Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1964, p. 1

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rnnmnwlsFC Wr°7fiw flaw cvwf WW flflwflan my 4¢v Qut 100th Years unmet latltfiswliiaa KIWI local Weather Wig WWWown minionse Not More rain in can Peeo IDeleoatesglor Propertyr Mystenous Note can MaoiiltTliUit srnosrmu son discuss Gen Douglas MacArthur walks with Lt Gen Leonard Heston Army Surgeon General on the ponds oi Wal tcr Reed Army hospital yes terday alter his arrival lor annals cornstarch aces AntiReligious Drive Marks Seviet Failure Russias announcement that It wlll step up its anti religion campaign reveals the allure oi the Communist system This tip ioion was mrcssed today by live Barrie clergyman The ministers lecl that Russia Vhasivineiitutad the campaign he loans it has tailed to prove Communism can be substitute tor Christian religion iheysaid the current cam paign was only one in an en tire history oi antireligious drives ihey pointed out that all of these drives hava tailed and that the churches in Russia still attract mlllionrvot worship pers Efforts to indoctrinate these worshippers and members at the communist leagues will meet littleysuccess they feel The cleric extended their sympath is to the Christians in Russia or the hardships they must on dureto practice their laith delnarrie ministers said the Russians would probably hold secret services it churches were closed The churches in the Soviet Union are state owned Rev Gard Walker of the First Baptist Church commented that the anti religion drives do our every once in while He noted that the one Baptist Church in Moscow seat Leno but 3000 worshippers crowd into it for every services day and each is three to hours in length He said the ltussian govern mat is telling to wipe out Chris tienity andthat it now has to redouble its cilorla Just to win back the recent converts to Christianity MARK 0F FAILURE It is mark of allure when they admit they have to retrain their own ollicialsvin the com munist philosophy he said Archdeacon Reed of Trinity Anglican Church said that Russias announcement is nattirai outcome of their mllitant atheism He agreed that the announcement shows Russias laiiure More young men are training for churchpos ltiohs in the Soviet than in the United States he added Contnwns Debate Centers on Columbia River Project omens hostrink Ce umbia day in the Commons External Altai Minister Martin was expected to lead oil tht the debate us treaty lliéibits amend ing protocol to develop power and flood control on the big IlVCl It will be the lirst real busi nessvdl the new session The way was cleared for it Monday night when the House approved the sessionopening throne speech alter an eightday debate There was no recorded vote The Liberst turned out in iorce at there was no move by any oliheeilposltion parties to test the governments support again MrMartin today will od vanca the government resolu tion tosend the Columbia River treaty and protocol to the is member exlemnl allairs com mittee of the Commons aorton that coile one cent There was no advance indica tion ol how long this might take The Commons then will take businessthe order being already set by the government govemmeot motion to set up special committeeon Par liamentary procedure Another motion to set ups delencecomrrdttee Still another to revive the spe oial committee on lnlgs fourth to establish joint Senatecommons committee on consumer credit The bill on redistribution bill creating an extra ex chequor courtjudge to be di vorae commissioner for Quebec and Newfoundland Legislation on the Canada Pension Plan CONTBOIJ OF 0307 in Mondays sitting Prime Minister Pearson said there may be special committee on broadcasting price at several popular brands It intimate In lilricanG on Liana Gabon so to streets oi Llhrevilie today tor the third Antlgovemmenl uneastrstore tests for abdoousai com pistols its new to Washing ton from New York Rev Jesse Williams at Em msnuel baptist Church said history proves this has been triad before there is no need lorslarmThe Roman Empire tried thegame thiag andwhere is it todayt He suggested that iouspersecutioncould come Canada Communism is much stronger than we think in North America he satdHe slated that persecuted chords is always much stronger Cop tain Don Randall oi the Salva tion Army and Rev Jack itoney at St Giles Anglican Church also sit the nail religion crusade was not to be viewed with alarm Rev Mr Honey said the drive Indicates their philosophy is not meeting all the needs of the Russian people He tell the campaign could not be success ul in view at this Volcano Destroys Chiliian Town SANTIAGO APlAn Andean volcano was reported today to have erupted and triggered ava lanches that destroyed the little town oi Conarloe and threat ened mmilearea oi southern Chile containing boom persons News reports fresh