wmv wtvrrvsqwanrrwvwxm=wwmnmm BARBIE AREA GEADuATEs RECEIVE THEIR DEGREES Kiwenis Auxiliary iro Hold Bake Sale the regular locates oi the New Aiuilim Gilbele was beldllh presidentwhlflolgkllon re pre was ï¬nal plans were nude tor the Bake Sale IIXIQ II to be held Friday June 11 at the Market Square lGA Store The sale will openstiminthemornlnxmd terry on thmu early alien noon candy pre serves lads and lovers will be svsiilblo as well the home made hflkIlIl The Way and Means Conn mittee arranged White Ele ment Sale and sale at bah minty users use the unions and Mrs Sim mes canon ANNaoNsw mowers monsthecierkoithenle Mdvedhia lamest we humanities oiMruersGorudxeult unmlscnooauauotse til Monumentalodd voutim 1de University Wu Gordon Mm oi ivy au lie college vuimily ibe ny ï¬nally an mini late Dr Mcbowdl bu md held in Convocation nail on hour ws alloyed oi Munoniuuaailowili mimï¬hoddNurdas communalUm mloHewss0idainedintotho meiot Em MUM Manilatummm ustodkunUnlversityoiior 3minth mï¬nï¬iï¬ qgiulumoi arm its Science demolin noun clam uz Orillls on my Wu $3 33 WW new Vt GUILTY amelioer in the tall The mum WM Medlemltics Home ad and ts the son or Rev nut enlo neatTn yerib in 1N 111 Ill nm to Grruhoo ra were eonvicud my mythimm Mwmn tit Erwnmmr m°lilttl ne 9153th oi Sim Bey Road lit Venture Club Plans van collegiate em on DJ 822m ANN LANDERS Installation Night The line me at Berri Teachers Have Specml Place mum 4ch il irror is Jim esiliu the roll and reporting that Muses Hee ther Baal Amy lea Marl Goodlailnw and bin iaau Me Niveu had loo per cent atleud once in the put biennium An invitation was read irom hills Wilda Curbert correspond Ins secretary Soroptlmlst Club 1001 the any inyi the Venture Club to at On Childs Road To Learning Bram N°t Necessary For Reproduction Mrs lieso united the speaker sod presumed her with floral tabla sisenromeunt unusual or iiiTElliorlicr no annual meeting oi the Women Toachars Assodutlon oi Barrie 0m and Vespru wu held in St Georges Parish lile Highlights oi the session includ Dotr Ann butters Ive read 119 ii winnerssine om HONOR omens many letters in your column has oi old can mi 5mm 11 WWW mn 3d°e°to who Emma new will it it Seat Elhniiï¬imumminhmnsï¬ one see tell mm mg £21333 Oakley Park mt exoruud women vilio iaked nanny toys him to repair one day im the President and board or mmwe digit he Humid can appreciation oi the work and was the um 1y min my dye up trying so in dim Ra Victoria PM number at lumihs HEAD TABLE the pleasure at being usoelsied alstlion unload the is is lowere md Ihieibs ltl hope grm me MW dummwms Heed table guests included with the reilrlnl members one kind oi idl buz the not ice WW rim the President in Hmlr lttiss pollen and Mrs Robert that she was she to tool lam lull selmned to have friends Mflgmmwhdï¬dmï¬w Gimme its t° ill no new ownM ma ï¬wï¬w mm nw yesn aw rorn mus soon on orn sm Hillle an avse Wills Mae ioous him Mac gm of mud room Really now Ann it her hur mm too hm Find that the rurnmsae uls held on 1623 Donald Mrs ODouai Mrs 0n bend of on mm band cant tell chicken outliers with husband nu he is done May 30 realized net proï¬t oi 55 is Erin Quinton Mrs Ruins Mrs Robertson and Mr White and with out binned dumb to be isttiar thing out is war motion was passed to as minnow included piano Between you and me and You seem have the an sist the blind lawn bowlers ior su bway Loth mantel immuhidimintheialmtioo mfllomgdltlulmeny tea are to EXECUTIVE 50000000 readers maybe is many cu Iolos by Michud Henderson The following slate at oiticers um mm no baby on you help MW mm mm who was introduced to the for 196465 was presented Past um wwmm Nu bu want Goodieilow usets by Mrs MacDonald resident Mrs llunds pres and You mm ounilluted iinel arrangements dent Mrs MacDonald vice mm um blamed or the installation dinner to be 611 533 president MrsWC Lew seclt dumb to who Is inter gald June 11 st Communi we er Rory 0N letsry Mrs Mth tress flung Emmi on mum mu la0 with Mrs Marlon War Donal member oi the Bsrra MM nonv 01 mu mm which hm he mm as president 5m mm Mlle SdIoolmm BM whatever 11 em Mu am pm Club actinl Inst olr VI unhiiumtgggallssbiï¬i dealt in cam Mfr LIth he mm flirtearend rep in ourseant are as damow were with the education oi the very only have one working brain loll be be on Milled I7 Miss Rulilmarlo mm and what women teach em mum Mr Green pmldsnia pm twee them wh ch is did on give to these ï¬ller3 $51M in fleatlonel trzlo By EMMA 62le 10 wow She er and onto New and means ttee ro urt very spadul place in the loud Etch oi these members altect Fox mmombw rmnans KEEPER 0mm and Mia Amy Lea maul hi of learning By exurnploend at in with W313i by Saturday will initiate two uï¬fwï¬mmmflwwmi Permit Women mmmittee