Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1964, p. 7

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na warmMarvinng Vow WiNNiPEG CP Oiiidlll told Friday proposed Bank oi Vtstem Canada will have tit 750000 psldln capital at which 0730000 will be raised in west ern Canada 1mes Cdyoe iormer gover nor oi the Bank oi Canada and Birclslr Stevens Toronto tie nancler outlined plans tor the hash here Friday to Winnipeg businessmen at ceremony ob teinlng signatures tor an appli tcation to Parliament lot char er Mr Stevens said the psldin capital will he the largest oi any bank at the time oi its in corporation this dmouut 01550000 will come imm western Can ada he said including 08 000000 in the term oi till shares which will be altered tor public distribution in western Canada Mr Coyne said he was de WANTS NEW DEPARTMENT SUDBURY CP Paulina Jewell Liberal member of Pan iisment tor Northumberland suggested Friday that since ed ucation is Canadawide prob lem the tederai government should establish department oi education Miss Jewett said the department would act only in an advisory capacity to the 10 provinces it would sun to raise and equalize education standards across the country She was addressing 350 tench ers attending dayion mnier ence sponsored by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Fed oration CUT SULLIVAN NEONTO CP The CBC announced Friday the hourlong Ed Sullivan variety show viewed Sunday night in Canada tor more than 10 years will be discontinued April The tele vision network made its deci sion alter Columbia Broadcasts ing System announced plans to extend the Sullivan show to 00 minutes INDUSTRIALIST MARRIES MONTREAL CP The tie cent marriage was announced hcre Friday at Howard Web ster one at Canadas toremost industrialists to Mrs Mariorie Mitchell widow at Mitch ell Mr Webster was bachelor He is chairman oi the board and publisher of the Tar onto Giobe and Moli JOINS SENATE OTTAWA GP Former postmaster general Azellus Denis 50 has been summoned to the Senate Prime Minister Pearson announced Friday The resignation at Mr Denis as member at the Commonswas announced Dec TI He had been Liberal MP since 1035 for Mont real st Denis in which hy electlon is being held Monday OFFER PROGRAM CHICAGO AP The Amer ican Medical Association an nounced Friday that six tobacco companies have altered 010000 000 to its educationand re search foundation to help ii nance basic research on the re lationship of smoking to dis ease Dr Raymond Mc Keown Coos Bay ore presi dent oi the AMA said the asso ciation has accepted the otter MAY BE WAR CAIRO haulers President Nasser oi the United Arab Relt public was quoted Friday as saying he believes second ArabIsraeli war is inevitable ills interview with an Indian leftist weekly Blitz oi Bombay wasreprinted in an issue oi the Cairo paper A1 Abram it quoted Nasser as saying see absolutely no escape from sect ond Palestine war wruer mum me assure mantis enmity momsiesta Propose New Bgctnk Prairies lighted with the receptionathe proposal had received In the West lie said the bank which hopes to be In operation bstore the end oi the year would have its div rectors and management made is largely oi wastam Cans dans Mr Stevens saldza 100slgoa lure petition seeking lncorpors lion will be tiled next week at Ottawa and to his knowledge there has been no indication el opposition These new are eight banks in Canada and all have their head oiiices in either ltontreai or Toronto This leaves about 7000000 people in the West without the services oi banks head silica and we hope this bank will ilii that void Mr Stevens said mother bank roposed in British Columbia by mler Bennett hasnt can tred on our thlokhrl WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Elizabeth Potter 02 died here Friday leaving direct des cendants ll children or grandchildren 100 greatvmnd children CELEBRATES MAS ROME APlPope Paul Vi celebrated man today at the motor Roman semis at St John Latersn cathedr church at the pootiit bisho at Rome The mass was sad in the chapel ot the isith on this Roman Catholic least day oi the Madonna oi the isith CARRTES AN ARSENAL PANAMA APlCustoms in spectors discovered small ar senal Friday in suitcase owned by