Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1964, p. 15

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ten IN NM lee delian CLIAN Lilli pine and lit Inna to lumber in excellent condition EELS TASTE don aoeohihwindove mar dun etc Call and rem Telephone Otroud liter one let idiom lion Iron ALI1 gmn new one eire it aood condition 00 aliana Ooidan Snell mp tor all In Celrod element or hot water not with thermoltai pace memo iron the hot plate We One All pleie in deed condition 00 Lul ouen broom TIM Sth DIIID broom lee Sidewalk lee chopper em Kitchen uuilty tlhle SLW Phone MOI II FRUITS VEGETABLES APPLE BARN 1N PAINSWICK AT THE GRANGE HALL Cortland Spy end Delicionr Centers McIntosh Fresh Cldur Bring mntainm Closed Wed Pm 7308800 D065 81 PETS mm 25 Pu le two men we ae WillphII email OOIL lllePii no mo allMAN SHEPHERD Puppiel lor aale all male we chemplona In pedllm Reeeonably priced Tole hone Mnhnalohe 201ml IO ar inlormluon rumarn Golden Retriever pup pier lor eale with Pepn Chant OI lIbCl heellent with child fin kllphdlll moral or like iRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7181414 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY retM1yflncr rv FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplier It Service Clea New Holland Dvaidan Beefy arm Equipmee ill BURTON AVE lidItll CASHTRADETERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 11 taster milking wt new De Level 100 Seize Milken Barrie Holly Hwy or room MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING 1131 ITDDIDAKII Mel with open Illtlpm in erceilen condition lephnne SMRI Bier ner LIVESTOCK FOR SALE newsman Aberdeen Alitll Dull iour year old Telephone MST IIODT PIC 51 pale lean rreeba old Telephone noun liter NI NINE Plfil lnr unaltered York with Lecombe itht week old Apply loa VI an Utopia telephone 7mm LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED TO DUYI T0 bred Bee Cowl oa Hailerl on one year note will pay 10 lntereri Write lion Barrie Reunion FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE DIAL TAKEIoUT FOR TASTY AND SERVICE DELICIOUS BOOD CHINESE AND CANADIAN TELEPHONE 7206720 ROY LEM CAFE For Speedy ullelenl Service VISIT OUR MIRAMAR GARDENS Wendlnle lien ueie Private Pertiee or leemuons Trinphnnl 71 TAXI For FAST UptoIlleltlinuia COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL VALLEY TAXI 7282433 Drive Ywnseil Care and lluckl PROFESSIONAL omrcroitr LEGAL REID AND HINTON Barrlrtera solicitorl and Notaries hibllc JOHN REID QC WILLIAM HINTON BA 15 Owen Street Como cl Collier and Owen PHONE 7264039 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Dlirlltorl Eolicltorl Branch ellice limvale Ont or Owen st Barrie not owl or Keith CONDER SUGG Momma commas or Norarum room comma BA 51160 BA mm Dnnlop st nut 7206497 COWAN COWAN DARRISTERA ROSS COWAN BS COLLIER ST 7104511 CHARLES WILSON Chlrlel Wilton TIA Sun MIMIC lemma Solicitoxl etc eIowmr sr Deere LIVINGSTON MYERS COCKBURN nanamnns eoucrrona 13 Collier St 7200408 lelhgeton QB ll Myers EA Cookburn BBA Lida WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER NSOLICITOR 17 Owen St 7280233 SMITH McLEAN OWEN nerrietell soilelioee etc Aronng amlllm Owe In nice Notrrice Public Oonveyeneen all no owner or erroneously Glodsione Currie QC EARRISTERI SOLICITOB RICHIE Wilton auIIoInp lone Grant Street harrie Ontario Telephone mom FUNERAL HOME VISTIECKLEY FUNERAI II0MEI sumronamvrcn AT HDDEDATD COST convenient lernoa loWnnley 8L Barrie PETHICK nilcobra CA Undarhill cA un mash SHOES SHINED GILS SHOE SHINE LADIES GENTS Hoia Cleaned and Blocked 52 Dunlop st via7934 Next To Roxy Theatre ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Uhlrtexed Accountant Toronto and Darrin lerrl Olline Willon Bldl Fred Grant SIN PHONE 7784301 Realdnnt Penman ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Truateea In Bankruptcy Samuel Role EA IE Collier St Phone 713470 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Plano on in no room prepred ros oi the Royal Coourvetory of III Itd lmismd Blfl me