nap nrnmrnw um an horror HERAme Earl Hooper oi Orion visited his mother Mn 300W on Sunday in Myrtle warmly of Prince Albert Sank and Mrs Larigford oi lbronio called on irlurda in town on Sttoday Mr and Mrs Green and onto at Mount sum visited Mr and Mrs Gray and family on Sunday Mr and Mrs Frank Link via ited Mr and Mrs Norman Stew weekend Mr and Mrs Armstrong and Audrey visited Mr and Mrs 1lrmsuong of Noble lo on ay lair and Mrs Lewis and weekend It the home oi Mr and Mrs Earl Hammell Guests at the home at Mr and Mrs 11 Galbraith and Mrs ion urst on Sunday were Mr In Mrs George Fleming Lou an Linda Gurney oi Tor onto Mrs McDonald is patient in Stevenson Memorial HospitaL Alllston Mrs Emma and her brother Robert Siallonl visit ed their parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Stallord at London and Granton on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Don Chapman oi Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Cecli Reynoldson Sunday Mrs McCullough is pa tlrnt in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Mr and Mrs Dick Corner and Steven and Walter Reynolds oi Tomato spent the weekend at the home oi their parents Mr and Mrs Cecil Reynolds Miss Marion Westlake of Tor onto visited her father George Westlake during the weekend Mr and Mrs Bruce Gould and iomily visited lricnds in Bolton on Friday evening The last oi series oi cucbrrs sponsored by the Lsdlcs Lawn Rowling Club was held in the Orange Hail Friday evening Prise winners were Mrs Gray Mrs Nodwell Miss Rob son Mrs Lillie George Ces Iao Drsngcville Floyd Rowiey illY It MRS WILMER WILSON Rev and Mrs Harper on tertained the servers oi Christ Church at supper at their home Laier at the church Servers Guild was formed and Selected as president Michell Harper scrlbaMaloolmWilsot Slides were shown to the boys telling about serving this was followed by service for the order of compiine There are six boys acting as servers Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harold Gibson Bprrle iormerly o1 Ivy on the birth claims against the Estate oi ANNIE GODFREY ot the City oi Barrie in the County of Sim one who diedDecember rtlre Nth test must be in our hands by February 27 1904 alter which date the Estate will be distributed Ernest Cooper Executor by JOHN BOWERMAN ALLIS TON ONTARIO his solicitor herein i3 AUCTION SALES srAaLas LTD Where customers send their triends to buy and sell all class Is at heel and dairy cattle calves weancr and tecder pigs fresh vegetables and miscellan eoua articles All livestock in ctcd by Government Veter inary Please consign early Lunch available Auction me every Thursday at 1245 sharp in highway in west or Eirnvaie emcee daugth oi Toronto spent the ly accorn noted by her bus grow Wlih any NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ag his £23501 in orna an or be AND OTHERS lievo its true sbys Mrs Roll In The Estate or mm ANNIE GODFREY St Valentines Day assocla life is perpetuated by Feb 14 Mr Mr llrIR Mrs Hayward Mrs Walter Smith is I0 lent in Royal Victoria Hosplbal Barrie All wish her speedy recovery Rev and Mrs Harper spent Westley In Toronto Mr and Mrs Elwood Jennett and Mrs Hamid Arnold spent Monday evening with Mrs Ar Mrs Dob son returned home with Mrs Arnold and spent may with art lienilwnrth during the her thur Dobsnn Utopia Mr and Mrs John wruo Port with Mr and Dermott Cockato unwrssrour By MR8 HARRISON the United Church Wome met at Mrs Lorne Johnstons MrvRoy Gray took the pro gram on indie Mrs Ted John ston conducted the devotions and Mrs Cecil Richardson all in Toronto last weds STROIID Ry MR8 DWIGHT NELSON son Richard Groh lan John ston and Ernest Parker WINS TRIP week ago when Mrs Vera Bali invested nickel she did not know that unconsldared ior ces were at work which would bring her the good iortune at tlrreewcek allaxponse trip for two to Las Vegas Nevada On Feb her name was drawn for this on the TV program Take chance The Avis Transport at Canada LtdI will provide carexpenscs and weal at the Stardust Hotel Las Vegas Since slxmonlh period is allowed for Mrs Ball to take the trip she plans to go in led with hearts and flowers is particularly potent this year which is also Leap Year tlms when lady can pmane to the men of her choice should he he laggard in offering her his name St Valentine martyr of the 3rd Century was iamous forhls piety acts of charity and great religious zeal lie suflered mar tyrdom in the year 270 