anmrww Ella Earth Published by Canadian Nmplpen umiisa EEWMW isomer was iau Is JuvenileWBelinquencyili Encouraged By Tolerance it is ironic that an era in whichevery body is walling about the growth of juvenile delinquency is also an era when modern and generous ideas for reform ing errant youngsters are running ramp ant to an unprecedented extent In the light of current court practice Lord Kllbrandon senator of the College of Justice of Scotland sounds like throwback to long ago His Lordshi does not think any too highly of the mo ern tendency to cushion the first court appearances of young offenders with kindness and consideration Instead of the easygoing atmosphere of juvenile court His Lordship would have the offender hauled into police headquarters where an ugly super intendent in full uniform would tell the little perisher exactly what he thinks of him Addressing the annual conference of the Associationof Child Care Offenders at Nottingham Lord Kilbrandon argued that the present juvenile court proced ure with its humanitarian ideals remov es all the terrors of the law for the first offender He felt there was much to be said for trying to frighten the day lights out of him iLordwKilbrandonJaith was natural that youngperson should approach his first visit to court with grave apprehen sions about what is going to happen to him But said the jurist these fears are quickly dispelled to Hayfield Street Ontario Paul IA and ehold when the time comes he is shown into Varoom and faced by benevolent old gentleman and kindly old lady who do their best to put him ï¬t 8355 He then listens to his mother telling the court what good boy he is and how he has been led astray t3 bad compan ions and would not have ought up any thing of this kind by himself This surprises the boy nearly as much as when he hears his schoolmaster giv tng him glowing reference After this encomiurn the boy begins to feel quite genuinely that he is not bad cha after all and lie is confirmed in this the kindly admonition which is handed out to himby the elderly gen tleman And so he leaves the court Gone for him areall the terrors of the law and he commits his next crime under the impression thatgif society tak es so little heed ot what he had been up to society can have very little con crete objection to his mode of life His Lordships oldvfasliioned views will not sit well with the advanced tlilnk ers who go to any lengths to excuse lawbreaking byyyoung people who are still old enough to know better However the frightening increase in themumbeL of juveniles appearing in courtseems to prove the mollycoddling of today isnt bringing the results its pro ponents claimed it would The old fashioned ideas of Lord Kilbrandon might be wortha new try But Above AllEnjoy Life The American Heart Association re portsthat longterm study of more than 1000 men who participated in heart disease experiment indicates that coffee intake and heart disease are re lated There was significant corre lation between the use of coffee and the later discovery of coronary disease aWeil now youve just finished kicking the cigarette habit Youve been warn ed repeatedly what happens to your liver andor your brain whe warned about too much exercise and youre worse than ever if you get too little Hay Fever Time Agctin Anyone who suffers from hay fever knows the utter miserytbis form of al lergy reaction can produce Vacations can be completely spoiled or there may be absenteeism from work or school Most of the trouble comes from one scruffylooking weed that is unbeliev ably common in this country While there are manyuplants and even trees that shed pollen and cause some trouble ragweed is the chief offender the omni present pest When planning your vacation its many places where the enemy is abund antbuttherc are also areaswhere it doesnt grow in fields and flower gar dens on waste land or around the roots IMPAIRED DRIVING Reterhorough Examiner Evidence in impaired driving cases tends tobe certain The accused man is seldom made aware of the full respon sibility of his offence Motion pictures may well do for them what fines and licence suspension do notalways pro viding of course that the effects of booze can he conclusively from the effects of shock AHOORAY FOR MR LEVESQUE Hamilton Spectator Quebe ful and ntemperate Rene Levesque said over the weekend that he will make no more speechesin English because he is fed up With bilingualism and bicultur MURRAY MLLlAtnonnunl ancnaai bomb Circulation Manqr aaauniin arrler Sin nun glad yalWl1Xfl°DÂ¥lthflWthrlI airman xi mouth puma Ontario moo ear obtain on $351 polsrum sitoo yaar va you sip ll l1 ll can mung co vs gen vwit ipolltitants that are corrudingatvay good idea to shop around There are OTHER EDITORS ViEWS dis nguished sources minister the youth Remember about eating Stop taking in foods high in saturated fats Cut down your caloric intake of candy but ter potatoes As contempoary points out Better yet stop eatinglentirely for with every bite youre taking inftraces of chemical pesticides which accumulate in the sys tem And most important of all stop br athing because the air over most Ndith American cities is simply loaded your