Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1964, p. 4

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xr hwuquuumnz nivvcrr paarms ram canons Council Experiments with Crosswalks with vehicular from side ha mimosa or Canadian mom tea liosSEssroNv lemdommsma Ontario Wllll rower VlWilrltM rnuasnarnasuanrnrsss tu traffic moving ma Que1$éo Government Paine otheally Serious Work Now The weekend visit by Premier John Dosage Opposition Leader Daniel John eon members of theQuebec legislature andProvlnciai Parliamentary Press Gal lery to Toronto did much to cement relalt ftio between the two provinces which icon almost twotirlrds of theeggpm latlon of Canada The obvious ty measures which were carried out were hardly necessary in this province how ever In must of English Canadafnearly all thetime the public hears only the most oxtreme statements made in Quebec thtlehut the most extravagant lamen iatlon pierces the language barrier But there is every evidence that the vast ma jorlty of French Canadians while underh golng great and very desirable resurg ence of spirit have never embraced the cause of separatism and that the mod earn and thoughtful recoustructlonlsts are now predominant in this great ren aissance which can wisely managed do much to add siren and status to our whole nation The asic ambition of the Lesage government is to lift to idly the economic base of Quebec so ety and help it to achieve more satisfying eager and highly trained corps imageof itself The Post has pointed out in series of Articles No nation composed of two peopica and two ages can ct to survive without 133nm 1235 of friction and dissem and difference But it is the effective resolution of these differences generation by generation that is essen tial to the welfare of all Canadians and which is the test or real statesmanhip Histamine raising the Lesage era likely to ace in Premier Lesage as per haps the greatest Canadian leader of his time the man who did great things for hsi own people and who saved the Can adisn nation from falling into fatal dis union Virtually unnoticed by English Cnn ada is the cat amount of hard think ing and real serious work now actually in progress in the Government of Que bec The results of this endeavor by an of men dedicated to the New Quebec are begin ning to flow All the results are by no means yet evident to the people of Que bee let alone known to the rest of Can ads Down MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb 16 1989 Siroud people burned mortgage on Community Hall Judge Dudley Holmes gave four year sentences to two young men who urglarlzed Zellers store Charles iGllmore trapped live brush wolf within lele oi Barrie oft Highway 26 Mlckey McBride headed Barrie Vet erans Club Thomson qualified lfor GreatWest Lifes Presidents Club Dr Randall itichardsondentist was inwanis member of the week Mrs Chittick elected president Barrie iadygolfers who donated $50 towards lighting clubhouse Barrie Curling Club lost Ontario Tankard final to To ronto Victories 2525 In semifinals Barrie heat Kitchener while Toronto beat Lindsay Local rinks were Dr Norman Rogers Harry Armstrong Al Ijhert Simon Oliver Cameronsklp Matt gRobertson Harry Hook Charlie Beelby Sully Meredith skip Session of Col lier United Church went on record strongly opposed to allowing profession airport on Sunday in Canada Colonel George Drew acclaimed MP for Sim eoe East to become Leader of the Con servative Opposition in Ontario Legis iature Board of Education consider ed request of public and collegiate teach 7f OTHER canons VIEWS BOWLERS FINGERS Medical World News From Great Britain comes warning that bowling to excess can cause newly identified syndrome bowlers finger Dr Latham reports in the British is Medlcal Journal that the condition is acharacterizgit by softtissue awellin of the proxim lnterpbalangeallolnto the middle finger of one handouly The silent he said was fanatically heels owler playing as much as lOtirnes weeks careers or TV VIOLENCE Owen Sound SunTimes Violence in television shows is under fire again this time from the Canadian ome and School and ParentTeacher ederatlon The organization is anxious at the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora on should spend some $70000on re search to determine the effect of TV violence on children They have cited two shows in artic ittllai the Naked Citystorieson marine in in Canada New Yorkand the Untouchables fear IIIOIIlWBSWOfllIWlIllé reports of Magistrate Cobourg last weekypolicenien obviously lions ns one hint ot ttimil °i¢a an llyr Eundeyaparidhutntnr Eglidaya Jan the Examin vto moyleneeded his two shotsinto the res Thecarcontainingflve boisteroushoolig outsideth era for increase in salary Collegiate deputation consisted of Fisher Morrow Miss Molly Helper and Miss Constance Shieli Public school group were Principals Morrison Bell and MacLennan and Misses Margaret Henry Nora Deiiart and Vera Lyons Wilfred Lennox of Toronto addressed Barrie Kiwanis Club on Agricultural Night and suggested farmers were not making enough use of government servicas and information Barrie Lions Club heard speaker Thom as Taylor of 0rillia advocate five weeks vacation to redistribute work and help solve unemployment Donald Mac Laren elected president Barrie branch Victorian Order of Nurses inspector George Gray called attention to in adequate lightinginolder part of 301 Barrie Badminton Club held Valen tine dance in lOOF Hall Winners of contexts included Jack Craig Frank Powell Winnifred Knowles