a7 rverrmtwvevr vev avr r6 GOODlihhlill enhancement By Eating Proteins By JOSEPH LMOLNIB hm Dear Dr Mature My condi tion has been diasposod as hypoahcemla How can avoid weak at My arms and less irequenly do sleep and have siiet soreness in my chm60 Hypoglycemia means that the blood has less than its normal amount ol surar At times that is When the super level de ellnes tiie patient leeis weak and may have other symptoms Headache irritability nervous sweating Whllethcre are various causes at hypoplycemia liver disease adrenal delicicncy dumping iidromc because oi removal the stomach two thirds oi the cases result irom overproduction oi insulin by the pancreas The symptoms usually come on several hours alter eating the supply at sugar has been pretty well consumed The answer you mlpht think would be to eat some sugar but this isnt correct Yes the super will pick you up but it also will stimulate the pan creas to secrete still more in sulin so you set into vicious circle The answer rather is to eat something which contains more protein and little sugar This protein will eventually be con verted into blood suzor but not as rapidly and the pancreas will not be shocked into produc ing more insulin The blood su gar hence will not be usedup at an excessive rate Aloud with this mild seda tive otteh ls given because tram experience we know that the intense harddrlvlng go neltcr type is more olten iouhd to the victim oi bypoply cema utlhe Illltlllmll trillls lot cers ehs lQttituda or cimuriTtanees chanse the trouble lreoueatly ceased lWA consortia 01 mice developed sycerna an an oer tooI1 when he tirst neat Into practice his tensensss subsided and his physical troubles troubles ceased the person with hypo slycemla simply must adjust his activity and livlnr habits to the situation Only In that way can he malntoln his physical eitlclency Arid that oi course will reflect itseli in his mental and emotional ettlelency iul to eat any six meals day instead oi thre to wsid oil the periods at low blood susar The patient with hypo slycemla should be checked periodically lor diabetes be cause in some cases the low blood suyar is torerunncr oi the reverse too much blood sugar Dear Dr lllolncrt have two slightly raised and almost black marks on the inside at my lower it andone on the upper llg live smoked heavv ily in last year and these spots are at the place where hold clparellcls there chance oi this being skin can cerlltlra Eli Black marks are not neces sarily sign at cancer but think it is slnnliicant that they occur where you hold cider etto The irritation whether irons smoke heat something to the paper or other circum stance could be iaclor Like any other discoloration TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE russniir reandanr 11 Front Pass chalisnla Nawsrnasaslna Quest cat To News Westerns News sports lllo lilhs Hammer WEDNIIDAY FEBRUARY LI Test Pattern National schools Chas listens Nururl School Romper Room Popeyaa Party Noondly Report Movie 111 it to this iudse Password Scarlett lltll laka lo Friahdly Giant Mistnmlera ciaco Kid Popayaa Party Rassle Dsssla Woody Woodpechr Nations Business TV Darby Nswswmasr sports crro CHANNE TUEHDAY FEBRUARY II no Mickey Mouse Club 130 Kiddo TM Channel Nina lhaatra Trouble in The Glen ana Weather Sports Ltltlast Hobo Tuesday Ntsht Movie 5mm Here To Eternity oey aishep Eleventh Hour 01V Naws GIFTS Whore lltltl halt arrives Ill when you brats ovary specialism ilyoccaaion our re gious declineslea era When the occasion arlseayphona ogndpoua E3$=sézsaggshgsgs 100 750 Candid Camera Phil slivers Show IM Red River lamhom Perry Mason 010 Camera Canada 1M Th 1100 ll 1180 TNLIRBDAY llflflllhfll II can Test Pattern 1000 National schools 1M0 Char Hollnl rose Nursary Echnal 1100 Romper Room lmo Pepayas Patty lLia Noondsy Report mo in any 81 Password Scarlett Hill le0 ihlrl Friendly ant Mlsterelera Mr Pipr Pepe as Party Rana ssla Yosl lies Tombstone Territory News Wtiltilll Sports Dr Klldare The Doc Show The Set Brindle Parade Naked City CBC TV News Westnsr is Torular III Weathar arts Naws ham Basic at ronouro 1115 Metro Final 11 Sports Beets 1M0 Plarra Harlan illollrlmqnm 1110 Dolllias Fairbanks Prssenta it PVT cus an amp Cartoon manda in some inhtvidusla it is help lltlss Haian Romper Room Playtime with Uncle lobby Mornlns Masasins Nopnday Report lava Lucy December Bride our House The Minion Ml Btu lhostll Heres Lookiny At You not no cost ltldtlo Channel Ntn 250m Theatxa on oath asst or Grouch flckrvanmnylltlsuu IVO Jim lethy oemsn She Twillflltt 201 CTV Maw 15 Metro ltinsl 1135 arts Heels and louausta erra narton Show lh Douslaa Fairbanks alligRPAY rï¬afliï¬v ll cells an it Re sao Cmoon Frtandl Miss Helen Romper Room Playtime with Uncls Bobby sicrnlias Maurine Noohdsy Report love Lucy Deealhhar Brtda our House IIsl Millionaire All StsrThntrl Heres Motrin At You repair in Conflict Mic Mouse Club You Hear Channel Theatre Guns ot Port Petticoat sports Weather