lungs and internal organs But above all enjoy life of trees on city streets To the sump tible person such ragweedfreedom ities are havens Research on the subject of ragweed incidence has been done by federal gov ernment departments and provincial and local tourist associations to provide free service to help tourists in their searchfor areasmostsuitahle totheir particular health requirements The Canadian Government Travel Bureau Ottawa will answer inquiries and send helpful information vv In the meantime learn to know what ragweed looks like and put onyour own campaign to rid yuir own property of the pest alism gt Thats step inthe right direction for the fact is that Mr Levesque has contrlr buted nothing to the dialogue between Canadians and English of French descent except bad temperland worse logic Now if Mr Levesqub will also stop makingspeeches French the cause of one Canada may succeed NOT ALL DROPOUTS FAIL Fort ErieletterRevilew The president of the Alberta Feden atlon of Home and School Associations is quoted in the Calgary Herald aahav ing said invan address to her association thateach dropoutfrom schooil emu gt Finance Ministe INTERPRETING THE NEWS Dictator Of Haiti Planning To Remain In Office For Life By CARMAN CUMMING Canadian Press Write Francois Papaqugoc vailer has disclosed what every one already knew That ha plans to remain dictator of Haiti as long as he lives Papa Doc never has made modiofaseoretofhiaairnaln the seven years he has spent tlglitanlng control of his moun tainous Negro country in the Caribbean As he explained recently to aowd in Port Au Prince it is only once in every 50 or 75 years that man of his calibre comes along Ha implied that his 1000000 impoverished subjects abould take advantage of his genius while it is around Over the last few weeks the 57yearold despot hasengaged in an elaborate charado in which various groups have been brought to the palace to plead with him to acceptthe presi dency for life The show was climaxed Monday night when tiia handpicked congress 8an mousiy promulgated new con stitution under which be is to rule permanently rRédiscovérvualitIeSfj OfNeurfoundlqndFi ST JOHNS Nfld CF Newfoundianders are rediscov ering the lighting mialities of freshwater fill in their midst and government officials are hopeful will aerve hirefor land sportsrnen The lighter is known as nuananich pronounced roughly win nlch and it abounds in the lakes and rivers of interior Newfound landand Labrador husky ver sionrof the landlocked sairn Si 599 oer sparked the revival of forest He has been giving wma WSW Mop Dlt an Indian word Tlie fish also are name NICEOLSox bananas Victoria or Viuorla Day Britionic hratediifa trldltlmal Whit Mom day holiday The population of Britain is nearly three times that of Canada the density of cars on the roads to much higher in Britain So we might sweet the British traffic tolt to be at least three times the sire of ours any in or even more Eritain like Canada mourned record death roll that happy carefree holiday weekendzbut far from it being is killed it was less than half thatJust Bf SliliMMWG IIIIN VITAWA axpnyers partsoi an ada are struggling to pay off the moitgage on their 315000 homes and to meet payments on the new $498 bedroom suite They Will be interested to Ill how our top pqhticlana our prime niinbter has two others ruidcnoes provided for him by the taxpayers town bum in Ottawa and agnun mcr cottage set on barre estate in the nearby hills In the pan four years Pub lic Works Minister Deschateleis has lust told Parliament the that the secret police had free mayd paid out $2486612 for Ironically it is only year ago that Duvalier appeared to be nearing the end of his mad Rebellion was ringing up at bome The Domi can Republic whidi occule the other half of the island of Hispaniola had tanks and troops poised on the Dominican President iuan Boschlater ousted him selfwas denouncing Duvaller asuasmiid mam it swore saying llcly that Duvaliers regime disintegrating AUS Navy task force stood offshore ready to pick up thepleces1n Washing ton civil servants were prepar ing crash lan of social assist ance to put nto effect when the regime toppled Today Duvalicr shows no signs of toppling Information from antiDevel ier sources inside and outside Haiti is that Duvaliers hold on the country is firmer than ever and the terror Lactic of his tonton macoute secret police are more brutal than ever aithough there is no mm terror year ago the International Comnussion of Jurists reported hand to imprison toroure or kill mvatlons and 011511 for dm dew furniture for that town fizzyloigwhwmiéim is pay rrorv it was purchased and fixed In the thousands lfldldlflx Wl up for $500 and furnished 3th 490 slain the wave at for sisaooo 12 years ago These repression that followed Boll two Ottawa homes for Mr and government outbreaks in April Mrs Prime Minister have so of ma ï¬r cost the taxpayers more arr NETWORK snows Mm lhese sources any DuvalleraA Em In mm prisiagfleéietwork files grown an in em groups in Santa Dominfo New York and other cities where the tliou sands of exile have settled The divided exile factions which last year launchedthree separate