Panamanian arriv ing trom New York and Miami Authorities said the traveller Carlos VJovane carried it gren ades carbine rille 50 pounds of ammunition tear gas pis tol 17 flares and manual on the use st grenades SUSPENDED METERS anannon thtAP The board oi aelectmen has ordered suspension at all parking meters tor one year eliectlve Feb 1a to so it it will reverse sharp drop in local business The ac lion followed petition mm the local merchants assocla ton WILLING TO HELP MEXICO CITY AP For eign Minister Manuel Teilo said Friday Mexico is willing to serve as mediatorin the dis pute between the United States and Panama ever the Panama Canal He said President Adolto Lopez Mateos had written per sonal letters to President John son and Panama Prcsident Ro berto Chiari expressing his de sire to sea solution reached CHOU WILL VISIT nauseou AP Commu nist Chinese Premier Chou En lai will arrive in Rangoon Feb it on tint staga oi his Asian tour according to diplomatic sources here Atter tourday olilcial visit to Burma Chou and his party will leave tor Pakistan where his visit begins Feb 1s The Chinese premier also plans to visit Ceylon MISSIONARIEB FLEE LISBON AP Five white missionaries including an unl deotiiied Canadian have tied into Portuguese Angola to eslt cape terrorists in The Congo the Ponuguese news agency ANY reported Friday night COMEDIAN DIES NEW YORK AWVaudeville comedian Harry Deli 71 who also doubled as playwright died Friday Dell appeared on maior vaudeville circuits in Earl Carrolls Vanities in ms and to other Broadway shows He was the author oi The Fam LEAVES 215 SURVIVORS SALISBURY Pa APlMrs Budget The British Columbia govern ment plans record expenditures and anticipates record revenues dining the next fiscal year Premier Bennett announced in the leBlalntureuFridBy The province will spend $305 sashes Premier Bennett said in his role as finance minister as he brought down the budget This is 312887000 more than the budget he brought down year ago Revenue was estimated at $090043000 03500000 more than provided for in last years budget There was no announcement oirtas increaseshut there were no tax cuts either Estimates called tor $105070 000 to be spent on education making it the most expensive tent in the budget This is an increase at 012802000 over 1m SPONSORS BILL The render in the legislahrre which pennite the government to purchase up to 25 per cent of the shares of proposed new lederally chart ered Bank at BritIahJColtisnbia Heitier ewan laid Manitoba legislatures hrtroduccd uni ily Upstairs comedy ol mid dleclass American lite tirat presented in lm BC Given and headquarters in Vancouver with branches throughout the province Premier Bennett said outside the House he promoted the bank alter asking each oi the other chartered bonito to move its headquarters to Vancouver Be said be doubted whether there would be any other single block oi stock as big as the govern ments But the government would not exercise control British Columbia was the tirat sitting legislature to bringrdown budget The Ontario and Que bec budgetsare is acted ahortly NovaWScotia Sea stair opened Thursday tain sin the attendant usvsrscr Beams lill iii mummy snaian NEW YORK AP ihe Beatles Britains rock rollers with the haystack hairv dos blew up teenage storm merely by arriving here At Kennedy rt Frid about 3000 deli nus shrie log hookypiaylng youngsters msny sot them car lng Beetle banners atra ned against police barricades to welcome the singingguitar slrumming quartet it was mostly girls girls girls who screamed with ad oration love them love themi cried one young lady Theyre so cutei said sn other Their singing tears ma apart and lets out all irustrs lions sighed Brooklyn girl PELIEIJ WITH BEANS Pelted by lolly beans and candy kisses and loviur every bit ot it were Beatles Paul McCartney 21 George Harrison 01 lingo Starr rs and John lemon Lan nons pretty hionde wile Cyn thia accompanied the group but she stayed well in the background The Beatles their records best sellers tor months were almost an American Institu tion beiore they got here At ready on asla are Beetle wigs VANCOUVER CP Can adas new postmaster general said Friday hols going to crack down on cheap stal rates for sending