rfllvlflurmfl 7st we JOSEPH atom ID Dear Dr Molneri on my mu lower eyelid my doctor says have cyst Exactly how does this diiter irom pink eye or atyet Will hot ornentations help Will cyst open itself it it has proper treatmuitiJV Lets go at it backward which will make things clearer Pink eye is sort of general term ior Inflammation at the eye and the inside oi the lids caused by one or another type at germ etye Ir an Infection in one or perhaps several oi the many tiny glands which surround the eyelashes Both oi these usually clear up it reasonable care is taken not to let the Medina spread cyst is quite ditiereat in this case one ol the small glands oi the eyelid you can have cysts in glands elsewhere bcmmu closed The purpose at the gland is to produce small amounts of substances which ordhinrlly seep out gradually ii gland becomes sealed over these substances cannot get out They accumulate inside the gland and it swells This is ham in time the pressure builds up and becomes painiui Some times the pressure causes email rupture allowing the me teriel inside to escape and thentor the time being lt teeis better Or of course it it becomes too painiul before the pressure breaks path through the cyst can be tanned relieving the problem Uniortuoateiy this is not permament cure The cyst closes on again and the pres rura hullda up again and you have to so throws the uni ncce more lire only permarneat answer is to remove the cyst This in minor procedure even though at course it requires careiui the log because oi the location cent are usually removed irorn the under ride at the eyelid so the sear wont show although it is rather small one in any event Hot Applications might speed up the draining but thats all The cyst will torso again no less It is removed Dear Dr Mother heard doctor on radio ray one should not eat bread potatoes etc or anything oonteioing sugar as these foods are liable to cause diabetes or gangrene it such is the case what foods may be eaten by persons with diabetes symptomsPM Such is Noll the case hope your ears played tricks on you and that you misunderstood what the doctor said Anyway such food do her cause diabetes or wed all haveit We dont know what causes diabetes althoughwe know that people who are even weight are more likely to get it and that it tends to run in families it parents have it children are more likely to de velop it eventually it you already have symp toms oi diabetes thats one thing You should be on diet tailored to your needs and may or may not need either medication in pill term or in sulin by intention it you do NOT have diabetes tun keep your weight under reasonable control and dont be alar by scare stories cant giVe you the whole TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Barrie MEDAL HDRUAIY 25 Fireball XPLJ opayu Rania 31 inseam News Weather Sports Hellman Patucoa iunetion Pill Duh non Carey Front Page Chaitanra lermuaslaa Quest CBC TV News iiio Welttier Newl Sparta lilo like Hammer WEDNHDAY rzariliutr so Tell Patiern Mien Time National Svhwulo Cher Helena Nursery School Romper Rhona Popeynr Party Noenday Report Movie Phantom Lad Password Scarlett Hi Take to Fliandly Giant laterosere Clue Kid Papaylr Part1 hassle Darri WoW Wood eckee Nations Bu an owl ea or Candid Camera slivers Show Red River JIIIBONI Perry Mason Festival 150 TV News Weather Sports News nro sue Benedict Channel Buffalo JIMMY MDBUAIY Id 00 cm Bob Woody Woodpecker The items Today 1954 Huntleyflrlnkiey Now Have Gun will Travel hir Nevak The hwhraaker RirJaard Boone Bell Telephone Hour 1100 News 1110 Weather 1115 Sparta sue ieeim shew 100 AM Report WIDNIIDAY Blvd 14 mo Today Show PM Mike Doullu Show Say When NBC New Word For Ward concentration Murine Ltuk Your First impression Truth or Coaleaiilncq Nan Divorce nurt kllMeeDaaii NBC News The Doctors Loretta Young You Dont say FRE channel IIWALO cuhurtpt sninnin Chennai BUFFALO ottoman ronhnro CHANNEL itueirato ciiahrsai roaohro CHANNEL ti nAMiLrori Channel Toronto WIIDAY IlBRUAIY L00 Mickey Knit Cltlh LEI Kiddo 5W Channel Nine nuts slat Outpost 57 an Was er rta 10a rs tiiuui Hobo 130 hleadl Nilht Movie Campbells ltinaaornl rso Joey Bishop 10M Eleventh Hour 1100 CTV Noll 15 hillN Hull ll Sparta heels and Bermuda ll Film action Hull mo Douglas Fairbanks lentl galNJEDDAY FEBRUARY gt Will Ind Morning ape certeeo Friends ilitn Helen Romper henna Playtlinr wttb Uncle eons 91331 anus 9W love Lucy December Bride our Hours The Mlliionatra swimfilrllflmht era as ou People in Conniet iiiiekey Maura Club Kidd