But his being assigned in the calendar to his memory On this day wesend sentimental and comic messages or give giltsio tlrosa whom we bold dear Love like down can never really flourish ilghtdd on one side COATS SWITCHED Did you get bluishgrey gas hardins overcoat by mistake at community gathering at Stroud within the last month Lennox Blacklrad coat left for him that must belong to man about six feet tall and weighing 000 pounds Some one oi that sta ture must be trying to button much smaller coat on his circumference Lennon doesnt know whether to have two test removed from the coats length or to grow to iit it Feeling that 12 years is too Hope and Mr and Mrs Edwards Tomato spent Sunday Mn James Me ivy Juveniles were winners in hockey game played against of on Thursday evening They came up with score ivy school lost another game Saturday morning in the Essa lnnlstli school league Knock won by 41 it was hard oi Scale Bay and Misses Mary our up Mr and Mrs Bradley Rich ardson visited their parents Mr Mrs Jack Pugsley visited her parents Mr and Mrs McDoug Gwen and John oi iciroy visited Mr and Mrs Frank Harrison last week The Rceve of our township was at the County Budding Wednesday evening assisting in the swearingin ceremonies of the Simcoe Barrie Auxili ary Police squad Five men from lnnislil have taken this corrstsbulary course and will now be available to augment the township force They are Richard Orrtis Raymond Dob the plants in our winter win day Township lr mile south oi Easa Station oil Highway 90 iSrinlï¬oi learn all tobacco eqqu big system and term machine clash ry owner is going out or the tobso ARCHER COLWILL Austioncer Illn Iurther lniormation phone Barrie TIASim AUCTION SALE SaturdayFcb2il at sharp For auosrou Lot 00Con0ession Essa and machinery irrigation reserve as the business and farm ii for sunny countess Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday Feb 22 lpmshar rWiLLIAM BE AMY Concession it Nottowa to saga Towpahl is tall dvfnlgrmoï¬l on seo arm soc etnents 2000 Crop improvement Association held at AllistonDonaid was also winner last ions to rocurc cant bu ldlngor target practice Mr and added p1 bratioo oi Davl long time toelspse without seeing his parents Paul Gar rick of Modesto Caiii made arrangements to leave his bus these and rectlly this omission Early in February he and his wife flow by jatto spend two days with Mrand Mrs Garrick ct Painswick To in crease the duration of air sonsrvlslt Mr and Mrs Gart rick Sr accompanied the to Burialo from wheroPsul and ver award as second prizefor his pasture mixture at an annual meeting otthe Simone Soil and Ourtownship police are anx the use of var born use for Mr and Mrs dim Rossspeht eelrand lnPort Dover with assure was the nivcrssry flt wile flew home viaVaocous Donald McNabb won clash lied at the honest lbdrdarlflrs ierllltllonlnilawMrInd tbs Congratulations to BoIke Barrie on0 so on on was held In Toronto at 33 his daughters and sisters were present Mr Boaka also alien in the King Edward Hotel when tribute was paid him for being the oldest Miior in business in Canada Mr Roake with iris ready wit thinks young and makes meaningiul contribu tion to society of today while planning and working tor the uiure While in Tomato ha at tended thc funeral of an old tithe iriend Mrs Wallace and there renewed acquaintan ce with many lnnlsfll lrlends early years who now reside in the Queen City The eightinch tall oi arrow on Toronto last Thursday marled up rush hour traitic so be that Jim Ross leaving theDe parlment of Agriculture Toronto took seven hours to reach his home here in addition to the pangs ol hunger he experienced lire tear of running out ol gaso ne it Canadas Popu Reaches 19 Million OTTAWA iCPl Canadas population soared past the is 000000 mark Jan the bureau ol statistics estimated today Mr and Mn Cecil Harrison The population estimate oi 10100000 at the start oi the year represented gain 01 355000 or 18 per cent compared with the same data year ago Since the June 1001 census count the population has in creased 4000 or 47 per cent The ncrease since July 1963 has been 174000 or one per cent while in the first six months at was the rise was 161 000 or per cent Among the provinces the largest numerical growth in the 12 months since Jan 1003 was in Ontario where the ln SCENE 0FCOIlP military coup took place last night at Librcville under llncd capital of west African republic of Gabon