Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1964, p. 12

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mWwwpvxwmmwmmWW Got Green Thumb Plant Profit lImmmththIRIN ANNOUNCEMENTS ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Bulls lot this ansI Ammo dattou Ior bad and pltlasia Ital and Ismail tood tel avtaloel Reasonable rates Call Stroud 4884461 BURTON LODGE NURSING HOME borne away Irom home Ior up and bed patients Diets re habilitation programs assoErmr NLIRIEINO NEITllIu INC ONTARIO MUNICIPAL MARINA Adequate docking tacllliles tar your boat COME DOWN and get sea sona estimate tor docitlng BOB MORRISON Attendant Aiter hours phone 720993 BIRTHS HAPPY WWO NITD as your chlldl To tell too m0 DIVA DO Lind and Ill DWI 1TH HIM hammer Cl IOIII Ell as near as our no ET day at blsth Ills dial one he Tl Al only J0 DEATHS mum morn cAt to alter tunu sdna suns amt Humphrey at ate wt IanI Ind Mbil Ilummla levies bsotber ot Wilmer Strand and Interns at Toronto In RU llsld MRI IIVILI Friday trons the PaLniclt naruI Home 127 Dayiield Street Inteh tam Barrie Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAMS WOMNOPIn iovlnl mnmory at IILyIa Wormnp who passed away sun ml WI lliila ltnew when its that morn ill would blllll sudden tho shook For till CIII was mm To rt wlth one we loved so dear Ewirtsly remembered by In Ear Dad sister and stolen CARDS OF THANKS GRAHAMTh tamily OI DI Ilia Itslph ansm to IIIIna LDPII many TIMI rleiphbora and rela It rods Ill In atqu thrust to tna nurses or the MRI Victoria Itnrpltal also or any smut Mural Home Rev rr om Mra as Graham and Iarrslly COMING wola ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING MNTS ELMVALE CHORAL GROUP will be entertaining at MINISING COMMUNITY CENTRE TUESDAY JUNE 880 pm sharp PROCEEDS IO COMMUNITY CENTRE Admission Adults 75c Public sdlool children 300 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo MLS Realtors lb BAYPIIJaD ST 7M5 IVE TRADE MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE DIG BAY POINT bedrooms newly remodelled moth loca tion See it today Enjoy the summer and Ice tish from hen In the winter monthsi CEDAR HARBOUR 50Iwnter Irontags boat house barbecue large cottage wlth brand new addition To see cell Anne Spen cer Ivy IIRJI or any member listed below ACRE LOT DVA approved olrendyl 100 II trontage on Con II Om Ideal building lot just south the Ridge Road Cali ircne Forbes tor details UNDER $4500 Winterlzcd cot tage oi rooms with path tear ly Canndlan plumbinin Near the water on Con 10 InIIIsIIl Make an otter today For REAL service In REAL ESTATE call 7268453 today PENSIONERS This Its the home you have bccnywalting tor cosy fliedroom bunga low at price you can attord Priced at only $0000 Including rugs on living room dinins room and also living room drapes Heats tor only silo your and taxes only $8250 Good view ot the wnter Beyvlew EVENTS BARRE HORIICULIURAL SOCIETY TOUR 00 Ontario Horticultural Association Convention at Guelph Thursday and Friday June It and 10 Total cost $1300 inclusive MONDAY JUNE 22 Bus tour to James Gardens Illth Park Exhibition Park wards Gardens and Canadian one show at Yorkdale Plaza Total cost tsoo FRIDAY JULY 10 Tour Laltashote Drive in Cities Service Conservation Proieet Greenhouses in Dundee Gage Park Hamilton North Ameri can Lily Society Show at Royal Botanical Gardcns Headquar ters Total cost $500 WEDNESDAY JULY 22 limeos County Quilt and Rug fair at Benton pan Total oost 17 FOR FULL DETAILS call Mrs Archer at 7704235 or Mrs Etherlngton 7704550 DEDICATION oi the NEW CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BUILDING MINESING UNITED CHURCH SUN JUNE 1964 at prn JOHN RUNNER Speaker All Welcome FIRST ANNUAL PROPHEIIC BIBLE CONFERENCE JUNE ID at THE SALVATION ARMY 60 Collier Strflt Wiener Missionary and bio Teacher will be the speak or Oonlerence opens Friday 745 pm Plan now to enjoy these wonders til days of Study and Timely Bench Pnrkview Drive Phone Wilma Bldwell tor details xvanumna CALL curly Ifloertarnraa 7TH OIOIII Knauts 71537 Margaret Moon Mm