advert sing mail to householders Jack Nicholson MP tor Van couver Centre said he plans to do it with combination of higher rates and legislation Said Mr Nicholson The Cat nadian taxpayers she not be subsidizing this type mail ad vertising Some companies take advantage at thaweak spots in Passes WASHINGTON AP The Senate passed Friday the long awaitcd 511600000000 tax cut bill the highest in US hlw Itory it is expectedto put more money into tbehande ol just about every US individual tax payer and business The roll call vote was to it The Senate mostly going along with its finance commit tees recommendations made severaimaior changes and batch at minor or technical ones about150 in sillrom the Portal Crack Down Planned 0n Cheap Mail Advertising in talrness to the newspaper US Tax Cut constraints The tour members et Bri lophone in the impacted tar arrival irons london AP press room ct Kennedy inter national Mimi yesterday at bools Tshlril sweatshirts loss lllows and scarves in Brita 00000 ragvmop wigs have been sold The adulation oi the Beatles is reminiscent oithe grip Frank Sinatra had on teen agers years ago and more recently Elvis Presley But when reporter delt scribed them as tour Elvis Presleyr the toursome shouted No no noi INCOME SKYROCKETG The Beatles began their do but in Liverpool lass cellar is months ago tar about $20 week They now command 010000 periormance Zooming into Manhattan each in his own limousine the Beatles created constemstion at the staid Pisu Hotel where theyre staying screaming crowd was waiting then and police had to take over ihe Beatles appear Sunday night on the Ed Sullivan tele vision shaw They go to Wash ington Tuesday tor concert Wednesday they will give two shows at New Yorks Can negie Ballalready sellouts Told there was stamp out the Beatles movement under way in Detroit the quartet sang out Were go ing to start campaign to stamp out Detroit the postal service it is cheap way oi advertising without hav ing to buy advertising space in news opera and on radio and tsievsion and radio media intend to taira care oi this He said the post oltice during the last two years has handled an averageot 4300000000 pieces at mail annually and al most one third oi this 1300 000000 pieces is cheap advan tising mall consistln oi bro chures circulars an samples Senate 1100000000 tax cut version passed by the House oi Repre eeniatives last Sept 25 Amps terencs committee of senate and house members will reel to compromise the diiterencs its expected that the bill will be wraptped up tor President Johnaonssignsturo in time tor takehome pay oi US workers to be tattooed starting nest month The present litpencent withholdingrate on salaries and wagesisjettpected to be out to 10 percent elieotive then ludga An re Sabouro said sens tense will be pronounced Feb Hung Iury Droid ocean sacraments wens not on on charge Surprise JACKSON MissAP The date tor the new trial willie set trial oi Byron De La Beckwith March as to crusading segregationist fihe mistrial sstoniaited many charged withthe murder ol inthla segregation stronghold Negro civii rights leader ended Thaid badan frequent pro wlth hung Jill Friday dietione ot gulch acquittaldue Circuit Court udge icon to the touchy racialaspccta ot Hendrick declared theaurprise the case mistrial alter polling the jurors District Attorney William individually as to whether they Waller whorhandied the prose thought there was any chance cution oi the case said at the oil verdict outcomes The emphailcrrpiieeranged ffWell that our strand tromnota chance tonot it elation Our tirat was We stay here week ihshll Ellery verdict white jury ha deliberated Beckwith was accused otiy nslitas liberal llouae Leader Peter Nicholson said the New Beetle government was inactivoineitidlaat and inept in dealing with etl naneial plight oi municipalities He said the provision should notableto contrihoiomoro to municipalitiesbecause nl tires entilnancial resources and in creased tederelgrants which The bank will have capitalisa tion at more than 5000000 amounted to05700000 more than lestyear about 11 hours ing in amth and shooting The Judge remanded Berk Medgar Evert June 12 in the with white iertillm sales tuck With ahigh powered ustody ot