Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1964, p. 4

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rsrmmurmnr¢d TUhr titanic titanium unassumitmunm resunnesomsumuomo lumenaltim WKWal1sPnblishu msvnnnusnrmnu Pmd Ceremonies Mark Protects Created By Governor Simooe Since the County of Simcoe was nam ed after his father by John Graves Sim coe first lieutenant overnor of or Canada residents of part of the vince of Ontario no be interested in recent ceremonies he in his honor in England and in Toronto laquecommemoratin Slmcoe was my ed at Wolford Chape in England where the governor and his wife were buriedAsmiliar ls us was unveil ed at Queens Park gmicr John Ito4 barts re atolythe plaque at Woliord Chess $25 unveiled by Lord tweeds mulr son of the former governorgeneral of Canada who pointed out that durin Slmcoes tenure of officeha discovers what all the world knowsthat Canada has clearcut identity of its own Simcoes work in opening to civiliza tion and settlement the heavily forested areas of Ontario included an extensive program of road building One such high way linking the eastern part of the rov ince with Damion ls still known as Gov ernors Road tour of Riviera Tranche which Englishsminded Stmcoe rechristened the theater was an early pre to his work of nation building One of his quests was for site for provincial on flat reasonably remote from United tea attack At first he considered Cbathsm at the forks of the Thames but later he favored London still more remote from American attack and which he at first intended to name Geor ans in ban or of George in Ultimately chore Old Niagara rechristened Newarkrwhicb as the War of 1812 proved was very much open to American attack Slmcoes program of nation building was colored by his dee rooted belief that an early renewal of ostilltles with the United States was inevitable To this end Chatham at the head of navigable water on the Chatham Thames was de signated navy yard and gunboats were actually built there Simcoes road build ing was also primarily for military purposes it Is ironic that the roads Simcoe plan ned to help keep American invaders out are in the later and friendlier era being vastly improved and extended to bring American tourists in Nation Depends On Virtue Two main areas of vital interest to the nation at this time are whether we are going to maintain united and viable country and if we can give it rate of economic growth that will make Canada afrosperous and happy place for all Can lane to live country that takes its full place and res nsibility in rapidly changing world ese are the thoughts of Fowler resident of the Can adian Pulp and aper Association ex pressed in his annual report The answers to these questions depend entirely upon the people of Canada will they accept the principle of full partnera ship between the two founding races in Canada the partnership which is made out of life itself And will we face with reality the real threats to our independ ence which flow from confusion as to our national purposes our lack of national unity our withdrawal from active on so vanes ace in Town Barrie Northern Advance Feb 11 1904 Frank Francis porter at Queens Hotel saved life of elderly hardware tra velier from Hamilton named McLaugh lin who on runing to catch moving train at Barrie station became in McLaughlin caught the handrails but feet slipped offsteps and dangled under tram Francis saw his plight and running hard alongside the rear coach managed to attract attention of brakeman who got train stopped justin time as Mc Laughlins strength was about gone West Simcoe Agricultural Joint Stock Company declared dividend of Dr McCarthy reelected president with Fred Marr secretary and eorge Rallies tree surer Misses Whish went to Tomato to watch Barrie senior hockey team lay St Georges Miss Fraser head er for Sarjeant and King is in New York studying new styles from France Mayor Bruce Collingwood barrister elected Warden of Simcoe County Town Council accepted Tho mas Kennedyl plans for new fire hall Mr and Joshua Swan appointed ominous virus TwoMinors srisncs ontarioHydro News striking exampleof how the demand for electricity reflects the mlnutebyi minuteactivltlesroi the province occur red at 11 asp onthe 11th dayof No vember For as Canadians everywhere said silent prayer for the The Barrie Examiner Authonsed ueeao class that Pelt Ollie Department Ottawa and or eat of one Dally sensuqu Etltnttlgy Hglidllnylcm mus flllrlnbllalu leader Mute measure ousttumour mar tvmsouJamueur one ms Accountant anonas poms astonishment daily hycsrrlcr Iss DOWN MEMORY LANE great peril and industry resumed work MN volvement in rapidly changing worldI Advice given by civil servant of an cleht China to the emperor some 1400 years ago was quoted by Mr Fowleras applicable to Canada in this do The preservrrtion or loss ode nation depends upon the depth or shallowness of its virtue not upon Its ph sical strength or weakness The leng or shortness of dynasty depends on the stoutness or flimstness its soc al cus toms not upon its richness or poverty If its moral virtue is truly deep and its social custde are truly stout even though the country is weak and poor its poverty and weakness will not affect its duration and existence If its virtue is shallow and its social customs flimsy ev en though the nation is rich and strong this will not save It from comin to an early end When ruler knows ache knows whst is important and what is not important superintendent and matron of House of Refuge at Boston War broke out be tween Russia and Japan Japanese toru pedo boats