1v rnrnwvvrï¬nflrzerpvw NIWWuwr earners MARKET sraaussejuanrerlcaurouorwer VMOTQaCAtsrowLIioNru wANreo WATSON 13 Collier St 13de ERICKl dud Richest on crippied and bones Small animals removed free For fast service PHONE BARBIE must lColiew oraah tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Miro 1N0 CHARGE more day am nu RR Foxmead Ontario licence No decor Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Cast New Holland David Brown Batty Farm Equipment in BURTON AVE mm CASHTRADETERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 15 faster milking new De Laval loo Sales Milken Harris Holly Hwy 27 mom MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING FEED SEED GRAIN FERTILIZER Early order discounts on bag ged fertiliser expire Saturday Feb 29 Sea HURONIA FERTIUZERS LTD ALLISION PHONE 4357681 ToNs or DAN court for sale Talephntia Part oumii lIHMz QUANTITY Dr good Daiod Hay and sum Telephone Lespen once renetsns Kinndaln Mott DALBS 0F Good Ray APPLY Bell HR Oarrin Teln phone TILED ma DALED HAY for Illa Mill and Ernmc conditioned cut wblla dry moo bIes Mr Member RR stayoar telephone Stayner POULTRY 8r CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALD PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM iTDt STROUD PHONE 77 5000 AND IuIIetl II weeks old available tor lnimedllla do livery Au htrda ans dubbod de beaked vaccinated and delivered Apply Henderson Started Chicks Ltd Scaioth Ont TIIIPIinnn as TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mom LIVESTOCKJFORSALIE ONE caoia Ill Potted 3011 duo in two weeh humane 5m fluid TO on DAYR swim hopin um IIOLIIITN COM dial llflh la HIKING IMIOIM Ualad York antiw Bears lieu Maeora dam If Camppau Sony dunno IDLING Cowl Juana mm and lulu ready soon to conia tresn Apply John Strati gm IR strand ninth ltria IlODI IILAND Imfll hint months old also Ptnta Hana gelding caddie Nolan lood rid or or will trade for livestock Telephone coobton EOLIIIIN COWI Ind Hailed lot aaia duo labour and Karen Alan three Angus nulls Tolmhnnl EMU Strand IIRI liter pm LIVESTOCK WANTED CAL IR VIAIJNO wanted Pro ler Hereford or Holsteiniiercford mu Telephone nan Etroud for frothr lnimnalrlm Ilel mm AUTOMOTIVE CARS URGENTLY NEEDED Highrst cash paid for clean automobile Liens paid olf Trade up or down ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD SI SEE US NOWI TWOIPIED Ford automatic tranamlaalon Needs minor repairs For further ininrmation telephone mam liter Nu MOTOR CARS FOR SALE CHEVROLET IIIICI In don hardtop Mural shill Telephone Bob 14 may alter CHEVROLET or role In good condition Reasonable Talk phanI 71MB liter pm me MONARCII automatic our door black Nceda work also Telephone mime ma FORD Sedan for sale Will trade or boat Ind motor or pickup truck Telephone 72H allernoon or avcnhiga TISD VAUXIIALL Deluxe whitr wall tires nxtra mow Itrea Per fect condition Best offer Talo phona 7760515 ma CADILLAC in good condition automatic ndlo Reasonably Hired Telephone 72501 evan pa nevus iris cuavnotnr two door insult cylinder standard new paint metallic linen with matching 1n tailor INA plates Dent cub otter Telephone 77641710 PONTIAC Sedan for lair In excellent condition body com pletely NRnlahed Can be ï¬nanced deatml Apply Henry Davis ivy 1R1 NEED CAI INSURANCE all raw lngn for pmfemd driven in Insure any driver regardless at an or circumstances Full covers an Bentley do Co Chiller 5L Phone 71W 62 FALCON four door cuatnm radio standard tnnamiaiianThla car is in Immaculate shape Urroushnut and is privately owns ed Telephone most or apply to st saolnrd st alter pm PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL REID AND IIINTON Barrilters solicitor Ind Notaflu Public JOHN REID QC WILLIAM HINTON BA 35 Owen Street Corner of Collier and Owen PHONE 7261839 BOYS SEAGRAM dc ROWE Barristers sollcltm Branch office Elmvale tint OIIICI IJ Owen 5L Earria mam Rowe QC scanm QC Hchb CONDER Cr SUGG BARHISTEHS SOLICITORS NOTATION PUBLIC CONDER EA SUGGIIA iioiii Dunlap 51 East 7259497 COWAN dc COWAN HARRIETERS ROSS COWAN SS COLLIER ST 7134511 CHARLES WILSON Charles wuun MA Stun Loth Barristers Solicitors etc och as neural LIVINGSTON MYERS COCKBURN EARRISTERS SOLICITORS 72845403 Livingston on livers BA Cockburn asA ulna