wannam um rm complain or let him know out otthiehouse My husband ownedthe houseiou face blood vessels which cause mance was not in the picture says It makas no difference Ihe house is all she has 1eft of Endaha will never mover whi iNSlltUCMlt Mrs Oilttick seated wields if students item the left are MraHarryliodenlinI r7 Nubltt and Miss Marie Kelly iExaminer Iboloa Mrs no Scnrton mod els one of thainrtructors use of different trimmings creations for students Mrs worm or Anvrus oi fered to beginner Mrs Welsh left as she decides on shape is the easiest to wot fewtips ANN LANDERS hat form Mrs VChlttlok explains that buekram Inhibitions Absent Ii Alcohols Present Dear Ann Londcrei Why do people who have had too much to drink invariably peel off their clothing have yet to see person who is loaded put anything 0N but an awful lot otdrlnkera seem to take firings off Usually its the shoes that come off first particularly with women drinkers Next they aired stockings belts ear rings and so on Ive worked as waitress for catering servicefor lit years and have had plenty of coron tirnity to observe partydrnk era have always been baffled by the inevitable disrnbing pm case which usually begins after three martinis What causes it AMDINE PUSHER moves the inhibitions and pro duces dont give darn attitude It also dilates the sur peopie to feel warm Combine these two factors and you have the complete an ewar to your question Dear Ann Lenders Three years ago married bachelor who was 20 years my senior He was kind gentle and con siderate lrnew the score whenl went into this second marriage Ro lt was pure companionship There was one drawback had to accept his spinster sister since they had always made their together Before long realized what mistake had made but hevm once did bow abusive and domineering shower Twomontiis ago my husband died His sister refused to move hi and left it to me in hlarwlllShn her nice trust fund dire over to be inc Pleasevtcll me how to no rid at on shrew not there would wh in herthorna when no adult is there Toots generally as careful in renal ill takecare of herlt calling he police and no one has ever asked to see my identity card im madly in love with boy who is 17 He has given ms his class ring which liefan we are as good as eogag am as log to marry hire Nothing in chllil the whole world can stop me The problem is his mother She hates me like poison When ever he wants the car to take me out she thinks up an ex cuss Once when was in her house and she wasnt therei accidentally burned holeJrr the sofa Like adimce called her the next day and offered to have the sofa repaired In tead of being nice and complimenting me on my honv ssty aha blew her top and on dared me never to come to her Dess Pusher Alcohol re ouae again when she wasnt would give anything elf could get this woman tofllke me Please giveime some sug gestions0min Dear Grilled You are never gig going to get this woman to like you so forget it Asia matter SELL THE HOUSE any boys mother to bloom nigger you straighten around in ipfact youarent going to get No motherln her right mind approve of 10yearold drinks smokes and visits Where is your mother Adverse Mercury influences now suggest caution in all wrl and communications onships too Where air to routine affairs go otton tsngentr aer an listenicoke constructiontiirm es Teach Hal Trimming Tricks At Millinery Classes By EILEEN DIXON Hate are yearround con cern oi most women and with Easter right around the corner thoughts are propelled to what chaposu miindy will don for the popular yearly parade five weeke course in mil line being offered by the Barre YulYWCA commenced on Feb it under tha instruc tlon of Mrs Chlttlck of Alliston Mrs Chltticlt is well qualified an instructor having received most of her formal training in Europa She also instructs class sex in Camp Bordon and Alliston Barrie homemelim and hue iness woman enrolled in the evening classes hope to create hat fashions in current vogue ranging from petals to straw on for beginners Mrs Will1 lam Pratt right plclu up Couples Club Hold SleighRide Party The Couples Club of Grace United Church held an oldfa shioned sleighlng party Satur day eveninii fmm Grenfel Hail Tho social euenlng was among ed by the Planning Committee of the Club After the sleigh ride the group returned to the hall for dancing with music provided by pianist Mrs Norm Bannerman Following the dance the or guests colored hot supper of sun came andepaghetti with meat balls convened by Mr and Mrs PercyFord Among tire guests wemer Mrs Garnet McMastor Mr and Mrs Bill Ball Mr and Mrs Percy Iï¬ord Mr and Mrs Norm ole Harris Mr and MraDon Baidock prellil Mrs Ralph If Rowe Mr and Mrs Nelson Gno rett Mrs Don Bytes Mr and Mrs Dan Smith Mr and Mrs Harvey Poachroan Mr and Mrs Bruce Law Mr and MrsWily bur Walton Mr and Mrs Mike Pettitt the coming yearwith empha onAugust September and