Channel Nine lh gnawsale Uprtairssllm pa weatb Gert or Grttllltltfl were Irttan it iron somew 15 Metro Ftnai it Sports hear and leueueta ioso 1110 Pierre Berton sho 1210 Douglas Fairbaah Present Channel Buffalo TUIEIMY DIWALI ll 00 Th Sacral Stofln Leave it To Beaver The Oclock Show Cl gentilflnnlglm ea an flit CBS Imam New 700 Phil stivm Show 7to Andy Grttttth non Rod Shelton Hour MO remnant Junctio DJfli Jack Benny itd on itd am an as lino The ilao Straw Tank POM also 000 ID no Art Mistletoe it use To Tell Th Trudi CBS News 11 his 01 Niaht TIMES ASMuCH 16 see on BARRIE CABLE rv i4 DAYJHOME oEMonsrnAriou on have some rv neoaLIeATIou At the and ol the day trial should you wish to he relular subscriber you pay only our regular installation lee at was and It nth commencing at uend ot lrea deman on outy is ariasg sins OFFER eon shortstop nine our situation we as Ego is mmShnmn Iy alas sourceion If rm Hilï¬ger and BAIT Wit and lira Howard Crawford Mr and Mrs Howard Craw lord called on lit and tire Roy Galbraith toldwater on the occasion at their son wedd ing anniversary Monday The World Day at Prayer was held Few with load attendenn taking part were Mrs hi Biachmore lira ht Moore Ioiolet Mrs rah story to limited spate but it you have arty aim of diabetes Ezra ought to have physical by the way is not or by diet However it can result from untreated urea oi diabetes uINeta lounge liar We be caries may or may bertghhbutweknrwiromre posted observation that amok lng irritates but probably does not cause ulcers meeting at lira Allan lthn ltlreih ll pan Oonmtullions to Mr and him David Hatchet tnoe Linda Spoon who were married Feb is in Guthrie uuee Grinds Lind war guest at honor at nttseelleneotil shower prior to her marriage at the home oi Mr and hire Ala Mm coursich onions By JAY DECKER North dealer NorthSouth vulnerable rrom aqoea OK or um wm ruin unions KQHOD no arena 503m urns yum one 91 stoni East South Woot 93 ee Opening leadqueen at clubs good general principle tor deciarer to follow in most hands is that it he can make is contract only it the oppo uents cards are distributed in certain way he should play or that distribution to exist south was in six hearts and West led the queen of clubs Declares took it with the ace cashed the king of hearts and continued with about When East showed out the contract looked iairly hopeless since it appeared that West would be able to score at least one club trick in addition to his queen oi hearts But South proceeded to make the contract despite the trump break its took the ace of hearts played the king and anotherapadel and ilneand the nine when West iollowed low With the ï¬nesse ruccorslins South was able to discard both his club losers on the spades be iare West could ruit and the outcome was that he made tho slain losing only trump trials Note that it would not have helped West to play the ten oi spades on the second spade lead Deciarer would wtn the tea with thetqueeo return to his hand with diamond and then license the nine oi spades to air thin the same result Souths play at iinessing the nine in the hope that West had been dealt tour spades to the Hi was very unusual but it was the right play nevertheless Declarer realized he could not moire tire contract it the spades were divided oz since he would be unable to discard both club losers in time It this were the care Once West had shown up with trump trick South knew hevcouid make the contractua ly ii West had tour spades and he thereiore played on the as sumption that this was the no tuai distribution He realized that is West had one two or three spadcrt there was no hope oi making the stem and he consequently played tor the only possibility that gave him chance1 DilitY crosswonn £08058 Singing Mme to voles Hannah hall are signs HIIIIHI Helenaa napal HIII Ellllxflllll unlalaaulll nuz SAWYER uses AANDAASKEAETER JULIET JON DONALD DUCK AUTOMOTIVE GRANDMA GOOD DEAL MORE AT 75 BRADFORD 5T TEL 72559 tut shut WCIDM sfcflEtAflltE JuliA MINUTEI WANlTO see You Twat Mr rndnrhlWlinl 1145va tcrdflvm75FV you oer soon DEAL Ann IIEfMfllld TRADERS PLAN FOR EVERY SALE CHRYSLER ooooe VALIANT noose raucxs mimiunmiewu meta ismwmwhmw mntiflimmcflfofcfoamflz ammumvimmm NONITELLME EVERY TIME WE HAVE FIRE DRILL WHY DOVOU BUYS THEPRINClPALJUSI HauLEDeMiureiiis OFFICEme THINKHE Germans grammars MD illiRSMhFiOMA VENICE Midi WNEE MllilMllitlltG DONT KIWW WHERE THIS is tEADiMm Itill lMYitS WEIl liE MilRMLIRINs EEWMES Louver BESINSWRMR umwirenrru summoned tthSFlFlilliW ori FREtiPlCEr sranueiuro