WILSON MOORBY sarcomas SOLICITOR 17 Owen St 7260238 SMITH McLEAN dc OWEN Hartman Solfcltnrl ate Haber Smith oc Arthur lichen Bruce Ownn tharlel Public Conveyancm etc 20 OWEN ST PEONBJESSWI Gladstone Currie IQCI EARRISTEII Sr SOLICITDR Law Offices at Wilson Sundial Fred Grant Sweet Eanll Ontario Telephone 72 ruNroALn0Mc STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME IsupsmonIscnvxca AT neurons can Clinvunlsnt Toma uiainy sL Barrier PETHICKg ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM Sc WRIGHT Chartered Accnunlants Toronto and Blrrln Darrin Owen Wilson DIdI Fred Grant Street PHONE ISO3397 Nlcdham CA Undcrhlll CA Resident Partners ROSE dz HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustees in bankruptcy Samuel Rose aA AR Collier EL Pnnno 17849 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Plano singing Theory Pllplll prepared for examinations of the lioan Conservatory oi Music Toronto All trades ind ARCT Modern methods Studio 27 Bradford St 7154718 THE DAVIES or CANADA voica sumo DRAMA 211 NAPIER 5T1 BARBIE ANGUS ROSS BA HellItem MusinTeuhcr tumor tinn Plano llreory coaching in Fronds Latin other school anhiccta III Roar St Barrie name MEDICAL MASSAGE MEDICAL nassnos mm namyaniomasucs nAian an Graduate sanI rnnclicn in Module and Physical 11 me until Drive sciIii by appointment OPTOMETRY Noel Stephenson R0 OPTOMLIRISTV dDunIopSl sue Damn Flinn 7251101 OSTEOIATHS EDWIN WILSON asAno MAURICE nunooca n0 DOCTORS OF OSTEOPATHY Fred Grant Street barrio Ontario Teiephone 77812293 WILSON osrnoraraio CLINIC MC STAY CHEVROLET the best condition for the time and serviced throughout moo BUICK DOORHARDTOP MM7 Twnvqaw MOTORS NER OLDSMOBILE 1962 FORD IFAIRLANE V8 automatic exceptionallyclean and the price is right 1980 FORD VD SEDAN Standard shift This was locally owned car and is In car we have seen in sump 1960 VAUXHALL SEDAN yl A1 Condition inside and out Cheap to buy and cheap to operate 1960 CHEVROLET BISCAVNE SEDAN Cylinder automatic this is another one we sold new Power equipped and low mileage Main Ofï¬ce 787 and 783 Wasagn beam SEE VIAU For RAMBLER WEEKEND SPECIALS 63 Rambler 770 Door Executive driven fully equipped low mileage $1000 oil 62 Chrysler Windsor tul Iy equipped to clear estate $2095 54 Plymouth Door $97 63 Rambler Station Wagon low mileage ivory oz Rambler door bronze 62 Jeep Station Wagon wheel drive warn hobs 60 Rambler door 60 Rambler door automatic VB etc 60 Austin Van 59 Rambler Station Wagon Automatic clean 59 Rambler door 58 Pontiac Door 57 Pontiac Door radio etc 57 Mercury door auto mutic radio 57 Chevrolet Station Wag on automatic ViaU Motors Ltd 17 Gowan St 111 Bradford 723cm 7261771 19 CADILLAC four door sedan DcVille toll power executive driven zipoo original miles Totes phone must for lurther inform alion iasz PONTIAC Parislenne Ldoor 12000 aclual miles radio power asilllcd steering slip covert floor mats windshield washers extra wheels wlth snow tires Spotless Apply 02 Wellington St 1x mi illuNARDI four door sedan ocnl oneowner car full power custom radio dual ransn automa tic transmission In peacock tun nuoiae with matching interior 10 down to thosn who uallf 791 19W CHEVROLET Impala Convert ible economy cylinder automa tic transmission custom radio whiteyail ttrer many other small extra In Mediterranean blue with matching Interior The low low price at 711195 with 107 down 1mm CARS WANTED TO BUY chill can your car Licnl paid off We trade up or down Altair fllll Mute RI E25 mi mom TRUCKS Br TRAILERS loan FORD mow buck or sale to load condition Telephone no mo Friday evening or sateday lanolin Every day thousands read the you can be sure at quick ac IIOIL TELEPHONE DRECTORY Telephone mam TAXI FIAST UptotheMinuta OURTEOUS SERVICE Scam VALLEY TAXI 7232433 STAURA FeaturI mm SEE THESEand many other choice oherlngsat our Sales hot TELEPHONES East End Sales lot Ml Elli Fullerton 7M MoalLs HOMES ausa ciivacu Mobile Home and Travel Trailers will accept dapoa Ila on new and used travel tralilt en and will hauntea against 15 prim tnueuea Prtcoa Itart it ms Cali name or sea in at 170 Burton Allin Barrie PERSONALS WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR INA LIFE PARTNERI AFFECTION real homai sincere companion