4lnmmewrp¢ ans awn ï¬rn v4 the 1mnc mwhhjqï¬w mnwms an manna ncPuï¬rWPWIITJ uses To Meet villi competition nrgeot need for complete not to tbaheallhy nodal coon the boards decisions it is lm for manager to take liberties Esohange SinmblindBlOclrs MEMBERS OF Zone Georglnn hay Development rAssociaiion discuss plans to encourage industrial growth in the area They are Mrs Nancy Kecie Coldwater reeva Earl Brandon Paul Vollick of Goldwater and ltlnale of Barrie Examiner Photo IFcrrmers Credit Union We have passed another milestone in our progress as credit union Dimming secretarymanager oi the ionis lll Partners Credit Union Ltd said in his report to the annual meeting last night Speaking at the Stroud Coma munity Hall Mr Cumming said We find that difficulties arise when the boards policy does not seem to be practical In given situation do not mean this as reflection on possible to make rules snd re guloiions which are applicable under all conditions These unusual cases involve decision and this is the man agers responsibility he said Sometimes there is tendency which are beyond his authority In such cases he is subject to discipline by the Board at Dir ectors whose duty it is to face this responsibility arrangement creates danger of cohil or over lapping oi duties am happy to report that in spite of this rather touchy situation have had good cooperation from our board he continued It has been quite understand ing when incidents are brought to its attention which are evi dence that the manager has overstepped the mark 21 appreciate the fact that not only the board oi directors birt all our ofï¬cers have been althiul and conscientious in their dolled This isihc secret oia successful credit union MrCumming said the turn over lastkyear exceeded four and one half million dollars This Tor Steppingstones Best It is not good enough to Pool our pennies in the credit union while we deposit our dollars in the banks andltrust companies Best told the 20thannual meeting of the Innisiil Farmers Cfedri Union last night illir Best general manager Obtario Co operative Credit Socrcty guest speaker at the to packed Strqud Community Hall said We are conscious of changes all about us Titey have put up satellite that stays put it hovers there in irgure sigh patternthut is synchronized with the rota tion of the earth ihis business or putting things into orbit and controlling them while they are has assets of is it up there is part of the dlinge oi the times Todays success is inevit ably tomorrows inadequacy trust company inToroato began 15 monthsago andlnow more than 15 million The credit unions ask Where are in Best acid as corvcnnnnn Instead cing elated with we should be concerned about theaixrnllllon people who are not in the credit we gt hlr Best said fGoipg over some of the bighli onlt note that from 1947 toroso while the banks doubled their sizairom Shit billion to almost billion in those 13 years lost rats points of their share tbe nations savings eyr were aceran so fled well we gorngi his total their share of the peoples sav ings hyrover four points in the iollewing year 1961 the banks added tili billion in resourcesbutlustahnostanothv 21 paint trout that share oi the Credit unions added his mil lion and gained further one iifth at point Last year the banks increas ed their share oi the savings of the Canadian people by mart than the total resources of the credit unions after so years at hulidin RELUCIANT WFY are weso meet the chang asked thinle many oi cumulus LEFT SPEAKER us on Told To FOrge Ahead ares tanning was stressed inst omic amwspherstbat industri night by Mayor Coolie listsseehforthetresnployeesfl fhemsyor was speaking at Mayor Cooke condoned dinner meeting of Zone of the With the mushrooming indu Georgian Bay Development Ass trill growth comes the Mod for sedation at Continental Ina area planning he said Heliu Wa must take stock oi the shelter development will be uscls in this area he said come liability We must see what we have we must find out what we can dot to improve pod we must ae Unless sensible schema of area planning is undertakenl many towns and villages my not srnvive he warned CRUSH EXPANSION hiayor Cooke urged individuals to personally spearhead the crib sada ior expansion in the Georg ian Bay area and not leave it up to the government council or chambers of commerce Tho more done privately the better he said the mayor listed the resourc of the Gcorglan Bay area and told the audience that these were not characteristics oi other re gloss The Georgian tiny area is not peck marked with costly mistakes that have to he ripped up as is the case with our Metropolitan neigh he said HAVE ASSETS We have plenty oi hydro and water for induitry he said our highways are among the finest in the world Lake ports and airports are close at hand lie pointed out that the Georg ian Bay region lies between the resources of the north and the huge metropolitan markets This is great asset to an ex panding industry he sold lie said the areas municipal ities have the things expanding industries are looking for when they re locate lhese are large and capable workforce good homes schools and has Eitals and an immediate mur al Also there are low slums and the number or welfare cases is low lha healthy atmosphere oi the rural areas also contributes he said The profitable and well run farms add to the total economy of the region and cre ate an incentive for industry The Georgian Bay area has excellent dealership and service representationThis speaks well to people looking for location for new or growing industry our church growth is import its cautioned the urban sacro born that all phoning prob lems cant he settled by snow alien Good farms are definite no and must he preseredhs ENSURE PRMECAION The mayor told GBDA members theymurt ensure the protection oi their natural re sources Every cltizur should be an ambassador for the rccresn lion facilities and industrial poo aibilitles of the area Members should also seek to expand these facilities and pos sibilitiu and make sure full ad vantage