Decemberhut on must guard against your srenttendcney toward fickleness Except for possible temporary infatuation October romanceoould prove to he therssl thing this year book for happy travel opportunities in August andor January and some excellent newest to business nature in late December Properly has FLEMING WOMEN VIORONTO CPl Factories are being designed to please women says spokesmanfor In building plants incdroiinilvstrioi days column need of medical help It is small wonder she feels so desperate Here is her story frwhl you please do me his favor and help me have two problems thatprobably on girl can solve am 14 on four feet seven inches to weigh 121 pounds face is all broken out with pmples died opportunities offered their tiai To is Vicoutlgvgetypuofftoafinestart im THE sures surf In son rbsroaon KEEP Walter Smith left and Mrs Parsons the thus we biaids in stricin tailored tie signs to the hollering wisp of veiling and flowers MAT TRICKS According to students who have graduated from this course to the instructor has on endless source of Ideas and gift lie for knowing Just what hot need to give it that finished look bow hero luck there deft touch to the satin trimming or perhaps flower placed at just the right angle The instructors aim is to help the student select the correctly shaped hst form from wide selection available at nominal price She also advises the stu dent what material or straw braid would be best suited to the chosen form Some straws aravheavior when used as the IN THE TRIM MedicalTreairnent Is To increase TeénaigersHeight sy ins mm The unha teenager in to is seriously in and have gone on diets and have tekenexercissebut still gain My thighs are too big an 351le special us ng eoaps an ointmeots sweets and starches Nothing and hire and Eplett on and stomach makes me loplr meeting have and Hitting out ugly Thlsmakes me so unhappi They are all so cute and have boy friends need Bannennen Mr and Mrs Norm dawn mm mm McEaclrarn Mrand Mrs Err um word was underlined three ea lake hearthelp is available there is teenage clinic in your city rook helpthers If not ask your parents to take youto good medlcnlflman preferably an endocrinologist According to the road map of growth you are four inches shorter than their erage in the short group forsngeui This stunted growth may possibly be caused balance Certain hormones stirri uiate premature closure of the mouth long bones It may be that you have the sdreno genital syn drome but probably ohly specialist can tell for sure by glandular im areas at the ends of the At age it you still have chance to grow taller provided you get the medical treatment needed Proper nutritionis also aterials iTlils cit irwsrrriing vimunqualified hairdressers some of whom are undercutting prices and using Wanitaryprnctlces says Joe Kozcil Ontario Hairdressers Asspeiatinn president doingstiontocl Ila led eat reinstat The toads which furnish growth promoung protein sroij th isklm mills and buttermliki lean meat fish and fowl cheese and cottage clieose and eggs Vegetables fniltr and Juices and whole grain cereal and bread shouldmake up the bal ance of your means Your skin problems are no doubt tied in with your gland ular irregularities ll repeat there is help for you Do not let another week pass without taking steps Put your self in the hands of specialist or seek help at clinic con nected with good medical hospital Speaker Stresses Obiechves 10f Mental Health iilssocraiionr Mental Health wasthe topio chosen by Miss Jeanette Gilles Elimnlgirsdor of Sirth County on the February meetingrof the Weeiminsiee Presbyterian Wo mans Groupbeld at the Blake et residence of M11 Maul hay Miss Gilieipir was introduced by Mrs Mncltherson The speaker pointed out the obieetives oi the Canadian Man tel Health Association It pro vide information voluntary services and most trumrtent sin and research into the ca es of marital iiinos Miss Gillespie stunned the hen slits derived by patients at the White Cross Centres as well ssihe beneficial results out pa carts in other areas hovers eeived from these Centres ship service uctcd byMrs Calvin Mrs Jacobs and Mrs Sum mers and included Bible read ings and prayer otieriht matches by fogan and dedicated Unit whenahe spoke at pmumsrerqu ow tom has on rrooiriiuo prion mmmnmmrrw so are 5535 Eraser the Warrens institute of Crown llill will hold Bake Sale Friday afternoon at the ilGA an rrnrrtai Muicaeter Street lociock MENTAL HEALTH Barrio am residents an in viied to attend the third annual meeting of the Barrie Branch of thaclrnadihn Mental H211 no on unday or the Library Hall Dr on liawhe psychiatrist at the Hospital for Sick Chlldmr lnh onto will speak on valopment and Read The men hope to fashion their own Easter bonoats treshmanta preceding it It 730 pm SPRING The weather may be blustery and cold outside but Spring will arrive tomorrow Iftemoon at the Spring Garden