Close Inti mncyl Shared inlerestst Secuo iin Whatever it is not all pco pio can give it to you But we may find the one who can He will share your intercsu views he wilI match your personality and desires our methods were tested in the US our consult data are university trained to help people Absolutely conlid entini Scientific Introduction Centre Tor 9249031 110 pm Mon Sat or write 60 Avenue Rd Toronto OLD FASHIONED IIOIIII partied For information telephone 110R Die the toll charge INCOME TAX Returns prepared Kidd Accountant Dun IITP St West TeiaPIwnl 1mm day or evening wr ivyAw raawyyn on MALINELP OFFICEAND sALgs TRAINEES This position calls or recent high school graduate pref erany with one years general oilicaexperience to train for position in accounting sales marketing personnel etc no mmpany national Highways Ni and good starting salary with lord manufacturer Ii located close to Iiull employee benefits and IIIIEO rtunity to partici ate In onto an heated couraSIaIIIror career areas upbeing offered was stating full lhlnrmnlifln regarding experience uniy roe quiremects etc to Box barrio Examiner THIS IS FOR YOU 11 you in 16 17 is and free to travel ttrmspottation aun plied Must be generic and narrative Must speak fluent English Excellent starting sai ary plus all company benefits Apply iinoerr Saturday Feb 79 Hotel in WEIR for do hours work Nan appearance Car martial Writ Box fl Ianla namliiar LOCAL Automotive Bloch Roam raquina counter mum as aiatlnt hmmjniinhia but not essential Telephone It Is Dowall 71600 for Interview LOCAL calthlaIied arm LII log to their office for ambl on young also with commercial quai Mcationa unlor matriculation pra Iarrcd Apply Inï¬ltaii to lo Barrie Emitter WIARI Branding SaIal being increased Mariana dulh able but not amnttai you have ambition and are interested In permanent sales position lnIanwna 7161511 Darrin Pin to put Monday to may moi In noon Saturday FEMALE HELP AVON WHY NOT START BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN AVON Cosmetics are in de mand As representa tive oi this company you can develop an interesting profitable business For in terview write Mrs Walk er 72 Hish Sheet Barrie or call ml prn Cllfltdoo DOOITKBETING don daily wack ly or monthly Apply Kidd Accountant iiuntop Wall or telephone mam Two omns would like ride irons Angus to 611 Leaving at am returning to Angus at pm Telephone 15551 Angus PING AND Dookkeeplng Call by Marin at home Daily weekly and monthly Telephoto IIHOOO for further information FISHINGAT lLi but at Long Shoal Fish Huii DIE Bay Point Clean icenmmodotloni Salted and live minnows Tranwhrtltlon pro vided Telephone 7289277 Eh ANYONE loing downtown in tha morning would appreciate ride From Elli Im leaving and returning pun Will rharn ox Apply 17 North street Basile alter nm WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIHDRESSING SCHOOL in WORSLEY 51 72M LOST 8r FOUND FOUNDOlin scotch Collie rnaic two black and white bounds and male and one female No collars or fall In Innlifll Township cost at advertisement pound ice and tags InnisIIi Dog Pound mm phone 157 iO HELP WANTED MALE HsLo ELECTRONICS Nmfl TRAle MEN You clnbccome wlli paid specinust Ln itrriio TV hadr Automation Computers Day or Home Study Courses lm booklet Careers in Electronics Act now RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA est 1923 461 King St Toronto on Ontario THE WAWA and Dillrid Chamr hr of Commerce requires Set rotaryManager for seven months hesitant the III of AprilI Selary elm page than why opcn Applicants please nuts edu cation and experience In cham her work Answer Box ass Onl FOR FAST EFFICIENTSERVICEDIAL II TAKEOUT SERVI FOR ram AND DELICIOU CHINESEAND CANADIAN TELEPHONE 7266729 ROY LEMCAFE For Spends Efficicnl Service VISIT OUR MIRAMAR GARDENS Weddings flrnouett Private Partieav soon for ruervationa suocs SHINED GILS SHOE saliva 52 Dunlap St Wt Dr allotusclfyliam and Trucks Non To do Theatlo SECRETARY We have an interesting position now open for an experienced secretory Must be accruata typlstTIYPlng from wpyand tape recorder Excellent work ing conditions Qualiï¬ed appli canu should telephone 77705561 extenslou 202 for an interview CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC 80 Bradford Street Nunah naournsn for nlflllln duties also fulltime general help Sleep in or out Apply Aak Man gunning Home strand telephona WOMAN WANTED Must Ii In penance In hookksaplng speed in LYPIM in ihtl position apent on other duties portion of which involves lupervlilnl with lrntnees AppUceuons most bein writing tn Mil Elnkin Barrie and District Aldoclatlnn for Ree landed Children surely street name EMPLOYMENT WANTED PAINTING All typos or interian naintinl phone 715M caretaking duties and Jobs Ek Diricnced dairy worker ertn liox Rants Diamlner MALE RFEMALE BOYS and GIRLS IOTII BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application forms avaiiahledt CULATIONIDEPI is cardinal sr raENAGEns Wantsdinr rupab vlsed nlu camplain Flamentinl Ca do natlnnal newspaper evenings par wlcenk Ex AND OTHERS THE Esincr or BESSID honor Hillsdnie 1h deralgned on day oiMarch and addresie and ullIpsrtitfni lars of the aim II Ient hall the time will be moderate rates Tait RELIABLE Slaliie Man desirelriohi NOTICE DCREDITQRS II LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of GEORGE HERBERT KIRKPATRICK late at the Thwoship of Oro in the County at Simooe Retired Farmer deceased All persona having claims against the hints of doom Herbert Kirkpatrick who died on ornboutiheuhdayouan uary loci are notified to Lend lo the undersigned on or be fore the 1st day of March you their names and lddmaea and iuii particulate oi their claims and the nature 01 thl securities it any held by them immediately alter the sold 1st day of March last the as sets oi the said deceased will be distributed among the par ties entitled thereto having rc glnd only to the claims of shim the Executor ahall than have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario the int day oi February GLADSTONE CURRIE QC Wilson Building Barrie Ontario Solicitor tor the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS ALL persona having claim against the Estate of GEORGE CAMPBELL BROWN lale oi the CItv of Barrie in the Coun ty of more Retired Merchant who died on or about the 24th day of November 1863 are re quired to file proof of some will the undersigned Solicitors for the Eiecutors by the 11th dayof March 1964 alter which dndto the Estate will be distribu le DATED at Barrie Ontario lhis 12th day at February AD 1964 MESSRS STEWART ESTEN McTUIlK AND MILLS Drawer 58 BARRIE Ontario Solicitors for thoEirecutors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of MARGARv Ei ALLISON LOCKHART late of the City of Toronto in the County of York Retired deceased tenderly of the V111 age or Etnyner in the County of Simone All persons having claims against the Estate 01 Margaret Allison lockhart who died on or about the nth day of Janu ary 1964 are notiilcd to send to the undersigned on or be fore the 10th day at March root their names and addres ses and lid particulars or their claims and the nature of the securities it any held by them Immediately alter the said 10th day of March last line assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par ties entitled thereto having re gard only to the claims or which the Executors shall then have notice DATED the 10th day of FebruI ary 1964 GLADSTONE CURRIE QC Wilson Building Barrie Ontario Solicitor for the Executor I2 TENDERS TOWNSHIPOI INNISFIL Tender for Answering and Dispatching Service Scaled tenders clearly marked as Tenders tor Answering and Dispatching Service will be re ceivedde on Friday March 196a The successful tenderer will be required to sign one year contract to pro vide 74hour answering and dispatching service for the In nisiii TownshipPoIico and Fire Departments Specifications as to duties required etc may be obtained trom lhe undersigned at NILMunICIPII Office Stroud Lowsst or ny tendecnot neo assaiiiy acc led II II ROH Clerk or around WANT ans uanmammaflWmï¬ï¬‚ wryupsrmIqqu Mill mama TODAY MRUARY 1M unions TENDERS Sealed More will be re celved by the undersigned in to March ion for the foil nwlng auppiiea Ior Simona Ma nor at Beach pot for 1m Groceries Bread and Meat delivered when required Beet by the quarter Blue brand Dread standard Max IAII AII Teodera to be for period from April int 19 to March II IN 81th meat and Hill whichmall be