an rwr nnnravnrwwwvu wmflwmshmmsw sex v14 am Local Weather Wetmlodfl WMWZW tuummrytamtopegstn DEPUTY SHERIFF ROSE MARY ALLEN blocks the err trance to Judge Joe Browns court as she explains to those seeking admission to the Jack Ruby murder trial that there are no more seats Capt iii Buckatew of the Sherilfe office searches re porter on his way to the court Scenes like this were typical as the Ruby trial opened in Dallas yutcrday AP Wire photo Hints ImpdrtialpJurv Not Poesible For Ruby DALLAS fAPCoirnset in Jack Rubys trial begin today the painstaking search for 12 residents of Dallas County to judge whether ttuby committed murder with malice when he killed the accused assassinof president Kennedy The defence says it is impos sible to get an impartial lury in Dallas Nothing happened thismorn lngtofchangemy opfnloro about that said Melvin Bell chief counsel for Ruby after seeing the first 150 prospective jurors in the courtroom of Die trict Judge Joe Brown The question of an impartial jury is pivotal point in the defence of Ruby Kennedy was assassinated Nov 22 only 630 feet from the scene of the trial No days latenjln the basement of Dallas City Hall Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald who had been snagged with killing the proof en MUST CONVIGT Betti says the shame brought on the Datinsimage is such that juror would be obli gated to convict Jack Ruby of murder with maliceia capital offence to prove that Dallas is place of law and order Betti an urbane greyhairul San Franciscan wants the trial moved to city at least 200 milesme Dallas Nlne hundred prospective ju rors are available for question log on their qualifications Dell and District Attorney Vienry Wade each will have peremptory challenges with which they can select pros pective furor without stating IEISW EaCh side also has an unlim ited number of challenges for cause In this instance the lawyer must state his reason for not wanting person on the jury The judge decides whether the reason is valid DEFENCE IS INSANflY Rubys defence is temporary insanitythe assertion that he suffers from psychomotor ep ilepsy and that grief over the countries to respect presidents death shockedwhim into an emotional state during which unwittingly he killed 0a wald lhis defendant does not have the mental capacity to stand trio Belll said Monday when he moved for directed verdict of not guilty Judge Brown overruled the motion Ruby neatly dressed ins dark sultrwlrlte shirt snddaris tiesanpeared to buwatchtngtha legal manoeuvres with close in terest He saldtre is studying the Bible in tail Drown recessed the Monday Afternoon session to attend the funeral of Thornton for mer mayoral Dallas man carryingn loaded Zu calibre pistol was arrested in the district attorneya office next door to the courthouse during the luncheon recess Sheriff Bill Decker identified him as David Conrad Gian 30 of Realty Ore He was held on route of flieselltï¬mflW weapon Decree said other errins coherently about the assassi nation offfennedyr Giess mumbled about the slaying of Oswald by Ruby but Decker said he does not believe Glass intended to shoot Ruby Agree roirtt UN Polioe Plan UNITED NATIONS AP Britain and Cyprus are reported agreed on principles for plan to police the turbulent Mediterg ranean islandwltb an interna tlonal force while an impartial mediator seeks peace between the Greek and lurklahCyprl ots The BritishCypriot plan also calls for consultative com tbnlttee of Unitcd Nation mem ers The fwd countries were re ported torbavc agreed on gen eral terms of Security Coun cil resolution after the oounc an the Cyprus crisis until afternoon The resolution would the controversial lss how the international should he setup and would be such force It also would appe terri torial integrityot the sland an appe which Cyp us had planned to propose ate resolution the council debut scheduled to start In CYpltlS fIs NtCOSlA Reuters the troubled Mediterranean island of Cyprus was quiet todtiy ester is night without serious incident in the communal conflict be tween Greek and TurkishCw rings British military sources as ilitere was some tension today Kokkinn area of northwest Cyprus but no shooting was re Cyprus governl meat spokes described such The situation normal he added In London llrilish piime min ister Sir Douglas Home sold in television interview Monday at British troops had released Tlillta tra postponed If SecretaryGen era It Than took hand in the crisis wi