vrp Inruwwwrnu v0 reamonnua Allergy Attacks Are Sometimes Dangerous By JOSEPH MOWER 0111 Some attacks at aliersy ara dangerous they can be deadly Not alien perhaps yet he aueatiy enough so that peopla who are highiysensitive to eer tsin things should be aware at the possibility Angioneurotic edema is arm at hives but it involves the deeper tissues instead at the outer skin relative at close friend had narrow brush with this form only last summer lie was staying at cabin in the woods and one day passed 1110 at ragweed Ills breathing became dltil tult tdue ta swelling at tissues at the opening at the windpipol auri ho collapsed Such attacks ï¬an he total and at time have Ltll in this case relative was also nurse Things happened so last that she wasnt entirely sure at the situation but she was alert enough to know that adrenalin would help She was richtwand he quickly recovered it is altogether likely that her quick thinking saved his lite in other cases totten with penicillin it the person has he come scnsitized to ill the tact TELEVISION may ha so swollen and psintul It to malts walking impossible it is the same sort reaction except centred in another part at the body MATTER OF DEGREE The ditierenea between levero allergy and Insphyisettc shock is tor practical purposes matter at degree Some Individ uals are so intensely hypersen sitiva that contact particularly by iniectioa causes such sa vere shock to the whole system that death occurs or is immio ent Penicillin reactions are same tlmca in Int category Another example is insect stings While this is not common they naveo theloss cause more deaths in the temperata sane at any rate than bites trout poisonous snakes in such instances the mediate use at adrenalin or steroids may sometimes be the only remedy between the pa tient and quick death hope those examgtes will not panle anyone but ey do em phasise that in some instances the danger can be extreme Even aspirin tar instance can cause unpleasant reactions in some low people About 75 per cent at us have occasional bouts with allergy Hives the enema itchy diges PROGBAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE IATURRAY FEBRUARY nowitns lorest Runner 1100 Runny Team Time Rlpcord Rovcsty tilllhtlllas Zero One To Tell Tilt Truth N111 Hockey Jutlatu Sports Unlimited cuc sv Nawa lVeItltnr New 50011 lnvlo Cover Girl IUNDAY FEBRUARY 1115 Tut Pattcm Comment and Conviction Ell Franco Davey and Goliath OutdoorIran Country Calendar iiovio storm Over Tibet Wonderful World 01 Golt Winter Conference Tska Chanc Route 00 Wayne dc Ebuater PA Sullivan Bahama aaoona Dock Question Maris caorv Nsws Weather Naws Sports 1110 MW in Dummy Til MONDAY FEBRUARY 10 910 Test Patten 1000 National Schools 1010 Ohsa Halenl 1015 Nursery School 1100 Romper Room 1100 Papayas Party was Noonrlsy Report 1130 Mam Planar Man 59 33338253 CFTO CHANNEL IATURIIAY FEBRUARY Rl Tisha Alter Pour Wsson Train Iamla Molheatofl Saturday Nllht Moria Value For Money Breaking Point onv News Metro Find Answsrlnn Servlea SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1100 hints mam 1130 Spectrum 1200 ttallsn Joumat 1110 Carnselio 1230 Vilflifl Ill no 100 Chlnssoi Nine Theatre Son or Lush titer you move titan new Your Weleo WA on Hostess will callwit our re igsnus business leaders When the occasion arisesyphona 1266302 110 PIIHWON Sclllelt Hlii Tall 10 Friendly Giant Mistarnlm This letns World Popeyas Fsrty Rassia Dsssla Cheyenne News Waathsr Sports My Favorite Rarttaa Dan tiesser Garry Moan ed Shelton Hour inquiry Atttty Grttllth Show CBC TV leI Weather Sports News at soua runsuar rnuaunav it 345 Trll Pattern 1000 Natinnll Schools 1010 Cites Knienl 10 Nursery School 1100 Romper Room 1100 Popayas Party ills Noonday Report 1110 110le Gay nos 700 Pluwnm 130 Scsrlatt 11111 000 Take 00 are Friendly Giant 141 llilterogera 100 FirehlllXLl 110 Pnpeyas Party 500 Raul Daxsio p30 Gunsmoka 010 News Waathsr Sports 700 Reaneaay 710 Pottica Junction nan Patty ate lion Casey tront Pale Chaitansa anlmllllinl Guest CBC TV News Weather News litlka Hammer TORONTO 100 Winter Olympics 000 taiopoil 110 Educated Guess em Wait Disnay Presents 100 030 010 1000 1010 1100 1110 ti use Inny Thomas Mr Novslt Arrest and Trill Winter Olympics CTV National NIWI 1100 MItro Ftnal 1200 Edglr Waitsaa Mystery Hour MONDAY FEBRUARY 10 020 Focus and Moralnl Report Cartoon Manda MLII Helen Romper Room ittata Playtime with Uncla Bobby Morning MIgastna Nooadsy Raport Lava LIICI Docamoar Brid Our Hausa Tho Millionlirl All Star Theatre Karls Looklnl At You Pro is In Conflict Mic athouaa Club Kiddo Channel Nina lhestrs Minion Over Korea News stbar Sports Farmer Dsutblar Ellskas Law McHIIeI NI Phil Silvers show 000 1000 1110 FFEPpsrrs 599 58338338 It arts Seam 1110 P1111 Barton gum 1110 Domes Fslrbssliu Presents TUEEDAY FEBRUARY 11 I10 Focus and Morning Rapost 010 Cartoon Friend run Miss Helen 300 Romper Room 010 Playtime with Uncle Bobby 1100 Morning his ulna Noonday nova Lucy December Bri Our House The Millionaire All Star MALI Heres 10011111 At You Pro II in Connie Ric ay Hausa club sclan Channel Nine llseILn Trouislowinhma glen IVA II In WI on locum Hobo Tuesday Night nuvla tamm Hare To