Mrs William clfinnon of Camp Borden Refresh ments were in charge of Mrs Smith Mrs John Warnlca Mrs Meth ven Adamson and Miss Berta Scott Playing for Person Miners in Northern Quebec Hockey League former Barrie goalie Gus Goring scored consecutive shutouts over Siscoe and vet DOr will he made to members of the House of Commons This appears to be to have the blame for situation shifted onto goyernment agency so that those just as guilty of allowing the shortcoming can get oft entirely free These parents are unhap because the CBC presents programs thgy feel that youngsters just shouldnt watch Some Will say the same parents lack the intes iinaitortitude to tell their offspring to turn the set off So true yellso difficultl AIRPOLLUTION AND DISEASE Ottawa Journal lhere is now general agreement that an pollution is associated with such res lratorydlseases as lung cancer chronic ponchlilsarld asthma Research has also linked thecommoncold andother up per respira ination It has been estimated that pr perty damage resulting from dlrty air amounts to $11 billion year in the Unit ed Statesand up to $000 million annually POLICEMANS GUNS USEFUL Peterborougli Examiner in recent comment Dissrm Police er suggested that the eterhoroughiolfce force experimental ly put itsgunsin an armourerhey were re dom usedjwe suggested the experiv apologise torn Baxterlscourt in it their weapons gt Colbornes Polio an automobile ofaboutld years 01 ecbi ait this Ila rock throng case of seeking 11 One which gets considerable use is th studies Dunlop St near Fred pedestal THE OTTAWliBlIBTLES OTTllWll REPORT By PANIC NICHOLSON OTTAWAWill other New Democrats follow the Bose Thatcher and Hazen Argue path into the Liberal party will So cial Credit frontbcnchers tired of waiting for new look in the Conservative party accept the vigorous courting oi the Grits Answers to these ques tions wiL condition the future fortunes of the Pearson minor govemmeot The load percussion of can penters hammer cracked through the House of Commons or the aesslons first day of de hare Prime Minister Pearson lat unmoved at the head olhis cabinet strengthened by hlsre cent changes in personnel and duties But that persistent ham mering struck an apt note The cablnetmakcr was still at work Basically the recent changes fortified the Quebec wing of his cabinet There had been ohiee floor to his Quebec lieutenant Lionel Chevrler on the narrow and unreasonable grounds that despite his FrenchCanadian parentage he is not true Que beaker He had been born on fetal miles outside the borders of that province at Cornwall Ont There had also heenve clfernus opposiilon criticism of thepatronege practised by the Display New Bread Fowl ERBSVILLE Ont CPJia it charter turkco or chickeyt been vocally behlnd these two the policy aims of whom were praiseworthy even if their in experienced methods drew fire LEFT on CENTRE There will be some shifts in portfolios when the English speaking wing of the cabinet ll reconstructed These will ydc pond upon the performance of ministers during the coming months Agriculture Minister Harry Hays comes to mind in this connection But resigna tions will only be sought from some of the weaker ministers and these will be replaced from among that eager young gmup of newcomers who have done so much party lnontly to veer away from the wide rrrlddle of the political road so carefullytrod by Mac ensle King and swerve to the left side it seems that moder nie Mike Pearson is losing his battle to keep his party In the Mackenzie King track This is evidenced by the mantoman encroach being made by top Ll erals to prominent Socreds seeking to enlist these rigbtof theroad politicians into the Lib eral party as counterpoise postmastergeneral the loll tinie enfe SINEWS 0F POLITICS The Liberal party has rep utatlon for looking after its own and this helps it to make en parllameotsrian decline during and numerous friends But someof Mr Deols hirings and firings carried patronage to rather brutal lengths So those two left thecabinet being replacedby de vrnls Quebeoeis debroulllardsf bright young men At the same time Guy Favreau who 12 months ago was not even par liamentartan emerged as the lit oonns proof Rotatexiithi TORONTOPremier arts finally has put to rest doubts aboutthe Canada Pensionle Quebec loader and as crown prlnce heinggmomed for future instill Thus the cabinet shuffle re made the Quebec wing But as that hammering suggested Prime Minister Pearson has not finished his cabinet making Hls next and complementary step will be to build up the English Eiteakrh wingvof his cabinet probably during thesurtuner re cess of Parliament Contrary to reports circulab ing among the coffee cups and press typewriters on Parlla fling long list of criii clams of the plan This criticismwill continua And presumablythers will be tissues to negotiate forwhat he mart Hill there nevér was hackbench drive to ousttbe ministerial targets for opp two tion shot and shellFlnance Minister Walter Gordon Hand Health Minliter Judy LaMnrslt in fact the liberal caucus had coronation Mcil example to tire its faintly 337 hiolrehittd craft of that itlnd on Lake Slmcoeidbe ptbneefi ofthetowb at Tibet tl ownby iheflct the lnedonly twp situated in what wssgs Boys hlockWhen tit rebellion of dldmll my service marchliig torelilrbish their This group tends predom Stand In Whilfiii Pension By DON OBEABN and other representatives of some tensemosnents as be con Whatever you call it this strange fowl is cross between chicken and turkey Earl israel