up mama ma sn anpnnvvnev an WM We rrrrvwwmrm one varen lttit TOMORROW Personal role blghly iavored mentors ctat aphasia on declinga wtlt eldersnow promieunmlly Itltlunoonl so emgbwn or pro motlog unions den and dia plsying your elevation ron atath it tomorrow is your butbdly your prunes in botteryetr than you hav perienced torsome time Bull neu sud camsinatters with so you are Why occur pi should take to upward spurt thirlnl thela or part at this month and ab continua to prams ior at least seven months Creative workersl will be blessedwlth especially road in fluences in July and August Bert ilnancinl periddl top all Placeflséllxtenhiarchth laid tar pr an Se May IIits goblertllliléa rungl titties lies owever or rs mu at April In midJune late ï¬gflgwflgliï¬nigdgmfly 3g Mifdun all 11 ï¬rmeï¬ocog but not saturated While phllo 5° dendrona cannot stand Water mndlemlin mgNgvemhcr since 1mm my Wm mw for no er song mono um Mm mu some time in water slone Cut enticement Need Proper Care Generally Philodcodrona thrive better than most house plants under conditions iound in modern homes However as they age they tend to become strueg end ibepew leaves email To overcome this condo tloa hortictdturlrts with the On tarlo Department oi Agriculture suggest cutting them back and repottlng Philodendront will not tolep ate over potting too large smo ll sons rosy MOMMYO lira Edith ORegan of Oh it Patricia who is is was mother and member at the vwcelr Any Canadian may tows is one at the first mo lilch nominated for the Hi Canadian Mother of the Year title The children are Sean Ann Mary 12 Ellen FILE THEM involved with alterschool ac tivity when this picture was taken lira ORegan was nom inated because at the outstand ing lob she does as wile community being particu larly interested and active in the Multiple Sclerosis Society for which she works as vol unteer contributing sohours Dont Throw Away Labels They Can Save Yo Money PEGGY CAMPBELL Home Economist or North Strum By and large according to manuiacturers we consumers very oiten iorget or tell to rent in that the instruction booklet that comes with the appliance or equipment we buy is actually an important part at what we are paying ior Booklets at in tormatlon cost ilrm time mo pay and oiten much research The instructions have been de veloped csreiully in an alien to help the consumer get the most eiiictent service possible irom his purchase it seems pitythen that ihese instructions are so oiten disregarded Steam irons are one case in point For instance has your steam iron started to spur tar as you iron Ii it has it could he sign of trouble ahead It cotlld also be an indication that you may have disregarded the mnnulaeturara instructions regarding the type oi water you should be uslogl SOFT WATER The type of water used in steam hon can determine how long the than will last and how long it will give good service The manufacturers leaflet oi ln struetions regarding steam irons always emphasizes the need to use pure salt water or distilled water As they explain the mid crisis in hard water gradually clog the valves and vents oi as steam iron liow last this clog ging occurs depends on the hard ness of the water and oi course no how much the trends used Distilled water which can be purchased in most drug stores is one alternative Rain water is another However we are warn ed not to use rain water it it is disooioumd It should be col lected in glass or enamel eonlt tainer then it should be tiller ed through clean cotton cloth There are two more DONTS TWO DONTS Rain water that has run ott roots or trees Should not be used in steam irons Neither should we use hard water that has been treated with packaged water sot teners These instructions regarding the use oi steam iron are an example at the valuableintort motion that manutactrners make available with their products For persons wishing to take advantage oi this would like to alter suggestion referring to all types or instructions and labels You will tind one ior lost about everything you boy so why not start tile tor this lnlorma lion and have it all together at your iingertlpst Although it may seem like nuisance it can malts the dilierence between getting the maximum service and value from purchase or not getting it WASHING RULES Let me cite another example Have you bought pullover or other article and very conscien tiously studied the instmctlons before tiling tho labellinltthe waste paper basket Then when the time came to actually wash the sweater do you think you could remember what the in atruetlons were Chances are you had not even the faintest recollection Consequently you had to make decision Possib ly you chose to wash the sweet er but although you were sure you were very carelul it has never looked or ieit quite the same since Or did you decide that rather than take the chance of mining it you had the sweat ar thy cleaned and have bttli dry cleaning it ever elucai Ei ther way you have been laser The moral of the story is of course that had you placed that label in tile rather than in the waste paper basket you could have washed the Iweatdr accord ing to directions and been happy SAUNA ROCK STEAM frivaie BATHS MASSAGE BY APPOMMENT 72871 instead oi sorry that you bought My example might seem lit tie iar latched but lil wager that with few changes it could pretty well describe anexperl once you have had at one time or another Perhaps you made your mistake with washing machine treezer or other ax penslve equipment Can you allord this type oi earelessnesst The simple solution