the area said at least cano early police saidonly sevendeaths had been costumed Nothing is no of Gamma anivlllan pilot sald alter flying overthe mountain valley about 500 miles soutbol Santiago Monday Therels ost mud andwaterwhere the town wns QUEBEC CmThe text at tattered nole toundnear the beanrsvsged bodies of three Pennsylvania hunters in 1953 may be completed today when Thomas Miller takes the stand at the royal commission into the Collin murder case Quebec Provincial Police wit nesses testified Monday the note hadnt been considered import ant may believed it was mes sage lclthy one hustling party or another in the search that preceded the discovery the bodies Miller is middleaged Gaspa resident who helped find the three torn bodies near lorest where bears had dragged them Blaminntion later led tothe ognclusion the men had been at Wilbert Collin 42 year old Gespe prospector was banged in 1060 for the slaying of one or the hunters rounwao soon book published late in 196 by Montreal author Jacques He aassins do Collin ll Acwse Col iins Assassins resulted in ca missloo by theQuebec govern ment Mr Hebert said killin Suliers Health ATHENSKing one due oiling Greek monarcbbas been cation king sullering lroma blood clot in his right leg and another in his left lung was having in creasing dilllculty urinating Otherwise his condition re mains unchanged1n medical bulletin said butletinlitrondayinlgbt said the blood cloiaahowed aUght ence of treatment but addch The worsening condition provoked by the clotspircon cuss7 BAD chnlt operated on loo stomachrulcer wo wdeekis agoflhlte haddwbeen report mprc also on tilrhe cloths his leg diag nosed as thrombopbiebltis sent him back to bed Sunday embolism in the left lung The latest announcement but and titled JAccuse tea in ti tebllshment or the royaicona tors announced today that the lit bit by another medical compile medical bulletin said the improvement under the inllu The swearold monarch was On Monday he suitesed an aid area Linked In Coffin Execution Probe was rallmadcd to appease united States bodies putting pressure on Quebec Thebook asked whether Col lin would have been hanged it the note had been ordered as evidence Mrliebert regarded it as possibly key piece of evi dence since the date 155 the month missingmight have given Collin an alibi The prospector was able to prove he had gone to Montreal June 12 loss Mr Hebert said Entered as evidence at the royal commission the note is addressed to Mr Wilfrid and reads No Lindsay at Ca in Murray Gon Bradley ullins Thomas LED PARTY QPP Deputy Inspector Jules Iradeita 41 who was in the Gaspe detachment in 1953 testi fled that Wilirid Carter was wellknown Gaape resident and had led one of the search pen lie behaved the note as is Carter and finsflitwrsnnfiiiiinm camp No traceot Lindsay saris SetBack deepened learlior the kings Queen Frederika myearold Crown Prince Constantine who is serving as regent tor his lather and other members oi the royal iamily were keeping visits at the palace uncutsearch gt For Missmg Small Plane semen tCPtSearch sis ltesctie headquarters here said today lous ECAF planes hate taken upthesearuh for light uircralt missingena flight to the Magdalen Islands in the Gulf oi StrLawrence An Albatrossiand aiskota lrom Greenwood its food two Neptune aircraft from warmer PEI were searching the The weather was reported sunny Uncertain In Qbieciionsi mtsonauna toris is all by Ontariojs tobscoo grow tern remained unsettled today and still uncertain were the ob iectiVes they hoped for in lurc ing ti close Protest meetings and demon straiions the last three days the larnlere dlsv aatislaction with what they called fluctuating tobacco mar ket prices fAuction One Tolou Centsf wholesale celled wentupvlour cents today The wholesale pricajot instant WE Delhi Aylmer were closed Friday by the0ntarlo line sorted tobacco growers marketingbodrd in the lane at threaislbf violence lrom tile farmers malnrltyot the 4600 growers hsveaareed fto them closed until some so tojbeir complaints is vlound liowev or spokesmen tor themmtesting in are have at to detail who rae auction centres to toh These were some oithe main points of farmer altered by tohac industry sources Monday Bids loathe samargradesol acco in recent days have varied from low of three icents pound to hlglsot counts 52 Farmers want reestablishl meat arts minimum ricelor reacbgrade asyatéma ped this rear for the with board in favor of an open ketsetup Thors isresentment of tht port tabled in the Ontario leg lslaturelast week by commi tee inquiring into lbs $100000 outitohacao industry which recs amended the abolition Volr acreage control over the nest Some grower are irritated by requiremeatjhe tobacco sprayed ith the chemical hillt till use dissatisfaction held to be cautiouslurid the out looktor the industry gs clearer CONFIDENCE L951 Rohert Nixon Liberal