Now OPEN tor tours at the slmcoe County Museum are the lag house and the log barn on the museum grounds at Mid hurst These two buildings are tumlshed with items in use dub trig pioneer days in the mo Mill Rate Rises period The above photo shows the log barn as it looked last aumrncr wbile restoration work was underway The museum is open in June mm arm to man Monday to Saturday to pm Sundays Ex er Photos In Teclumseth Waiter hElTmN Special Tecum Ieth Townships mill rate was set at 5010 mllla tor larm and residential and out on busi ness and conunerelal an in crease at 236 mills above the loss level The loss mill rate who act at recent special mccting Warnings to township residents will he ubllshrd on the use or ttrsecticl er Particular em phasis will be placed on the need tor caretul use at pumps and spray material when filling tanks in local rivers Pending department at high ways approval the tender at Velr was accepted lor con structing part oi the iourth line west at Tottenham Contract price is tiniest The work is to be completed in August tenders were submitted The choice was made by coun cil at the June m$etlng held at the township ollce hcre londay Councilmï¬provcd donation oi it to Allirton Rotary swimming pool ilmd Howard Downcy was appointed to the South simcos Pioneer Museum Board Vernon Connell was men the responsibility at look alter street light mainten ance in Newton Robinson The road au rintendcntr pay sheet total ng 8348141 was passed or payment Gen eral accounts to be paid amount 0111487 The July meeting will be held July beginning at Lao pm Tottenlham Trying to Tent Trailer Camp Licence Sought For Sunnidale Site me BEACH sum An application tor licence to dilute trailer can on tha townline oi Sunnldale la considered by Sunnldale To Council ImEmma was to set HIP PM crty on Caucasian it on the SWIM Sunnldale Town Line Sire or the proposed camp would be too icetx mieet MUSEUM moderate is shown here at wofs on the restoration protest whidt is now complete The log barn wn moved imm Madonte Township The log house came ilom Barrie it was the orig lnai home at the Spearin iam Io Attract Industry TOTTENHAM Stall in qulriel will be made by Totten ham council on the cost at pub liaising information lolders to publicize the villages industrial potential The decision came here last night at the June council meet ing iollowing request by Coun cillor Leonard Abernathy What can we do to get Tottenham on the map for industry he asked Orangevllle is now get ting more industry than it can handle So many ol the vacant lots in Totlenham are too small even lor small industry and none would accommodate larger in dustry he contended The plan nln board might be oblate me some recommendations to counter this he ialt HM village this size cant at tord $40000 lactory or one that employs more than to people reeve Fred Macbean observed We should aim tor almaller lirms ounclllor Alton Anderson said the village collld app for re zoning it any prospect vs indus try wanted particular site now designated residential TfThe trouble is Totlenham only 45 miles tram Toronto Mr Anderson said Worltors can drive lrom Toronto to work he at or drive tram here to Tor to work That means even it we do getrnew lndulry it wont necessarily me that Tottenham residents will assured of all the Jobs Also cant count on ou ders rpm the Metro area moving up here to moire their homeri Tlor Tottenham its proximity Metro Toronto to in that rep disadvnnta council Communlt ea lurther lth dont run into this EShauld it be lessible to pub llah an intormatlonbrochure council thoudht it could be dis trlhuted at industrial fairs and other occasions where the Geor gian Bay Development Assocla tlon had booth set up ENOINEERE PLANS 0n hand or examination last night were statistics plans map at the torthcoming re construction work on the Mill St hlll These were prepared ior oouncilby consulting engin eer William Alnlle Collingwood For the 198 street construe tlon program couneil wut have bylaw drawn up to seek $4000 in Department at Highways sub sidies The bylaw will be passed at the next meeting $1000 subsidy tor lost street maintenance has already been approved by the DliO Mr Mac Laaa predicted no more than $1000 will be spent tor main tenance oi Tottenhnnr streets this year Pending one approval coun cil accepted the tender of Weir iorreconstruction at the tth Concession Mill Si Wt Mr Weir it to be paid for the part ot work actually carried out within the village the mount to be calculated by the township engineer at the item idted rates specilied in the tens er rooav UN be MONDAY an lhc htlanaus heartwarming adventures ol Cnnllnuaul Saturday FromflNoels Continuous Show Sunday From MPERIAL THEATRE cronlcscoll An extra copy at this resol ution will be awarded to Tec umseth Township at the request oi Reeve Garnet Breedon He asked tor written agreement awarded the