Our tooth Yesr Wflwsg maniacmaxan grovIlthBarsloaathrtiict 100th Yur No 47 THE PRINCE MEETS THE Prince Philip shakes hands they meet in foyer of Lon with Swedish actress Britt Ek do 3de cam my mm lurid recent bride of British before start of the Royal Film comedian Pctcr Sellers as OTTAWA CPITrude lilinis tor Sharps discussions in Lon don thisuvcck may lead to some modiï¬cation of Canadas nnti dumping laws as they apply especially to British goods liotvever informed observers here do not believe that any god larrangemcntslt indeed ey emerge ataiiwili go much further than taking care proved cases where the Cana dian laws discriminate against British imports The Canadian government has not accepted the tstated British contention that anti dumplng laws have been prime iactor in the steady de cline of British soles in this market Rather Ottawas view has been that the British simply havent tried hard enough to ex ploit an apparent buy British attitude oi the Canadian con rumor that in fact the British sales thmughout North America have been slipplng becausé lhéy were aimed chicily at Europe Mr Sharp who leaves for London tonight ise acted to reinforce these views discus sions with Edward Heath presi dent of the board of ttnde and with some members oi the Fed eration of British industries Statistics or 1963 show that LATE NEWS Peyton Plane Author Dies In Hospital BOSTON tAPi Mrs Gracc Metalious author at the contra verslal novel Payton Place today siBeth Israel Hospital Herbert Hoover Suffers Health Setback New Your an some presidénl Herberoiiooverhas nil credo serious setback in health spilka said today Cassius Fined ozsooroiiinucs MIAMI BEACH AP Challenger CassiusClay was fined $2500 today for his anilos at the weighin for tonights world heavy lolzhi boxing championship ï¬ght against Sonny Liston BRIDE Show The film shown was Move Over Darling tCP yirephoto by cable lrom Loin on Sharp Hints Change In AntiDump Laws while Canadas exptirta to the United Kingdom lastyeor ad vanced by 103 per cent to 51014900000 highest level since twoBritish sales in this market continued to fall and closed the year at $527500 per ccatktrolirt in Plans Unchanged Despite Threats OTTAWA CPIPlans for the October visit of the Queen to Quebec will not be afiecled irresponsible statements su as those at separatist Dr Man cel Cbaput who says her life will be in danger Prime ldinis tcr Pearson saldtoday Mr Pearsongave that briet reply lnthe Conuncnsto ones tlonsirvm LconBolccr ilC Trois Blvleres iwho asked about tha governments inten tions in the face of Dr Cliaputs remarks Monday nightin Tor onto Creemore Youth Killed By Tree Jirhn Francois Clement 1B of nearby Creemorecut tree Friday but instead of falling it leaned against another trca On Monday Clement felled the othertrce and while running away from it was struck and killed bythe tree as ni nllrt LocalWeaHtsl woman borrto romancessocial summermu non lhan For CopyIo Pages Parties Study Redistribution CtllItWA tCPtNcgotiatioar passhga through the Commons of legislation to redis tribute parliamentary constitu encies informants said today late last session under an alir party agreement that it would not be proceeded with until the current session if agreement is readied on substantial part of the legisla tion it is expected to go through the Commons with minimum oi debate in than circum not be retench to sCommons committee tor study The legislation Is key part at the governments planto hays 10 independent cornmio sionbono for each province rldlngs MPs will represent to Parliament Govi lacing Another lIOte Di den amuaupset the minority Ilbacahgavemment occurs to nightéon paper at leastpss the Houriï¬of Commons votes on Conservative motion of noncon fidence and any second one tbpt may exist lbo tour opposition parties with combined manpower edge oi no to 129 over the Lib trots could unite behind the Conservative motion to topple the godernment on the ground that it has not endeditiie sales tax irnposed in the last bud at on building materials and sq merit Todaythe fourth day or the elgbtday throne speech debate must clean up any outstandr ing nonconfldeneo motions and the Creditistes made two at tempts tirede to move such motlonf gt have started among the fivs political parties aimed at rapid iiio basis ior discussion is the redistribution bill introduced stances the bill probably would determine the also and shape oi rig JA oi oi Canadinu Ar Jimmy Home Montreal linitcdi Says TV Scenes Hainpering Trial DALLASiAPiJack Bubys lawyers say they will announce today whether they plan to ask the US Supreme Court to rule on questions in his murder trial which they clalrn arise from the televised scenes oi the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald The defence contends that anyone who saw the killing on television is ineligible to has been charged with murder with malice Oswaldwss ac cused oi the assassination oi president John Kennedy in Dallas Nov 22 rqii Togsndf Cyprus Split nunan uarrous MP Ibe UN SecurityCouncii sched uied more Cyprus debate today as its six nonpermanent mem clsl session oi berssought to breathe dead lock and Cypriot President Ma irarios threaten seek ape General Am sembly lba afternoonwound meet ing was called