theshee riiie Evers wantate tialdaec minus National Associ lott ot Greenw stinndortho Advancement at lease 00101100 P001110 Lott saidhe would rat elecnicattyldoohed line within two or tbmdayl ln Wimhoto Girl HitchHiking Driver Ropes Her snoreamends One or Roger Tremhlay Quebec City businessman wss tound it raping llyenrold la uebec City suburb oi Sil ery asl A00 to Foliowin the in verdict Tremblay appealed an earlier or wood some 53 ps5 story rm served in that Beelrwith be ireed on bond the otei in pending tri the strokes oi the 59 youre really buying 0000 halter which at I70inehed peg seen no or run can rm OTTAWA CP Tsiavtaioa martian will be lower and iarther apart ii the Board or Broadcast Govroars gets its way The EEG announced Friday iblt it is to to an smaadmntautha broadwcrstlng conviction in Quebec City and was granted new trial hats in an alien to minimise the aliect ot while testing in the case 100 did testiiled tirat Trom bisy gave her tilt in his car when she was hitch hiking took her to his home in Biliary and ra her in ddress to the huy Judge Sabourln said the lad ysl places ot evidanoa in ueno as the verdict aboirld be the trash scar loved or the this right side otter the smith and blood spots totind on handkar this and clothing In tha ho oi the accrued trial la hold to determine it an nomad person on or has not done what he is accrued oi Judge Baboan said We BBC BUBinns Reduction In TV Commercials regulations that would reduce the ammt at time TV stations and networks may devote to commercial meuases it didnt reveal the amount at tho proposed reduction the an nouncamcnt said these details will be made known prior to public hearing in Ottawa March 10 at which TV broadcasters will he invited to air their view Present regulations limit TV stations and networks to commercials each hour Their total time must not exceed is minutes oi the hour it the announcement was bitter pill inr TV broach rs the board tossed out couple TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE resam SALLYS SALLIES it are not here to choose between diverse medical or aeiantilie theories Alter his tirat conviction hemblsy was sentenced to eight years in yrlgon and three as His lawyer Noel Dorian ssid Frid verdict will be ap peel the trial lasted 10 days it held in closed session Mr Dor ad sought to prove that the girl had consented to some degree to Tremhlsys act The ruled box above is oneinch ad it mesaures one column wide lay and Inch deep it costs sdvartitdrsapproximstely $100 to $i54 depending on the com tract rate It looks kinda lonesome by it self But look at it this way What you get whsnyou buy oneinch run The Barrie Examiner is not incl single inch of space in thapapar but one turn multiplied by ourydsily circulation Thats mighty bid chunk oi space for eostof only $100 or l54 And that price Includes delivery to the readersytront doorstep Just imagine the cost of reaching all thoss Examiner familiesioy postcard it would amount to for thepostsge But The Examiner does It fora measly $l00 or $50 per irtsar lion So you ca Laee that little oneinch ad is really rally BIG inch when Its adver tising space in The Examiner And the 2mvMnvp Mum qwmafiwww clumsqu ones at the In Both involve minim the min by which TV Minna must have atpmcsnt Canadian cow tent in their programming The board now compiles this rematan every tour weeks it pro sched log to col this to la weeks as ing broadcasters more tlaxl ll lty in arranging their Canadian programming time Under this plan stations could it they wished devoid In entire prime month to Ameri can programs lhere is no rule agaimt bunchlng Canadian or American programs in the pe riod set ior computing content The BBQ also proposes to grant permanent valuation ol the apparent rule during the tested June lSSept in it would reduced to is per cent tor all normal summer slump in For the last two years tha BBC has granted this summer rIelnItion on temporary is as PERMANENTS By Appointmsas oar 550 otbsre Iron us to use All Ihsm os Done with SD WATER EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE Inna ltd AllaIdaie HAIRCUTS Sim Phone 1100011 Barber Inn in connection more than $180 inst

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