r7gprwvmnvw aw SPECTACULAR Fashion ShoW Moon River tealur hrg tashlons boats and bcau tics will be one of many fen Moon River Fashion Preview Highlights Canadian Boat Show Carol Goes the current Miss inmate will be one oi the star performers in the most isbrrious fashion show ever presented in Canada one oi the features of the Canadian National Sports mens mow Zin the Coliseum Toronto March 13 to It Named Moon River the big lsshion spectacular has been designed especially tor women visitors to the springtime ex hibition it will spotlight the newest and latest in sportswear some at Torontos top models and streamlined sleek boats and marine products UNIQUE SHOW The set for this unique fashion show has been constructed in the Colth especially for tire eight days at the Sportsmans Show Measuring about 100 fch in width it hss Venloelike canal tilled with water which runs across the stage irom wing to wing The newest in boats and mo tors will be on display in the canal in the background will be an attractive summer home and dock Using this dock as tashion runwaymodeis will poseand plrouette as they dis play fashions and styles tor T0 wrn Iii APRIL rlheleugagernent has been announced of Miss Marilyn Anne Farrier daughter at Mr and Mrs Garnet Farrier oi balmy to William Edward THE STARS SAY By earnausea FOR TOMOROW IDont waste time on non essentials during Wednesdays early hours The aspects then will be highly propitious tor get ting big things done so make the most of thorn During the PM there Is possibility of receiving some good news from alas oi interesting communica tions generally FOR BIRTHDAY Ii tomorrow if your blsthdny your chart shown tine indica tions which should net mone tary gains occupational ad vancement and increased pres tige before another birthday has rolled around You may have to work little hardertbsn usual to gain all these beneï¬ts shoulder tow more re gponslhllltles but the extra el torts should not prove too hur 151 deosome and the results will be very much worthwhile For in stance theres promise ol lob advancement and ï¬nancial gain in iateMarch the latterubail obitan in May July and October and November period in which lidate these gains and rmak readydor another good cycle which will begin during theta half at January onservatlve during to midJune inte Angst however beach rte and summer Wear In ad ition to Miss Goes the participants in this fashion fea ture will include some at the most besutiiul models tram the Walter lhomton Model Agency They will include Itth Jean Kcsrsey Lorna Anderson Lane Phillips andJoan Meyers MODERN SETTING The cottage In the setting is twostorey Viking Scandls da slrmed to reremhle club house it will have big fireplace in the centre oi one main room and an aitglass trout Thecottage will be Iumlshed with the most modern Scandinavian turnllure by the House of Denmark and the exterior will be landscaped This attraction at the test sports and outdoors extrava ganza will he presented each evening at 715 815 and 030 and on both Saturdays at 230 can and son pm second Iashion show will also be every evening at 930 end on boilr Saturdays at 330 pm in the sports demonstra tionares upstairs in the West Annex of tlrevColeeeum Called Fashions in Orbit it is being arranged and will be presented workers along all lines will be by the Patricia Stevens Finish lrrg School and Career College Talbot son at Mr and Mrs William ATElDOI of Giliord Lefroy United Church will he the setting tor the ceremony flail Photos By Frank lo ï¬mmlfllayteaï¬pflg all of ay ear August and the latter hsli oi October Dont take Juno romances too seriously however Creative etarhlessed this year with ex captionaily profitable periods Indicatedin July and August stars dont promise much in the wayot travel during the next maths iiJgEu do want an Sep tember will be your most one pielous periods child born on this day will be endowed withtire qualities needed to make highly suc clearst artist writer or physi can Ea TO GET TROPHY OTTAWA CPI tomsn shooting team iromthe 2nd Battalion oi the Royal Canadian Regiment will go in mood March 12 to receive the Duke of Edinburgh lrurhy which the team won for the second yearihc trophy will be prumted by the Duke of Edinburgh The Commonwealth competition was held last year when the Canadian tearo won overnsothe unitainth porn ERMA ours or spoolmoor Only either dont