contract tor the roadworlr in the township on the lth Concession beyond the village limits Cuban Rebels Disband Group MIAMI Fla APtTho Cite ban Revolutionary Council the exile groupwhlch launched the Bay oi Pigs invasion oi Cuba in tea disbanded Friday and passed the torch ol anliCastro leadership to anaw leieraa darnbacked group Developmenu have placed you in position to carry pa triotic ellorta to happy con clusion the council told Cuban Representation In Exile in lot ï¬r announcing council dissolue on Evening Shows 39 pm rnv exams WANT ans rnona mom FEATURE SHQWNAT no 925 Willis its ltllilll Now snowme SELLERS The land or the trailer camp is now being cleared Mr Cam eron laid in his letter ot li cauon lla intends to ca it Martys Tent and Trailer Camp sketch map accompanying Mr Camerons application out lined the washroom iacilitlu the section set aside for road allowance and It areas desig nated ior trailers and trail Mr Camerons application has been passed on to the planning board tor its recommendation Council will consider the licence application again as soon as the recommendations are available Read and tratiic problem weroalaomuderedbyooundi Alinahlngllghtwtllbeinstallcd at the junction at Mosley St and Sunnldale Rd All amber flashcer showtethe eartlud wall and cred manual the sou Another flashing lint will go in at the intersection oi Mosley st and 3rd Ave This one will have an amber flasher showing eaat andwat and red Huber mowing north on ad Are These regulation alas lash erl will be installed as soon as possible council directed The contract tor oiling town STSil hbicl ill fl Rexdale pending Department oi lllgtrwaya approval Prices are 30 cents per gallon and 3850 ton lorrock bylaw is under preparation toprohlbit parking onrthe streets in any place where it conflicts with the movement at traiiic in the Dahvlew Beach area line of $10 in the penalw set out or that inlraclions Till in South Simcoe Pushes Community Service Projects BOND HEAD Special The South Strnooe district of the We mens institute spent total at peas in its losses activities district convener at public relat ions Mrs Ernest liodgson RR Eradtord reasoned at the annual meeting be here recently This total includes Womens institute mintstotem WI education was community grated educational assess aeltb ambit contributions to community 176010 and cash donations to other organiz ations times in her report Mra Hodgson gave com leta resume lrom reports race ved There are It branches in the district Highlights at these are contain these excerpts Several branches had liollowcrn part ies They visited Slmcoe Manor at heelon and entertained the residanu They gave giita and treats to newcomers shutinl and patients in nursing homes HELP FIRE vrcrnus Wl branches helped tire vich inn with benetit euohres grocer ies and clothing Some branches held international meetings where paper was given on the work in Ceylon oi the Associ ated Country Women at the World One branch haa cprrrespnndad THORNTON 31 MRS GEORGE HOLT Ten United Church Women lent helping hand lest Wed nesday when the annual cle lng bee took place in Trinity Church basement The 25th anniversary of Essa Township Music Festival was since Mr Wlir HID Wll wall attendedlast Friday eve ning in Thronton Arena This was directed by Paul Mcltelvey assisted by teachers at Essa TSAuPaul has been music sup ervlsnr ln Essa since 1918 hav lng succeeded his mother Mrs lda McKelvey One oi the high lights or the evening was an anniversary chair at approxi mately to voices led by Mrs McKelvcyuThis cholr was made up at iormar Essa pupils taught by Mrs McKelvey when music waa first introduced in the schools These annual tes tlvals have been held in Thorn ton arena since 1940 Thornton Explorers held their tlnal expedition when their counsellor Mrs George Holt resented prizes or points sen ors Susan Hopkins intermed iates Carol Roush andluniors Linda Gare The periect attend anca award went to Carol Roush who also had most points in the froup Exgdltions will resume Septem Recent weekend callers and with an institute branch in Eng land hi years Membm who were hospitalized were remem bered by their loco lbraads Members moving away were given an engraved Federated Womens institute of Canada badge Wl cup and saucer and WI spoon COURSE PRAISgD The Dessert Course was prais ed by all participating branch ea as means at gaining new members Ona Wl branch can tacted the Better Business Bur ï¬au on matter needing atten on Several branches helped their local community halls Two WI branches iurrllshad room to hospitals Nawrnarkct and Allis ton One iumished an electrocar diograph room to the Alliston hospital One branch opened bank ac count ot $100 tor each new baby born to member Members oi two branches took their huablt ands bowling Plaques were given as prizes for general prollcleacy in three township schools Five W1 cups