has bought two of them to put on display at his Fairyland Farms near lhlsvil lags northwest of Kitchener Btgger than stricken but Imeller titan turkey they have long turkeylike necks and heads with some characteristics of turkeys But the rest or their bodies resemqu chick Mr iarael acquired them lrom Tom Quibeli landscaper in the district who had bought one and bred the other bycroess lug It with legborn hen Dritoss Cavars head of the poultry department at the On tario Agricultural College In Guelph eatdthorc have been several similar products of crossbreeding in recent years but all have been aterlle Mr Quibeli said he has raised several offspring from fertile eggs some were blind but oth ers including one sold to Mr lsrael have thrived strain THOUGHT The world pesoeih away and the last thereotrbut he that doth the will of God nhideth forever4 robn 211 The law of the spirit is as in exorabiens the law of nature Hamilton were annoyed to hes section of their City ofciiarnik ton bill voted down by the pri vate hillscommlttee The section wouldhave given tax easeinent of up to film to old age pensioners The authorities here hays been against the easement on the grounds that in principle they feel that any easements this however who not what decided the committeein fact it was herdiybrougbtup it was brought out at the meeting that recent broadening of welfare regulations had made property owners eligible for supplementary $20 month pensionof which the city would have to BLIND FAITH Here in Barrie we have fre quently noted the blind faith of pic at the crosswalk Tbs To multh often without putting their faith in the law the rim aodthe motorists its wonder that more people have not been killed or inland The success of crosswalk da pendr largely on lts location rail luau Grant St it has proved its worth and should be maintained Cro But the Barrie City bunch which approves locations has not had as much success with in others Some months ago it eliminated crosswalk opposite the iluron and Eric Building on Dimlnp because of interference viii sin in dance presumably ably be this manuals and making another on Bayfleld clo Ierto the Five Points urnsr IDEA Latest aosrwalha being coa littered would be located at Ten onto and Ross streets and at Baytield and Ferris The one at spate would be service to school children and it will prob established Only experiments with various locations over reasonable period of time can bring the answers Coimcll must mod on trial and error log that its decisions will retit needs of the majority of ans One thing la virtually certain sswalke are here toistay barring rash of accidents So the pedestrian has taken to em and so has the motorist They give drivers In oppon tunlty to exercise courtesy which many lack when they get tee bind wheel REPORT lltOM Ul eni Foriilusic Festival as is him noon LONDON lan Hunter dir ector of the great Common wealth Arts Festival to be held in Britain in 1965 is off on 35000 mile trip in the eonrso of which he will be visiting Cen edaand other Commonwealth countries In search of outstand ing musical and dramatic talent for the festival programs Be fore leaving on his truthduring which he will visit iodla Pak istan Ceylon Malaysia Sara weir Australia New Zealand and Fiji as well as Canada he went to Buckingham Palace to dis cuss with Prinoe Philip and the Commonwealth High Commis alolnerr the plans for the festi va With budget of $750M at his command he is on shopping trip to engage the bestthlsts of the Commonwealth for the Festival And in each case be Is visiting the Commonwealth countries at the invitation of their governments menus common At press conference before his departure itfr Hunter who was for some years the ertls tie director of the Edinburgh tornotional Festival of on the massive project which hotermed mighty concus tion it will not beluit series of concerts and exhibitions said Mr Hunter What it hopes to do is to contrast the expression of ihecniotlons and events that If youre buying or said Mr Hunter but till are basic to the Commonwealth East and West For example we hope to have on each program the ex Ihresslons of Africa Asia and English speaking world on such subiecis as love anddeath Toke death Compare our West ern mourning with those West indlan wakes 0r spring and Citi trsst the indlan songs with Del iue on Hearing the First Cuck oo We will use the theme of shared experiences through the concerts exhibitions and deuce Programs 50oa could elmph bring Com monwealth groups to inndon swould not add onto world event it would be worthy but paroch ial our aim is to present the Commonwealth in the most err ctting and instructive way so that its potential is convincing WBRtllslflfl or an American Neither of these two great pow era can bring together repre seniatives of three quarters of the worlds cultural traditions For example from Canada youcan have the French and American as well astba British influence and from Hong ifong the Chinese The $750M which Mr Hunt and Drama expressedhls ideas or has to spend in building up the Commonwealth Festival baa come from the British govern ment the tourism County Coun cil industry andprlvate done lions ltris expected that the Commonwealth governments will also contribute toatravel and other costs gt building making maiorimprovemenis or wish tere yyi essences finonce your present mortgage CTORIAAND GREY isthe BEST loArrnngcov tics EAST SERVICE aunerrraiionrnrinMsi oyv INIVER or this

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