EternttY tocy Bishop Eleventh Hour CTV News ustroflaat 1110 Idaho war tin Marooned as mosaics About to per cent have sub ataattst allotdc symptoms one kind or soothe And tav1L encounter trlgbtaoing cocoa or Iona So keep that in the bad at your mind in care you begin to devote pan tlcolarly ssvara lat mm with breathing In connection with ailerstc uporurc Dear Dr Mailers group at girls were talking and la qua tloa arose Can loyaanoid girl becoma pregnant by tsklb much said no but two said yes What is the answer Woadelill loa smwer as you said is no Pregnancy is caused only by the union at liytn rush and living temalo oa The ones who disputed what you said were ignorant oi the sim ple basin tscts at tile Dont oi course get the ldos that douche is reliable way to pro veat pregnancy either Dear Dr Molnan 11 woman with diabetes became pregnant but did not keep her blood so Ir uader control or till st Rugby tlt llamamskinx club held their that meeting Monday main at the home at the as siItapt leader Marlon Horne Ottlcers are pron Linda liaroo ue alternate among members tress Marian Horne TH 0011 lath Milky pr or Way and the club will in known as the Ruby Dstrlat tea Loaders demonstrated measuring and made two kinds oi iunket The Iris planned box rectal and crotdaolo party in Rugby school Friday aven los leh 1at Itlt All ladies and girl over nine are asked to bring boa Everyone try and come to help the girls CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North dealer Both sides vulnerable new uses you More arm anon usual was on setters Incas 91m one +114 The bidding Norunmet South West Pros am Pass INT 0050 Opening leadlive oi hearts Lets say youre the dcrinrcr at three notrump and West leads the tive at hearts on which East plays the queen it is clearly right to play the six on the queen but the tact is that must declarars would take the queen with the king and later so down utter they took the diamond lin cssa East would win with tho king and return heart to bring the deteuse to live tricks This problem at when to re tusc atrick and when to take it is occasionally complicated but most at the time the an swer can he tigured out logic ally There is no general rule to th1 you what to do in all tnaea because the solution do pends on the particular circum flanges with which you are ac thus in this hand ducking the queen is right because it assures the contract whlla tak ing the queen is wrong because it iaapardius the contract There Is every reason to be lieve that West led his tattrth heat heart and alter East plays the quccn that West has the Idea The number 01 hearts West started with is unknown but allowance must he made tor the possibility that West had iottr live or tix hearts to start with in deciding whether to take the lirst heart consideration must he given to all three pas sIbIlitles it is clear that it the heart is taken and it turns out that West has tour or six hearts the contract cannot be dotonted regardless at whether or not tho diamond tinessa ts successlul The danger is that West may have started with live hearts in which caao the contract will ha deleated it tho tirat hour is taken and the diamond lincsso loses to East Since ducking the queen at hearts insures the contract re cordless at the number at heart West started with it becomes the proper play to make Duck ing the queen ls simply mat ter of salt preservation 0n litonday Another Famous none DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Hint 01aiaed Capital dishonor 13 Copied DOWN Mother 0Mcasuroot capacity aEmploy mvertpoet 51sland ottltaiy aAwug 1Notsy aerationtn 9Gmlc lowechouse 115Indhiits Eng 1511th electrical resistance 1Intlmldnto 10 Above whisper 12Aouatlo mammal 13 Root 14an Indian 15 Gold Her 191iproot 17nonlco alert 31 Compass po abhr 22 H011 on em Goal 1101 of work 20 good time £70opuehla an Avoid PM In Scotch names 01 Carolina ram 20 Nauti 28 Filter 20 cigarette 301nIasIo tl Became 32 Flower WIHIHWHHIHfl Tran grass Juicy cult 1151110 HEB cal stress are Jan 10 Chinese pro lecture Yesterdlys Inma 27 American Indian 15 Artist stand 19 Like tear edge no Dwell 42 Got term 43 Frinrs title 14 Ten mentally til IlAIIIH Iflflll VAVAWIIVAW IVAW WZWIIHH no Elnanlllnll nlnnnnnnll ulnananII sport Balls and Bouauats PiIrrI Barton Hour ham no Laowaa GRANADMA JULIET JONB DONALD DUCK LES CANADIENS 21 no wonmpouu or Que My 3m 1m urai mums immortal Iliiil DEPENDABLE 051001015 TRADERS RLAN FOR EVERYSAlE cuavssen oooes various noose raucns YOU GETA GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE VIIIIMIIMJAMII 75 BRADFORD ST TEL 7285971 mtm W°°dtlttmu umauorsmuus 01ml mums smwsutsalmemmsolmt mmwommsmmw mvamwlmmowm mmmmmwut malarlummsnamm unnatumsmcomowm mmwnmmmmos mmnmmmsogumm WAITWAIT iM NOT THRU REï¬DiNG 60 WELL SKIP EVERYTHING AND START WITH THE DISSIRY JUST DONT FEEL UP TO ALL OF THA NT BlLLV RADGUPPEII EAT ANYTHING Wittt Mi HE BUY GLIZE OF COMPLAINEDABOUT Pifl THE FOOD HES BEEN PAPKED ï¬lGiil THERE ON Tile SOFAALL DAV NEW rtteees WINGEY camel FRONt or one House szcmae DOESNl HE EVER Ger HOMEBiCK BaalTELL MOM WINGEIE sravwe ran DINNER COME COMEMV SEEitERE DEAR stvNER coerce near Trout YOtl oowmua rrro PEOPLE TOMtPtANiS