740 today was 53 it was 59 at 11 oclock Predicted overnight low ior this area is 51 Priday should be 71 Forccnsta issued by the Ton onto weather uiiice at Synopsis Fair weather Will continue today with runnyll skies and temperatures climb the 7Ddegree mark inmost re gioaa this alteration Only in southeastern Ontario will cool northerly winds keep tempera tures below normal ior this time in June Friday promises to he little warmer with disturb ance moving toward central 0n larlo Showers are expected to reach the Sigma and White River regions by evening with increasing cloudiness indicated elsewhere gtollght Bay Timagamr desor Lon don Hamilton North Bay Sud bury Mainly sunny and little warmer today Friday sunny and warmer with increasing cloudiness by evening Winds light Lake Ontario Toronto Hall burtan Mainly sunny and not so cool today Friday mainly sunny and warmer Winds northerly becoming light this evening White River Algorna Mainly sunny and warmer today Fri day variable cloudiness with ac casional showers or thunder ahowera by evening Winds Cochrane Sunny with cloudy periods and warmer today and Friday Winda south tosouth west 15 to 20 Western James Bay Mainly sunny and waian today Friday northern half cloudy with Show ers and chance or snowflurries turning colder Southern hall clouding over with occasional showers and cooler TORONTO CP Marina creams issuedhy the weather Superior Winds southeasterly 15 knots increasing to south east in to 55 knots by late to day ialr clouding over tonight with occasional or thunderlhowerl Huron Georgian Erie Winds light becoming south to south east 15 to to knots tonight tair Ontario Winds northerly in to 20 knots becoming light this evening and southeast knots early Friday lair Fang Temperaturea 11ng Windsor 52 50 St Catherine Toronto Peterborough Trenton Kiilnloe Muskoka GRAIN rye prices showed an1aaler tone to drill early trade on the yinnipeg Grain Exchange to ay At the open oats prices were it lower July 79 barley un changed to higher July 117 it lion to lower duly am la rye 14 to Va lower July Lee and rapeseed unchanged July 268 numrt TORONTO churning were unchanged today Butter prices Agricultural atabiltzntlon Board tandarable carlota buying buying 39 score Sault Ste Marie Kepuakaaing White Rive Whats the flavour secretiof Gold Crest Whisky gfItIS zriHirdm Wilkeriv secret distilling pracess wmmrm cminn and cream and butter print prince harrie and District Aaiocla ganized barbecue at King George School ntesdayvevcn ing Brothers and sisters oi the children were invited to join in the games and enjoy anon rxr DOLLARS PART TIME Noseiimc REQUIRED We require the services at an ambitious man who hen the use at an automobile tor few hours week Please send details oi present occupation and time available to Box 12 The Barrie Examiner it On Conservation WellKnown lluthor ilddresséé CBMC Annual Ladies Night tiontor Retarded Children on main WALKERS GOLD Aaebretdistiifingprocrsagivrs Gold Crclt flavour youfil really enjoy It Ideas are concerned with waier pre servation Only two municipalitch wi vote oi twothirda oi the representative are need municipalitica in th expressed interest authority Their Bmpdllil lorwerded lo the epartmant oi Energy and Ruourcu An oiiiciala mating will prob ably ba bold in th Ald Smith run two authoritiea one or the Black Creek area and em ior the lake Simone area would be best Sam is people attended 1e lerd mail aaid She waa very arnbittoue to see her name to headline For two yeara aha worked hsrn Suddenly one day she announced she was leaving to get married to man in Australia it as done through love letters or mother was teartuiiy sad attire thought at leaving Finally she wrote to the ml and told him the ditliculty leevln mother but the answer came ark bring mother along too Mother and daughter both travelled to Australia where tho were met by line man happy marriage toliowcd The speaker likened this to the love at JesusSe also aye bring mother along the hot dogs and reireahmahu Diane Cochran helps her ale ter Sandra to the retitled Examiner Photo lMMEDlATE let 1nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on All Hum Farms and Cornmenlal Prflpen cl Ratel low In To consolidate debts ePlv oil nuns mane eoi momma coming due errant tmprovernearta aw worthwhile cause iF YOU NEED MONEY Write or Phone 72min Mortgage Funding Over aimsm Sean Dunlap CREST combines the qualifies you like best imperfectbalance Gentlalight golden Leilow to he oureabutwith the subtle difference of great flavour secret And always of the same superb qua ityTty Gold Crestnext flute Youll are why satiring ranch attention its

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