Try WPImvvy nhcoon instill Whiplash Injuries Common In Accidents JOSEPH MOWER MD Dear Dr Moises Is there such thing as whiplash in jury or is this Just lawyers WINCHSAW Yes or we might better say that there are such things or whiplash injuries it is not single spedilc ca tlty Rather it is description oi the way in which injuries to the neck can occur the sudden back and iorth movement oi the head in suite mob is or other accidents can damage bones muscles nerves cartilage oi the neck This is not to say that the some type oi lniuries didnt oc cur irom other accidents long bciore the automobile was in vented They doubtless did So there is nothing new about whiplash injuries Some doctors and others argue that the term might better be abolished actual description oi the injury is important not the whinging motion oi bead and neck lch causes it am told that in some cases it has been charged that loss yers by slsllliid use oi the word whiplashand it is vivid tentshave won bigger awards or clients than they would have without such an emotional de scription Perhaps so perhaps not To that extent suppose the word could he lawyers gimmick but the wrold is oil at instances oi the cilect oi an emotion charged word being used The answer is for oil to try to be swayed by incta not by emotionaiism But rather than piling the onus on attorneysI have strong suspicion that more mis understanding has arisen on the part oi patients who wrongly believe that whiplash is some new and special form oi iiliury that can result in ali sort of mysterious consequences Dear Dr illotasr Recently have been seeing small spots in front oi my eyes like dust specks flying around what could cause this and how saris this is iiiMRS Probably floaters meaning tiny particles In the liquid inleer oi the eyede they on quite common and mun that you have tolood the rest oi us at the us at which they tend to appear They dont do any harm except as lva said helm they can he an lltui nuisance sometimes when you are trying to keep your eye on on In studying am Dear Dr Moises is it possl his to become pregnant when there is iibmid tumor in the uterus Wouldnta miscarriage escortMild it depends on the sin oi the tumor and other clrctunstsnces Fibroids do at times prevent conception However women with small tumqra nit his type irequentiy experimoe no dim euplty in having children Dear Dr Mother it young woman marries diabetes car rier could she get the disease irons him Is there cure tor diabetes carrieriA No there is no danger at all diabetes carrier is dliierent irom typhoid carrier The only similarity is that Inveach case the carrier is not ill typhoid is caused by germ Hence it an Individual is carrier but is immune to ty phoid be on give the disease to others without being ill him self Such carriers usually can be cured Diabetes is nor germ disease One person does not and cannot give it to another The term carrier in this instance means that person has inherited tendency to ward the disease and may pass on this trait to his children not he cannot give it to snyon ere WAKE SALT USE Salt retards the browning oi meat and is best added to steaks and chops when they are browned and cooked on one aide oraiter they are ready for the platter TELEVISION PROGRAMS ckvs cannonssame n¢ 3063131 rash so and In Jockllchgs ate Toronto visited and ti new one en es atthelr new home and predes ted th with bedspread The Homemaking Club held crokinele party and no social in itugby school Prtdsy evening and prizes went to Mrs Don nuns Elston McLeod Don McLeod and Bryan lohn ston Gordon Hormone suc tlooeer and there was lot oi merrlment in the with oi the boxes Over its was resilud Lunch was served at the close at ihsjvening the on Rugby Dsirlettea met at the home at Mrs George Langmsns Saturday with all girls present They worked with diiierent kinds oi cheeses and made milk slashes Ruby group at the Federa sy rhv You are South both Ildes menus The bidding has West North Est South Dbls Pass Pass Pass amounts our mess on east grsss 353 53 6A9 non seams we on pqsssz M941 stall three clubs Presumably North considered his hand too strong to overcall the diamond bid directly with two clubs and went out oi his way to double before bidding two clubs Strong bids oi this type must be respected Wu have points in high cards andmight have had only or The raise in clubs simply tells partner that than is chance or game in view oi his bidding It does not wo haventbut it does mean that we have better