Doris Nummmbl HP Mildred Hoar TIMI Si Til7001 II Mill Irena Rash On MIN Elalna ineson 7280 oi treat parlins lab CARSON PHOTO MLS REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Mortgugo Funds Available ALSO PROPERTIES son naur INNISFIL TOWNSHIPITO ACRES125 WORKADLE Good brick house tour bed rooms all conveniences good barn with steel equipment Also pole barn Good supply oi wa ter in barn and house Mill con tract 000 lbs per day Dairy equipment 60 head oi Holstein and tall lino oi implements may be Included Va mile oII No 11 Highway on main gravel road Ralph Desire tor iuli details 82 HIGH ST pm may raoram not rate ROGERS CONNELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR numnr mesr assr PHONE 7285568 Save Niles with OIn Pbote Piles EVENINGS CALI MEMBER BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE DOARD MacArthurmom Ropersmoses Cannedmm SMITH CAMPBELL PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7280241 RES 4875214 MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILAELE LEIITIA STREET Ideal building lot tor sale Wondcrtul view oi the bay Contact Del Cole tar turtller particulars Is ADELAIDE STREET Newly decorated bungalow Living room kitchen bedrooms and piece bath Attached sarsu Pull basement with all Iurnace Priced at H500 wlth $1000 down Call Del Cole Ior turtner In tonnation CARRIES FOR $78 PER MONTH Located at edge at city but 70x200 Modern abedroom bungalow with carport nil basement with walkout door at ground evcl Only two years old Priced to sell Call Joan Lens dREDROOM $3000 DOWN lit level bedrooms llvlnlt room with Ilrcpllce dining room ittchen with walnut tinLth cupboards it bathrooms tamity room also rec room patio tenced Iswn paved drive carport Only two years old cell Joan Lang nxovrsms SEMIDETACHED Homes nearing completion In beautiful residential area near schools and churches close to downtown Contact Dan Campbell tor lllNllll inIormaIIon LAKE SIMCOE Luxurious cotia on north than at Lake Simcoe Completely tundahed throus aIIt Broadle in every room Patio double garsge large new boatlmuse on concrete II7 trontags on lake Cnil tor ttlrttler particulars hire Joan Lang7200701 atarlea huddle2011 Do Cole7204001 Itrs Loreen Rico401ml Don Campbellnone Dill Rams7200M Ina Manila7204MB Monti nt Ruth and District nut Estate Board SHELSWELL and WILLSON Photo MLS Realtors COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE Ila DUNLOP ST 72eli22 or 72e1423 OAKLEY PARK Lovely side split level situated on spacious corner lot roomy kitchen living room and dining area nice bed raontt Forced air all heat For your Inspection oi tltis property call John White PENETANO STREET Nice iiverocnt brick Ilnlshsd rec room and extra bedroom In basement tics and carries tor tot monthly principal interest and taxes Call Ores Brown ORO STATION Large 0bedroom temlly ltomc Good basement with new toreed air all turnace large welllandscaped lot with small barn 02000 down Call Norman Shelswell PAINSWICK An excellent ubedroom bnmeptully modern and located on large lot 00x200 teat Low down payment Call Nor man Shelswell HURRY FOR THIS CNEI Poursoom cottage plus tworoom suest cottage all completely Iurnlshed ever tlowing well Slt listed on lovely trced watertront lot loxiio teat Sste sand beach Ior children good tithing tor tether Only 20 miles irom Barrie Full price $0000 wlth 08000 down your terms on balance Call Marg Tarnush waranrnonr raorsnrv Magniilccnt View two acres In Ore close in Barrie Call Norah Itslkes OWNER TRANSFERRED AND MUST SELL Lovely isioray bedroom brick with attached garage close to all schools This horns has been lived in only eight months and Is better than new reasonable amount down and the payments will be less than reni Oall Deed Atkinson we ALSO HAVE summer cottages on Lake Simcoe and Allen wood Reach tor your inspection Call any at our atatt DUN CALM ONI STOW IIVETMI Ml TAPBUIII TM INOIILI THIRD 6H OD Atkinson 5E7 ltrdll°l Elms lhi IISVLIIIIM RESIN SolncIrnenlIlwn mates Dnrett Silelawsll Oro sslu GOLF COURSE For sale Country Club coll Course