10an varr na ilrstrlrtlaoplo IItSaIatg Meet the Ontario anew Council tarmac Ipsrtr wank tarsC Spencer Thorn tan and his Scott stone dauntaerom also con County Saiety munch at tended with Mrs Fell Camp bell oi the Department at Ag rtcuitun Tho Sslaty ashlhit rm latest to Fir hoes In Simona County was on display at the medial CORN AND FORAGE Corn and Form for Pro tits was chosen as the theme cars do SKIDOOING Cuba at Pack oi the Sixth Barrio Scout Group spent much oi Saturday mor ning SklDoolag round Kem penielt Bay Pictured are lit Barnhart chairman oi the group Blaka Shawa mem ber of the group committee and cub master Bill Welling ton with cubs David Judges Tom McLeheonan Doug the White Cane Week Termed Success Nearly all school children in Barrie abova Grade beard Don Ferguson tiald secretary at the Canadian National Institute or the Blind speak on blindness during White Cana Week which ended Saturday Mr Ferguson said was pleased with the results through out tha week was wall rs ccived at every school visited and think the children were Interested as all my audiences were quiet White Cane Week in Canada Is designed to educatsths publt lie on blindness now no IIELP In his talk Mr Ferguson told the school children how they could help the blind by assisting them to cross roads by reading to them and going walks with them tie also gava the children advice on caring for their eyes litany oi the ti blind people living In Barrio participated In two howling contests during the wack The ï¬rst was held at Owen Sound when blind teams irom other areas in Ontario competed against each other vey Steth Skinner Gerald Jones can Show Billy Wal llogton and Daryl Jones Viri Doo was loaned to the pack by Delaney Boat Lines Ex aminer Photo The second was at Bradford where Barrie blind wera lira guests ot the local Lions Club Mr Ferguson is already think Ing at ways to expand activities In White Cone Week In Barrie next year He is considering bowling match between com bladed Incal press radio and television team and the blind bowling team hope to keep building ac tivities up during White Cans Week year by year ha said TODAYS STOCK PBICESC Compllcd by Flynn 215 mi loll till 215 rat rs 1o 15 as rotI 53 ns 29 hit any IO salt iris 12v 1W or suit 11 It Asbestos Miltth Algoms Steel Aluminium Albcm Dist Alberta Argus Am PM Atisntlc Sugar Bk Mont Bank at us Hill Erssltiln EA Can Aviation Cdnlmp BkCon Cdn Brwer CPR Can Osman Chlmtetl Clllll Pow Con MInASln con Paper Cons Gas Dom Bridle Dis Ea Dans Tar WPl Home on Hun day Husky OII Imp 0lI Inter UIII interprov Labstt WY Lakersad MINING ZOO 15 400 370 IOA 710 aro 29 IIth Iiis 10 MOST Both Csppsr lilhil Bralorn Carri Cloth Odo GI Csutsr Cent Der ï¬lo Con Mogul Cusco Crolnnr user Hora Denlson Gccn Giant Y1 Gunnsr Hoiiinlar Kselsy Kerr Labrador lAncotlfl panda erltlmll hladssn MultIM Aluminium mama Danison moire Nortblsil norm Found Darn stares Falconbrldu GL Lake Psa iisrdea Farms IIIwk Slddeley Hudsons Bay Imp Tobacco Ind Accept InIInd NG Inter Nickel Jockey Club Lake Duiltltt New Hosea Norasstsls 83 Dunlop St Barrio lNIiUSlIllALl ll 62 ss 11 1755 52th 13 159 1so Iii list In Gills IS ott 45 1414 73 23M use no 20 13 635 lilac Pow Rh 17V lilusry ran it Narlnds Nor Ont N0 lilnora Corp hlcla Pare Paciï¬c Flu Porn Pips Polo Hersey Power corp th Nat Bu Royal am Sllldl Foods Simmons Shell Stu Can TObDom Bk Trans Carr Trails In Trad Fin Texaco Union in walker crew Weston Zenith rrru lIpI 175 23 130 loll 925 100 121 JO 320 Nurthnto opumrm Provo Rlo Alnom Sliver Hillar ShsrrIt Slut noch Trtbsg UnItAd Oil Unitrd ltana Willroy thtsay Windlnll mvrs HICKS nowaortas Now roan Avanaass ladurtrlals tinted Roll up 05 Utilities up nonom JJIIIGIIICIIIII up as Golds downoo Rescues iwo It House Iire CARSON CF Alex Suchv holes at nearby Sudhury car ried crippled man through smoke and demos to saiety blacked out and thenran back In Into churning hometo rescue motherSaturday night No one was iniurcdwben the tire destroyed the home at Stone Iey Cut crippled in mining accident toyesrs agoi Snchoplcs was preparing to ham in Sudbury with hls wlia altar visitingthaiamtly when oneot 012s three Childreavltr ported lire ran Into the bedroom and cs EXCHANGE noun up as Oils down as picked up Cuz who had gone to bad earlyvand was asleep one minute Suchcples said When got Stanley outside guess was knocked out or mihute because when woke up saw Mrs Gus trying to get back In the house She must hava thought the drildrsa