or android at 7mm THE Davies at CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA III NAPIER IT DAME ANGUS ROSS BA Begietniod Idllc Toolbar lnrtrue ilon Plano iheory coachine In French thin other school enbleetl 91 Da Bt Barrie mom MEDICAL MASSAGE MEDICAL MASSAGE THERAPY MENTAL GYMNASTICS Ian mandrel Oollele Lilaere and Pnyaicai Therapy the menu Drive mun by appoinhnent OPTOMETRY Noel Stephenson R0 OVIOWST IIDunlop St EaltDlirio lhone mun osrrorArHs EDWIN WILSON OSA DO MAURICE MURDOCK DIO DOCTORSOF OSTEOPATKY Fred Grant Street Blrrld0iiidilh Monmouth2293 WILSON osmorarmo cter WalntVAdSection Day heloraflpuhlicntlon accepied until NICKSDEAD STOCK mu mmit Show BR Named Ontario Licence No MW Nick mum Prop POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and mo new III to old chicks order non for my order dieootnlt For unite er help on your poultry problems call Oral Hunter CRAIG POULTRY FARM LTD STROUD PHONE 77 FEED SEED GRAIN DAY TOR BALI venue halal dr cet Lit no or one notice == AUTOMOTIVE cans URGENTLY NEEDED Highest cash paid the clean aniomohilu Llenl paid oil lrede up or down ORV HARDY MOTORS 17a BRADFORD sr SEE US NOW CARS WANTED TO BUY cAln roll your ear Lien paid oil We trade or down Allen dale bio 11 Ron Barrie OSCILM TRUCKS TRAILERS me DODGE Penal Truck in good ehepe new time Anxinl rice tooo Can be deemed lele one IIHIBS MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Hal cnrvnoenr black Iwo deer hardtop Hunt ehllt Telephone hob Lau maul liter ill PONTIAC or lall VB auto matic our new tiree Telephone Home liter pm IDS DODGE two door automatic trenanxlarlnn Mutt loll or will trade Telephone 1th rm cmourr Hardtop blink litersa eihilt Telephone 1mm lot or ITS PONTIAC or Hill dylliie der etanderd tranamlreion Tale car In in load condition Tel phone rte1311 alter pm or lure ther information IMO HANDLER Almrkln iih brend new only 20000 orlelnel Hillel eutomeiio and radio Only 7d Telephone 716431 or nth titer lnlolnietlon 1951 BUICK Hardtop non owner in beautiful condition lull lilulpped new LIFE lult $715 Telephone mine tor thin excep unnal huyI 1m Manon nldelu two door with floor abut duel eenrutt Iredio front and been epaalrerl eelt lee III lull Iindlhllld weehere Telephone ivy the 1m Blunt ctIKv Yo automa tic two tone windeblold more anew tires and 1m licence One owner Low mileare ear Private lele Telephone 7mm ma OALAXE VI automatic in new car condition luet $1150 1m Eulck Convertible ditlen brand new top reel her rein sell Sen thele lack Toy lor telephone with NEED CAD INSURANCE EU into for mlnrrod driven IWl inxure any driver melodies of In or cllnumrtancel Put cover age Bentley Co 11 Collier BL Phone 7156593 Ifldl FALCON nil COW WIND ndin lionde tranamllaion This err is in Immaculeta ebape throughout and is privately OW ed Telephone 7104001 or awly in vl alnlord lit alter pun WATSON STAYNER CHEVROLET 1962 FORD FAIRLANE Automatic V8 Very clean inside and out 1902 OLDS DOOR HARDIOP Follierureieering and broiler radio back aeotopeeker and white 1961 CHEVROLET SEDAN cylinder automatic radio mainaction real OK ured car OLEI SEDAN cylinder automatic 1958 KARMAN GHIA New engine very good body real economy car and priced right SEE THESEand many other choice oileringset ourSalee Lot 1960 crlnva Iran Otticc in me no Whnhga Behdr we SAVEl sAvE SAVEI i964 Licence with All Cars 1962 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe Coach radio 1901CORVAIR Sedan automatic transmission $139500 1960 FORD Six Sedan 1959 CHEVROLET Six Seda 1959 CHEVROLET Six Sedan one owuer very on DODGE matic 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Coach ELEMTONER Visc uni V9 Sedan poorerSteering auto Centre lbr mam iio prn lion hat or write so Avenue Tbronto OLD UAIHTONID lie parilea for Intonnatlnn Ieiqhone IIIRI Orv no loll charge WANT TO JOIN on pool onto daily to downtown area or luhwly lino Thiephooe 1mm III ll noolmmto done weebv or monthly Apply Kidd ecountaot Ill Duniop Wear or tolephohe WI INCOME TAX Return Kidd Mcohnunt an Dun You av °° yewnanwlev MAI