landand some buildings less chattels Alplilgroximately eight acres at choice land adjolnin one arries beat res dentist districts ideally suite tor 726648I Ralph Dosh Em Norm Bynrtott EMS HIll Hamilton 71M Uppity tarsus as RIIII Carson 7mm Laddta art has isary Harrison HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE Photo MLS Realtors 15 Owen Sta Barrla PHONE 7200000 MEMBER OF THE DARRIE AND DIAIRIGT REAL STATE BOARD 33 ALEXANDER ST aWooded lot 00 100 OLIving room with fireplace Prophecy and Christian Peliow ship DANCING nvnnv SATURDAY CADAREI STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST1 $260 couple For table reservations nonnatlwunsl scam HUS SHO OModern kitchen Dllllllg room It piece bath oMontltIy payments 0100 Includ ing taxes Milu WI 35le WIM mam areas as rqxImaIely 100000 yawn Service tion Snack EDI NOWHIILIHWW and Living quarters on subdividin Sale subject tolreserve bid and to restric tion tilati cannot be used as conventional golf course THE BARRIE COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED Box 398 Barrie Ont Real Estate Broker RR 43ARRIE co mugIago Real Estate brokers Owen Street Barrie Itember oi aurlo District Raal lstate scald nonsense MONEY evenness an naasonnaan alles OWNER OUT OF CITY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 011000 sacrttice price tor pause bedroom bricklbungalovl with eentte hall ltplain per cent NliA mortgage Sandy Coutu BUYOFIIHIIIW NELLES PHOTO MLS REALTOR 79 BAYFIELD ST 7261405 DVDNINGsx WIN bungalow decorated throtmtout hwey tnSintcoe ear roundbusl gallonnge busy lng down aysnent County one CIDI close to allow trunaportation apron PIMIIIIM Wl sumssznoolrson one down aymatint in mm dand 01 CI Park roa iull prlvlleges 53 ltra Narins NounW Has garage lot oixllo taxes 014000 New modern bedroom Pa 0000 government allowance min $9300 Ore Beach bedroom taclng onIAssociutlon REAL ESTATE PROPIRTV FOR SALI STOUTT AGENCIES to COLLIER 5T BARRIE metal Central Ont70s Arrest Realtors LARGE well kept cottage on spacious mods with Ibo toot water tronlape at IAonards Ruth Lam Elmo so tlvins room with modern tire place classed In porch 45 bedrooms and piece bglh room Int eontpleuly tented Pm 017500 Can be seen any OVERLOOKING Uta bay close to adlool and shopping centre Mt us show you this bedroom brick bungalow with large liv ing room with dining area sine bath Lot well landscaped arries Ior 000 Pil WINTERIZED cott on large lot at Big Day Pant Modern kitchen hot and cold water on pmura ayatem with private well living room Is It 03 two bedroom and piece bathroom Oil heated double garage cir cle driveway Anxious to sell Pull prim 0000 Be sure to see this one 010000 Inxcs only no tor this bedroom bungalow hlll bore ment with new rec room Breereway and car garage All aluminum storms and screens lpr economical living see this property close to Burris OUTSTANDING or rclel property available on Duniop St with modern apartment on sec ond floor with separate ent rance and garage Ground Iioor suitable Ior business or oltlccs This must be seen to be appro clsted hantnss rallt In Al Al Itsnrber iialril and District Real Estate Board Emory MILLER PHOTO REALTOR 10 COLLIER ST nelssr CANT BE REATI elssoo stone and brick bungs low paved drive garage din ing loom three bedrooms Iln Ished basement $1000 will han die For details or inspection call Rita Scandrett DOWNTOWN LOCATION This older brick home has ma tine tortures corner lot wl treat and one car garage Fire place in living room sun por ches up and down two bath roonts 01000 tor quick sale Phone Pmy Ford MINETS POINT Only too yards tlom sandy beach Living room with large tlreplacs Ildtchen dining room two bedrooms separate three room sellcontained apartment No car garage For appoint ggt call Karl Marshal SUMMER CUIIAGPS Open house this Saturday and Sunday attarnoon Dover sum mer home witit 100 sate snn dy bench Follow our slsna III to Glen Haven Beach Sev eral other choice locations in this area to show you Call Em crsoobwsin nvanmcs CALL RITA SCANDREII TIEIll EMERSON SWAIN 775000 PERCY