and saucers were presented to past presidents All branches did certain amount oi catering Seven bran ches sponsored child overseas Several took bus trips guests oi Mr and Mrs George ilolt wereMr and Mrs Glories McFadden Elmvale Mr and Mrs Norman Scott Barrie Roy and Vincent Holt Egbert Mrs Frank Kern and Andrew Malloy or St Marys and Mr and Mrl Walter Andrews Brediord Last Sunday was Dedication to Mission Day at Trinity Unl ted Church when youth groups presented their rnlsslon glita The groups who attended in body with their leaders were Messengers Explorers Tyros and Canadian Girls in Training Sigma also contributed Mrs ll Black Mrs Bev erlay Cochrane Debbie Coch rape Marie Black and Mrs Donaldshannen attended the spring convocation oi University at Western Ontario London last Friday evening when Arthur Black received his Bachelor of Arts degree RIP young bird about at the nest in tree to the ground and consequently died Tha next morning four preschool chil dren came upon it They very carefully moved the bird train the driveway to the tree trunk putting long green grass under and over it Tile grass 91 course had to be pulled Now It wasnt lmown whetherthey were mak ing another nest tor the bird or giving it burial However the whole procedure was car ried nut on to reverently BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE in Film That brings Bali neseliyu minimum tinetobeloviedt so that beaten be latrnched and taken out at the water HANKOPKRATOIS Bell Telephone eperalpra whose MM duties and this wcchaad at Sinner and Wasaaa Beacb with the trans fer to direct distance dlallnl were commended by council for their service to tmshlp ml dents over the years In puticular council was mtetul tor their common and assistance in pla tire calls letter expressing com cilsieeiinutatogoouttolba operators Councllde¢ided to increase insurance on the tire protection at individual tiremen to 86000 man The insurance prern um will be adiusted by 8100 per 31000 letter will go to the Min ister oi Education through the local public school inspector Scott Barrie it will re commend to the department that live member public school area board he set up Two members would be elect ed iroln Wasaga Beads and three members from Sinaldale Township Council feels this board can be set up under lenns of Bill 6t and Bill as at the Schools Act WI President Stresses Need For Good PIL BOND HEAD Special South Sisncoe District Womens In stitute president Mrs George che Tottenbam said at the annual meeting here that she visited to oi the districts Tl branches during her that year of oltics She intends to visit the others this year She urged all branches to send her their new ranurns Mrs Wice ernphasi the im portance oi reading all cone spondencs at branch meetinu Thorns ot the district annual meeting this year was Public Relations Mrs time said many people complain about their social lite when otters the trouble lies with themselves Public relations can be sum med up in tour outstandinavlrI tuu Mrs Wica said There are consistency sincerity cour ter and lrlasdhness in youth we learn in by we understand she continuad Good manners tn pubiicplaoes are sure prool of good citi zen The home is the starting place tor world ace Through good public rcstions we can help to achieve this end Mrs it Lane Coldwater Federated Womens institute ot Ontario board member asked WI members to write tober with suggestions tor Wt centen nial roieds Some ideas men tion include flower beds plant ed in the shape of the WI pin flower beds lanted with all etiolwers to be color oi the Mrs bans told members who want changes made in theJWI handbook to submit uicir re quests tn the constitution com mittee by July 15 this year Also those going to it As soolatedCountrywomen oi the World convention in Ireland in 1966 must submit their names Edy Septi Mrs Lane announc mmmflmsamarruancuus uMmuuwRi Mluhmlndudiogllm caloruldents Writs For Damages Filed ligainst llir Canada The daima all under the let declde Act and alien Air Canada was negligent the opeatlon malntatance lnqsection lot the circuit which resulted in the ems THE GREAT ESCAPi Starring STEVE MCQUEEN and JAMES GARNER STARTS SUNDAY On mam ll Miles North at Barrie at Gnthrte EMMON Mao till ittY wants us HOME one use ltt ms The DuoHeet Lo Boy is the most efï¬cient oil lumace sold in Canada with the highest rating recorded 835 There is no better furnace or tool for your homei FOR USE IN THE Now in use to many rural homes across Canada the DuoHeat Combination ls completely automatic and bums Oil or Coal or wood even trash Wonderful tor cutting fuel costs in areaswhale wood is plentiful and low in cost Contentsdeme ssxrous sneer memoirs HEATING no 15 scctss er LITEMb munnrnmrnmnï¬mmmm Vernon value 830 pm lN PERSON at the BARRIE ARENA With ï¬lm Gordon and ï¬ll 0am Conntry 30 COMINGSATURDAY tall Continuous Entertalnm and Dancing rem