lose or are slrsld titres oi the rose Canadian National Sporlsrrreos Show to be held in the Coliseum ro tonto March is to or Among the glamorous modeh partin patlng will be leit Judy Welch and Itth ieon Kear aay right Lona Phillips and Inga Britt Minesing WI Plan Party Prcaldcnt litre Orchard opened the regular meeting of Minerlng Womens institute held at the home of Mrs Thaw The group decided to sponsor card party on April and to donate the proceeds from the event to the bruldlng land of the Community Centre Roll call Name historian and his contribution to the coun try was answered by re mem Mrs Msgulre gave the motto Look back and give thanks look iorward and have courage Mrs Foyston convener or events conducted lee Borrowed Lita program which included iormer Mlnoslng resi dents Rev Nelson Chappel Miss Moybeth Standen Dr Brem her and Irlnh Foyrton Mrs Maw directed con test on pioneer tamiiles names and the winners were Mrs Ordsard and Mrs Muir Following the close of the meeting the hostess served re freehments assisted by Mrs Mugabe VANCOUVER CF China town ia home to people and not just neon dragon winking at passing touriststrorn chop suty Joint This Is Faye Laungs way at emphasising the eiteet on peo ple of present plane ior rede velopment oi Vancouvers Chinatown She tears the area which has been home to 14000 of the 10000 Chinese livina in Greater Vane conver wont survive redevel opment be its being carried out You cant move the Chinese people out and still have Chinatown says Mrs Leung To preserve our district we must have residents to keep our businesses alive the butcher grocer baker and other mer chants Everyone recognises China town as tourist attraction and there arent enough tourists to keepmerchants in business all year and without them therein no Chinatown MrsLeung real estate woman member at the Board ofTrsde the mayors oonsuita tivo committee and executive directorof the Chinese Benayo lent Associationand the China has made the preservation of the area her main interest dur log the test slx years Vancouver sheeays should take note otgwhat happened in Seattle Wash and Portland Madonna ens delight Enjoy parking historical research and current wants to preserve it as such but Le well from the provincial and townvlleveloplnent Association ab BAYSTAIRS LODGE Mimis Pointe Minutes From wantewnï¬arrlo eautitui grounds ap1rotograph privacy and convenient ï¬nite and most reasonable rates Tfledrand ll hted was Msywvqvesrs Jcsgtmesiamï¬rsssnrnruesosrlsaen Eduardo In Pay arm Is Womens Right DRILLIA Ont QtOntario women hereonly themselves to blame it they arleat Itgetting courtesy oreous wo seyl Ethel Mutation director oi the provincial labor depsnment womans bureau Many at them she russests to do anything about the tart rtlroy have legal right to equal pay with men The right was utobllshed as on of the Human Rights Code 1961 Sleek Tailoring In Elegant Clothes LONDON theoremA eel Icetlon of clothes for the perfect English lady was shown here Monday by Charles Creed last oi the Iondon centurion to un veil his spring and summer col lectlon Ito displayed the kind at 16 ganl nostalgic clothes that the upper class English women loves to wear His models were dated not named and the tone of the collection was bounded by the deletion 1810 to less Coats were narrow and stocky tailored in speckled twceds or tutored wool typical two some was colisrless cream topeoat in loosely woven wool and with long narrow sleeves over bioured tunic dress in black and white spotted silk tied at the neckline The engagement has been announced of Miss lngrid Kritzer only daughter oi Mr and Mrs Jugo Krltscr of Barrie to John Cooper Ore which also have toirly large Chinese populations NOTHING LEFT tinder redevelopment plan the residents were moved out at the Chinese area Now they want them back but its too late tberes nothing leit to come back to More than gt700 residents of Vancouvers Chinatown have at ready been moved lrom the sub standard homes that make up the greater part of the residen al area Another soon and it is this group that the Chinatown Development As sociation is concerned about opportunity 01 living in homes adjact to the Chinatown area but the city wants to move them into apartmt houses says An association counter plan has been approved bycity coon cil but approval is needed as federal governments We dont need ilnsncial