during which the army was said to have taken control of govern ment buildings The French news agency report indicated President Leon Mha was in government palace which was surrounded by rebel troops AP Wrrepboto Map KINGSTON CPlThe Queen may be in danger it she visits Quebec in October French Cansdlan separatist said Mon The Queen is respectable young lady but for the sake of peace and any possible disar rangement she should not come to Quebec Dr Raymond liar beau professor oi French litera ture attbe University of Mont real aald in speech to Queens Mrs David Ross An olorista In the Sain Johndies chose to walls to ink Monday other than did attaialagbls moutbdayrettdwhlcbwu to up blrtbdryrean meaday beermlsg dad the Realiora Convention held 01y entday Lapolote or St Laurent Ylitlcnl party because it has Monday Warns Ol Queens Danger Ii She Visits Quebec ts omws or Fav brward the liberal partys No man But the Harold Justice minister stopped lust abort at getting public acknowledgement II the eventual successor to Prime Minister Pearson instead oi seating Mr reau in the Commons as his deskmste Mr Pearson gave the prelerred spot to Normal Aifllfl Minister Martin However at the same tlmI be Ihiited Mr FIvreau out or the by second row at ministerial dealer into the rootto desk on the prime ministers tell arated item It by nemw Isle Apparently irorn there Mr FavreIu will have to prove himself as government leader in the Commona and as the pres Ever since it became llrpll ant Uonei Chevrier would relin quish the post oi justice minim ter and leave PIrllamentior diplomatic iiie speculation has centred on Mr Favreau as Mr Chevriers successor laiion Soars more was mono or twp per cent Quebec was second with an increase at 04000 or 17 per cent Populations by provinces at Jan with year earlier ilgurca in brackets Newioundiand ass 000 477000 Prince Edward is land 101000 101000 Nova Sco tia 763000 750000 New Emmi Wldt 015000 011000 Quebec 552400 i54llb000l Ontario 532 000 0401000 Manitoba 957000 Minuet Saskatchewan 930000 030000 Alberta 1421 000 1394000 British Columbia 1720000 0684000 Yukon lï¬r 000 15000 and the Northwmt Territories 25000 21000 Doubts Role Played By French Leader MONTREAL iCPlThe time has passed when Frenchcana dlans will vote for federal polt strong Freochanadiao leader political science proiessor raid Prof Taylor in an ad dress at McGlll University said the change had been brought about by Quebecs Progressive element which does not want strong federal leadership Prof Taylor who lsa mem ber of faculties at both McGlIi and the University oi Montreal said the new Quebec urbanellte no longer accepts the idea that federal partys leading FrenchCarradlan speaks for all FreanrCanadians He declared the job oi French Canadian government party lieutenant in Ottawa will break any man named to it it had already broken Sbate Seo ratary Maurice Lamonisgna and likely would break Justice Minister Guy Favresu he claimed University students am afraid of what might happen The Queen is scheduled to visit Charlottetown and Quebec City irom Oct 012 in commem oration of visits to those cities made by the Fathers of Coniedr eraiion inlaid Dr Barbeau is author oiphll osophlc writings onseparatism Musiai gone his iormer team mates sre so hungry for part oi the gravy that none of last years St Louis Cardinal regu lars have been announced as signing 1904 contracts vim paras would we omithosed Forijecrrson And Mr Pearson Ickme Mr Chevrier as his cbiIi Qua Tulfmmonf sir ni seats both in oppoattlon Ind since Int April ontba govern lrtent lldeeftlte chamber Mr Chevrier enjoyed the sta which has become truth ilonal iu the Liberal party Maflerule Kings cbiai 11th Int was iirat Ernest lapolnta urect Laurent held the lattice minia Iiowsver in the case at Mr Favmu there appear to be two reasons why he wont occupy Mr Chevrlera old desk at this session One is his comparatively short parliamentary service He only reached the Commas in last Aprlil general election The selection of Mr Martin iorhthhe seat on Mr teams rgt andeppears eye it based on kind at uaoiilcial precedence With Mr Cbevrlers departure Mr Martin became the senior privy councillor There was no hard and fast rule that the senior privy coun cillor became the party leaders desk mate But Mr Pearson up parently has decided to inflow the course in doing so Mr Pearson seems to have kept alive any hopes oi eventually becoming leader