Tray BARBIE oUIDEs RECEIVE GoLDVconos No Barrie milder received the highest honor guide can card at the Second Bar rte Girl Guides annual moth er and daughter banquet Speaker Outlines CNIB Work iii Meeting Of Venture Club Mrs Don Campbell wns hos tess tor the Fobruhry social oi the Barrie Venture Club oasis ted by Mrs John Wolton Miss Margaret Goodteilow in troduced the guest speaker Don ald Ferguson Field Sucre tary ol the Canadian National Institute tor the Blind in Mr Fergusons opening re markshe expressed the Blind Lawn Bowlers appreciation for the assistance the Venture Club girls give during the summer months Mr Ferguson pointed out that tho objects or the CNIB are to provide rebahilltation training and special servlces or the blind at Canada and to Iirevt blindness lie gave riot background of the CNIB and described their program at eye research education and service in outlining some at the ser vices oi the CNIB designed to make life easier for the sight less Mr Ferguson mentioned white canes training the new ly blind reading CNIB rest dence or elderly and homeless blind persons social clubsysee lug dogs and theatre pas ses for the blind with an escort lie also explained the Eye Bank at Canada that provides the means by which corneal tis sue lrom an eye no longer use ful mav be removed and trans planted to an eye where it may restore sight Miss Amy Lea expressed the clubs appreciation to Mr Fer euson for his most interesting and informative address Miss Linda bailey was the winner of the lucky draw in the absence of the Presi dent Mrs Don Campbell Vise Every member oi the oomp any was there accompanied by their mother or rcpres ontatlve to watch the gold cord ceremony Above trorn President read an invitation irom the Peterboro Venture Club for the Barrie Club to at tend their birthday dinner letter was also received imm the Barrie Branch at the Con adion lied Cmss requesting the Venture Club to assist in ac quiring names for the Blood Dooiirs Clinic The lucio draw tor the Eas ter Bonnet will be made at the March business meeting at Hot iday Bowl on March so Painswick WI Hold Meeting Painswlck Womens institute held its February meeting at the home of Mrs Smith and enioyed Valentine party with on members and six guests Vieeprealdent Mrs lyn dnlo opened the meeting with the Mary Stewart Collect Bust ness was attended to and mem bers were asked to bring toys and books not needed by their own children to the March meeting These will be given to the Sheltered Workshop lioll caliwas answered by naming Wl pnl andoamrs were again drawn for this year The motto Friendship is the only cannot that will hold the world together was read by Mrs Osborne Mrs Tyndale gave ashort re on work done by the 4H Mrs Faddison and Mrs Osborne to he nominating com mittee for stain of otï¬eers Mrs Thomson Mrs Van nuts mm when Illusionisv You CAN usEovsr 200 GALLONS or httlNGHGTWATER Each DAY AND cosrs vouONtv The samevoiurue heated by per month cost over$1300 Matchless electric water hes 90 efficient other niethods may only be as much 65 eifrcten the toll Division Controls sloner Mrs Mn Gracey makes the presentation to Mary Pat Graham while Dis trict Gonnalssioner for Ear SOCIiiL NOTES DANCE PARTY muons East attraction Crslghend congratulates Barbara Pearson The ban quot was held at 5tGiles Anglican Church Paristrilnll Examiner Photo Approximatély 150 members and guests attended the annual dance party of local 536 United Rubber Cork Linoleum Plastic Workers of America tMausilelti itubber held at Kennys Gar dens Saturviny evening Dance music was provided by All Shep herds orchestra highlight oi the evening was the square dances called by Dave Miller The party was arranged by lire thers Straehnn Sanford Kon well McKenzie Miller Libe Owen and members of the eculive Large and Mrs Carlson then ed program ot games and meme Lunch complete with Valen tine cake was served by the lunch conunittoe The copper tooling class on Feb lit and so was attended by it members This was held in the home Mrs Carr Miss Leslie was the iiistructress All anoyed the course and some very nice work was accomplish ed We hope the members will display their work at the March meeting CARRIER MISS YOU it your carrier has not arrived by it mm 7282433 And Copy