were men Suchoples ran Ill aids the house and grabbed Mrs Cur dragging bar clear or the flames Mrs Cu was in satin and baggageman for 47 years Barrie Mrs Luclila Meioalie Everything was red but In rowing centres DONALD FERGUSON OPP Recover Stolen Car The Ontario Provincial Police Elmvsla detachment reported itindiag stolen car this mom The car owncdby George Ma son at 96 Burton Ave was lo cated In ditch on Highway 27 near Fergusoavalc Tha OPP reported to Barrla police at can this morning oarrurirrv JOHN THOMAS GIBBONS Funeral service for Jobn Thomas Gibborrs oi Allaadala will he held Feb it at pm with Interment In St Pauls cemetery Mn Gibbons died in Royal Victorialiospital Feb It Ila had been CNR depot master As well as being anractlvo member of Essa Road Presby terian Church Mr Gibbons was member of Kerr Lodge 130 Mssonlc The lodge will hold sartorial service tonight at 739 Survivlng Mr Gibbons sra tour sons and daughters as lol lows John Gibbons Ciiiiord Gibbons Calvin Gibbons and Robert Gibbons all at Barrie Mrs JoyceRichardson Toronto Mrs Ruth Hollywood Pickering and Mrs melts James Barrie COACHES an coma HAMILTON CP More than 70 coaches and oIIioIaIs reprev seating rowing clubs Irom Hal lion in Victoria attended Ca nadtarr ArMiatlan ot Amateu amen coaching clinic Satur day The clinic featured Harry Parker head rowing coach 1t Harvard University The day long program included lecturer and iilms Most coaches attend ing came from them Ontario ttheraw representatives irom Halltax géontreal Brockvlllc Kahorn peg and Victoria tar tha Annual South Simona ScedFIirtobobeldInAIlistm on starch to Members Receive Cards And Pins Munbershlp cards and pins wars presented at the meeting last week oi the Brotherhood oi Anglican Churchmeo at St Georges Anglican Church hall Thirty three members were present The womens group or the churdr rarvcd the dinner reassure saunas rarer Tram ops rura DOWNS Ooopsl This little girl Ilnd practised her listing on She was and hundreds who and bracing air to go skating ed with big bump on aha 12 Items Oi Communications Set Belore Council Tonight Barrio City Council will deal with It communications and live commiitca reports at iha regular meeting tonight at City Hall treating bylaw tor the new lyannexed areas will receive three readings The that communication will deal with the Ontario lilunlclpal Boards approval at the propos ed extension to the Library Letters irom the Orlllla and District Chambcr of Commerce concerning proposed Lska imcoe Watershed Conservation uthority and Irom the St John Ambulanca concerning iirst aid course will he read Council will also hear the ninth annual report 1363 at the Georgian Bay Development Association and request irom ths Knights oi Columbus Bar rio Council tor Barrio Home and Sportsman Show requests tor council to purchase advertising will he heard ona irom The Barrie Ex aminor ior Its special progress edition and the other irom the Barrie Skating Club tor Its Car nival Program City councillors will receive letters irom ths Canadian Nev tlonal Railways regarding ten clng rightoiwuy and Irom Co wnn and Cowan regarding car cronchmenla onto Bayiield St and city owned lancwuy by De lanay host lines The Barrie Branch of the So ciety tor the Prevention or Cru city to Animals is sacking Tag Day and the Barrie Por rstry Committee will introduce its second report communication on tho Homemakers and Nurses Ser Vices Act irom the Harris Branch at the Victorian Order at Nurses will also be heard The City Development Com mittee will introduce Its second and third reports at the year while the Public Works and Finance Committees will Intro dnce their second Council will also deal with dc ierrcd business accounts and motions and inquiries BARBIE AREA Warmer cribe tha weekeads weather Temperature dipped to two be low overnight Saturday and Sunday Saturdays high was was just 17 Ior continuing sunny skies and not quite so cold Its not sup posed to get colder than in do grees overnight with tomorrows predicted high being 15 The weekend brightened the Winter Carnival picture but weather over Ontario Lake St Clair Lake Erie Ni pleasant as but Sundays peak Forecast for the Barrie area la rarerrs casru ran WINNIPEG CPIPrices re corded minor changes in dull opening trade on the Grain Err chango today BUTTER TORONTO CP Cburulng cream and butter print prices were unchanged today Butter prlcasz Canada first grade Ontario lendcrahla 51 521 nanlenderahla hilt51 