were SALESCORRESPONDENT met mmmrémeeemu line normativle DEVIIBIss CANADA LIMITED Barrie Ontario SERVE PartTime moo Required by the PRIME on St Clllt Avenue Elli Ton onto Ontario Quoie Gunthe titian oeleaa ISO worn or 40 hour work Neat In appeennee ear enenull Write Op 11 Darrin menthol IllAlli Younn lien or work on beer leeat lox or her ria hammer IALllluN experienced only at nd hoyl atoll located In 37 Sound Apply How he rie or Owen sound In at wm mwm mu baker helperNlnt work it pro dey or III IIDI wnmo five day week rem North mate to POlnil DeviDI Add returning pnl Apply Lee 10 henll headliner LADlllt Would you like extra money Try on way We eouneelon end manager re rurtaer tolarma tlon telephone 11M or no DDUII HA PM welil Drug Store nouoce that be baa arcp1 opportunlb to enter into uatnl ol cald to no em Sieldv Iii Wflll In 33 MI unwelcome with bottle or ence ephone Mb at NI OI write TL lllnel III Bivlreida Drive round matinee Oekville Out Ale ellhllahedtirmhaa In cm Dacia Thlll olnce or anemia ung man with commerciel dunk cations union matriculation pre Ianed Apply in detail to heat herrll Examiner DRIVER BALIBBIAN reqnlnd mm have Onde to education nut in lppeereoce llperivnce wlth Mr Al Hmuflton or smug necealary All In to Ion Pharmacy In aeuli see alerie Ontario ellectlve lebnrery re He wirhee to thank the nanny Manda and aeouaintencae or the privih Ila oi bovine aerved them while in the employ oi Iir Own Caldde WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HATHDRESSING Government Cluttered School Thorouna training in Ill brat choc oi beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST mom ALmAIIONI GILlief tip III those llama UM need Inn for lyrlnl and cell or tor prompt pickup and delivery aervice hee eonehla Telephone moon =2 LOST FOUND SMALL BIAOLI Hound loll In the vicinlv lIulnxate Billet meek end tan mertrinu warring ieether caller Reward Telr phone 720688 ll having my lillt lormeilon TO HELP WANTED MALE HELP YOUNG MAN TO WORK As REPORTER Experlmce preierred but not essential Qualifications must include good nppearnnoe high school education and interest in writing Applicants nhould reply in writing to Mr No Pharaon Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner MONICA le TEAM ISBN You can become well paid mulallll in Rldlo TV Elder creme to me Oilllu Coleen in Electronch Act noel RADIO COLLEOEmOI CANADA II St Tomntldhllle Orqu MOTORS OLDSMOBILE Learned Salesman iiiii1nierlonou 3119500 $104500 $109500 clean $100500 $109500 1957 DODGE V9 station wagon autOmati 1903 FORD V8 Tudor automaticfieet 1958 METEOR Tudor Six cylinder 5050 OODAYWARRANTYI TRADERS PLAN it Every SALE In ill to on and etncen in Armament pen on with Odd 3834 Telephone WOMAN wentad ea clerk Merle ply ELIAS are to Dmln Do II Barrie hemloer wAmrrrxe tor dining room end collee lhop Moat blve ex once ply MntorATlote TICSS lXPll CHILE oIl Clerk lilloitlriIlNOperetnrr Minimum 59 on prover elaricel ablil lolpltll Blrrll alonere We hen an inter eating position now upon ror are Canadian General lecieio gimme Dairy et canlerTafu GROWING Orientation Mulro Iwo alieamen Experience not one one we will pmldl thnmurn it you oueutytJl on are in relied lure call mmr pin to NIL Keeley to Arey em to it noon deturdey Ior ap pdlntmldt FEMALE HELP BOOKKEEPER Ca ble competent wonInn added lmmediately to mu accounts payable and other ra llied duties Bookkeeping beak mud Relerencer neceesary Experience essential Must be mine perlorrn duller with minimum ol luporvirlbn Write Box 14 Barrie Examiner Lei day of March 1064 the ar AVON in ladies with can to sen vice excellent AVON terri torica Write Mre WANT er 72 High Street or call 7266551 UNION FINANCE nln Soon in Barrie re glnllm bookkeeperoashlenIim none or banking experience prcicrredrnuat have typing and pleasant personality Excellent working conditionalnnewoliiee lie or onee benefits Tel ephgdlle Newlimlman at 728 Ollil ran Banquet Work and to help with general cleaning up per week to alert plue mule Mild time eln pe to hey ore negI Telephone INTIIM