attacked Russian Fleet in Port Arthur harbor and virtuall destroyed it Japanese troops were tan ingin Korea Will McIntosh got nose badly frozen ug load of flour to Shanty Bay lce brought in from bayharvest between 1022 inches thick and crystal clear New Sunday School at Collier Methodist Church Will be formally opened Feb 22 Corlnty Council decided to sell its Grand Trunk Railway stock at $28000 and rebate to municipalities Judge Ardagh elected chairman Collegiate Board Commander Whish retired and was replaced by Radenhurst Hughes Private Bank at Tottenham went into assignment Terrific storms have curtailed rail traffic this winter There Is serious coal shortage In Barrie Eng lands famous Moving Pictures will be shown at BarriesCrand Opera House rents20 Manager Powell announced The Algonquin Snowshoe Clubof Allandale had grand outing on Burtons Hill where they tramped aroundin the snow and also tobogganed JNormally steady demands hour fell off sharply from 1052 am reached low at 11 and regained the predrop level at 1108 as machines ofscommerce muocsNr VICTIM own making but we will not ehe said Certainly But adequste signs with costly r1i wanna on at no mt navalyaw vapor in ergw crawl In Sees Greeterllse TorCanal System stunnermason LONDON his future for an alternative method of trans Witlllon within Britain is fore cast in an Interim Mort which has bees lured by the new British Waterways Board This ARENT YOU LOOKING AT THE WRONG END OF THE BOOK OTTAWA REPORT Resenlmm Grows Against Quebec is assures monomers OTTAWA Parliamentas iaoe returning here for the new session are bringing back their impressions of the mood of the nation gathered during two months of Christmas moss spent with their ears to the grass roots The predominant reaction re period from all dlitrlcte outside finchCanada is rising bos tllity to the extremism and ex cesses which unfortunately ere nuoglcd with the more reason able expression of Quebecs po sition lhuatlrere Is coming about what responsible ICana dians in other provinces anticin pated and feared An English speaking separatist movement The reaction seems to be closely following the same pat tern in all parts of Canada it says We made pact in lest we observe the letter and theaplrit of that pact we seen egoise thst Quebec has not utillud its share in the partner ship to Its best advantage and we will gladly help Quebccere correct that handicap of their accept the unreasonable de moods of extremist elements for more that pact Quebec presses unreasonable demands we on retire into union with the United States Then Quebec will be economle ally squeezediuto similar move and will lose everything in the great meltlugpot of the 115 which does not permit any second language or legal Who tem and makes no special con cesslona to any ethnic group The position of theJrest of Canada has been crystallized neatly by Ottawas mayor Charlotte Whittonln response to demand that street signs be replaced by new bilingual signt show me where the law flimtOF has me to spend the taxpay ers money onthdflpenan of replacing the present legal and oaunge signs rorn allpsrts ofCanadstheT as story is reaching Ottawa English speaking Ontario is fallen of two world wars electrical de mands on Ontario Hydros east systems dropped 300000 kilowatts enough flower to supply city the size Ha on sympathetic to reasonable re quests by Quebec butlsgspwh log adamantly opposed to passive demands The ice lines not Englishtpe your The same stand isl taken byt stains and German popula tron on the Prairies by the Scandinavians In Alberta where French is only the fifth lane duals by the Highland Scots of thahiarltlmet by the Italian colony Inflbront by the Dutch and Cannon tha Poles In legislatures are is no mission for French toho real language in Canada puisloni anyone anywhere against Cuba extended classes in business usessnd privately On the broad front it is widely behaved that the surge of re sentment against Quebecs es tremist elements could cost the Liberal Party seats in all other areas of Canada at the next election on account of the un due concessions made to Que bac by the Pearson rovsm meht Responsible politiclsna how ever deplore this prospect and fear the cleavage of the nations polities along racial lines intercourse us illusions Shattered By BritiShfPrime Minister in The AagleAmerIcan summit conference has shattered any remainingUS Illusions that the allies somehow could be persuaded to oow operate in mounting an economic blockade Just before Prime Sir Alec DouglasHem President Johnson begaotbeir two day talks there were widelycirculated American re ports that the Johnson adminis tration planned to exert new pressure on the allies to restrict trade with theCastro regime hut in his private discussions with Johnson and his public statementslater Sir Alan made clear Britain wanted no part of discrimination restrictions or boycotts on trade with Cuba or any other part of the Commu nist camp in fact ltritain planned step up trade with the Commu rather then reduce trade Bntain lived by trade haaald and Britain believed fat Com itr would Insa good thin roost Ill nrsroav an is use Western planes delivered the l000000th ton of sup plies Into Sovietblockaded Berllnld years ago today in ms The blockade was imposed in June 1w In an attempt to force the western powers to abandon their rights to the city The blockade ended May 12 no alter the airliftwhich actually continued to Sep tember 19st had cost 70000300 tetraLeopold liI returned from Switmland to become king oi Belgium in succes sion to his father Albert 105 federal