Wm Bo Delivered To Your Home THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VAilEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELE CARS AND TRUCKS are igmowrn to Hear liv another method could uusdemntsttametésscleansttent Mdthete iss ï¬ngispvmenmbeover ten yearguatjanteeonthetank REPROIIED The new Cascade wtWater Hosting Appllahce is sitAPPROVED PRODUCTdevelopad through the combined rasaarchand resources of untarto ttydro and electrical manufacturer gens Est i395 sis inn sliver pleats lamps lrcts of flowers and short not congratulatory cards Among the guests were liev Frank hunt and Horace Corr lbronto Mrs Georgetirong of Ailirton all guests oi the orig inal bndni party Other guests attended from Brantlord Brampton Boston Barrte tbr onto and Alliston Grandma Retires iis ii Lifeguard mourn tori Grandma was lifeguard but she has do Jeeai floss supervisor of ac commodntions and facilities or the Nova Scotia govern ment has written hook in structing waitresses on the proper way to serve oustorn ers Called Every Customer is Myfluest the book deals with salesmanship courtesy efï¬ciency grooming and soot tary methods CF Photo please phono cided to retina Mrs Edward Martin who has it grandchildren continues to swtmaquarterolamllaat least once week although she has given up her lab as life guard at the Motiili Street YWCA in downtown Toronto alter 30 years Flora Martin recalls that she decided to learn tosvnm after watching young man drown She got the Royal iota Saving Societys second highest award in 1935 and has hunch oi trophies or proï¬ciency in life swoon the ego of in iris at i1 at as as 335 st 233 22 The Sunday School maln tendantrlien Bowies spoke on lheblghllghts of the youth he tlvltles over the pan 11 months He stated that then are 150 children earths Sunday School roll with total in so seekers during 1983 Tbereiara is jus lor soldiers 12 scouts 18 coins and 19 brownies There are also two homecompanlcsmbich are held in the homes of Mrs Rndemaker ol Camp Borden and horn Thorn of Thornton Mrs Roach Barrio liomo league secretary reported on the best time to start child on swimming leswanut ndds its never too late She cites the case of nnBtt year old woman pensioner who took Ins sons alter her doctor lumsted she llnd new activity and who now regularly swims the length not the Ypool sEE see WEEKLY SERVICE Correctional service reports were read by the corps our urer Mrrls Glenn giving the nurnber oi visits tothe county ed tall for private bitcrvlsws which amounted to 75 and so visits to the court Five buns tired and in periodicals were given to the lam Five initiates Ire talun Bi courses through the Salvation Amy Ind ii men were unite the Salvation Army Harbour Light Corps in Toronto since July roar Every other week service is conducted for Booth Theverylelsi youcandowlth the Billie amnion Renditnionc read It to your families im press its precious truths on your to it that you experience in your own hearts the blessing the Bible otters you Will the du ties it commands it Is the deerrottheWordtbstarehless in evening closed with tho Nip omens showing color slidlt on Palestine and Bible pro 001 Belorn You Buy Fun Compare Alln QUALII OH WORMMNIETP AND AIOVB ALL PRICE km selection To Inlt Every Budget We invite our Inspec lion Nn oblinlllm Emma IIIPAIRING COLP DIME lntlsiutton ansmuss Wiiiiiiiis Wits Barrlcl Exclusive Furrier who makes and sells tun only Barrie Tannin Dunlap St itsbestapplianooatasavingiforaiimttctltintsonly ghouse oualitytor less Brand new merchandise fresh from WW On TV rammi parts was my bosom excla rive lnstlnr On prolongs rubs tits well as giving instant picture and sound Serviso Sevrr Chm Iir Printed honrd Ire annivswmuinm dsnooddmlound MultiSpred Thmble Action wuhu best Wash Cycles give pe not safe results ovary fabrir Seticteanc lamb Indlint Twodcep maï¬a pcnstrstlonsnrayrin ValueSavingsBettoractfast Harmoniarates doliuurln$ rest robinto union Full width buntirlrawar forme Doorstor uo or our butter nlehpcscad boltla Coma hand Ihelwhflgshmj utonta ryer scholoeofthloelmv pentore uttion for 24 lbs of damp clouru Drying is bread with the new safer more effective Air Flow System buinsolsted sensual cabinet ayerr ranty lyssrwsrrnntyon room plus additional yearsonrofrlg mung Ill