is taken lie exhorted the many council members pre sent from the municipalities to prevent raw sewage from en tering the lakes and rivers We do not sit at the side of cesspool like Lake Erie and we do not want to he said He asked that Zone merry hers support proposed molds tionirom Barrie to the federal government This will attempt to halt construction oi locks on the SevernTrent River system Once locks are completedJam prey could swim right into Lake Simeoe and kill our its he warned We must see that our invest ment is protected Mayor Cooke stated He emphasized the need for the protection and redevelop meat of urban areas as well Many of our downtown sections are fools paradises he said MEET COMPETITION The merchants to these areas ave not made aggressive pre parations to meet thecompeti tion Mr Cooke said They shouldnt wait until developer spends two or three zillion dollars on their door In conclusion Mayor Cooke diversify and improve in their attempts to protect their resour cas and to expand to meet the challenge of change convention tr ad Publicize and get ready to act beiorsitd too late are ram warson To ronto secretary and field or genius oi tboOotarlo School hustoes sodRatapsycrs Ass Must fGeor5 Education soctatloo chats with from tail to right Blair Ashmolo Don Bath and hwreuca Shaw sin Watson was speaker at the forum of Siro noe Marty iruï¬m and Ratepayers Association hero yulenihy Examiner Photo To Aid Slow Learners Between three to four per cent of children in school need spec ial education it 0Carnp3 sell an inspector with the aux Iiiary education services branch at the Department of Education said yesterday lie was addressing the Simone County irusteea and Ratepay Association ionrm at Cod rington St Public School on the prooiems of providing this spec Isl education for children who were in some way handicapped In the past he said the edu caiiooal system had not been geared to dull pupils If they failed to keep up with the school program they lust hadto g3 on lodey pupils were encouraged to remain at school tor along as possible We now believe in aerial educational opportunities for all said iilr Compact hut We rlonot have thisinOn tario mm are taught at the pace mint suited to their condition Mr Campseii explained In many implored Zena ll members to Get out and go after the your etiorts to woo industry Its filo Simplls Task Electing Oiiiiiers 0i Zone 03 Examiner Photo BEST is no small business yet 5we have only scratched the surlace as is as our potential is con cerned This is the challenge for the future he stressed Were lizendiclr lit The Carnival The mystery of what happen ed to Elizabeth Taylor additi ehard Burton when they dis appeared irom Toronto over Barrie Camian weekend has been solved They were in this area While authoritative sources had them coyly hiding in New York and Montreal the worlds most famous couplaAhadislipped out oirloronlo to stay with friends in Shanty Bay was teamed today that the been kept strict people woi the visit but amed to keentbe secret tha ooupla returned were radicals in the 1930s and iitfa havebecome so overcome wrihrour progress that we are basking in the light oi ilnulatcd success litil it about this re trust his Bertsald resiltlli curiositywiil help us to live with conflict Ws must faces the election or oliicers usu ally speedy act with the Geor gian Bay Development Associ ations Zone took longer than usual last night The first ballot produced two ties iorflthreo positions Stan Wallace last years vicecbair Dave Phillips or Stayncr re mained as publicity director while Gordon Maillon retains his post as membership direc tor Mr Klnzie Will be one of 17 GEDA directors man was acclaimed as chair man But voters deadlocked over the positions of vice char man and director Forty ballots were cast The vote for vice chairman involved Sam Presto oi Wasaga Beachvand liill liarfoot of Dr lllln When the lie was discov ered several solutions were pro posed The contestants favored the marina of co but the new president thought this was not in keepingwitb the dignity and decontm oi the occasion Eventually second ballot was cast and Mr Preziov de clared tba new vice gcbairman One ballot was not cast The contest for director also involved Mr Barioot His op poneni wasW Kinsla oi Barrie When the first ballot resulted in atie hir Barioot sieppeddownin favor of Mr Kinzie He oppressed his will insn BBIS to work on committees DEATHS Kiel West Germany as Osterloh St prominent hirin iian Democrat politician and minister of education and cul ture for the West German stats oi SchleswigHoisteio oi appar ent suicide in Kiel harbor Sash Fred erick Bob Von Piiis our for mer Ontario dairymsnand farm leader editor of the Un ion Fame andpubiiciiy direc ior oftbe Saskatchewan Farm err on voucuiiiIp CRIFPLED CHILDREN oases individual teachers do vised their own techniques do signed to overcome childs problems Mr Compact gave examples of some of these technioua which be illustrated with color slides The special educational pro grams were not only oooilned to dull pupils but took in the ex traordinarily bright as well Tells Meeting 0i importance 0i llnElementary Education ayes Coolie ofBarria told Simuoe Corme irusioes and Ratepayers Association yesterday that he lhoughtele mentary education was inst as important to the country as higher education He was welcoming members at the nssgï¬lullonm their one ay mcc Codrington Street Public School hiayor Cooke asked how many people gave elementary education secoudkthougbt in day and age when continu ing technological advances put the accent on higher cdncaflon Canaan Dowocy greeted the association on bebail of the County Council llc said that each year the association re netted small grant from the county to promote public speak inK have been in public life for great man years he said and know that ii had had the beneï¬t of being educated in public speaking it would have helped me greatly With my wor Dr George Seymour chain man oi Barrie Public Sch Board welcomed the assaol tion on behalt oi the board