lament ill al 11 IIICIAI MIC an llllnrh Ic kaï¬lu will Blob llit nil not neocon msyrï¬ Robinson slamale mo Lli ala Iren ahartla or lo ant to tea all law Called aianaaal ice but water tank with thermostat 00 Electric lava Ito hot plus we Our hol plata In good condition on ha push broom ti derail pu broom Mo dorsal Kitchen utility Mii sitar DOGS PETS wAmm nanN Piuaona Lea nunkal rill Ir ion out Then ilmtavtlia Tay or um mull rvnhnnhb Toy 1hrriar HI Pin two main two terrain no small doll Mophona III WAN aogumhom Earlsorig an or SEEM Talonhoraa tinnich GERMAN INIHIIRD WRNII ifll sale all male in thlflvllnl dime Reasonably Priced iaioa 0c is one Moonliona Iolhll ior nah lhsr inicmaiion lunlanao acidu hatrimr pun plea ior sail with papers Cham pion stock Excellent with child ren Telephone met ior rub thsr tniorsoatian BOATS MOTORS llTOOT IIIDAR Slrtn complete with 15 hp Lyinrnda motor bal tery ramoie controls windshiaidl it paddles Tole phonam FARMERS MARKET DEADEIOCK Highest prices paid ior dead or crippled cattle and horses Small anisnoia removed tree For iaat service PHONE BARRIE more Wield or ask ior NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE or hours day days ma RE Foarnead Ontario Licence No Nicol Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK FOR GALE son IALlchlllored Yorksnlra my due March Telephone in new trailer RIGIITIRBD Aberdeen Angus Boil iour yaara aid Telephone more FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dz Service Care New Holland David Brown Beetty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE 7282373 CASHTRADETERMS POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultryrnen are cowl Damn runners Stalled ready to lay and day old chicks Order now ior eary order discount For service or hair on your poultry problems cal Craig Hunter OIIAIG HUNTER POULTRY ream rm amouo PHONE 77 FEED SEE GRAIN HAY son lAnh louara halal av llVllId Ii desired Apply Cool all barrio or telephonl resales AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Igal EKIVROLIT eIaair two door hardtop Husat shirt Telephone job has Twill do METiiolt ior sale in Al coop ditlon seven tires new licence plaiea Appr at Tower Crmcent ma mills Sedan black with blue Interior good condition dial Tali phone seals Strand lose raerlAiJ or sale Vdauto matic iour new tires Telephona Mill liter Il pm less bonds two door automatio iclllriniasloas hiuet sell or will trade Telephone naoons In GI IN Mullins nu unipiatlwnnilr um met so will childI that shirt ai must treat at back uaahlrl rubella odahleid washers Taahoao Ill II htl°lih It Home Ona cm In allay Private rhea nu oluxn vI into In new car condition that um seer cons Convertible on disrupts mindnoewmtov uxl In telgboal mull Null CAI INIVIANGI Ill an lar ios praismd driven we Islam any drivar ragardiaaa or ago no circumstances lull cover to ll ml 05 ll Gill10 hone TRUCKS TRAILERS sass DODOI Panel llll to good ah new time lay Eltl be honored he one am noon mac lee ula Vr toulcsu in go runoina order on idnli hli dill we Talwhonl hauls PERSONALS WHAT ARE you Loomno FOR iN LIFE PARTNER AFFEGllONi real home sincere companion Close tori macyi Shared Interests Secun Whatever it il not all pec pe can give it to you But we ma ilnd the one who can wii share your Interests view he will match your ramality and desires Olir mcl oda were toltod in the U5 our consult ants are university trained to be people Absolutely cuniid chiral Scientiï¬c Introduction Contra ior Oltvlhll Ivlii pm More hat or write so Avanuo lid Toronto OLD IAINIONBII Altllll lid fanill For iniorrrlatlon telephone lull Ora no toil challti acosrltaarmo done dail nus WU lAyoclluniarlthlllaABRdlng Weslf alasl talaphona ascent bacon TAX Returns pro and lwltiao Accountant lpbun inn Bi Wall Telephone mean dey or evening PORTUNE mme Du you want your ioriune told by cardav ti on telephone 715000 any limb ior appointman RIDE WANTED ï¬ve days week iroln North Collegiate area to Five Points Leaving It 15 and returning pro Apply Lisa 19 Barrie Dramlner LADIXH Would you like axtra moneyi Try the Beauty Counsel ora WIY in need counselors and rooms ior runner inivrmae tlon telephone mom or are 1110 WOMENS COLUMN ALTERATIONS Gather up all those items that need iLalng for spring and call us tor prompt richup and delivery Ionice Rea sonable Telephone Moll LOST 8r FOUND All TITANIIINI Radio Ialt in one oi our local stores downtown Finder ploua return Boys earn logs from paper route Tlavtard Telephone neaeoo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP BOOKKEEPER Capable competent woman needed immediately to handle accounts payable and other re