Is the tits mentioned which keeps all this important informa tion where you can continually reier to it Your tile oould take the iorm ot long box or draw er whleh could be indexed nl phabetically or categorically or the instruction material could be combined in general house hold Record Book with your bud get hills and receipts important papers etc large looseleai notebook is good tor this Cer tain papers etc could be plan ed right on the rings and small things perhaps stapled onto pag es This type of notebook is the iirstlstep to good home manage men Whatever form you choose to make it you should not be with out some type of household ill iog system Just talk to anyone who has one it you dont She will tell you she would not be without it it you have questions on this subject or other house hold problems perhapa you would care to drop me line My address is simply Home Economist Ontario Department at Agriculture Barrie Ur mecca for SCRAPES IRUISES iNFECIIONS unmunrrumhao WK antral outs ulnar Iouttdl uhihminiti tlr So at Iii drug masters any Nae ta tla artulta srmnonrsnmjo nominate any mother worthy ol the title and send letter oi nomination to lTD Canadian Mother oi the Year Box to Ottawa by hiarcb El AUCKLAND CF Andre Simon tnmoue gestronome and author at iii books on wine and lood has been touring New Zealand to study the local delt cacles Still halo and hearty at or he is writing anther book on his findings New Zealsnders have thereioro been at pains to set titelr choicest oilerings be lore him The means served give some idea at the distinctive New Iceland dishes and the ones New Zeolandors ieel most worthy oi wider appreciation in other countries Motor items in meals served to Simon include loheroa sou greenish puree made mm clmnllkn shellileh with highly distinc tive flavor much sought by gourmets in many countries Mutton birdTbs plump In natal species at prtrel caught in the burrows used as nests before the bird can fly Spit roastod New Zesland lamb The countrys basic meat dish late January 1565 Along personal unee there is great emphasis on romance Pavlova coke type oi meringue oiten flavored with topping oi passioninltt type granadltle Served as dessert as an essential leatura at most important meals GOURMET FARE All these are basic New Zea lend specialties The menu and Food Society featured some lesserknown ones prised by many gourmets it Included Smoked snapperroa The Scallops In the Tshell turned in butter Whitehall irlttersTbe white balt is tiny almost trans parent ilsb iry can in quanti ties in certain rum to tide mesh nets and served whole Smoked eel crashed in white wine and chi enirtocir son eauerdled in red wine and served with sour cream Cold roast wild apple sauce tings are alien grown in water until their roots are its in ches long and then urtnga eoersl ttlog during this new year in your liifl Author Tours New Zedland In Search Of Gourmei Fare lulce end bonny elite sweet potato wrapped in bacon rooms served by the Auckland Wine variety of New Zealand wines snapper is invorite local 00d it til ilah trimAuckland and Hawker say on the East Coast Follow it withheld on individual wines that iamlllsr strains oi produce wines oi othereat he actor irom the product at such Vince in Europe But then he said one them be some pork with or earth is dttterent potted up toll mix new type oi nylon irioot called Iaiinette was specially developed tor lingerie such as this nightgown By special pro read at pressing tibree the lab rte is given permanent polish ed smoothneal Photo MOOSE BAGGED During the m2 season in Ontario nearly 14000 moose were taken not quite one for every three hunters Beetroot marinated in lemon Roast human is South Ps iomatoas stuiled with mush Flesh corn oil the cob Green asparagus with mayon re Fine Furniture McFadden Furniture and Appliance Parts New Zealad cheeses Simon has been served wide main winegrowlng dls his custom he has eneral immediate gommetlity oran name an run so an in mm North norm an 1153 He has iound as in Australia would expect 1he tether is the netthe ut the mother oi eschfltllrla Serving Theitcople 0i tutu forfoveru With tuning Card tniinlte care and reclsio log go into the at been discovlred olusivsotmselallredtrahil ljyslltggrla tlmstoor andsklll tlmwitlelwaysbacog scetsraey lit countless ihotteenda ot drnls thit Wichita the vast dill crenca batweea mod armamentroomy moomuummn on an decorum um and clients medicines that songsnlsodmthorltyondrug sponsor the many new and savailvps NYLON AT NIGHT or has someone you know just moved to new homei Your Welcome Wagon Hostess will sell with gifts and friendly greetings from the com munity BARBIE0N1Springwehopaisnotierotï¬andwhcnwa speakotSprlng what comesio the minds oi the iadiesln BarrietvthySpring Cleaninglotooursa AndihlslsiustwhhiwearepreltalioatodolnabigWsyst vomitingllgh China andGllt Shop We havetm order many mammnmflmqndlarganowstochoisundty meowomega Bungle it pi Tohelpusdothls moneringmémalmusuotrom it nvarsmauï¬tihwoberormnamrumerwm summon well knownEnglishisctoriu uhutm was wood Spoils RoyalCauldon andothersaawall alDlnnerv warawoareotiering atslmilardlscduhtsalsrge andvarled numberoi items in Crystal Figurines Fott we re Always HeroFor gt immediate Help decent tildeknows notlrne ourhpheimaclltlsslwaysonhsnd totili your prescription promptlyl iipour bushels to astemlatd youn heelthi Let mitilnll your praserlpttonli To savejitma in at at emergaroyyask your term puma no prescription and guanine otter each pimp priced reiteration tattooed discounts will apply