re rt be utudes and by adher co to me any period which should prove wn out with mum An ï¬rï¬ï¬ftflmï¬nsgwsï¬ manlyeligrtcellhg gegeeflfll mm Jmulnmfmg we alighth lroin ter he VTO Attend Synod understandings can be develop mm Mimi 10 Izmir mm mued Wm STAYNER star especially invorpmo of the cab lie didnt turn lanesroli would NURSING HOME oduin chum MN nsl relationships and promise law him pick the coin up and Inviting the leipent buck STAYNER ONT Education moron tin Mï¬ ODonaimtod that in great happineu through nodal aitpltinlo lllspocset iulomu but delegates at the centuries has undergone many Barrie eta has been taken events amp activities seller lcleclded not to let him at annual coniereuae oi the Our 301 hdlrxeAil endureagï¬dlmag ï¬rwalid lamh huggrfllgï¬lg ally Also iavored mtdoor in my with it uand htuldu also diocele Anglican synod gaudyIla Exclaim ways HS em VB of to equip the child for life in she believes is not revision and mm may mum WM may mltmmn Privste Hot and cold certain society or environment of content but oi method Not ron Tris sinlunar ï¬gï¬fï¬ ï¬gflï¬dï¬ï¬‚ mm water in rooms nanny ACK HAR BER 352 it lions The ein basis however has not only must we review what we ll tomorrow is your blithday and 1mm um 119 mn also ed looyearoid 113 In attendance Ilways eon on the child it is teach but also the methods we you may look iorward Idoun Wong ï¬vw May Wm binned an PENETPAtgiEA ngghggTJYTlRRIE ii that it had most oesuredh drop irons synods bringing the dio MARSHALL mm mm whm pod out oi the pocket of my case into line with manyflotlhenll ï¬HONE EASTCIIV WIDE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE ml on mhmr could ma that ior years have no it OPEN WEDNESDAYSAND SUNDAYS This man is lawyer and woman to attend their collee M9 Immeflmy Wish you could have heard the ones mam 19 ease hebuilt ior himselinoa Im getting on in years and gum bt1 at mwï¬gcg session nine points oi the would likewiiva dangerously ber lsvviimotel ltlwas rlrlllmilousI tor anemone IAIde you passe Sweyne use WI °° her situation and tell me 1391 it who made the serpentmmmeutI iorm oi rewmltion than and whim or in late December could give Km me quarter mm km have been divpped rav eobsnce your promo bug one in 8911p hetero You Buy Fun 89 conservative in ilneucial taluhuvdld not new to you Compare As io matters however Your only all is mun food periods along these lines oiltlfo Lan of an lied Hot in or the next 10 montin Will ere that he wins the Skin Iggy 53mg mn lnsuiy August and lair gut Mugging till mouth of Esloetinond lelnit uuoCha vision an nosinnua with 1965 mm mu mu You larvae wall Deer Ann Lenme Please gwm nm mgï¬w mg dout think in aorawbsil be quu cause lm using this bright com eronncl 3m gmwhm orange paper want to attract utilisation flusssnlesd mm mm your attention AmwdHm um and mlï¬dfylellluslzzsaugefl lilsilone tor the 31 educated inteli ent and nest narriua Exclusive unceoith rrlonthandtnSeo about his neer but beisn ltlniarwilamellnd wwkonlyl tember packrat All our married llle sells use only MOST OUTSTANDING OFFERI Whï¬lallnanqeigdcgtiï¬Â£g tltIEEVe liedto phwxflum Barflo lo oETchLHISTORY V9 tons of magazines assorted AME It aspect in and Odo See Far AND Neer wit asses her also next May 32 123 and em mm Hera is the most amazinioiier to you iollis who Best periods for travel July orfuaed liiioesl slamsilhs Ieussa or your choice is and the int three weeks at De lsilytallored to your individual needs plus the Inn coutplate with handler givyéuxrï¬zleeimleteat tilalhensstiousdluluw prlï¬iangl 71 erea estanmpemnn me ï¬nalmadam fumem otlliloenla Discard your old biiosals yrtileb may not snail or you could cause noodles tie suitable to your purpose and choose the pair that innu hlcttm in close circles W4 will live youths realest sstls etiou xmiolis tor be child born on this day will mg 5193 to rltlnlers All lanes are top all Jill °° it ifth out are own reeep Willar Avenue or tion which followed their wed onto formerly oi BarrieFol 01 MrT spam dirt in st Peters Roman lowing wedding trip to Nor Catholic Church ihrouto thorn Ontario the oou is will The bride Patricia Louise make their home in Izoronto Wm WM Am In all new Bale positively ends gt and in neverhe repeated ls STYLEBBMAPES FOR MEN nonhuman downs no cuoosn mom mg amour Viaioll enyd is th bte oi an NE net Gums owning era aua hoio PRO 38 ï¬g gï¬emï¬ngm FEAT aiNo PLAN Now TO ATTEND THIS SEPTEMBER gun wool ornameva worm gt Dan River no lï¬maflr ammo Jenaorlpttonpnmptly Ells Aï¬nlu lit 90m vouiz GATEWAY To OPPORTUNITY by ESTABLISHED iii LEOpANEL so TORONTO sT aAilRiE Jim ONEPIECE SOMPLETECOURSES FOR GENERALQFFICElANDBUSINESS ragal nimii ULTEX EM OYMENI Flidny STREETsOUTHI Closed Allpsy woulitiA