grand jury in Washington htdicIEd playwright Arthur Miller on chargesroi contempt of Con rows blend with Johnson on Cuba for on Communist China or on with the Communists The China to the Uniledllatlons Sir Alec said auchedmiilance The Us all American said Britain doesnt believe in blockades my wanr ens munlrt ls less likely to be an gresstve than lean may one coruyrumsr costumers Morenverln response to US picntbat the allies root from providing extensive credit to the Communists Sir Alan said Britain hopes to land number of newcontracts in Moscow Including chemical plants jand Britains credit terms in those cases might be or to yearsfro an no ironstone fo the Johnson administration swallow at time whensth president facet increasing pres surest hornet do something about Premier Fidel Castros regime where actiour such as cutting offrtbe water supply at the Guantanamo naval base continue to add to American political emhsrrsssment From it is difficult to see what Jeh having achieved armory wl Johnson on th worlds questionsubut it appeared two leadersdiffer on who these the American viewpoint th opposed admittance of trade with Clrmn ind wants an shied ecouomlc blockade ngslust Cuba Sir Alec bodyhss ctioooverlhe canals throughout Britain many of which have falls into disuse lt visually Ind es multi user policy for the future with every useful business economic or mini use for which the canals can be utilised being made to contri bute to busy future for the countrys inland waterways The new body has made comprehensive study of the whole canal system since It was appointed lust your ago Its report takes far more con structive attitude to csnals than any which has emerged from similar investigations undertak en in the past It stream how ever that more detailed study will be required before the final lines of future policy csn be made clear One of the main points In the report Is that if all possible uses are to be made of the countrys canal system there must be guarantees of some sccurllylt suggests that follow lng detailed examination mini mum guaranteed periods In which the waterways will be maintained and in operation allon be stipulated the report howevor recog nises that at the present time the canals are not accorded the place of importance which they merit In meeting Britains trul portatlcn oeedpit says It have that In the mara distant true there will be technical advances which cow led with eangutlen iii other ltlfupolt media will lead to some resurmce of inland wa ter trans ri But at present it forst ties ltlssiow It has to be combined with over transport and handling charges Increase thereby Al the same time the British Waterways Board recognises that even canals whlch at pre sent canny very titltle transport may ave ma future tantlsl it Iddl In an overcrowded and high ly Industrialixed island we think It Is in the national Interest to be cautious in nothing conclua lens which would finally wt out any useful part of the transport system the Board Isresponslble for about 20m miles of inland wa terwsyl but400 miles of this carry 00 per cent of the traffic borne on canals From lost to lost the total tonnage of goods carried on canals fell by eight per cent At the same time costs increased by of per cent while receipts went up by only per cent This Is the situation which the board was appointed to rem edy If possible in its report it states frankly that when it took office year agoll found situation which clearly could not go on Now It is heading Its energies towards full util lrailon in Iuture years of the potentialities of Its 2000 miles of inland waterways THE LIGHT TOUCH Heep On Your Toes While Doing Dishes HAI aovus NEW YORK AlliThings columnist might never know if he didnt open his mail Married people remain mystery to each other in some ways Only one In to US husbands knows his wifes clothing sizes ltememher when beefstealr was believed the best cure for black eyet Well as me trestmenttbii Isnt as ifecti ngev clalms it has almostr 17000 Women tooyears of age or older it still remains an open question whether people live longer under communism or It just seems longer list to housewives Keep onyour toes while doing your es Scientists have found it takes less energy to do them standing up than sit ting down Tip to ck mt driven You end or your own life when you what the man behind the wheel Pay chiatrists say an angry driver is sometimesjmoie likely to have an accident than drunken one Quotable noia es The dif where and nowhere is the courage to make an early start iliafcllow who sits still and does iustwhat he is told will never he told to do big thingaCharles Schwab Caffeine break Some of the girls in South America are making life more Interesting for their boy friends by wear lng coffeeflavored lipstick Writing poetry is still one of the worlds slowest ways to grow rich The poet laureate of Britain gets an annual salary of $800 whether he needs it or not What are you worth chem icallyf Well the average mans body has errongh car bon for 9000 lead pencils enough sulphur to rid dog of fleas enough fat to make seven cakes of soap and enough Iron to make single fuIrslred roll add claims to fame The record for walking on ones hands was established in looo by Johann Huslingcr who strolled upside down the an miles from Vienna to Paris in as days And my was his race red when he finally get therell stair rrrouear rence between getting home God Is no reopentel of poor sons Acts 1034 Position rank and badly melt under theblazing search light of Gods scrutiny

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