which Mr Martin may harbor He made bid against Mr Pearson in loss to succeed St Laurent Card Regulars lire Unsigned ST LOUIS AIDWith Stan And spring training starts in ess than two weeks Money is the obvious reason about $105000 worth When Muslal retired last fall to become Cardinal viceprcsl dent his healthy salaryaround mowwent with him in ad dition thaplayers feel they do serve more money for lilting the Redbirds from woeful sixth place in 1002 to the Na tional Leagues second spot last year The players are aware some extra money is around The Cards drew more than 1000000 customers in 1061 and showed prollt oi about $135000 Adding Muslpls lost player salary this brings the excess loot to about $105000 SHERBRCOKE Que CPl Prospects of settlement ap peared greatly improved Morr day in the wildcat teachers walkout ï¬rst has closed the classrooms of eight Essi em Townships 00mmunlilea tor mors than week Following negotiations between Roman Catholic school tlvss of the teachers unions mediator Michel Marengo said talks would continue and fav orable outcome could be ex peeled The new optimism caused sources close to the mediation talks to predict that the 15630 French speaking students af fected would be asked to rriurn to classes Wednesday spokesman for the Diocc sun Association of School Boards said the 600 teachers do and the thunder and iormer not want to return to work with Prospecis 0i settlement Raised In QuebecTeacbers Walkout board oiliciala and representa tee GUY FAVREAU Matched Our Body Checking UllAWA CPI Russian hockey teams beat the visiting Windsor Bulldogs last Novem her because they can match the Canadians in checking says an article in the current issue oi Soviet Union Today published by the Russian em bassy here This is most remarkable oi all so heretoiore our teams had been interior to the Canadians in bodychecking the article says Modestly it says at another puintz The compcutlon be tween the Soviet and Canadian puckchasers has in the last tew years become one between cousin and not oi teacher ver sus pupil as before DIDNT MIND THIS ERROR ARCADIACaiiI AP mutuei clerks punching error netteci bim 01017 Santa Anita Park spokes man told oi it Monday The clerk Saturday punched the wrong number 5on customers 510 win ticket for the San Luis Rey Handicap The customer relused the ticket so the clerk was stuck with it Then horse No 5Inciusive long shot Won paying $005 or each 32 bet ibccierk collected $1021 net of $1017 alter pay lng for the ticket He wasnt identiï¬ed signed lirst and they want to be paid lorllre time they have been holding study sessions outside the classroom The teachers also wanted signed guarantee that no repris als would be taken against them on their return to work The school boards were said to be opposed to such guaranr Stanflald as Colin so so 92 CF Whephotoi Teachers in Asbestos took the Hufl Calll 41 40 87 ï¬g first stepintha crisis when they SWIM Toronto 35 51 quit their classrooms Feb on Firehouse Oshawa 45 is 33 some more back up demands for increased 110019 St Cath so 43 7s Per capita savings in Austra salarics and improved fringe 0091190018 Montreal 55 40 75 lran savings banks in 1003 were benaiila Colleagues in Windsor Emsv Tom 35 35 73 6501110180 at $418 an intranet Richmond Bromptcnville Coa W510i Tomnto 88 87 70 at $45 in 12 months ticook Magog Danvllle and Em Angus mm Mm The teachers have asked for pay raises they say would amount to about $750 each on an annual basis while the as gt socistlon says its memsz have countered with raise offers that presideotoi separatistgrou out getting new contract average about $500 concurs ararvnnvcs Imam horns vulnppiyngain For School Revenue By LGl the decision at the to town ship in the Guhrdacbool sec tion and to revenue collected ior schools by Wat Gwllilrn bvry mum Cotde will make another application With the new ml for not the area now he namesa mentoicioactoaouarteroia rolillco dallln mm which taxes are beingcollected by Wat Gwlllimbury for the edu CIiinu 01 couple of cblldrur township allowed become part of the south ldwnahlpl school dis trict the Giliord aclrool was poised to central school that lnniafli hll centralised all own area ii is desired to have smart intact The joint arrangement was set up when school sections were being iormed and for many yeIn worked out to the sails lactlon at all concerned The shore line in earlier days did not have monument value oth er thsn