lated duties Bookkeeping back ground heierances neceaaary Experience essential Must be able to periorm duties with minimum oi supervision write any cl Barrie Examiner AVON No ladies with cars to ace vice excellent AVON torri torlcs Write Mrs Waik er 72 High Street or call mtasr RECEPTION MMM Il gulred ior dental oilice Apply to ox ll llarrio Examiner giving age anaxany previous experience TELEPHONE jDiRECTQRY coarser croissanr sanvtcn DIAL rakecur senvice told was For rnsr UptotheMioute ha FOR TASTY AND DELICIOUS FOOD CHINESE ANDCANADIAN TELEPHONE 7256729 VROY LEM CAFE For Speedy Efllolent Service vrsrr oua MIRAMAR cannons Woodinga Prlvaio Patti on note on ion reservations Teieplloll COURTEOUS EEIWI shoes seamen HUM YOUNG MA TO WORK AS REPORTER Mince maimed but not essential alliicatloru must include appearance high school education and interest in writing Applicants should MW in writing to Mr lac Pharaoh Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner II VIII ice to henna work Nut in appaannea Oar Inertial Wflu Bo l1 Built HAN MIJAILI Youna Iian tor verb be saris has Dan nine renolas Halesem ammo dare For liClaasrocan Publiglfchool With l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Fab 22 on aha ForW TAMBE MY hot Compassion Notlewas eua Township to mile aaat oi uuaeu lean nnulrad to hair Aveoin on local dairy iarm line be honest dependable and able to work Lisa in Write Boa ll Ban rla Examiner hfliiitdlllilelld£ me Do at ii on or write Ii illnub Ill Riverids nrlva omiuo at lochb erltlbllahod ilxln has an ing in the uiiica or amhl oua young man with commercial qual lncaiions unior matriculation pro erred Apply In detail to Box a2 Barrio Beanie nnrvan IALIIMAN culmi llult have ï¬rm to education circumcise IIIIHII Ely lords WW It driller Strut IRE anowmo Organisation claim two column Explriancn not new maer will provide channel train It you ualiiy Ii you an II to ad and nconly interested In comment position with nod uiun call mum Inna pIn Monday to liridIys asn to noon Saturday ior IP poinimant Mate PlMAll BOYS and GIRLS icr BARRI EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application forms available at CIRQULATION DEPT ic BAYFIELD sr HAIRDBIIIIII aaparlenued lined wages plus commission Telephon Midlaud will III or lab EMPLOYMENTWED mm FAWN ll Pllhunl mtlonraldmrailnmlw phone 71597 Will OAR FDR children in my own home Anytime Close to Telephone Mild NIID uoun oua Jobs donal Call rascals ior ailipiont sandy aar vice in painting walla end more cleaned Reasonbio rates II LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims aEainst the Estate of DOUG LAS PAGET late of the Village oi Stroud In the Thwnsldp oi Inniaili lss tilaCouiIty oi Sim coe Retired Farmer who died on or abouttho lath day oi October AD 1903 are re red to tile prooi oi same oi the undersigned solicitors for the Administrator by the second day at March mt liter which we the estate will be distribu DATED at Barrie Ontario Elsi lath day ciFebruary AD rsrawaac ESTEN McIURK AND MILLS 21 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECTE YOUR PHONE COUPLE or DAYS AlonEEK because you know that good pmspecis might be trying to get in touch with you during those periods when your phoneaervico Ie discontinued Iitstlra some with your adven tiling soc burial every day Sale at term alocir unoiemeots hm balsa and oulnliiy at or cannons rosran Auctioneer Coshier NEW YORK AP An ad aistant cashier who tlllll ill to good cigars natty clothia and race horses was char elapse from British bank in Manhattan where he worked for to years The Iiiivcount slate indictment against the cashier William eight years of covering gambl ing losses authorities said As Scarce was placed in one on bail his alleged bookmaker Michael Grande it went iroa after being held as material witness and serving so days ior handling betting Scarce went to work ior the Britishowned Chartered Bank in the Wall Street district at the age oi it He was at his favorite beach resort Atlantic City Ni lost December when hank oiiiciale suddenly discov ered dummy account through which iortune had been alph oned lie had only enough cash in MONTREAL CPi Econo mist Cyril James said Wed uesday he believes British steamship lines plying between Canadaend Britain have made real slim to encourage maximum trade in both direc tions iestitying on Canadas re strictive trade practices com mission continued public hear sin Montreal Dr James dtha lines have tried to en Sludy Security ill Daianca Posis Through Canada OTTAWA OP iivwnan cclnmission is been appointed to study neurons at all deiencein lotions in cans ed in the wake oi weapon