to evaluate Sec retaryGeneral ti lhaots pril vote peacemaklng eliorts in the face at continuing hitter ti hostility between the islands GreekCypriot majority and its nirsisiicypiini minority The council president Carlos altredo Bernardes ofmell saidib wcék oft nonspcrnisnsntcouni nthers met Monday and decl edvtosselr aloorppromlsan The six are Bolivia Brazil tho ivory was no evidence which include an international peace ioroslj tor the troubled enlist1 Mcdiicrranean island lands independence and terri torial integrity The United States and Britain have opposed this The Soviet Union has sup ported the Cypriot government whicb wants such guarantee to override the 1000 treaty glvt ing Britain Greece and Turkey asncolguarantors oi its inde pendence the right to intervene militarily to prevent any unison lessons the situation In his Mopoldf villa office with on Don Swift Cu cot Bash et Crashes AreDead Craft Plunges In Lake NEW ORLEANS AP An Eastern Air Lines fourengined lat carrying so persons includ ing one Canadian passenger on flight from Mexico City to New York disappeared mlnutos alter trlro cit from New on loans stop today and crashed to bake Pontchartrain There were no signs ot survivors The Canadian identified as Clarice Narsii of Montreal was among those listed as aboard the aircraft to Montreal she was described II secretary with the Quebec Liquor Board who lived with llIl widowed mother Mrs Nabccha Nasrii the us Coast Guard said it recovered parts of large sir cratt wreckage including unto communication equipment and soundproofing Also recovered were clothing luggage and what glee described as parts of bo es The coast guard raid partl of the debris including insurance papers were definitely linked with at toast two passengers on adlnn Signal Unit Brig Dex trasc took part in the hallcopv terr scuo at Canadian mis clonaros in Kikwit province cPtrom National Defencol GENEVA Heaters Fon Britain put ninepoint plan lncluiilng proposals or building up the United Nations peaco kccping roleto the disarma ment conference here today Butleriin his first speech to tho l1power conference said Asthe pandakeeping forces of the United Nations are built up so the dissemination not only of nuclear weaponshut of all types of arms can be brought under control The torsign secretarys nine polnt plan covered An improved procedure tor the protracted disarma ment conference ï¬z New proposals for verifica on Proposals for international peacekeeping Observation postain the NATO and Warsaw Puctlareas acoaiprehensivs nuclear test had trea An agreement to ban the further dissemination of nuclear weapons or knowledge increased use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes freeze of strategic nu clear deiivery vehicles Early physical destruction of some armaments In his 000hwnrd major ol icy speech Butler emphas ed change in tireCypriot constitu on iiltdltilllliTllEchNGO eign Secretary Butler at UN the esscntial importance oizbullding up the peacekcsp Butler Proposes Peace Blueprint ing role and capabilities oi the READY TO LOOK AHEAD He said Britain was readyto look ahead and discuss the problems oibullding up inter national peacekcolgling forces in the second and rd stages of disarmament Ha their outlined three princi ples The collectivcrespoosibll lty of all members to contrib ute to all UN activities lnciud ing peacekeeping operations The need totaka account of the excessive burden which the costs of aniexpcnsivs open ation mimt impose on the soon rlnies or the developingcoun res The special positionof the larger countries and the penna neot membersof the Security Council which has to he recog nised since they are In fact it abla to bear heavy it nanelalr reaponaibill for large peacekeeping opera cos 3HEIIHS ONE Dlneri You advertiscdlhat this restaurant is under new management but sea the same manager is still heron Waiter Yesislr but he got married yesterday riotImman The spokesman said one at its hplicopter piioia over the wreck ags area reported there were indications that the plans either plotted in tits alrorgnavflro pact the debris was scattered ovtr wide area six MILES OFF SHONE The spokesman said this slid was about six miles south ot the north shore oi the lake or some so miles north of New or leans it was about four miles cast of the tImiia long Lats Pontchartrain causeway con aeotlsg the north and routh shores Eastern said there were to passengers aboard including at who were making the through trip while 17 boarded In New Orleans Fourteen of the par sensors were passridlag Eart ernomployees Eastern said the DCo Flight 04 latt New Orleans lntcrna tlonal Airport headed for no tools at not turn and diasp peared from air traffic control tower radar nine minutes latch lthat was thslasi contact with Bakérlleiusésï¬ To Testiiy WASHINGTON AlliBobby Batter refusedyto itesiity today what his duties were as sacro taty tolho Senates Democratic majority and was Immediately told this nilghtlesult in his be ing cited for contempt of Corl gross The onetime page boy who acquired wealth andpowsr in some 20 years at working tor the Senate invoked the Blith Amendment protection against seifincrirninaton in reiuslng to answer most questions or to surrender subpoenaed docu ments