peace proposals of his own Tbnnts deas were handed to ves of Cyprus Brit ain tu ey the United States and eats memorandum that all with establishment of an Elternatlonal peace force for and with machinery for ting the conflict Thant hoped to find common groundI especiallyon the sub ject at an international force Oneobiectlve was to find formula that would he accepted by all parties concerned and aVoid the risk of Soviet yeto President Makarloa of Cyprus indicated he would acceptno peace fdreeunless it wasunder control of the Secufltthouneil Early Election Fading3 1AsHousecomrenes OTTAWA GPtFDrenaw ses sion of Parliament opening to day promises plenty of political fireworlrsbut little likelihood of an early election Opposition rtl already have picked some choice issues with which to helabor tberntn ityLiberal government of Les teryli Signal Received fromlirtttshv Ship Aarttiah Bar agar dis ct terltvhichfreaults la to thrill lors Chancellery went on trial tIndJ by mail andpersooaily lng thegovernmentdwritten doc fdercy Killer Goes On Trial UMBURG Dr Hans liefel mean who once headed the mercy killing section to lift In this West German city today cherged with murdering 73000 persons 3000 of them children Hcfelmonn is the only one of four defendants still around to testify Two others are dead and the third has tied the country Dr Werner Heyde the main defendant lulled himself to pri son Thursday The day before the No defendant Friedrich llilrrtann died in fall from an eighthfloor window third defendant Dr Gerhard Boone tied Germany last summer and beueved to beta South Amen Hayde 61yearold medical professor headed the medical spect 05m Hitlers euthanasia mercy log program an was charged with participating in the death of 100000 persons Maritime wmwwuwm MONTREAL ca so maritime trustees who beye bemtourlng Europe on fact finding mission will arrive home today to learn of charges of at tempted raiding among unions under their supervision Mr Justice Victor Dryer and Judge Rene hippo two of the threeonan trustees board have beenln Britain and Sweden for about week of talks with mar ine industry officials concerning maritime problems overseas and how they are solved Back in Canada meanwhile the Canadian Maritime Un lon CLCJ has been approaching seamen belonging to rival Sea farera International Union in membership drive The CW said it had the trustees spprovalhut spokesman for the board said the union is min taken it They said we had perfect right to proceed William Dodgyexeeutlve vice prest denhof the Canadian Labor Gingress said in an Ottawa ins terviow He said be checked with the trustees in Moaneat severalweelrs ago spokesman for the trustees said if Mr Dodge went away with that impression it was mistake on his burnt The CMU supported by some CLO officials and organizers is reported to have sent some Theyll he looksrg for more ammunition when the govern ment unveils its legislative pro gram for the session in the speech from the throne read at thaopeotng ceremony to the Senate chamber by Governor General Vanlec GenVasller will start read merchant With Union Charges urnent about Pathwath Revolt Duets Africa Leader BRAZZAVELE Congo Re public AP Rebellious troops staged midnight revolt in the neighboring West African re public of Gabon and adsedgov eroment buildings rebel radio broadcasts from Llhreville sal todny Arr army officer Identifying himself as llerltenant Daniel odene broadcast over Radio Gabon that the government had been overthrown and thatPre sident Leon Him and his acoi you have been arrestcdflf An Aseuce Francelï¬om re port from Librevilio the Gabon ese capital taid that hfba and National Assembly President Loutr Bigmann were to the government palace and that rebel troops ringed it Strong army units moved into the principal government bulld lngs including both the post of lice and radio station ass to Deal 1000 letters to Slit semen ano then made personal vihltl to persuade them to twitch unions Thetrustees had complained about thedifficultlea to obtain ing copy of the letter MONTREAL CF Canes dian Pacilic Airlines announced today it has ordered at cost of 5000000 each three supcp garlic airliners fromtbe United ates joint announcement by Cramp chairman of Cana dian Pacific Airlines and McConachte the airlines president said an agreement to reserve three delivery po sitions has beenraianed with the us Federal Aviation Ag ency Under favorable conditions CPA might expect toput its first