attacks on the courdry apparently have no arms or money to renew the fight And all group in the country that might eheckDuvaliertha army judiciary Church bush nasare said to have heen ltithel intimidated exiled or HyvllON OEEARN NE As for the peasantstghe 00 TORONTO mm per cent or more of lation that livg in povertypoapniid nï¬Â° ï¬nggam over me gfywï¬gmmtoï¬h 33175 Candidates for the Liberal alone except when my an leadership apparently intend to trucked into thoc anion imvincewlde campaiou we diam 3P mocha lithoyr were fighting Last autumn one of the most 91mm popular songs in Port Au Prince And from the wins shots mm mm win My much of the campaign should that pleaded with Duvalier to have an evangelical flavor holdon tight and never give Tile canraise W85 13 Ed up the presidency He appears 019 ushuast week at 115 to have listened well will E47M9919 urbanflbrnnlo JThere wereifour and halt candidates tli Joseph Gould Robert Grades Te lr tonrhiidrewelhompsonand ed eral member Josepll Greene who hadnt declared but was there anyway And for large p3 of proceedings one ni we hnveihoug litaone wasindiuroh mm moni Worst Drivers Expect Preaching llromlllie Liberals to hea lot of preaching t0 dis it 5535 if Club of Fort William this Wei He plans to honor his Lahebead audience by delivering speech of major inipbrtance outlining his commonsense sals for slashing the hhavymm Md by the CBC OLD LEN POOR JUDGE Paul Tardif Liberal MP for an Ottawa constituency made the newspaper headlines two yearsago whoa engaged in municipal politics he tangled la ï¬ght with Ottawas Mayor Charlotte thltton Recently at the annual beauty contest of thd civil service he tried his hand at plugging instead of Slugging female beauty Tardlf picked thrcemntestants as his choico for win place and show but got one of his favorite made At your age all glrla look the some the oorpulcnt and Chagrined MP was told novnnnsmo was Shirtnialiera in the United gates have rough time try my to keep up with Tho Man with the Eye Patch in the ad vertisemcnts But the Eagle Shirtmaker Company of that country has made an ingenious effort by adopting panning names for the colors of its mow ducts Some which appealed to me included People Eater For pie Barry Water Gold EstabT lish Mint Biuts Carmine Enry lg just you While and Fares bie Fuchsia The cynlc would have noted there wasnt much reason of feredtodiooseenyofthemen as leader except histronlo quality of voice And those who go for thil type of thing probably would be hard put to choose betweai the three Mr Gould and Mr Nixon had different approach The folmm gave some indi cations that he also would adopt the evangelical approadi if he could lint he doesnt have the mechanical ability One of the tricks of this trade is flow You lead into great pause win snnomus declar onaodthe audience catcher its breath while you hold yours and the audience Mr Gould tended to lead into the pauses But the audience was holding its breath while he was trying to catch hisYou had mcrfeelingrhe wanted to gt amn mmm FWWWW Three of the candidates The ouanariiche is Newfound Quebecs Lake St John and On orated with the fervor of the lands version of the landlocked tarlos Trout Lake where they pulpit Atlantic aabnon known scien were planted as fingerlings Mr Templeton Mr Thomp titically as salrnoaalar Sebago But Newfoundland chief son and Mr Greene all used theiest name afterthe lake Forester Ralph believes those heseeching tones one as Maine where they were disco Newfoundland could very sodates with missionary effort cred likely provide the large North The first two in faétkspecifio Arnerican specimenyear after ally ralledfor fluoride year if local fishermen both And with all three you momen ered to enter for records which tarily waited call for ainhers they apparentlydont very often to come forward and be saved now An eighbpounder froin How this remstered probably Newfoundland won theField depended on onea acceptance and ï¬ream record for l060 of pontlfication The record catch dune fro Lake seiago pounder in 1907 though now days New mums locked aalrnonvarc fewer in number and smaller ingh in fish special attention for five years ishing tripahphotog raphy nussions andin studies of its habits There are literally millions of these fish in the lakes of senV tral Newfoundland particular schools of them and in some placer you 0on easily It aded boat with and eightvpounders saw and photographed special were not there ptthe best time ouan vieast eight pouiids Logger in some who have upped out of school efore they fin lshed their course and have gone on to byt them in school at reason Th creating for than he would hav hi cling the interior Vhava 25pounders arejot uncommon dhim 20h and some reportame on noundratche The financ girth ofid inches alight orl quest for peace with firmed that somehow or other better stopand scratch his head And thatof course is no way to convert sinners You have scratch their heads Earlier suspicions were con Mr Gould will not get very far Mr Nixonth different ap preach He was fatter of foot down to earth Few people howev haveH been so much mattero fact in so few minutes He rushed through Undoubtedly be will