narym am wv vvvr 717 VMuylfljv worryvr Twflreagt hethmairriihtcd By Others Smoking JOSEPH MOWER hm Dear Dr Mother have bed cats oi asthma and must to the hospltsl when It be olomes too severe am to yesrs ldo not winks Is it irritates my condiltnnhliowever In surprised to ilnd other patients Iltting in bed and thinking the worst part is with vitit era the iiret thing they do is light up cigarettes And tor three or tour persons to be putt lng my in semi private wsrd rheaos the piece is soon tilled with smoke asked the nurse about this and she said she was sorry but making is allowed end she who uhtbie to do anything about it But she did window which heiped lttle dont understand why the doctors show this to continue especially with all the concern about tun cancer and the evils oi smoking in hospitals Nobody would be harmed we may would he helped But how in hospitsle which hsve low or no wards but single or two bedchroorns this isnt mu oi pro em in largerwards it behoan more serious Item solution wouldbe to prohibit smo by visitors but to let the pa euu smoke it they choose The pa tients presumefwouid be no iite enough not to smoke while they had visitors present But what about the pollen who hIs no visitors and wants tolight up while the iellow in the next bed has visitors but mustnt smoke himselil Freshly dont Itnow the In swer but print your letter in the hhpr that somebody else can think oi one Its problem all right DcIr DoctorithIt causes growth oi hair on the breasts IIWYMLICI Members oi the civil service were eotertelned It banquet in St Peters tisil Wednesday rebibytheWAottheebutch SKATING PARTY com took place on eaturdsy niaht by gels crowd at young and old Prince were given to the school children ior sports and reces Aiterwerde cotiee and lunch were served in the new recreation hail All were so pleased with the work thst he been done in tuning the old school into whet is now known II the Min Recreation Cen tre lot oi and hard is her been use which should log eppmiat by theennnnun The Jim have started their new Ject The Milky Way under the leadership oi litre Also Johnston and tire cournscr swoon WWM the home otiitrs Psddison with pmldent Mrs Johnston in charge hire Ugblbesrt give re ï¬goduey report on trip Everyeoewiil bepiesaed to din this his rADnusort The Women Institute met It rt oi the potluck supper It Sunsidaie Corners lira crisis Mrs Casey two sea rs JULIET JONES By JAY IICKIR North dcller are likely to have weakness Neither side vulnerable in that suit East wins the heart with the ace Ind returns the ten He hopes that partner has the IiJ in which use it dummy can he turned to rvii heart Easts queen ot clubs will become trick Declercr covers Ihe ion with the queen and West takes it with the king What does not know at this point that East has the at clubs but he can easily iigure out that continu ing with the loci oi hearts is bound to give his side the but chance oi deieniing the con is there enrol1MB Title is normal in many women and no cause ior Ilerm flteres no cure but you can ship them oii lDonft pluck them hecsuse oi the possibility oi Infection Dcsr Dr htotaeri What Is bowel rescclioni is there oli icrenoe between that end colostomy Whenere they ate esssrytJSil Resection means removal oi port at the organ section tor instance could be removed and thcn the two ends Joined slain colostomy which in volves resection means in Id ditionthat instead oi the bowel being retained the end is hLv Idcn is room set aside wherepatients and visitors can smoke without disiurbinp nth era In my condition csnnot into it wantto enjoy lite and not be smoke dried in hospi taiIIWH it would be heipiul to the doctors it they could exercise the authority that you think they should but ordering people to stop smoking usually doesnt have any more eiiect than or dering let people to est less INotI give up iood inst est esa DONALD oucsc you oer 0ch DEAL AwnA GOOD DEAL MORE AT For that matter we cant let people to exercise more or telte the right amount oi medicine instead oi too much or too little or stop secretly tooling DEPENDABLE immense stound with home remedies or onI lot oi ihinrs in Ill candor quite agree brought out to In artiiicisi open ing in the abdomen Reasons tor doing it Because oi tumor tract stop by sssuming that South West comes to this conclu AUTOMOTIVE scvare periorniion oi the bowel or other such condition past oi the bowel no longer iunctions or cannot seieiy be allowed to remain Cancer is one at sov orei who bid clubs three times is sure to ths at least seven oi them Since deeierer has al Opening ieed sis oi hearts ready produced two hearts it competent dciender must follows that Souths tour un do lot oi theorising about the known cards whatever they composition ol the unseen arean cared tor by dummye hands Fortunately he always two sets or acekings has clues to go on which de From Wests viewpoint on pend on the bidding and on how advantage can therefore accrue tor the pisy has advanced and trons trump play at trick certainly his tindlnz the best three on the basis that his part mothod ni detense 511on not her has the orJitl oi clubs he considered matter oi guess in which case the tack oi hearts work play at tricit three is bound to Here is hand to illustrate deieat the contract the point East West are de Ii West tells to lead the jack lending against iivc clubs It is oi hearts declarcr makes the not diiilcult iorWest to ï¬nd contract but with that lead the heart lead since the rehitr South must go down one tsnce oi both North and South tomorrow The rehld by re to bid notrump indicates they sponder MIIIRDAY rs use on haltm It Htwknye some Aeneas neutrons i233 53 Voter msterie coo Bowuos pitcher 331de on Forest Ranger 56mm Bcope medium nano hlpchhrd Edoddessof the Eevsrts timbtuiss flowers twelve 10Covers disciples with cement EHerd llmhelilsh of lagers Unlimited meKIItur written TV New 1411uahod 11mm Wanton News Sports mm SNamll Ytsupsm antsem BGIme at 19 Gold Ber thence crro CHANNEt rotowro manta listunison severely Jetty WHAT Ill 11 Milk Iteuee Club 31 Chinese mountain tilt Yogt Iss mm some ultra Eskimo immense i0 Kept 358th tied Indie Channel Theatre Buns et Fort Petticoat 2am plane sports weather News 2531 IIIIds gnuInï¬ll aï¬ï¬‚l with you The patient with resplrstory problem should not be subjected to tobacco smoke to general it would be road it we could prohibit all emokinx MIMI TRADERS PLAN FOR EVERY SAtEf CHRYSLER nonoa VALIANT DODGE TRUCKS 75 nnanroan sr TEL norm CIIIEOI TELEVISION PROGRAMS cxvn cHAeiNEL BARRIE EMMY nonunnsns no 00 use Fee and mini hui Mt lioat Bess CM lootbuone Territory uo New rests Sports III or The Lu Show The omelet Grtodis its no II neutr ALO It 1530 ALIA votawttrrrmthlossttr smoker Honest DITLEétSWtï¬isiR Buflisbsrry Hound Topper News wcsmer Sports Wagon Train Country liondown Ths Deiendeis TIIIIcUph The Untouchables BBC TV News LES CANADI ENS miss remitLoudest Mum DtEtiltIMdtlE Hermonmomatmunmwm mmwmflpm wnmmonmsrumMm 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contains ths 8W0 Gunsmnite use Sports ants and Bouquets lLtoPlsrrs Bsrton Show iii snowshoe will hnsksb oiin trio trom cursezwtsl vie Ind hunsseeeleedese when the oeoseton mphone 7266302 WELCOME WAGON see MP ytvs tests Lineman WJEEDMUST It my novsniihnn is mmnte itiwtctt cents IEGEARTREE one soon OFMY wntsroio You oouLnns mun Ynu Wers acre Nine nsestre Welte UDlwk High Wmtilul Goldehn inede Punc my Hi Time Aim tour Wlmn Tull Jehteflclh NI iflish IIisht Breaking Point crv lel htetro Final Hal wiTttIttEOilY ottuomoteavss recast ioéoo nu