sup port for this home ownership planWe have arrangedfor the mortgagesbut we do needvtho land Wawant single units suit pgio lolaweand ismilles ey he eotopletely mod em inside with an Oriental tis vor outside The tools will not be pagoda In the traditional sense just slightly tilted at the eaves PLAN cannonsnmue Wewanbto give them the it Nothing has bsp slaoe Mrs Ideleiisn hld the Ortllla Council or Women What is the matter with women If they know their right and dont make any use oi itl ruhrr are it they file stored oomplslni should turn to one oi their coon munitys larger womens org pintlons for support The Coun ot Women and the Business and Professional Womens Clubs had been advocating equal pay for years the Ontario summonod lviertirer Jabs wthout denimtr sex says urges that rreusrmus mulll its ex ample The attitude oi young women who consider work only bridge tomsrrisge helps keep alive preludloe against working women she says She acknowledges that women are criticised tor taxing Jobs only long snow to earn money for new appliances or to qual ity or unemployment insur ance but maintains that men do the same thing She denies any Justice to the main complaint that women take Jobs away tram moo Unemployment is highest in lobe which require men only rosd construction and building Most of the men applying for those lobe would not be able to worlra typewriter or do other clerical iobs only son of Mr and Mrs Ilene aid Cooper oi Midhurst The wedding to take place at St Pauls Anglican Church Mtdv burst on March23 at pm Chinatown Attracts Tourist By Neon winking Dragons there will be courtyards for privacy lust as there are in China and titers will be cherry and bamboo growing in the gas dens and along the boulevards lRaiemalPower Is Outdated ouran ice The notion that the lather has the final word over his children muatbe modiï¬ed in Quebeclaw Mrs Claire thisndCasgraIn minis ter without porttoiloln the Quey hen government said Wednes iil the notion oi paternal power goes back to the Roman Emperlor Justinisn and has come down to the provinces Civil Code she said in an ad dress to the ldberel partys Re term Club She said the idea at iatbers power otterf his children must be modified Ironr top to bot tom She cited these examples of articles of law which should be changed can the other has the anod some have sm 61 moms vAcsnorv lir Ind lira Beg Orsrn of Owen Street have returned vie MA from months holiday tourhz Florida BOWEN HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Jack Fonter oi Cutie Drive have returned tothe city tollowlng an eight days holiday and business trip to Clesrwater Beach Florida Travelling vls NA the couple were ornamented by Mr and Mrs Len Robson oi Barrie and Mr and hire Alex Weddell ol Strand REXDALE WEST Mn Ernie Raycrslt ol lor onto Street returned to the city yesterday alter weeks boll day at the homes her sonin lsw and daughter Mr and Mrs Dave Wright of Roxdsie hire Rayoreit was also weekend guest at the home ot mother soninlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs John Brodie ol Oekvllle Mr and Mn lily craft celebrated their 43rd wed ding anniversary yesterday HOLIDAY IN MEXICO Arriving at the Mexican bon der during Fiesta time Mr and Mrs Ired Epiott of Dunlap Street WEI found the usual strict regulations were relaxed and crossing into Mexico was easy or the three days at the festival the Barrie couple have lost returned home attar three weeks motor tour which was highlighted by or Ed Mexican Fiesta and the Martil Gras in New Orleans They were accompanied on the halls day by their brother and sta terslolsw Mr and Mrs Bruce Epiett of Victoria Harbour and Mrs Reid oi Tomato While touring the irendr Quar ter in New Orleans they were nuprlsed to see other Harrie residents Mr and Mrs Eric Simpson and Mrs Montana hi to punish children The gather may only punish chil dren with his permission or in his absence FATHERS OKAY ENOUGR Children trader it must ob taln parentn permission to to marry But if the parents dis agree the lathers consent is enough minor child may leave home even over the mothers obiectionn if the father an proves Mrs KirklandCasgraln said it wasnt necessary to go any further tOtinderstaud that this notion of paternal power has been outdated tor long time and that it is time to substitute new conceptthat ola part nersblpbetwean man and woman within the