ott truck in light trading western 52V tnomlna produced minor motor vehicle accidents Temperature at The Examiner building at 740 am today was one below It was six degrees at 1080 Synopsis An area of hi pressure drilling slowly easi ward across the Great Lakes is agnra Lake Ontario Lake Bu Mount Fora Muskoka Floyd Shaaiz missionary under the Child Evangelism Fellowship Quito Ecuador wtll ha guest speaker at next Tuesdays meeting at Christ lso Business Mens Committee of Barrie The meeting starts at 631 pm at Burton Aven ue United Church Barrie Dis trlct Ministerial Association will be represented at tha eating the one plan you 13 manyimmune quorum snnlvrmry thmsiry Kempantcit Bay yesterday LOCAL GENERAL INQUESI HERE Ontarios supervising coroner Dr Gothamth hold an Inquest hora Wednesday Into the death at Mrs Itosabeila McClu dy Tiliin St ANNIE MEETING Annual meeting oi tho Barrio Chamber oi Commerce will he held at Continental Inn Fat to Dlnnar will begin at not Guest speaker will be Eur goyna president oi Ontario Chamber at Commerce oi St Catharines BEARD CONTEST Prclimlnary judging at Bar rles Winter Carnival beards will be Friday at Continental Inn All but 10 bearded cons testaan will be eliminated Finals will be at Barrie Arena Saturday CONSERVATION CLUB Anglers Conservation Club meets this evening at eight oclock in the Orange Hall on Burton Avenue Committee chairmen will chose their com mittee members sonny star Chilly 15 Weather Forecast Col Is the best way in des producing seasonany pleasant ron Hallburtan Georgian Bay Windsor Hamilton Tomato Mainly sunny and cold Tuesday Winds light Algoma Timagumi Coch raae North Bay Sudhury In creasing cloudiness snd not quite so cold Tuesday Winds southeast 15 ltresday Forecast Temperatures low tonight high was Windsor is St Thoma tendon Kitchener IO 10 Wingham Peterbnrough Trenton Killnlne North Bay Sudhury Earlton Sault Ste Marie Kspuskaslng White River planetarihatsllinipottant urinater hammer inriaouncroizhrs brarorrrm esccssaoarss Barrie District Hunters and assaéasassmamssmmms humanistyonwhhyour took advantage oi the sun Examiner Photo liilIcrest lInd Central Capture Local Schools Skating Crowns Pupils Irom harrla schools braved snow blizzard on So turday alternonn to take part In speed skating watech Central Collegiate pupils won all but one at the high school skating events and iilllcrast Public School came out top ol the class In the primary school skating competition Full results are as loilows Relay Supcricst Trophy Coa tral Jim Burke James Brady Ray Thompson Don Amos Senior onesixth mile Da vid Gosnay Central James Brady Central Don Amos Central Senior one sixth mile Linda Marrow Ceatral Senior 220 Linda Marrow Senior 220 Jim Brady Jlm Burke David Gosney Junior no David Garner North Junior 220 litary Lawrence Central Brenda Gundry Cen tral PRIMARY SCHOOL WINNERS Hillcrest ltd CodrIagion soiohnson King Edward as Oakley in Prince oi Vgaies 28 St Monicas Winner oi Thomas Relay Trophy Hillcrest Winner at Grant Mayor Trophy lliII crest MEDAL WINNERS Pony BoysPrince Wales Brant Bowen Sicele Kevin Jamieson King Edward Greg Iluhbert Pony Girls iiillcrcst Meg Stewart Codrington Bonnie Provan King Edward Davis McCarthy Midget Boys Steele David Raycralt St Monicas Wayne Tsscona SiceleGerry RAJ CIBIi Tha ldasl For Occasion panama lttldgct Girls Hilicrest litnry Jane Vass Steele Sylvia Moors Codrington Debbie Mc ger Juvenile Boys rro King Edward Ricky Erica iron Hillcrest David Reidrlta Oakley Don McGlbbon Juvenile Girls looJohnson Debbie Garrett 100 itillcrast Diana Earth 100 KingEd ward Colleen Jeanett Juvenile Boys 220 Oak lel Doll Achlhban 120 Hill crcst David Reid 120 Hill crest Ran Kelly Juvenile Girls 220 Hill crcst Diane Barth 220 John son Connla Dnyndarn 220 KingEdward BonnIa iiuay Relay iiiilcrcst David Reid Paul Brown Ronald Kelly Jamie Vause QUIET NIGBI Barrie City and Ontario Pro vlaciai Police both report quiet night last night The Barr rie Police ottlce was rather busy though with one youth waiting ovarian hour to get his wallet back II lost it Friday night and had to take time oil work tr wait to the station this mor nng zerrourr seevrcs SALES and SERVICE Of All Typos Of HEATING EQUIP BOWENS Heating and Air Conditioning Adelaide Buy This BUCKET Buy Tho 375 495 Individual rooms as war LAKevrew FOR FAMILY DINING For Dessert tiny from our wlds selection of tasty baked rxrhwrr rrrrnrrnosrrvrcr meantimedoom BARRIE goods rs BAYFIELD sr 1266537