supersonic into operation by 1m the announcement said The plane still to bn con structed is expected to travel at speeds itpo to 2000 mile to par He will readit partly in ï¬sh partlyin much to line with the precedent be estab salutea will fired one hencGen Vania ewilltre er lumen goardoi honor hmvldedzhy the 2nd Battalion Canadian Gila from Gahon on thatwest central coast of Africa is the home of snerspnaats Ordered neon isms After Odene made his so nouncement at5 em ESTan mldontlfled speaker broadcast that color reigns throughout the country Shops and stores are open and operating nonn ay There was no Immediate to port ion gray bloodshed Dr Albart scnoeruer who founded pitta iungle hospital at Lambarene in tale It obtainifl leggpendence from France in Briers an hour and will be used by CPA for itslong routes with the new plane CPA expected fto heable to make specious lar cuts in flying tinies between major International centres The announcernentsntd The US plane was picked up byCPA in preference to the AngloFrcncb Concorde design primarily because of the longer range specified for the Amer teen model CPA will put pronounced in initial deposits on the airlin era full cost1 of the planes is expected to run around $25000 000 am Not mm llrln 7o Per Copy22 mi Legislation Will Reteive High Priority In Committee OtfAWA CP The federal government plans to piece its portable pension plan before Commons committee in its pres out form although Premier Ro berts of Ontario has misgivings about it Liberal MPs pressed the government to carry on with its current plan at two day caucus conference which ended Monday Prime tdlntster Pear son wes reported to have ac cepted high priority for the legislation The caucus action announced by Caucus Chalmers Guy lion tesu parliamentary secretary to Mr Pearson came close on the heels of letter from Mr Robert toIMr Pearson erprese fag doubts sboutthe plan Mr Roberts acknowledged that the federal planhad been altered after conference with the provinces last fall but said they are little in accord with the representations that we have made His main worry appeared to be that the government soredplan could not be ta grated with existing private plans He also argued it should SAIGON AP lhe US Army maintained special guards on American installs tions in Saigon today to counter Communist terror campaign that has killed three Americans and wounded inure then so in the last two nights us and Vietnamese officials also set up joint security coun ciltowork for greater safety for the thousands of US serv lcemen and civilians and their femtile the Vietnamese caps American mlhtary policeman stood guard at schools attended by American children and rode on school buses with themUS soldiers also patrolled other American inatallatfons Only about onefifth of the 050 American children in Saigon stayed away from school Mon ey As many esystx American military policemen gu arded each school while three or four others rode on school huscs Saloon Guard reach maturity in so years rather throw and that the re lationship between benefits and ï¬niflblltloln was scrutinise rl STUDIES LETTER The Robarts letter reached Mrllelrson istelalt weak and up side said laundry Mr Peer son still has It ltnder latensfve study He has made no public commented it Mr Rouicaunnd Chief Gov ernmenthhlpfldamea Walker MP foerorh Cen said the Liberal We and tors unanimously urged the row emment to submit the pension Ethan In its present form to Par meat They said hfr Pearson ae copied it high priority forthe leï¬lntlonand that theprinlo rn stars earlier commitmtnt to send it to Commons com urges for Rudy would he hon The only thing that would prevent plan going into et feel we be abstention of On tarlo Mr ltolrlcau told press briefing called after the semi counts aesstona Has Tightens tw Mliltary policemen also want on duty at all military billets in Saigon and offices of most other American agenciet POLICE ON GUADD Some of the same Vietnam cse policestronng probe were asstgnedlast summer3to roughing up Buddhists and Western reporters were on dnw today at thaAlrynerl onsmoat nudistronl arm manlunderi President Ngo DinhDlems regions About neon American clvil liens ltva lnSatgooincludlng military wives and childreo The totaloi Americansgln the capital counting service men and officials is bellaVedto be about 1000001 us officials denied any con sideration was being givaorto sending civilian dependents hackto the United Sta