ra rrymmm two we Nineteen Sixtydbree Ill good year tor Barrie and PM poets tor1964 are even better This is the dominant theme oi Iapeclalaectionoiibnhartie Examiner included In todays issue ot the newspaper The Progress Edition is reilecllnn oi the advances made in all tenets oi the citys lite river lzmonih period to broad sense however it goes much further it contrasts the Barrie oi today with that oi yeateryaar and gives the chap ter and verse advances made in the industrial commercial Indeomntnnltyliieoithedw PREMIER mos boar moment Vain Iris mega ten tor the Examiner draws citation to the breed liltJ oi Barrinr progress He merrilonr the population trlrcrooaI albums than 70 can ever year period the gruluIl study then rom purely tIrmKocntre rgym lndurtrlrl community Barrie has come long way in the past decade or two it has become the home at way Barrio ll theeuct Wat oi the one industry town wblflr rises or ialit with the suoour nicallyvtrsined irom other pI of the country Barrials servedby coma downtown retell section by well balanced rhopp wide area resolving out in beyond the city limits to attract raise money toraoow nildlngiertold by the general secretary Hus Davey Other stories in sintilar vein also inlaidlathe pages at the newspaper LOOK It FUTURE ioiI glance at the past and the future through stories and pictures made possible through an edition or this kind The throw open its pages to individuals and organ honour to tell their stories The result is isacioatlng picture of adrlcvement it Is pause so to speak to take stock ni what we have done and where we are going it is ploot too it any were needed that Barrie is not standing Iii Premier Roberta gave clear indication oi Barriel place in the industrial ethane other he mentioned the advancesqu in business and industry through Page Nahum in 196 Its oi great industrial soutth Ontario he said Barrie has benefltted and will continue to beneï¬t with the years Mr Roberta see great in ture tor Barrie and to do we had so do the business men and the industrial leaders whose ad vertisement on progress scattered through the cdr Our lOOTh Year This newspaper will celebrate its Centennial in loot We will con tinuo to tnlorm our readers and grow with Barrie and District Local Weather Clearing towards evening sun ny Saturday Low tonitht rt High Saturday as For lull Differ on Pop For Trustees No Treason Charge llgairtst Separatist cal collegiate trustees could rc lOOth Year No 50 Barrieites Proposed amendments to On lario education acts that would provide payment tor school irus lecs met with conflicting reac tion by trustees and admlnls native oiiiciais in Benin today Under the proposed plan Bar rin public and secondary school trustees could he paid approxl mately $50 per month Burton business admin istrator oi Barrie District Col legiate Board said Some re muneration or trustees is cer tainly deserved PAY FOR BOARD They are called on to do great deal oi work and should be compensated iinanclally Board members now receive $5 per meeting for maximum or 12 meetings per year Ac cording to the chart presented by the Ontario government to ceivo up to $50 per month as the school enrolment is upwards oi rooo students Vhildhirl3urtons comments were echoed by superintendent Ramsay one trustee lelt otherwise Robert sarjcant icals payment or trustees is unnecessary rYou wont get any better people serving it you pay heistrid Mr Sarjeant voted against pay ment at secret ballot some time ago VOTE FOR 11 However he added the mar lority of board members voted ior it Mr Ramsay said the local board would be looking for the maximum payment Noel Stephenson past chairs man of Barrie hrth School Board said this hoard voted against pay last fall He noted too that over the pmvince most of the hazards were in favor of I733 Mr Stephenson along with new public school trustee Mrs Rory ODonal said providing payment wont improve the col ibre at people seeking to serve In fact Mrs ODonat leased that payment may attract the wrong kind or person You lose some devotion to tha iob when paid she said TORONTO CF Dr chifl coroner has ordered yearold boy who died in St arl operation UITAWA CF treason Quebec separatist leader Dr orrhwa tcin Prime that let Pearson hasrcplledwltir LATE NEWS Wants Inquest into Tonsillleath Morton Shulman Metropolitan Torontos an inquest into the death oi attired Michacls Hospital Dec alter ton The public school board mem bers said people serve on boards because they have sense oi public interest SEEMS ENOUGH Establishing pay ior trustees would be twisting the allies said Mrs ODonal She explained that trustees are given traveling allowances for attending education meetings in other communities This seems enough she emphasised Public school trustee Mills admits that he is spending more time on stdrool board has lncss than he expected but can still see no basis for payment As taxpayer in against payment he said Mr Mills sold that paying school trustees ooirld lead the way to other such volunteer groups in tiresom munity sceklngsimilar remun eration Sass another Public School trustee said payment is oi no concern to him but felt remuneration was good idea He icels the trustee who has responsibility to the taxpayer should be treated the some as the paid alderman He also noted that payment would broaden the ilcld oi people who could run for tnrsleeship As to absorbing the fthree man school boards by larger bodies Mr Ramsay said he was most pleased This will allow smaller units to get better cdu cation he said He strcmed the tact the small boards were not being wiped out but merely absorbed HERES ONE They itept pushing him toward the rear oi the has until ï¬nally they pushed him out the hack exit door He ran excitedly to the front ot the bus and tried to get on again Sorry hub someoneyalled éirlm but were too crowd dont care he walled Youve got to to true on or Ill get tired Pin the driver charge will not bciald against Marcel Chaput Justice Minister Fav reau laid the Commons today gt oi