News Donna Read Outer unlit To Tell Till Truth Zen Ona Jack Parr Sports Hot Seat CTV Natlonsl News Metro Finsl Genieand Dououste 900 PM ll 00 1200 MOUNT SI LOUIS NHRIIJLJJRALIY Peter Kill RCAlJtatiois at nether was borne tor the weekend alsoEd lisp Camp Borden ll sporadic at days home balorelsavlas tor win Ml Eileen Buchanan visited attic lay lbdd Barrie Sorry to hear Thomaslhdd is in the hospital lira Lawlor and DAr Warmistar visited recant with it and lira Lawlor Mr and lira Phil Kits and hard ltlns in ihronto lir said lira deem Ds Grant and lsmlly visited last week end wlth irierids at Dnnnvllla Mr and lira ii Emile oi the skin or other disuse it must be seen to be evaluated Remember that it cancer is lound early it is usually cur able Slain canon may occur as vary innocent appearlassora or lump Decals spent Sunday with Rte stt adtha solders hilothlfli at Mr and Byrna Bolton on horn Clark RCA Pats sis shout last veehsod wilt paras Mr and lira Clark ï¬lm were Ruth Harris and en Dobaoii Joan Smith and hank Holmes Iiabel Glllhsin and hicdlrr sundsy School will at 1015 arn with ch sen vices at 11 an All are wet come Mn and Mrs Frank Holmes and Helen spent Tuesday am in with Mr and lira Ii Hol mes and Holmes Brentwood ll beta 11 Holrnes eath birth dv CONTRACT BRIDGE ay iav Nort dealer Nor Soulh vulnerable VMNIO has 1tiltehtddiop orth East lots so songs Openan lead kins oi spades Declarar sometimes comes to point in the play whore he knows he to licked it the dip tenders cards are divided one way but where he has chance to make the contract it the cards are divided some other way Obviously In such cases dealt ainllcton spade Ac sumption that the cards are so distributed that they will per mit him to make the contract Take case like this one where it would be easy to no wrong South gets ioslx hearts on the bidding shown and West leads the king oi spades with diamond lead the contract would have been completely DAILY CROSSWORD IICKER sale but untortunalcly the spade iced puts the slam in nerdy South takes the king with the ace and makes the normal play at heart to the ace West showing out This unexpected development might cause de clarer to panic hy ntlempllnd to cash the AKQ at clubs in an eitort to discard the spade loser but this method at play would be clear wrong and would result in loss at the contract South should realise the im possibility oi Easts havinp been dealt three clubs and should not choose line oi play certain to lead to detest he eon tell from the biddinp that East tor his jump to three diamonds must have been dealt at least slit or seven diamonds lie already knows irons the Eloy that East started with tour eerie and at least one spade with eleven ot Easts cards in three suits thus accounted tor South knows tor dead certainty that East cannot have three clubs and that it Would he Iutlle to attempt to discard the spade laser at this int His only hope at rock on the contract theretore is to play on the basis that East was dealt singleton spade Ac cordingly ha shoidd cash the king oi hearts and continue with the lack Regardless not what East due next South makes the alarm poms0 nucx loinorrow Shroud play ACROSS Played to Close 1Remstn with to it Grate food 29 littered Related spice so Place longing 21 Central of worship Sun god America Depositing Matty rodents so Rate or mountain 28 chemi speed tutorials cal 10 Article 1131b mash as Yesterdays Answer Fr lilow wood 131mm 138ecluded hLIntant admins 19Marry valley EIJtecto desert it Mexican 11 Like Motor 41 Mast dollar 2011awaiisn subsisting sahtesh 22Musio tood adcalibers anwmy note 21Norsa god diJloney remark 23 age 231mm water xathcrlrix e1Compass Halaeodm tortoise insects point ablil hthh ï¬lIHIIVxfllliifl Zogddtacle ï¬ï¬‚wfl snowrd you lmilIflWfll eaicuy sonfrom onto til will 3313mm fllï¬ï¬ï¬lIflï¬ï¬‚lfl some Wlï¬lï¬ï¬iflflmlll owm ill thliilIIl somiap nowrs Sudan GnAeenMA JULIET JONS v1 swan AMï¬saehlelllï¬l an GOODADASLOSM Mwhmumeoo 606A AUTOMOTIVE VDU GET AGDDD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT 75 BRADFORD ST TEL 728597 DEPENDABLE lesions TRADERS PLAN FOR EVERY SALE CHRYSLER noose VALIANT noose raucxs LES CANADI ENS BLONDIE 12 art Lash or him muasouvanumsvas JESENS uneconomic disgrlrfloocdlhicgrmmoi Mar momma measurement ilmeuuagirgaeoermw Pour train MitiLoeotzonLEswdtievm MWEMtWHDE SEDrlLASALLE rv ow can voucaonv CONVERSATION WITH THAT GOING Etll SUPPOSEJRJEEDI DONT tlldii 10 SEE WESECRET GARDEN whoevech low perLLoii humour Moutfltsicom LASALLEA yum THEVRESO uriMEitmivnaLE uIM Still HEARD EM HUMBLE SOMETHINMOUT WERE WING ABOUT WIONQ NHMIIR IOU MEAN VOU PLAV llALL THE TIM Young TALKING 33 ITS BACKGROUND MUSIC KEEPS ME DOMANllC THEN HE SALD WHAT DO VQU USE LONG PLAVING RECORDS nits mtoenvooroeus tiotnsnt REAL seems no SAWYERrvsllARDED era won it truce iota IDCKEP earncoals Arron soovonesvcii hildhlé Yall Messrsr Miss no nosr wroaraur roar or ALL SHEDNEIERIEABLETD mwiicahwowicuivoro are as Mickey4e 70