and anununition lheite Montreal and Norenda One Defence Minister Hellyer told the Com mans Wednesday Replying to question by Douglaaellarlrnece former Cons aervativo deience minister Mr Heliyer said the commission has beenaakcd to list deienca installations In various category tea and recommend whataecur lty measures should be taken for each category gt ch said thatweapons and sinv munition taken from the Moul real armoriea of Les Fusiliers dc MontRoyal have not yet hecnyreeavered increhaedaecurlty guards had been ordered at all places where weepona were stored to points where roundthecIock parliamentary in ulry into con Wednesday with emhesailng Scoroa or oi Queens scorned Steamship Lines Encourage Trade Iagminalend trana shipment guard was hot ieaaihie the had been ordered removedeod ammunition was transierred te guarded CAP do his DEFINE Wednesday that burglars capcd withlo riilee an ammunition ai akin va warya an mmrp 14 nova YOUR electronic aim EAT ir coo For only to cents in Harris the latest lblnl la the scala iiioo you can have your Beat Ieeeko and eat It too This is Carol acdii laii and Janet wido eyed over the culinary tion town as haetlemanla Percy both oi Hanulton are uttering CF Wirephotoi Parliament Has 10 Bills 0n Credit arms or cpeoiti an credit have chow Charged With Embezzling WILLIAM SCORCA his pocket to place 32 track hot when he was taken from shore motel in hospital be cause ai an overddse oi barbi turateswhlch police described as suicide attempt courage the growth oi Canadas trade because at their obvious stake in it The commission is investigat log ocean commerce into and out of Eastern Canadian ports Noting that conference lines had been in no hurry to lllflli urete direct aailinlll to Cone dian Great Lakes peril Dr James expressed general any art of conierancc policy nitr ng to concentrate troiilc Montreal and Marithnel ports because all their admirable facilities He disagreed with conten lion by Orr representing the combines branch at the Jus tice department that ccoicn once lines had allowed traders under exclusive contract with them to ship directly to Gena diaa Great Lakes ports only as result at British government pressure tattoo FINDS NOPRESSURE Dr James said have iound no evidence that the Brit isls government at any time eat ertad pressure upon the cooler enee My ioiormalion is that the dollar exports board non governmental organisation oi businessmen trying to boost aaleato dollar countries did suggest to the conicropce in 1950 such sales might be In creased Ii direct mittedllie conierencehcted on this recommendation the end or that year However the wleStOtL era had iolmd direcl alliage tween Britalnvand Great Lalraa portaecou pally working mechanism at weapons places where it could he one it Police reported cl material to work with ice at the Oil private mern alo bera biile listed Wednesday on the now eoasiolla ilrst notice paper deal with various phases of interest charges and credit merchandising iniorrnante said that most or them likely will be roierred to joint SenateCommons commit ments to the Great m¢$mpw Percy Noble PC Grey North proposed change in the Oombioea investigation Act to prevent aaloe oi such things care being tied in iinano lng iirm owned on manil iacturer lie aai he would too established in last in l1 measure by Arnold Peters NDETimlskgmin would re quire that any so era guaran tee attachinl to product sold under credit arrangement would boys to ho asaurned by rather have the bill debated in any collection agencies buying the Commons than sent to the the credit note born the seller committee noes saunlonn TAKE THE EXTRA TROUBLE so MAKE SELECTEDGRANULATED rannuzen Becouleita more cflceiive anoncam Fertilizer is granulated afici the ingredients have been mixed and is not lust bland oi granular materials As result each granule contains all three plant load elements In the right proportions Ordinary granular rind blended iertiiizers simply consul oi mixture of ingredients either in powder term or granules Although ita easier to make fertilizer that way it cannot be as oiiactiva iniusa due to the separation oi ingredients oi dilleratit size and weight Al ovary granule contains all the guaranteed pinnt iood elements snortGAIN SelectedGranulated Fertiliser remains completely bal anead throughout atorini shipping and spreadingresulting in balanced feeding at plants from every granule consistent more even application oitba best possible iertiliaer to give you maximum yields and top returnsirons your iertilleer dollar As always itpays to get the ï¬nest icrtiilzarior your good earth staunchly SelectedGranulated