lhenprobrrlces on poinlain the plan ilrm rebuttal to Ontario Pre rnleritnbara contention thnt the Canada pension plan is be at ing developed too quickly that dangering existing pension and avrnghlarrnngcmen auhsl ca tlrosewho need Iml lua Downsd letter to charts malt MI The licence bureau at the Barrie Plaza was busy place Gout Weathers Votes With Sacred support UiTAWA CF The mlnor ity Liberal government weatb cred its third and inurtlrnom conï¬dence motions of the young parliamentary session Thursday evading detect in the only close teat withthe help of 11 Social Credit votes The Crcdltratcs who in tour attempts managed to get one nonconlidcnce motion accepted got support only from 14 New Democrats in proposing that in creased iamlly allowances be tied to rising living costs Hte vote was no to 25 lhcn by 134 to us thevLih crab ll Social Credit voters andtwo New Democratsboat hack the Conservative motion that family allowances he paid toatddents 1618 Supporting that proposition duca legislation for the plan be fore the March at opening of the federalprovincial copierd area in Quebec City Govern move to increase family allow pron construct new today as motorisu lined up to get their opcrators permits were or Conservatives MM and 11 Creditiste No iurther non conï¬dence motions now can he moved in the eightday throne speech de bate due to and Monday Liberals are outnlunhered no 129 by the combined opposition of 95 Conservative ll NDP 13 Creditiste and 11Soclal Credit members The last vote in this debate would be Monday on the main motion itseliÂ¥to thank Gover norGeneral Vanlor or having read the outline oi government legislative intentions at the opening of the session Feb In ibatmightor might not be contested Former Conservative heal nuaister Waldo Mooteith set ting out theparty line on the rection of it when Miss La and licenceplates helore the deadline for 1963 specs iorstudents said the Lib crisis on the campaign trail had layered on extension but now are indliiercnt lie was accused by1llarold Winch tNDPVancouver East of hypocrisy in dcploring the omission of the present gov eromant when his own Conserv ative administration had nothing immigration Minister lt Tremblay said he hoped to troduceagain this session bill to create anindlan claims com mission The drait legislation now islhe own to Indian UNITED nations or that there somochance th March tangled with Mr Ho 5v barta in last Septemberts pro vincial electl For cxnmp expire at midnight tonight Examiner Photo Insuvrctsss llS BilBOONS WASHINGTON AP blonde pony tailed scientist back from long stay in the East African wilds says chirrlpanzees apparently re gardhtlmansas interior crealt tllrESllt the sameclass as baboons Biologist Jane Goodall pretty 29 yéaroldBriton who worked along amongvtbe chimps reported Thursday that the animals have devel oped on their own some living techniques resembling human ones she said they make drinking utensils ram crumpled leaves andruse leaves as napkins to wipe their sticky handsnlter ea atlmmary turn page two Not More Than Copy52 Frau Number Of School Boards TORONTO CF Education Minister Davis announced meas ures to cut back drastically the number or rurnl elementary school boards and to provide tor the payment of trustees in the province The minister introduced bill in the legislature setting the township as the lowest level at school board administration Ei icclive Jan 1965 rural ele montary school boards will be reduced to about its irom the existing 1654 In urban areas the now legis lation will cut back the number of boards to to from the pros cut 258 in northern districts the number will drop ram 233 MrDavis said separate elo mentary school boards will not be allotted Similar legislation was intro duced to unity high school boards However few will be aliectod since most rural high school boards already are amal gamated into district setups WILL BE PAID Toeeducation minister said provision will be made to pay school trustees irom $7 to $150 month dependingon how many students theirhoards hallc jurisdiction over Boards with 60 to 100 students will be allowed maximum of $7 month Boards with mono or more student will he allowed maxinuun oi $150 month trustee However individual boards can decide not to accept these honorariums or to accept only part at them The honorariums will be in cluded in the school boards budget and will be paid by the to about 106 municipality Most oi the cost will be catered by the province by way oigrants Mr Davis said the number of elementary school board units was being rcduwdsharpiy in order to encourage centralized schools reduce administrative prohlcnrs and costs and provide betterrural education rcicrea will distribute as sets at tiny rural boards that amalgamate into township un its Those township units will be managed to group togetlter by twos or tltrecsint ministfbtlvdnltit The township units will have five trustees each with corres pondingly larger numbers tor the bigger units Elections will be held this tail to establish the units boiore the Jan dendlinc Municipal Aiiairs Minister Spanner said he would seek broader powers to investigate municipal govcmmcnls He said amendments to the Municipal Act would be introduced this session giving the minister in creased authority to order judi cial investigations ol municipal aliens It judicial investigation can not be launched at the present time until petition irom the ginnicipality requests the am on For instance whén alleged wrongdoing in the Inlprnve meat Districtmi White River came to light Vthe minister asked us an investigation This could only be undertaken by do pattment employeasu it was not until petition was presented by residents of the conununitythat judicial ia vestigatton could be launched Mr Spooncr said Holds DoCior Responsible rostrum or Dr lien neth Brown was held re sponsible ury goggle The jury found litters must have been dittorenceoi opin ion in the operatin room be tween Brown andDr llV area senior resident Varga summonitd Dr chiei oi