mein her for Brant raised theissue in the Ontario legislature day and claimed farmers have lost continence in tb mark Inf Ottawa board George Uemeyere aik Mr Haynw badcodli months belore use are tied to mleyuin en say wlmeetiua the corner drug Angus Maclonis 79 one at the manners ol Canadas 0o operative Commonwealth led erstlon and member at parlia ment from mouth 1967 died Monday He had been ill lor some time CP Wirephoto can Night Shiitl Reluses To Work lit GuelphPlant GUELPH GP Eighty nightshlltflutkmmt the Ca nadlan General Electric Com pany Iimltediranstormsr plant here relusedio worlr Monday night lollowingihe suspension not Kug Paul or drone of the entire zoomanday shill viheday workers were suslt pended by company nllicials over dispute arising out of job classification pays methods All are members oi the inter oaiional Union of Electrical ladle and Machine Workers Two dayshill workmen had refused particular job unless they were paid on system ad vocated by the union Thocompsny refused and the men were suspended until it am Thursday Subsequent work stoppages resulted in the admissions nearly allthe day ilt workers until am Thurs day the plantpcrsonnel man agcr Thomas Weaver said Night workersrclusedtd reJ port for duty hen they heard of the incident HERES ONE so teeter Idocs uhiorIIook some Ha wantsito 5goto store but the or wont start LoomsStation To BeVClosed Royal Canadian Air Force Ste tion Edgar in to close This was the reliable but on oilictnl word lrom Ottawa to day alter delegation from Midland and Penetang met De lence Minister Poul Heilver to ask the government to lino over the PM to Simcoe County council or to some other cosmty mun for use as university Edgar radar station 10 mile northeast of Barrie wm established in 1952 It is the home at em to not people in cluding service personnel and their larnllles The action was rumored some months ago when the North American Deience Command an nounced that number at radar stations would be closed Most at these stations are in the Pine Tree system The delegation included Jer ome Glgnac mayor of Pene tang Rev Ioeoosrd Selle leave of Midland Heher Smith MP simeoe North and Ralph Cow an MP lrom Toronto were told by Mr Hellyer that fno decisionns to the stations luture had been taken oilicially However it is known that the delegation had been intended that Edgar will be closed event ually but actual time ol the shutdown be not been set Uoolileislcirclcs in Ottawa however say lhaVEHihgletetton his most musty cloud Meanwhile the delegation has teamed that Canadian olllclail are coostdting NORADnnd the Us government on the matter Greek Navy Said Seen Near Cyprus ATHENS Reuters Greek naval iorces were on manoeu we in the Aegean Sea gateway to the Mediterranean today some soo miles west ol the tense island republic ol Cyprus The manoeuvres described here as routine were ordered Monday and got larder way later that tiny Also it was revealed Monday They night that the 3rd Army Corps in northern Greece with head quarters at Salonlka was ready to meet any emerges TCYPiusg Mdv Get LlePoiice Force UNITED NATIONS AP Crnrus was needed to sign it appmvaltoday to new small nation proposalauthorizlng UN SecretaryGanch Thant to send an international peace area to the Mediterranean is land The compromise lorrmuls worked out by live ol the sin elected members or the UN Se turitvCouncii was presented to thennanomcouocll Monday by Brazilian delegate Carlos Al lredo Eernardea me resolutionalsocalled lor ihant to name mediator to help solve the constitutional crisis that has brought Greek ond TurkishCypriots nearly to civilwar Dipiomntic sources expressed belief that the molution would he accepted by Cyprus Turkey Greece and Britain Acceptance by Cyprus wasrcy gaidcd as the key to the plans success lttaoed possible So vict veto unless it met the apt uprovai or Archbishop Makerios thelGreekCypriot president of Cyprus at motor coarmrm Neither the Soviet delegation would com Cypriot nor the meat on triangulation not sources close tothe Greektyp riots saifiatheyflbetieved Mak arios we go ong The resolution was draitedby Brazil Norway Ivory Coast Morocco and Bolivia The main obsiacla had not been the proposed international force but linding way to meet conflictingdemaade at Cyprus and Turkey on howlo rater to rose tseaty girarahteeto Cypriot constitution The treaty gaveBritain thus key and Greece tberlghtlo in tervene to preserve the south lotionl which grants the Tank istypriot minority veto rigth that Makerios Wantslo do away with Cyprus wanted all relu enoe to this treaty omitted In stead it insisted on Security Council guarantee for the torri torlsi integrity olthe island re public as protection against in vaslon by Turkey libeltlva nation resolution was to set both sinuous part way Its preambl rderred to

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