so writ EEEgEiï¬giaF E55 52 as answereritequ arrows CPLStorms you were member my commission on on have lust hend the last of Mt submissions you have read all mm mde 1500000 word ofluihem an now you mua wr repo wmnm Based strictly on the bitch gm bum on wt what could you any on um mm me Well after weighing all the Mum and pros and cons including the 013m 10mm man he number of representations and luv do mum Cm strength ol orgtunam you my competitive position too might decide first that corpora album to comm man tion taxes must come down Al mm Emile mm 15 Pmeot federal corporate tax or on i111 taxi rates are 50 per cent on in Such reduction would make came om mm and per an even wider nan Mime 19 cent on lower Incomes The top rates or corporation and rates rise slightly under various personal income tax however provincial tax And since maturorticioenls To some extent taxes at said this wouldnt he Kood you these rates destroy incentive might lowar the Personal 131 said the institute of Chartered tau Dmvldlntz of Nurse to Accountants and there is no or Bed With the arm doubt based on our observa Based on the support tor Vert time that such rates can in one news Its almost tossD duce careless attitude toward whether this personal lax should expgndjmm and emclgnuy single lint role two or Frank cm oleï¬nu tiresstep role or graduated me up no pm or Canada it Ltd and chartered account slim mainriiv tattered 10 out said corporation taxes are graduated tax but with rates vicious on more moderate Incline tirn the present it to no per PEOPLE PAY cant The top rate would be Companies cannot pay taxes about to per cent resulting in any more than tree The has any slight loss at revenue since liel that corporations can pay diode is somewhat shy of tax tax is to my mind nothing but days in Ottawa payers who pay rates of over solideiosion Only peopleyou ind and mecan pay taxes WWW Alto iii ts at all New souncns Nssnan Emehisa Since good many millions of dollars would be lost through of commerce asked that Rhett in mutt corporation and personal in QPWI and 09 Wmml cometexea be trimmed It said ninns terms at reference insist me mm ms to try to the Minimum mm tax structure hack in its tradi would hova to look around for new sources Again based on tho majority tionnl balance in 1929 the chamber said Caoado raised only 157 per 01 WE Y0 119m the cent at her revenue through di nnercent federal sales tax to my Mann By ml lyhad the retail level from the manu climbed to per cm tacitiifli 1m Wild As did many other witnesses base to inï¬nite 56mm the chamber sold broadened fessionalloes haircuts and late base or sales should he phone hills WW1 and used to make up lost revenue rummaroieitwiihiha mum thile clear maiority did retail i319 lax 51m favor slicing direct taxes the exist in eight omvinms opposition was by no means at When hWWWIVQS 55 97 tent The Canadian Labor Con would pay somethloa like an 18 grass argued that income taxes norcent consumer tax are best suited to the abilityto ellihmil may but my WW pay concept and that this is the Plum Eamhuirmm only reasonable curl ept on other problem which to base tax system Actually royal Climbs Despite claims to the con chairman Kenneth Carter and his five associates will undouht mutt big ediy lakes close look at the 95 high probable reaction to any tax changes they propose Their no REVENUE Loss terms of reference stipulate All sorts of claims were made that thaeconomlc interests of that personal income tax rates the country must be intertwined are too high that they stifle in with the tax structure and tax itialive at the toplevels and reaction is an integral part of lead to evasion and other tax economlca dodging etforts that tie up some There is of course no way of of the best brains in the coun irnowing whether thamyal com try it was argued repeatedly mission will make any at that fiatrats tax ollI per the recommendations suggested cent would produce the same involves the inning of coopera when the Canadian Chamber ti ct patronage dividends Aaaocialion and tar lf yaman ottlctnl clutho natioanl revenue denmoat mus Beauvoir chartered mummies Quebeeotflg or manager 30 Federation oi Aviation lira ll Milne Winnipeg na tional treerurer of the Canadian tintmcll of Womï¬ and Donal GrantI gen manager the Nova Scotla lruat co in one way or miner erary one they have heard at public hearings seemed to want lower tenet although such recommen dationa ware aomctimaa veuad ltrickled more puhlte apirlted ear Only one company came out with firm recommendation that would coal itself more money TheEddy Match Co of Pembroke Ont auggested new system of arriving excise taxes to matcheauhloh it said would be more equitable than the present arrangement Anoiber aubntlssion which Mr Carter said was most re freshing come from the Rub bar Association at Canada it suggested broaderbased sales tax with few exceptions none involved in any way with the rubber industry Some members of the associ atipns delegatitm said the re centiyl imposed federal sales tax on production machinery was not an important item in the cost of production Virtually every other brief that touched on the subject do nounced the tax however and the Shoe Manulaelurera Asso ciation of Canada called it on illeonceived devieo to raise more money from hardpressed ustry or all the problems facing the commission the most dilllcull ves Besides getting corporate tax holiday for their first three years at operation coop can from taxable income and in this way can reduce taxable in come to three per cent of em ployed capital The crop movements basic SEE US FOR Commercial Stationery and System Adding Machine and Calculatora Office Equipmentitepaire SIMCOE nusmass Macnnvcs so Dunlap sew PA was riomiorovaoesaroeinvoroooo multitude tennplanloamcommiaiewoosawnhmoom the Han mousnthisnoiio $3 umuammnmavrmoaarichet mm nmwrrwvcw liliaynuldcitlrers Eye Quebec Jiorifi ammonia England Brian mamuaoturm arkei Gromh thougldtoMMthnmaed mm when unending in ten tour tut year told meeting before the bud brought down aald Clutch panyuroingaiathemoatoom lty Flu Because at doubia taxation oomiolrate etndlul when the moose aarn pua Naomi income tax on the distributed toga into the hands of share holdera without paying tax it remove the reason for this search for loopholes aeverel participonta in udlng the Ac countants institute and the Fi nancial threcutivea institute of clse Canada suggesteddlvidendr ha sublected to flatrate tax at ii per cent and then be exempt from personal income tax the mpencent dividend tax credit would be abolished it waa an gued that this would not dia couraga distribution of prolite and would encourage more In lavutora tha emphasia ensue be on enoouraning cara dllna ho haveat iroported goods onto an ad vantage ovor domes gooda insofar as also in il eon cerncd bnporta are taxed on their dutypaid value while the arias of domestic goods inciudea such costs at transportation and advertising Nobody wants any ministerial discretion to the income or 21 Tax note it should not be condoned even on tempo rary basis laid the Canadian Bar Association Did any of the submissions rise Mr Caitch dont think ao They certainly exceeded expectations Ed the trends were not aurprln when flherea no doubt about it mucbto otter both uamarhetlorour rtaaod location for new tintrial plants the population of Can ada in only come 50000000 but we as businessmen should never forget that the nut American market is that next door lliilorfunaieiy we in Britain are not taking hill advantage of there opportunities lbov often we read to Canada Junior men who have no authority to make adultl deeialooa and who are no familiar enough with Canadian hualnua in general BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Benutiful Samples mmmiiidm AND DEIJVERY Philiano mill ARRlE liphoirtaring la our Baal ncaa Not lort sideline till BRADFORD llilIjflllllfï¬hlfr