hand than we might have had ior ma ioroed response of one spade ii North hda three spades over three clubs we carry on gladly to tour No notrumn We hid again here also but this time with two diamond stoppers and notrump type oi hand we choose two nntrump The weak mean that we have big band 3E 55 sag is as man ltay Rutheriord Earl Ito bertson Mei thde and her nsl Johnston attended the in nuai meeting and banquet the Itog Producers in Guthrie Lost week the Anderson totally lost at the home oi lllr and hire Anderson ttbelog the occasion oi their ltth wedding annivep aary Alter adellcious turkey dinner the happy couple were presented with an occasional chair hire Anderson showed slides oi their hostillllii flower garden and the surrounding country CONTRACT BRIDGE BECKER bound to have at least some istrcngih in both these suits the point is that we have values unknown to partner and the best way at representingi them is to make the most en couraging bid towards game that we can Four clubs The chances oi mating game with this hand are substantially better than with either ol the llrst two hands We haveiiess in high cords it is true but the much more attractive distribution and excellent trump fit easily Justi ty lump rolsa simple raise to three clubs would vastly understate the game prospects in fact raise to live clubs would come closer to hittingtha mark than three clubs would Farther cannot send us tor having an enormous hood in this sequence since we rc sponded originally with only one spndo which could have been passed by North With really good hand we would have responded to the double with two spades Two hearts Game is by no means imposstble despite the ragged nature of the hand The double usually implies support or at least two of the three sulta available aside from the suit doubled and there is an excellent chance in this se quence that North has Iour hearts It be has and raises two hearts to three we go on to JULIET JONES DONALD nucx hES CANADI ENS AUTOMOTIV AT 75 oaaoroao sr YOU car coon DEAL AND oooo DEAL MORE TEL 7285971 horais VI Isn lt Mill 1v has rsr1s DEPENDABLE HEIHME TRADERS PLAN FOR EVERY SALE CHRYSLER DODGE VALIANT 8s DODGE TRUCKS uwa noes in hearts andspades is fill mm 33an am discounted since North is Tomorrow strnige goingson it malt rm Euuistu lied For as and anu naula 1100 can at siwustesmmu 5103 Â¥llerhomldound micsr Newspapnrta wuiALEiYfliEHSAlLE 1e Wmmnmmmflmmm an NWWWWW gguntlztggzdlom lautumn mnuanv ll ass Test Pattern acnoss 518w samu ianeih occur ï¬g ï¬gï¬inmbm 11m Church Service Loontrsmna grams 16Metnl HE WE DWI 0mm airs wuss spam rim this In In vcu tatremand askfigs 331 rue Movil ioo Davey and cousin gAml now VAWSHNG HellheiowZsro his outdoorsman 3MP THEHALLTAELE Country cossau hdfl lAsrlcul form an Jagugï¬vhsfliuanu is Loo mm misprints turlat clack an an Franco and Wonderltll ttirrtrld Got jgmm gvfrm Sgt awkeys tso zoo Century 12 ham is man 111 évrésulng one was sixiiu mm 25 in sioo circulars REEAssam 561 431 28 Play 133 Ezrevssuucansds Curling goo rigflu momma szom sogisilveisss $4332 ID soo Forest hanger coo Ed Etililvua mom GGï¬inm transients samvan aio Dues Bunny ooo Donanra like hint river Arab swans eno Ieem Tints moo Women in on ma Century EMMY inundatea 31mm IiiGrow mu no in hit no an ill mu yo 1m 10 lm 200rlisa garment azlwllled 463mm on To no no rrutn Mill Asstmcot grew uï¬pflf 34 Emma was THE ANDTHEN GOBBLEDUP Calsn partinla Gabor eoMPwNEortiE WHDMEMADE CFTO CHAN sonata ch aoswssEFwAs domino AliflilVAIHIH it ca 25A ch Loo mickey hdouss Club with MIME 213$an lt on Kim gravymigraines sport zen tropical sioo oust Adventure too sntns at worst mEeconse no And Gdlilth Vlslhla an in MW moo cnnimks WW moo crv waunnu News 1W this Motto lthai BabyL no in an wine tilt rename mm Hm um 15 sol nï¬hgfli WWW rose Cartoons 44 run Sea Eawlr mm or 1100 was You Were is 453M309 YOURE RICKiNTHL isso cnsnnsi Niria flseatn day AFIERNOON now swerv Oclock alga 414 mm oss Mall lust moved to in our 211 sesame new home too 13 no rust Hclheeters sso Sllulflll none arm Your Welcome Wagon iflihfltmi Hostess wrll call with flaws gifts and friendly 1m Ali meetings sons the some 817m mung emu nannanr 1s 11m gteta nmu mm lFMJ PHASE MR WEE HEROES mewm maswunnsi oiisanisitornnsririves 0F grafï¬ti Presents Amswukflï¬mmmnvou Its SPIChllm utn Jr Hockey mucaterl Guess soo Telelioll 930 TDD Old Work Too Young to Die Loo Walt Disney Presents 100 Danny nomu MrNovsli It Ind Trial DDMFWIFWW scum IN methanol snowman