an elvenl earl len ex Me and oral accounting Avg the Accountant Doyll experienced eocretary Must be cc lotm Iron copy Slum mornr mutant mm ib lnr condition We and elndl about axianllnn an interview or landlord Strut MALE FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS lor BARRIEI EXAMINER ROUTES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE ol BESSIE HOWAT llto OI the Villle or the Cotlliy OI Sine 009 All pereona having claim Illinst the Estate oi Mill horm Rowet who died on or about the 10th day pl December IDS are notilied to tend to the luv creigoed on or belore the let dly oi Mercia 10M their name and lddreesee and full particu lar claim claims laid the urn neuritic any held by then immediately alter the laid uidlyolldlrohlthoas ante ol the laid deceased will be dirtrlbuied among the pan tide entitled thereto having ro gerd only to the claim cl which the Executor ehail then have notice DATED at Barrie Ouiarlo the let day oi February 19 GLADSTONE CURRlE QC Wilson Bulldlny Barrie Ontario Solicitor lor the Executor NOTICETO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE oi GEORGE HERBERT KlRlOAlRICK lnte oi the lowruhlp oi Ore lo theme ol Simeon Retired Farmer deceased All persona having cieime ayahtai the Estate oi George Herbert Itir trick who died on or short ilh day oi Jan uary race are noillled to send to the undereigned on or be late the let day of Match 1964 their names and addressee and lull plriiculare oi their claims and the nature oi the eecuritiee til any held by them Immediately alter the raid sell ol the said deceased will be distributed among the par ties entitled thereto having re gard only to the claims ol which the Executor lheil then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario the int day of February GLADSTONE CURRIE Wilson Building Barrie Ontario Solicitor for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALI persona having claim against the Estate of GEORGE CAMPBELL BROWN late of the City of Berrlc in the Coun ty at Simooe Retired Merchant whodiedonorabontthehith day oi November 1983 are re quired to tile prooi oi ram with the underelgned Solicitors for the Executore by the 12th day of March ltbt alter which we the Estate will be distrihu DATED at Barrie Ontario this IItli ilBY OI February AD 9M MESSBS STEWART ESIEN MclURK AND MILLS Drawer so BARRIE Ontario Soilcltore lnr the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE oi MARGAR El ALLISON MCKHART late 01 thecity at Toronto in the County of York RcLir deceased Iomeriy of the Vill age at Stevoer in the minty ol Bimooe All persOne having to the undersigned on or he lore the 10th deoni March 1064tbeir nem and eddreo res and tail PBTUCUIOIS ol their claim endlhenoture of the eectIritles ii any held by Stem Tlmmedietely Application forms available at 9mm rlo DEPT ellime ageinettbe Eetaiem Margaret Allison lookout whodied on or went the 21th day at lanuv ory 106i ore notilied to lend Int 12reun£ltsx ca ii tIti ISAUCIIONSALES AUCTION SALE or implemette oi Baton OnL Ior MI Groceriea Breed and Meat delivered when led Bed and Heat Tendera and all other inlen tion can be wtained lrorn Dr liclieivny Supt at Sim coo Honor Bocioo Ontario DR IMcKELYEY Supt IS AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Feb 29 at pm sharp For 7052 AGOSTON AI Lot 30 Concession Esra Towneblp Va mile eouth oi Essa Station all Highway 00 Sale oi larm all tobacco equip ment and machinery irrigation ryelem end ionn machinery Terms oath No reserve as the owner it gala out oi the totem cg blnineea and term is lot JERRY COUGELIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 14 1230 pm sharp For HORACE FOX atlmn fixerLelia 77st mbury we mice south west of Bndloni Sale at to head oi Hemord cattle high claso larm pinch inery hay etraw grain and houacllold ellecir Terntr cash No reearve as the him is laid JERRY COUOHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March pm sharp For FRANK THOMPSON At Lot ll Conceralon Essa Towushlp mile north of Egbert Store Sale at 30 head at