as waste lands Form owners included in the joint are lions were happy as usually trustee from innlsiii was one oi the threeman board and the selection oi teacher and the salary paid were the biggest decisions to be made However the shore area has now become valunble and some oi the cottages built there are being converted into long sea son or yearround residences The surrounding lands are being acid as subdivisions and the as sessments are increasing il in nisills suggestion oi making um assessment at $1000 for vacation property and ii 500 tor yearround holding were adopted then the values would again be increased At special meeting the clerk was instructed to contact Mr lBoudrios Has 122 Points Highscoring linemates Andre iloudrlas and Yvon Cournoycr condoned to lead the paoerln the Ontario Hockey Association Junior scoring race last week Boudrlas fired one goal and pidsed up our assists to bring his season total to no points Cournoyer scored ilvs goals in his last Mo games to give him total of 97 points or these he were goals Denis Hull of St Catharines Elack Hawks fired live goals and picked up one assist in three games to take cnepoint lead oVer Peta Stemlmwskl of Toronto Marlboros Hull has 41 goals and in assists for 87 points Stemkowskl has scored 35 and assisted on 51 others Netmirrder Bernie Parent oi Niagara Falls Flyers continued to have the best goalsagainst average275 He has allowad 06 goals in 24 games and has racked up four shutouts The leaders Pls Boudrias Montreal 33 com Cournoycr Montreal bit 39 VI assura aowrnvo ACADEMY MIXED MAJOR LEAGUE ClarksonlioteH vs Raiders Never Lasers vs Di Bards Halt Way Gang vs Chai lmgera 0Blowe vs Corn Huskers Alley Busters vs The Aces Nonrstrikora vs Westanders Non Strikers 05 Hall Way innitbowlnnistli aimed led the pupils were trans to the whole tovmxhp school as log of Montreal Junior Canadians ngbhripia Bob Maillon Way Gang mum rumor moms saw5 Weir in meets to ascertain have the matter andthcportlcnclacbooiaectim osmium coon intramume toue regarding racism aigoiihoporliouoilectloald MUENCED RY BOARD Reading minutes of cormcii its iibd that Ingenious placed before Corme Council by incis tll representatives to Idim iIrm assessments on leads and increase the snail holdinss caan irons two mcrnbera oi the Asmameot Appeal Board When this board represented Charles Henry and Warnice made their report to council on the over 800 appeals theydldsoataspcclalmeet CANADIAN PICNIC The Canadian Club oi St Pet ersburg held its February pio nlc at Guilport Community can ire and over too members and visitors turned out As we en tered the pavilion one at our neighbors hum Simud was at the wicket lie was Mr Ur quhart who lives on the shore oi Lake Sirncoe during the sum mer and receives his mail through stroud post dillce Also present were some other offic lais oi the society lrorn our area Among these were Mr and Mrs Charles Britain Mrs Erttnln was fonnerly McCoo key of Siroud and her mother and other relatives were in their group Sirocco County residents irom Creemorc and Elmvale were also among those present it was most enjoyable after noon with good slowtime music tor dancing that the oldslla could enlol as well as alg songs and some vocal mtertoin merit lha next meeting of the club will be atthc PiarlnSt Petersburg on Feb 04 ans ran MaryRoberta Front 14 secretary in the Canadian high commissioners cities in Kunla Lumpur Malaysia has been killed in tall from cirti The accident occurred about 250 miles northwest of Kaela Lumpur She was the daughter of Dr William Gord on Fraser of Burlington Ont High Single 265 Muriel Hil lier Clarkson Marg Reynolds NonStrikers High Tri in Mar lei Iiilll er markaon 767 RARRIE Looms rescue Queensiiotei VI we Kellys Groc vs Robinsons Groc Lakeside Cabins Jacksons Grill vs Tire 50s Tatter www7 res¢ Lasers 29 Corn Huskers as 11 Westenders 9Reiders7 wet more lighting career He is muttering ironr lniuriee salls Ina va Lemays Error John Lang vs Bertram Bros Greera Acesl7 vs Hubberlls Groc moors shamans Lakeside Cabins 29Iha 50s 00Eertronlirlbfzs Hubbertsr Gang DiHarda 80 Never Clarkson 245510th 20 All Busters 14 Aces 13 Challengers High SinglaBob Mallion Silt LICENCE DENIED LONDONytAPl Terry Splnka former British feather ght boxing champron has been reiuaedpemlaslon to re Elli1W Cabins soo ViIlgh ofiihlal or the Brltish snoop vcdinran auto accident An em Imflllyn Que Board Contro sai Monday 1de llcat