TORI 7930 KARL MARSHALL HEW EMORY MILLER TIEOM Members at Barrie and District Rlll mall Beard coasv REAL ESTATE Broker lot and sad sport on low monthly will buy your present nearisasss arson rsAltsnaIr stereos wrn manta trams sosrlv aacrlrsAriN Iseesse alts eurasaaahn loam LAWRENCE recast semis Altman on rd not to Mania and bro suitcontained nth saiows nun on Show maitllmiiétfll lift phcna mfisluyum to luapee PRIVAIII Custom bulitrtlslll Ead lloilal attached IIII lull II lie to 1000 III rm phone 7M NIW ITINIMWW with double ar sssdlh my PRIVATII LII II room brink llollfl CW It IIONY rials soot Isva no Illsnu Its mutual dri hood oonetuolt lieu Isavlrtl city Apply down 10th Concession ot Innia REAL ESTATE START YOUR OWN LOCAL BUSINESS EXCLUSIVE We requirea representative tor Barrie and Distrid in the Ru and Upholstery cleaning Iiaid To operate part or full tima man his own home YolNoIsnd unplnytnant All squlpmetlt Is port able Ior on location cleaning Applicant must be able to Invest or times up to 0000 with load reterentes Tbls business will pay very hisb returns tor time and money Invested tleld representative will assist you in organising your district with PM Plant Training at our plant in Brampton Ont company repre sentative will be in Barrie tor personal interviews AddItIonal intormatian or an appointment may be arranged In writing with brlsI history at sell to Manager Dept 00 000 The queenlway Toronto ll Ontario GENERAL STORE AND POST OFFICE Oro Station Eirellent income trom store and post oltice bedrooms living dining ltilch en and bathroom New Iorced air turnaoe installed loos Ilea aon tor selllnp husband trans ierred 01000 includes all stock leiuree etc Phone 4074310 LOTS FOR SALE DOT on Lilith EINII food nsldIIIUal am For further nsonnaliorl tsiarlinnl collul It Wlllll Beach Ito Ill IOUARI Tm will buy You IOVIY lot with drlllfl wall on Collusion east at No II III IIst In Painwick Tollpllcnal alter par nor 130 new on amtI Located on Elsnnldlll Ram In Price reduced tor quick slim Dosh at TIMI Estate 115ml or TIS MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LIKE BUNNYI get iowmet litelnsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN Ior any worthwhile purpose THE BANK OP NOVA SCOTIA FINANCIAL DO YOU KNOW Kempenfeldt Credit Union PAID TO THEIR MEM BERS THIS YEAR 0N SAV INGS Savings are Ilte Insured and In most cases create an estate at double your savings JOIN KEMPENFELDI CREDIT UNION And helg build Better arrie 11 CLAPPERTON ST PHONE 7205191 FUNDS AVAILABLE for FIRST MORTGAGES URBAN PROPERTIES Prompt Service STERLING TRUSTS Corporation Toronto Barrie EMLIIBS 720849 INSURANCE MOVING Dont target to transter your INSURANCE and It you need extra coverage oi any kind SEE STEVENSONS its Dunlop 8h 7161le MORTGAGES WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple interest up to 00 at your prop arty vsiue Inwrnonibly pay mentgup tn titteen years to re oran mnr agento ems gel CORIILg Real Estate 00 Dunlop at 7202410 lot and 2nd MortgagaLoans Anywhere What do homeowners Iilta most about min martian lrnrn Mortgage Funding Mllemammary lousora lasnmatioa Write or Phone 7200001 Mortgage Funding 0V0 Sim sonsSears ll Ignlontm REITn 0m Broltm Au stltlliloolFE teomp rt vats mantsa at pnvaiilus ra You are Istle to dtscuaa your part with us In more srle III out sblllltion Call Couits and Co II Wars telmn limit IIOIJII FOR RINT Oil Kinny cthLAd In Want Ads 7282414 IUSINISS oeroarumrlas RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT Insets liar Mn HA an all hosts IHIIIIIIO mam nah bloat Dnlflfiizl om martinn as It an ant hlspbuna mom MAUI unusual smut tam Iarls mas and bath tlsan pull an AVIII bl now monthly Killsaatll No aanaooat simian sentaunt sso monthly Avallabll Inseadlassly Apply Isa santard 5i Barrie FRANCHISE ON IIDIOOM Apartment IND XI Irinan Ind Ito wall and or Also anilnr service Plaau ta spasm seas rwo Home IMIDLI tol rant lulehld tn consultan us Also room hours Telphon ssum at is Victoria Street IN ANOIII nre bedroom apart ntrnt Ior rent all ronvsaieam 3th