heel cattle sows pigs larm machinery hay etraw and some house hold cllccto including antiqued lermr cash No reserve on the lam in eold JERRY COUGiiLlN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 21 At pm of cattle pips farm machinery hay groin some household ellects lor JOHN BATTERS Lot 60 Concurion 05 Fine Township tavo miles north of Cotmiy Road No Terms carh Farm raid ARCHERCOLWILL Auctioneer Telephone mayor AUCTION SALE Wednesday March 25 1180 am Sharp For HARRY CROSS At Lot 15 Concession Tec umloihwanahlp on the Coun ty Road mllea west of 21 Highway OR mile east at Beetcn Sale of 30 head of Shorillorn cattle 55 Suitclkond Coridale Ewen with lambs pigs poultry highclaas lam machinery hay Straw grain full line ol household luroibure Including many antiques Terms cosh No reserve the lam is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SatpMald 28 up For WAETER canons he Concession Vespre Township IA mile well of Del otooon 400 Highway Sale at lam etocit implements holincbold olfecin in mid NOI reserve as farm Term cash THORNTON cor AUCTION ISALE WREYIAPYII 13 her Strlw can and afihfl meet including to The underlined motioneer bl receivedMichal Item At lot ILBLeBIecILNrm to wanaesoerrnaauenr milking brad again Oct 196 Marine Fond Joan registered lldlfll born Oct nu milking bred Oct ll Tethered Pixie Sovereign registered 1mm born Aug 105 Iresb broil ueln Jan mi Holt Holme Reflection Joyce regio lend 111W born Horde 17 in bred to imbue April 15M Holstein Heller you old bled to leather June Tl Hohiein Keller yearn old bred to when June to Hoi rtelollerelold Heller your fidhebfedéoulrerhen April 231 or er yeore oi bred to freshen March in all eteln Heller le monilre oldl Hoivteio Keller 10 monibe old rlas no Yorhbire Omaha around 100 to lie pounde each HAY STBAW and GRAIN um Square Boles ol Mixed Hey well sewed loo Brice oi Record on lily 1500 Brice oi straw 10 Tons oi Mixed Grain well aaved DIPLEMENIS and MISCEL LANEOUS Allie Chllmexl WD Tractor in good working order Ailir airliners Tractor loader Allie Chlimcrl irectoi Cultivaior hydraulic Allin Olaimere Tractor Disc hydreuI lie Set oi ournotion Dreg Hamm with draw bar com plete Ford Cultivator interna tional Murrow Tractor Plough international Murrow lractor Plough international Seed and Fertilizer Drill It run Allie Gillmern Combine No co good condition with new canvas New ldee Tractor Manure Spreader John Deere Side De livery Ralte 1940 Dodge Duck lion with good rach iWheel mqu Groin Angora Robb for Chev illton Melt intern tiouel Milking Machine oom plete with units piping motor outlet lor in com Electric Vick ing Cream Separator Broader Home 10 by 11 Eng oi Twine Quantity ol Scrap Iron Forte Chains Ropes and many other articles toenumeroue to tilt HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Oval dining room table Butter drum Quebec beaten Library table not Antique brown dresser VoterIan ao thue bedroom suite dunner washrtend 90 yearn old been iiiul carving Antique bedroom suite complete dresser and weeltsiaod Thor Mangle Imo erz Gramophone and recorder Lantema Sewing Machine Heavy duh Murnel range Baby cardegerPM pen wleh baslm curd tables baby crib it bad and other smell erticlea too numeroue to list Terror Cash No reserve at the lame la lnr sale Nothing to he removed will settled lor Owner will not beheld ro sponribla for accidents do at nele Frank Webb Clerk man couomnl Auctioneer 14 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TOWNSHIP 0FINN1SFIL 1964 Dog Tags 1004 DOG TAGS are now available from the Animal Con trol Olllccr Lelroy or the Mun lalpal Ollioe Strand On or aiter April 11964 own er in harbourers ol clear with out lode tags which must he acctncly attached to Dogs at all times will be liable to prop ecution discount at $100 per ieg will be allowed on all Tag pur drased before April 11904 ELMO FORD Animal Control OiilnerI Phone Leiroy 157 CORN FARMERS St Orilile WIDE YIELD FOR BRENDANE ALLAN BROWN RRNel BARRIE ONT PHONEme 69

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