Ilsa and Fashion Show sponsored by the womens Association of St An main trimming and have ten dency to make the not heavy BPECIAL TOUCH if class members have had previous experience in making eir own hats than the can concentrate on gaining in amia on use of trimmings and increase their knowledge in time anvlng points For the novice the first step taught is the molds of basic hot in simple sly The liti dent laarnsthe correct way to finish edges the technique of lining to give professional look and the comet choice of trimmings buckram shape is the eas test to worir on tor the begin nor the use of fine wire sewn to the edges allows the shape to be bent in whatever way the designer desires and remain that way During the course students will be shown how to reinven ats last years list lhleknow ledge will be used to save that invorito model from ita retire men event is being convened by Mrs Paul Meger with an afternoon showing It lies and the evening show comniencing at ltll MOWER ousm Mr and Mrs Lloyd Goliaen of Brookooie Drive have return ed to the city fouowlog weeks holiday visiting at the home of terinlaw Mr and Mrs Glenn Swain of Montreal Quebec CELEBRATE lll BiltlliDAY family birthday party was held at the home of Mr and Mro Front Wood of RR Harris in honor of their only NEW urn Every woman has had hat likeythls stored lnher hat box itstho one the wearer has grown tired of or whats the style is outot date but hot is too and to discard Mater els usedcover wide range Straws and felt are tal woye favorites and this ycar there are lot tulletrimmed creations Petals and flowers come in variety of beautiful pastel shades some in nylon some in velvet Among those enrolled are Miss Marie Kelly Mrs Nee bltt Mra riarry Hodm Mrs mm Wumwm rooedura flia sneaker used wan Smtmï¬imm grate made by historian Winston Churchill Give us the tools and we win do the Job lure ferring to the work of the Quot ulnar Mrs Flora McCallurn of the Orillla Quota Club pest lately national director was guest of honor at the February meeting of the Barrie Quota club held last evening at the home of Mrs William Murray Steele 8t Mrs McCallum Joined the Barrie members in celebra ting the 45th anniversary of the loading of the club onus racecourse Speokhrg on club procedures Mrs McCallum explained the follows ii The individual mem berd Each club forms the reo ond level All the clubs com poaa insures district All the of Canada Australia Alaska United Slater and Mes icoi up the fourth level which is Quota International She explained that it is the individual whoatandl on rin so ceisri cups diced red peppers cups diced groan pep cups diced onion strain oil cups Add to thlpulp toiiowi acunab meeting begins at one with re Ni drawa Presbyterisn Church The Mrs Gohaena brother and sle old Ar msiein of the club is as in tiea if Err Eng grandson Paul woos Guests at the Saturday party were Mr and Mrs Bert Young Perry St Pauls maternal grand arena Mr and Mre Keith Pauls parents Mm Kenneth Wood and Mrs Leo and drughier Lon rte of Orilila and Bill Wood Pauls uncle WINNIPEG GUEST Al Rutmaa of Winnipeg was guest at the home of his bro ther in law and stator Mr and Mrs coin Burke Carouna Street iart weak Mr Batman loft Melton Airport to return to his home Sunday be MllClLliANEOUS SHOWER Miu Donna Sutton March deelect was out of honor at community shower held at the Shanty Bay Community Centre on Saturd evening The miscoliaoaous owar was arranged for Miss Sutton by members oi the Shanty Bay Womens institute and residents of the community Mira Sutton will wed Laurence Nowadn at Guthrie United Church on March EUGENE PARTY ouchre party was held at the LGL lisll Burton Avenue on Saturday evening Prize win nor were Mrs Charles Nell lone hand Mra Dwight Nelson ladies first prise Mrs hell ladlar prlro Eddie James mens first prise llar orrt mens second prize Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs John Corbett of Care line Street during the weekend were Mn Corboits brother inlrw and sister Mr and Mn Norman Novill and her sister Mil Lillian Fisher all of Cooketnwn Past International Director Speaks lit Quota Club Meeting ourselves but the service we can he to others she sold AM SHOW Plans were completed for the Artand Handicrait show which will be held attire Eastern Star Hall Owen Street on March ll from rno toa pm Mrs Don othy Gardner convener report ed that paintings will be shown by ii Vick of Owen Sound Mr Vick was elected to the Ontario institute of Painters in mil One of his paintings was accepted by the Royal Canadian Air Force Show and was hung in the National Gallery at Ottawa during the Second World War lie makes at least one sketch ing trip to eastern Canada duo the year and has sketched across iheDominioninclmliog tour of the Aluka Highway FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Call Johnson on thisloo or hasvsomeono you know ItoOOIDI