tamtly JOHNSON OK NEW YORK ABTActor Van Johnson smiling and chipper leit Memorial hospital for can can and allied diseasesMondoy withth was called clean bill or health About 11 months ago Johnson t7 noticed that irelcxklelon his lAï¬ftmthighvgs ow arger opsy gihsed tbit the trackie was mal ignant Jill SlDP man maven ARRANGEMENTS on one It Dania Acme no 12 6525 specials 50 liecos $197755 Mansons snow wane ware emance Was Felted Fellows Toothpick Ah hidersr Toetilla story could be The no that was killed by pick Wehsdsgrsstdesltaoorrr man and began to look forv ward to our evenings together Last night we were having Deer teaser romance that could be tolled by toothpHK wssot mueb laugh with Talk about throwing out the baby with the bath water youre the living and Petunia man who Is sitrsctlve Ia telligurt considerate excellent eomplny and interested to man rls certainly sound worth ttlepatleoceandtscttulin struction Ono weiipbrssed sen tence might have salvaged the alien dinner la fine restaurant gitu After the dessert he reached Into bis vest pocket and pulled out toothpick For almost five minutes he sat there donning his tectb nearly became Ibo neuscsted My ieellngs oi ailec tion and admiration for him died then end there Am strong or is it the height at bad manners to use tooth pick at the tablet Shouldnt the gentleman have excused him hi salt Please print my letter it may help otherstor whom it Is not too iatePABI TENSE Women Cahbies Are In Demand EDMONTON CPI Taxi companies will avontuslly res lire that women make better drivers This view not surprisingly is crammed by woman Ag nes Lamoureux who has been driver for United Taxi here for El YER But she has support and its not only from the others ol masters in women taxi dri vors Theyre comparable to most men drlvers says Yellow Cabs personnel manager George Hay Women are dependable and theyll work steady six day week all the time says Albert Knrrnja manager oi United Taxi ill put any qualiï¬ed women driver to work tomor row Only three of about dozen Edmonton firms have women drivers and tho dissenters are led by Ken Blazy oi Barrel Taxi who says Our longtime customers just rltdnt ieel confident with women drivers And most of our customers didnt like mi Beryl Butler is former woman truck driver who now spends about 65 hours week behind the wheel of Yellow cab says woman driver is much more cautious than man And our insurance rates are cheaper because we have fewer acci dents Women drivers say they have little trouble with mmpassen gone he courteous and dont get friendly with the men and You never have trouble one says Mrs Buuer agrees butshe carries an empty poo bottle as an emergency wmpon lust in case CURRYING FAVOR Dear Ann Landcnr neigh bor who visits me otten is may at our small child When overi comet the boy the nelgh Ii bor makes some little remark such as Well get even with her for that Or My but mommy gets mean doesnt shot Sometimes the neinrbor laughs at me sad encouh ages the child to Isugb at me 00 lam not mean to my son but behave to discipline Im aler the neighbor is under mining me In small but tarpon tant ways My husband says must be Imagining things but he dounl are it since he is not at home when she visits and does her dirty work am too ccmed because the boy is dis obedlsntand behaves in an ab noxious aod arroth manner for hours alter the neighbor leaves May have your advice nosrmn morons Deer Goahenr Idl ynur neigh bar If she wants to bewelcome in your home she mustkecp quiet when you reprimand the boy And make lttolaar you mean business She is trying to curry the childs favor at your expense Dont tolerate it Confidential to SISTER OP EXCEISIOB 0F MINNEAPO bra Yes am aware you have written about the some problem three trees have not printed it because believe you want to embarrass your sister The facts as outlined by you cen talnly make the poor woman look foolish am especially alert to this sort oisthing when people write to me about ret atives problem and request that it be ptrbllsbedverbatim Conï¬dential to SHORTOR DEB SHELDON Why dont Era remove the boothsand put stools This will eliminate caries customers who sit in the hometown Hair Stylists Of Distinction its Donlnp or at 7287443 rsnrurruo 005 $498 cone IN NOW ANOPLACE WHILE LIMITED QUANTII VLAVSTSI We havétoken on Course in now and vourt ounces no romourm bathroom bedroomwsndt