for period of six moths irons APrll lat mi loSept 50 19M Grocery and Meat Tenders Forms and all other infon an lion can he obtained from Dr at alchemy Supt at Sim one Manor Eeelon Ontario DR licKELVEY Supt I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday March 1pm sharp For FRANK THOMPSON At Lot 11 Concession Essa Townahip Vs mila north oi Egbert Store Sela of whead of beef cattle Iowa pigs farm machinery hay straw and some house hold effects including antiques Terms cash No reserve as the am In said JERRY COUGHLINI Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 14 1230 pm sharp For HORACE FOX At Lot Concession West Gwillimbury Towndilp miles south west nfDradioni Sale or to head at Hereford cattle high class farm inscb loery hay straw grain and householdelixir Terms cash No reserve as the farm is told JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 21 At pm of cattle pigafarn machinery bay grain some houadlold eftecta tor JOHN BATTERS Lot so Orncusion US Find Township two miles north at County Road No Terms cash Farm SOId ARCHER COLWILL Auctioneer Telephone 7158904 AUCTION SALE Wednesday March 25 1180 am Sharp Por HARRY CROSS At Lot 15 Concession Tec umseih Township on the Coun ty Road miles west of 27 Highway OR miles east at Breton Sole of so head of stiorthorn cattle 55 Suttolir and Coridnle Ewes with lambs pigs poultry high class farm machinery hay straw grain is iuii line at household turnith including many antiques Terms cash No reserve as the farmii sold JERRY CODGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 28 pm sharp For JACK REITE nisiil Township one milc north at Churchill and ohe iniie west oiNo 11 Highway Sale of 35 head of Scotch Short horn cattle Jerseys pigs sheep horse farm machinery hay hold effects including some on reservelaa the lam is sold JERRY COUGIEINI Auctioneer Same day cancellations and errorr must be phoned In between aodsamM alitlmea will be liable to there until at Willis Hunter residioa At Lot 14 concession in straw mini and some house at BABY TIME 13 AUCTION SALES Sh roman WILLSON At lot It Concession Whit church Tewuhlp on Welllutoa at Aurora one mile from the traiiie lights Sale oi registered accredited and listedlioistain cattle two tractors full line at having ethipmeut tango harvester forage wagons spreader aeed Ind lertlllrer drill Ind many other implements Terms cash No reserve as thL iarm Ia sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer I4 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL 1904 Dog Tags 1064 DOG TAGS are now available tram the Animal Con trol Oificer Leiroy or the Mun4 icinai Dillon Strand On or afterApril last own era or harboureia of dogs with out 1m tags which must be securely attached In Dogs at1 prov eculiong dchount at $100 per Tag will he showed on all Tags par drased belore April lvtl ELMO FORD Animal Control Oificcr Phone Leiroy 157 KNOCK Dy MRS McCORRISTON The February meeting Wow mens institute was held an Mrs Eddie Webbs with air Iumout Mrs Sturgsss gave very interesting motto The art nI conversation Is not lost its hidden behind the TV set The ladies ouiltrd quilt for Nov RcdCrost It was decided to hold the next euchre party atfl Mr and Mrs Eddie WebbM Feb 29 There was small crowd aI the Idsteuchrexparty held at thohoniaml hlr and Mrs Eds Strngeardue to it being Winter Carnival night In Barrie it it hopedthere will he good turn out at the next one on Sstun day evening Recentwisilors wilir the Herb Shannon and Bruce Wires were Mr and Mrs Morrison Doaof oi Elmvaie and Mrs Corlnff Saskatchewan who is enjoying ahoid th In recent article In The Ex nminsr on how some places in Simona County got their nam es it was stated that Knock was the Scottish name for Hill Onenrdent reader phoned us tohhve lhihIcorrsctcd and inltJ formed us the atone tima were two men by tho luthis communist of them came from Knock in Scotland He gnve this little community the name This gentleman lived on the farm nowoccupied by Mrs Lottie Conan and Mr and Mrs Robert Coward and wag Iiiiownto folks in this run rounding communities as Wiiiil Knock Hunter our informs anthnpos this will enlighten both old and new residents on how Knock got Its name MOTORS 11 GDWAN or fill Bradford St BILL