localel Tallllbooo MI Mill NW and bath Isl random males ulHontlnld unturn lah paratns aarsl Arallabll ImmgdlatsLV Ialsp nna muse 2RENTMS dfiil omens STORES roe meantime all RENT in spur Islanona ballot IN MI IINT mutual all plantain at NIP lllll to in Nude Cant Ior Mhar rllmlllln tam larss roosti Iilh Kitchenette and private Data IM turther intersection Islphone mun tails HOUSES T0 RENT NI IALI 0R MI HY Mm hauu Ddsbill mm Available my hwbona nusea NEARLY III to Moon bunsIan situated on the lath contusion oI Inalsill Tollphelll 0045 TWO Eldmofl iliihlrn fluent MI IIIlI VIII runs an Laundry no monthly Available my pass nuns so on hamlaltad spamea rm bath rteems noon nu duty stave ratrlseratnr ultvcontained AvslIrbls now $1 Anselmo Hardware III plop It Eul mu DIDIIOOM modern hunts ems drlvs stos moot Avail abla suty IrI mu bo tween In III pm LNFUIINIIITID tonr room apart ti in mum MIMI i0 mun atova ans rufrtllrllor ris Low rent to handy man sut wh employd Write an Barrio hairdo ea odarn clean nitrcontatne Available Iona at sea IMIT liter on flllll ROOM mrnlahsd span RENT MIXES cbm piano bath iaoland IllON IONOOL laachar dull mullstam ROWE tam or tour or tenure with warl ills Agply Armrtrons In II mil Eradlold Writ Bo pnsIIMMI WI Itinuvtlls Ontario WANTID so warm Modern tam normal burxslow rlosa in town notIna usual are write to Box Darrin mm WANTED TO RENTI Tour or flu bedroom boils by executive tor AUTIIL or Rs nerllpsody Opt on in him CI TIETIM MANAOIR ndllirsl modern Ihm bedroom hulls Ior Jilly II 1170 llo Will In traetsvilia OntTTA HAS WANTED TO RINTI lbilr bld room house dial in school and LIPITAllLl Horusnigh IM mom for Mt tbnsr rooms and balls Clean Ind be ad fin Adults Available sum tnly Talsphnna IreItso nnnlmo noon unlurntaaod tour min Ipanmsnt uislton talrtad rrrlmstm and mm Matetl No abetlion In one or two ohUdran eisphnns mass or Home awo nennoon meet us Iurrtlshed and ona bedroom aplrisnanl Iurnishbd lis utloll lupusIII batI and ItLIsttel Phona shopping lily Phillis lullbct la pullnl Pni turl lnion or write Ka am ma on talwhoaa 7207050 JlIRNIClIEfl modern lputtnutl TWO ADULTI wIIII to sit or two bedrooms llIILIIl soups Ilteh tears two or three bedroom tiled bathroom downtown bills slaw In quiet rat Modstn appllances cabla nuI niarsncaa warm closets Adults Emsaklllmhlrnflsa Rel an ops 77HIISI Vavanlns 7I0v DIRECTORY TELEPHONE PA 82414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year ASPHALT PAVING PLASTERING PLASTERING STUCCO AND REPAIRS is afivnllxga Fijee Estimates in JD GROSS FREE ESTIMATES 7200501 7mm All WORK GUARANTEED PAW Telephone 7207710 No Formerly employed with McFadden Paving PAVING CONTRACTOR INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SEPTIC TANKS and RESIDENTIAL PAVING Tile bsd tacking cottages toun Ab McFadden and dations plumbing and heating Ted Mason Hurst Electric Paving Superintendents Hawkestone RF 333$ 4875760 All Work Guaranteed tors Townshiponly ASPHALT PLANT EXCAVATING BARRIE Ironchlng OWNED AND Septic Tanks OPERATED BY Weeping Reds Installed ALLAN COOK Ltd Excavating CONSTRUCTION AND roar ESTIMATES PAVING 308 DUNLOP 7200414 PRINTING BARRIEI7280823 rA Timely Remind to PAI NG AND PAPERHANGING HECK your supply PRINTING EDWARD BMIIH AND SON Painting alld Paper Hanging For best value place your Spray Painting order Now 5011 since 1920 ALL TYPES OF PRDITING an Barrie Izsssso We are fully equipped to handle your rioting rel quirements eluding 234 color work For QUALITY and VAT UE have your PRINTING done in BARRIE By The EXAMINER COMMERCIAL PRINTING SERVICE 10 BAYFIELD 51 7700587 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 00 Clspperton St rsonasnussr SADDLESI Enallsit and Western ss eiatiud saddlemd srnesl Painting and Paperbanging Spray Psintlnl 05 years experience RR Oro £7425 PLASTERING PLASTERING REPAIRS INEW CEILINOS AND PATCHING Tree Estimates STUCCO 5AM CRYER mien WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED av LICENSED DRILde once ram was Cou landDrllln ARR

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